Perversion the Social Relation

Perversion the Social Relation

Perversion the Social Relation

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224 IndexmO<strong>the</strong>r, jouissance of: alienation/separation concepts and, 49-54, 6$n.37,66 n.42; fantasy and social relationand, 8-9; lack of lack concept and,51-52, 6$ n.38; perversion and, 4-6,9-14,46-48, 63 n.23,149-50; politicalrealm and suspension of, 9,14 n.5; relationswith sons and daughters and,46-48, 66 n.24Names, The, 29Nancy, Jean-Luc, 13narrative: role of death drive in, 191-208neurosis: explanatory principle and, 58-60; moral law and, 56-57; perversionand, 10-11, 38, 44neurotic anxiety, Freudian concept of, 42,61 n.nNietzsche, Friedrich, 34Norton, Edward, 112nothingness: Burroughs on truth of,*7-*9> 37 n.ioobject relations <strong>the</strong>ory: perversion and,67 n.49obsession v. perversion: role of jouissanceand, 45-48, 63 n.20October, 124October Revolution, 123Oedipal complex: Lacan's interpretationof, 43, 62 n.14; social relations and,1-2Orfeo, 113-14O<strong>the</strong>r: alienation/separation conceptsand, 49-53; disavowal (Verleugnung)and, 86-92; Gilles de Rais phenomenonas symptom of, 134-42,155 n.n;as law, 54-55; moral law and, 56-57;perversion and role of, 44-48, 63 n.24;sexuality and, 162paranoia: Freud on homosexuality and, 43paraphilias: perversion and, 38, 60 n.2Pascal, Blaise, 157 n.29paternal function: explanatory principleand, 58-60; linguistics concerning, 58,67 n.49; perversion <strong>the</strong>ory and, 52-54patriarchy: homo-ness and revision of,163-72,183-84; Kristeva's discussionof, 16, 36 n.2Penney, James, 11-12,126-53Persistence of Memory, The, 30perversion: alienation and separation and,48-53; backward-looking/forwardlookinggestures in, 66 n.39; in Burroughs'swriting, 15-36; contaminationand, 199-208; disavowal mechanismand, 40-57; dominance of male in, 46-48, 64 n.27; in Exotica, 99-110; femaleperversion, Lacaman discussion of,46-48, 64 n.29; Fink's discussion of,38-60; Freudian <strong>the</strong>ory concerning,2-4, 38-57, 60 n.i, 63 n.24,187-208;Gilles de Rais phenomenon as symptomof, 134-42; Inquisition and roleof, 128-33, *54 n '6> Lacan's <strong>the</strong>ory of,149-52,157 n.27; law and, 54-55; loveand violence in Fight Club, 112-24;normative culture as origin of, 93-95;operation of social systems and, 9-13;potential of, 7-9; as psychic structure,4-6; sacrificial logic of, 44-48,146-52;sexuality and, 39-40; in social relations,1-2; spectacularization of, 155n.n; valorization of, 2Petit, Jean, 131-32phallus. See maternal phallusphenomenology: Freudian disavowal(Verleugnung) and, 91-92Pink Pan<strong>the</strong>r, The, 63 n.19Pitt, Brad, 113Plath, Sylvia, 118pleasure principle: anxiety and, 66 n.41;perversion and, 48,65 n.32political interaction: Gilles de Rais phenomenonand role of, 151-52,158 n.32;social relations and, 8-9Polley, Sarah, 98

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