Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...

Future Development of School Sport - Education Queensland ...


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Review Report <strong>Future</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Sport</strong> and Phys cal Act v ty<br />

to help more <strong>Queensland</strong>ers ach eve and ma nta n a healthy we ght and l festyle. The<br />

Summ t was structured around four major themes:<br />

• Early Years<br />

• Healthy Eat ng<br />

• Act ve L v ng<br />

• Manag ng the Problem.<br />

As a result <strong>of</strong> the Summ t, the Prem er announced a $21 m ll on package <strong>of</strong> n t at ves to<br />

be del vered over three years for partnersh ps, grants, fac l t es and other resources to<br />

help fight obes ty. Spec fic Obes ty Summ t n t at ves nclude:<br />

• Household self-help pack, soc al market ng campa gn and onl ne gateway to prov de<br />

useful nformat on about healthy eat ng and exerc se<br />

• Fund ng to extend the AMA <strong>Queensland</strong> K ds GP Campa gn<br />

• Commun ty Partnersh p Grants Program<br />

• Open ng up school sport and recreat on fac l t es<br />

• Cycle trans t centre n partnersh p w th Br sbane C ty Counc l<br />

• Better food cho ces n <strong>Queensland</strong> Health fac l t es<br />

• Bus ness partnersh ps awards<br />

• Young athletes ass stance program to help ch ldren and young people attend meets<br />

• Healthy l festyle programs for publ c sector workforce<br />

• Develop partnersh ps w th organ sat ons such as the Austral an Breastfeed ng<br />

Assoc at on to promote healthy eat ng and exerc se to young mothers.<br />

A cross-departmental Eat Well Be Act ve Taskforce, cha red by the Department <strong>of</strong> Prem er<br />

and Cab net, has been work ng s nce the Summ t to oversee mplementat on <strong>of</strong> the<br />

n t at ves.<br />

Further nformat on on n t at ves to be mplemented by <strong>Queensland</strong> Government<br />

agenc es as a result <strong>of</strong> the Obes ty Summ t can be found by v s t ng http://www.health.<br />

qld.gov.au/eatwellbeact ve/obes ty_summ t.asp<br />

Eat Well Be Active – Healthy Kids for Life strategy<br />

The a m <strong>of</strong> th s strategy s to ach eve health er we ght n <strong>Queensland</strong> ch ldren and<br />

young people. Th s w ll be accompl shed through the collect ve work <strong>of</strong> s x government<br />

agenc es, nclud ng the Department <strong>of</strong> Educat on, Tra n ng and the Arts, n progress ng<br />

more than 100 n t at ves encourag ng <strong>Queensland</strong> ch ldren to make smart and healthy<br />

cho ces concern ng phys cal act v ty and nutr t on.<br />

b. Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong>, Training and the Arts initiatives<br />

Health and Physical <strong>Education</strong> Key Learning Area (KLA)<br />

Health and Phys cal Educat on (HPE) s one <strong>of</strong> e ght Key Learn ng Areas (KLAs). The Years<br />

1 – 10 Health and Phys cal Educat on Syllabus, developed by the <strong>Queensland</strong> Stud es<br />

Author ty (QSA), prov des gu dance to schools n the teach ng <strong>of</strong> health and phys cal<br />

educat on. The syllabus s organ sed n three strands:<br />

• promot ng the health <strong>of</strong> nd v duals and commun t es<br />

• develop ng concepts and sk lls for phys cal act v ty<br />

• enhanc ng personal development.<br />


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