Guide to Surgery at Health & Wellness - Akron General Medical Center

Guide to Surgery at Health & Wellness - Akron General Medical Center

Guide to Surgery at Health & Wellness - Akron General Medical Center

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Your<strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>Surgery</strong>4125 Medina Road, Suite 104<strong>Akron</strong>, OH 44333330-665-8120www.akrongeneral.org

Welcome <strong>to</strong> The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong>Welcome <strong>to</strong> The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Health</strong>& <strong>Wellness</strong>.Thomas L. “Tim” S<strong>to</strong>ver, MDThe <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> is a freestanding, outp<strong>at</strong>ient surgeryfacility. In one day, you can have high-quality surgical careand recover in the convenience of your home th<strong>at</strong> evening.Our highly skilled staff, using st<strong>at</strong>e-of-the-art equipment,provides you with the excellent medical <strong>at</strong>tention youdeserve. The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> is a joint venture with <strong>Akron</strong><strong>General</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong> and its physicians.We hope you find this booklet helpful. It contains important inform<strong>at</strong>ion aboutyour surgery. The goal of The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> staff is <strong>to</strong> make your visit as pleasantas possible. If you have a particular concern, please mention it <strong>to</strong> your nurseor bring it <strong>to</strong> the <strong>at</strong>tention of the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Nursing <strong>at</strong> The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> bycalling 330-665-8122.Thank you for choosing The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Wellness</strong>.We hope your experience here is a pleasant one. On behalf of <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong>,I wish you a speedy recovery.Sincerely,Thomas L. “Tim” S<strong>to</strong>ver, MD, President, Outp<strong>at</strong>ient Services, <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong>Please Pre-RegisterFor all <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> pre-surgical tests and procedures, call330-665-8032, Monday - Friday, from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.When calling, please have your insurance inform<strong>at</strong>ion available.The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> will bill your insurance company based on theinform<strong>at</strong>ion you have provided and will copy your insurance cardupon arrival <strong>to</strong> the facility. Please provide a copy of your LivingWill or Durable Power of At<strong>to</strong>rney with the insurance inform<strong>at</strong>ion.Tobacco Free Policy: Smoking and the use of <strong>to</strong>bacco productsare prohibited any place on the <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Center</strong> campusincluding vehicles.

Guiding You Through Your<strong>Surgery</strong>/ProcedureYour health and comfort are important <strong>to</strong> us. We have prepared this bookletwith inform<strong>at</strong>ion and instructions about your pre-surgical testing and surgery.Name: ____________________________________________________________________________Day of Pre-Surgical Testing:D<strong>at</strong>e: _____________ Day: _____________ Time: _____________ AM/PMDay of <strong>Surgery</strong>/Procedure:D<strong>at</strong>e: _____________ Day: _____________ Time: _____________ AM/PMArrival Time: ____________________________________________________________________________• If your pre-surgical testing and/or surgery d<strong>at</strong>e needs <strong>to</strong> be re-scheduled,please notify your surgeon.• Within 30 days of your surgery, your surgeon may determine – based onyour health his<strong>to</strong>ry – th<strong>at</strong> you need pre-surgical testing. Your surgeon will callThe <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>to</strong> schedule the appointment and will indic<strong>at</strong>e the tests<strong>to</strong> be completed prior <strong>to</strong> your surgery (<strong>to</strong> be scheduled with <strong>Surgery</strong>).• If pre-surgical testing is not required by your surgeon, you will be receivinga call from The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> staff approxim<strong>at</strong>ely one week before yourscheduled surgery d<strong>at</strong>e. Your health his<strong>to</strong>ry, medic<strong>at</strong>ions and pre-oper<strong>at</strong>iveinstructions will be reviewed. If you are unavailable <strong>at</strong> the time of the call,please return the call <strong>to</strong> 330-665-8124 between 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.,Monday through Friday, <strong>at</strong> your earliest convenience.• Testing will be completed <strong>at</strong> The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Health</strong>& <strong>Wellness</strong>, suite 104, loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> 4125 Medina Road in west <strong>Akron</strong>. Pleaserefer <strong>to</strong> the map on the inside back page of this booklet.• Park in the design<strong>at</strong>ed lot <strong>at</strong> the west end of the <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Wellness</strong><strong>Center</strong> - West where the overhead sign reads “SURGERY.”• For directions <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Center</strong> – West, call330-344-2900 (see inside back page of this booklet). 3

Preparing for Your <strong>Surgery</strong> –Important Inform<strong>at</strong>ion• It is important <strong>to</strong> inform your surgeon if you develop a sore thro<strong>at</strong>,rash, flu or elev<strong>at</strong>ed temper<strong>at</strong>ure, or if you have been exposed <strong>to</strong> acontagious disease prior <strong>to</strong> your surgery.• Any breaks in the skin integrity near the oper<strong>at</strong>ive site must bereported <strong>to</strong> your surgeon. This includes cuts, scr<strong>at</strong>ches, insect bitesand poison ivy.• Please DO NOT shave the oper<strong>at</strong>ive site! The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> staff willprepare you for your surgery as ordered by your physician.• If you are having surgery on your knee or foot, please contactyour surgeon regarding the need for crutches post-oper<strong>at</strong>ively, ifnot already discussed. This issue will need <strong>to</strong> be addressed prior<strong>to</strong> the day of surgery.• For your personal safety you will not be allowed <strong>to</strong> drive or take <strong>at</strong>axi home alone. Please make arrangements for someone <strong>to</strong> driveyou or accompany you home in a taxi.• If you take daily prescription medic<strong>at</strong>ions, consult your primary carephysician or follow the instructions given by The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> staff as<strong>to</strong> wh<strong>at</strong> medic<strong>at</strong>ions should be taken the day of surgery.• If you have diabetes and/or an insulin pump, please obtain day ofsurgery instructions from the physician th<strong>at</strong> manages your diabetes.Day Prior <strong>to</strong> Your<strong>Surgery</strong>/Procedure• DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before your surgery/procedure. Alcohol may cause an undesired reaction when mixed withanesthetic agents or other drugs.4

• Please DO NOT smoke before or after your surgery. Smoking may causeanesthetic problems and increase carbon monoxide in the blood stream.Nicotine also interferes with healing.• DO NOT e<strong>at</strong> or drink after midnight the night before your surgery/procedure unless otherwise instructed by your physician (thisincludes w<strong>at</strong>er).• All females with childbearing potential will be required <strong>to</strong> bring a firstmorningurine on the day of surgery for pregnancy testing. You mayuse a clear leak-proof container labeled with your name.• If applicable, complete your prep as instructed by your physician.• Practice coughing and deep bre<strong>at</strong>hing exercises and pain controltechniques (see page 10).• Please plan <strong>to</strong> arrive two hours before your scheduled surgery time. Ifyour pre-surgical testing was completed on an earlier d<strong>at</strong>e, you mayarrive 90 minutes before your surgery scheduled time.• Endoscopy p<strong>at</strong>ients should arrive 90 minutes prior <strong>to</strong> scheduledprocedure time.• The arrival times above allow time for you <strong>to</strong> have any additionalregistr<strong>at</strong>ion/clerical concerns addressed, labora<strong>to</strong>ry tests done, talkwith anesthesia personnel and be prepared for your surgery by ournursing staff.• You will NOT be able <strong>to</strong> drive after your surgery/procedure. Prepare<strong>to</strong> provide a phone number of your driver, who is immedi<strong>at</strong>ely available<strong>to</strong> drive you home.• Perform your normal morning routines such as showering and brushingyour teeth.• Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothes. DO NOT bring any valuables(cash, checks, credit cards, cell phones, etc.). You may not wear anyjewelry (including body piercing), wigs, hairpins, glasses, contact lenses,false eyelashes, nail polish or make-up in the oper<strong>at</strong>ing room.5

Day of <strong>Surgery</strong> (On Arrival)• Upon arrival, please enter the <strong>Health</strong> & <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>at</strong> The <strong>Surgery</strong><strong>Center</strong> entrance loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the west end of the building and proceed <strong>to</strong>suite 104. Sign in with the receptionist. As surgery times and prepar<strong>at</strong>ionsfor surgery vary with each p<strong>at</strong>ient, you may be taken out of order inwhich you registered. Please have your current insurance card, driver’slicense or pho<strong>to</strong> ID available.• Unfortun<strong>at</strong>ely, emergencies or cancell<strong>at</strong>ions cannot be predicted andcan affect your estim<strong>at</strong>ed surgery time. If this happens <strong>to</strong> you, we ask foryour p<strong>at</strong>ience. The surgical staff will make every <strong>at</strong>tempt <strong>to</strong> keep you andyour family informed of changes as they occur.• The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> now offers a p<strong>at</strong>ient tracking system <strong>to</strong> provideprompt and confidential p<strong>at</strong>ient upd<strong>at</strong>es for family members and friendsin our <strong>Surgery</strong> Waiting Room. To ensure p<strong>at</strong>ient confidentiality, a special,individualized one-day code is assigned <strong>to</strong> each p<strong>at</strong>ient.• For friends and/or family members accompanying you, SubwayRestaurant is loc<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the east end of the building and serves foodfrom 7 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 8 p.m.• Because of limited space, we ask th<strong>at</strong> there be no more than two visi<strong>to</strong>rsper p<strong>at</strong>ient. Additional visi<strong>to</strong>rs are welcome in the main lobby. Childrenunder the age of 12 are not permitted in the Pre-Surgical Unit. LifeStylesmay be contacted <strong>at</strong> 330-665-8134 for babysitting services between thehours of 8 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. We recommend you contact LifeStylesdirectly and prior <strong>to</strong> the scheduled surgery/procedure <strong>to</strong> make sureservices are available.• Cell phone usage is prohibited anywhere in The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.• There are multiple checks in place <strong>to</strong> confirm your surgical site <strong>to</strong>minimize the risk of errors. If your surgery involves the left or rightside, your doc<strong>to</strong>r will initial the correct oper<strong>at</strong>ive site with a markingpen on the day of surgery.6

Before the Procedure• Your temper<strong>at</strong>ure, pulse and blood pressure will be taken, along withan interview assessment. A nurse will review any allergies and thespecific names of any medic<strong>at</strong>ions you are taking.• You will be asked <strong>to</strong> change in<strong>to</strong> a gown.• Dentures, glasses and other prostheses will be removed in thepre-oper<strong>at</strong>ive area and returned <strong>to</strong> you in the recovery room.• The nurse may start an intravenous line <strong>to</strong> administer fluids andmedic<strong>at</strong>ion during your procedure.Understanding Your Procedure• Make sure you understand wh<strong>at</strong> will happen if you are having aprocedure. Research has shown th<strong>at</strong> p<strong>at</strong>ients who are informed abouttheir procedure can better work with their doc<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> make the rightdecisions. Your doc<strong>to</strong>r and you will have discussed the possible benefitsand risks involved in the procedure you are about <strong>to</strong> have.AnesthesiaOn the day of your surgery, members of the Anesthesia Department willreview you health and anesthesia his<strong>to</strong>ry with you. The final decision as <strong>to</strong>the anesthetic technique <strong>to</strong> be used will be decided <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> time. You willbe scheduled for one of the following types of anesthesia:• <strong>General</strong> anesthesia causes you <strong>to</strong> be asleep (unconscious) during thesurgical procedure.• Regional anesthesia (epidural, spinal, axillary block) causes the area ofthe body, which includes the surgery site, <strong>to</strong> be numb.• Moni<strong>to</strong>red anesthesia care (MAC) combines local anesthesia <strong>at</strong> thesurgical site (administered by the surgeon) and significant intravenoussed<strong>at</strong>ion and moni<strong>to</strong>ring provided by the anesthesia personnel.• Blocks and medic<strong>at</strong>ions may be used alone or in combin<strong>at</strong>ion forpost-op pain control.7

In addition <strong>to</strong> the preceding types of anesthesia, there are two other formsth<strong>at</strong> may be used:• Local anesthesia is performed by the surgeon <strong>at</strong> the surgical site.• Moder<strong>at</strong>e sed<strong>at</strong>ion is given <strong>at</strong> the discretion of the doc<strong>to</strong>r andadministered by the registered nurse.After Your <strong>Surgery</strong>You will be taken <strong>to</strong> Phase 1 recovery room, where an RN will closely observeyou until you are able <strong>to</strong> sit up and take fluids. Then, you will be transferred<strong>to</strong> Phase 2 recovery room where you can relax in a recliner (lounge chair)until discharge. Small snacks will be available for you during this period.• Family or companions may join you in Phase 2 recovery.• The nurse will review your discharge instructions with you and yourcompanion <strong>at</strong> this time.• For those p<strong>at</strong>ients requiring additional time, your physician may arrangefor an extended/overnight stay in our Short-Term Observ<strong>at</strong>ion Unit(STO), loc<strong>at</strong>ed in the Emergency Department directly adjacent <strong>to</strong>The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.After Your ProcedureYou will be given medic<strong>at</strong>ions during your surgery/procedure th<strong>at</strong> mayaffect your ability <strong>to</strong> remember wh<strong>at</strong> happened. Therefore, you may notrecall th<strong>at</strong> your doc<strong>to</strong>r and anesthesiologist talked with you after yourprocedure. Your family will be informed when your procedure is over.You may call your doc<strong>to</strong>r or discuss the results <strong>at</strong> the first office visit.8

Home Care InstructionsWe care about your safety and comfort after surgery and urge you <strong>to</strong> followthese instructions regarding your recovery, unless otherwise instructed byyour doc<strong>to</strong>r.• To control your pain, your doc<strong>to</strong>r may give you a prescription forpain control.• Arrangements must be made prior <strong>to</strong> your surgery for someone <strong>to</strong>drive you home when you are ready <strong>to</strong> leave recovery. We prefer th<strong>at</strong>person stay in The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> during your surgery, if possible. Ifnot, a name and phone number needs <strong>to</strong> be given <strong>to</strong> the receptionistwhen you check in. At th<strong>at</strong> time, the person driving you home will be<strong>to</strong>ld approxim<strong>at</strong>ely wh<strong>at</strong> time they will need <strong>to</strong> return.• Arrange for someone <strong>to</strong> stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.Your surgery may be canceled if no one is available <strong>to</strong> stay with you.• Progress gradually from fluids <strong>to</strong> solid foods.• Do not drink alcoholic beverages for <strong>at</strong> least 24 hours after surgery.• Take deep bre<strong>at</strong>hs <strong>to</strong> keep your lungs clear.• Move around according <strong>to</strong> your instructions.• Do not drive or oper<strong>at</strong>e machinery for 24 hours after surgery or if takingnarcotic pain medic<strong>at</strong>ions.• Do not make important decisions or sign any important documentswithin 24 hours after surgery.You will receive a p<strong>at</strong>ient s<strong>at</strong>isfaction survey upon discharge. Please help usevalu<strong>at</strong>e our care by completing and returning the survey. We appreci<strong>at</strong>eany suggestions you may have <strong>to</strong> improve p<strong>at</strong>ient and family care.If you have any questions, please refer <strong>to</strong> your instructions or call your doc<strong>to</strong>r.9

Additional Home CareInstructions After Your <strong>Surgery</strong>Coughing and Deep Bre<strong>at</strong>hingCoughing and deep bre<strong>at</strong>hing will help prevent pneumonia, decrease pain,improve the oxygen in your blood and remove the anesthetic from yourbody. You will be asked <strong>to</strong> take three or four deep bre<strong>at</strong>hs followed byone cough, 10 times every hour. Deep bre<strong>at</strong>hing and coughing can beaccomplished in a sitting or lying down position.• Bre<strong>at</strong>he out normally.• Clasp your hands over your abdomen.• Bre<strong>at</strong>he in until you feel your abdomen push out.• Bre<strong>at</strong>he out slowly.• Rest a few seconds.• Repe<strong>at</strong> three <strong>to</strong> four times then cough 1-2 times.• Relax and bre<strong>at</strong>he normally.• Repe<strong>at</strong> technique 10 times every hour.ActivityMovement and walking will decrease the chance of blood clots forming inyour legs. You will be taught ankle pumps. When lying down, point your<strong>to</strong>es on both feet <strong>to</strong> you chin and stretch them out by pushing them awayfrom your chin. Do this 10 times an hour. Flex your knees. Do not lie in oneposition. You may wake up with pumps on your feet or infl<strong>at</strong>able s<strong>to</strong>ckingson your legs. These help pump blood from your legs back <strong>to</strong> your heart.Pain ControlTo help control your pain, your doc<strong>to</strong>r may order medic<strong>at</strong>ion for you. Aftersurgery, we may not be able <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p all your pain, but we will help you <strong>to</strong>be as comfortable as possible so you can rest and sleep. You will be asked<strong>to</strong> r<strong>at</strong>e your pain on a scale of 0 <strong>to</strong> 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 beingsevere pain. Reporting your pain as a number helps the doc<strong>to</strong>rs and nursesknow how well your tre<strong>at</strong>ment is working and indic<strong>at</strong>es whether changes10should be made. Pain control will help you cough, deep bre<strong>at</strong>he,exercise and recover more quickly.

Depending on the loc<strong>at</strong>ion and type of surgery performed on you, theanesthesiologist may administer a block for post-op pain control.Wh<strong>at</strong> method will be used <strong>to</strong> give you pain relief medicines?• Medicines given by mouth are either in tablet or liquid form. Most painmedicine is taken by mouth; however, these medicines cannot be used ifyou can take nothing by mouth or if you are nause<strong>at</strong>ed or vomiting.• Injections in<strong>to</strong> muscle or skin are medicines given by shots.• Injections given in<strong>to</strong> a vein are medicines given through a small tubecalled an intravenous (IV) c<strong>at</strong>heter. The tip of the tube stays in the vein.Injections given in<strong>to</strong> the spine are medicines given through a smalltube in<strong>to</strong> your back called an epidural or intr<strong>at</strong>hecal c<strong>at</strong>heter.• Rectal supposi<strong>to</strong>ries are medicines th<strong>at</strong> are placed in the rectum andare absorbed by the body.• P<strong>at</strong>ches are medicines th<strong>at</strong> are placed on a p<strong>at</strong>ch and then the p<strong>at</strong>ch isplaced on the skin so the medicine can be absorbed in<strong>to</strong> the body(transdermal p<strong>at</strong>ches).There are several non-drug pain relief methods th<strong>at</strong> are very effective:Relax<strong>at</strong>ion techniques1. Get in a comfortable position.2. Bre<strong>at</strong>he in slowly while counting <strong>to</strong> three.3. Bre<strong>at</strong>he out slowly while counting <strong>to</strong> three.4. Continue bre<strong>at</strong>hing in and out in same manner.Imagery1. Get in a comfortable position.2. Imagine you are in a place you have found <strong>to</strong> be relaxing (e.g. beach,mountains).3. Bre<strong>at</strong>he in and out slowly while picturing this in your mind.Music1. Get in a comfortable position.2. Listen <strong>to</strong> “easy listening” music or your favorite type of music with youreyes closed.Massage and cold or hot packs.11

Financial ResponsibilityYour doc<strong>to</strong>r is a member of the hospital’s medical staff and willsupervise your care. Your doc<strong>to</strong>r will arrange for your tests, medic<strong>at</strong>ions,diet and completion of a his<strong>to</strong>ry and physical. Your doc<strong>to</strong>r may call in otherspecialists for consult<strong>at</strong>ion or assistance.Physicians <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong> are independent contrac<strong>to</strong>rs, not employees,and have the right <strong>to</strong> separ<strong>at</strong>ely bill for their services. These doc<strong>to</strong>rs include<strong>at</strong>tending and consultant doc<strong>to</strong>rs and members of group practicesincluding, but not limited <strong>to</strong>: <strong>General</strong> Emergency Medicine Specialists, Inc.(GEMS); Radiology and Imaging Services, Inc.; Anesthesiology Associ<strong>at</strong>esof <strong>Akron</strong>, Inc.; <strong>Akron</strong> P<strong>at</strong>hology Associ<strong>at</strong>es, Inc.; and other hospital-basedor affili<strong>at</strong>ed groups. Additionally, you will receive a bill from <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong><strong>Medical</strong> <strong>Center</strong>.Most insurance companies require pre-certific<strong>at</strong>ion of surgical procedures.Your physician office is required <strong>to</strong> obtain pre-certific<strong>at</strong>ion if required.If there are no requirements listed on your card, please contact youremployer or health insurer for the requirements. We also ask th<strong>at</strong> youbring your insurance card(s), along with your driver’s license or pho<strong>to</strong> ID,with you.The <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong> has p<strong>at</strong>ient account represent<strong>at</strong>ives for financialcounseling Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 4 p.m., <strong>to</strong> answer your questionsabout insurance coverage, Medicare and other financial concerns. If youneed assistance, please call 330-344-4188.12

Our P<strong>at</strong>ient Care Partnership:Understanding Expect<strong>at</strong>ions, Rights and ResponsibilitiesP<strong>at</strong>ients have the right <strong>to</strong>:• Receive inform<strong>at</strong>ion about theirrights.• Consider<strong>at</strong>e and respectful careregardless of race, sex, n<strong>at</strong>ionalorigin, religion, sexual orient<strong>at</strong>ionor source of payment.• Be involved in care decisions.• Receive necessary inform<strong>at</strong>ionfrom their physicians <strong>to</strong> giveinformed consent prior <strong>to</strong> the star<strong>to</strong>f any procedure or tre<strong>at</strong>ment.• Consent prior <strong>to</strong> recording orfilming for purposes other thanidentific<strong>at</strong>ion, diagnosis ortre<strong>at</strong>ment.• Receive inform<strong>at</strong>ion about thepersons responsible for their care.• Refuse care within the law.• Advance Directives concerningtre<strong>at</strong>ment permitted by law andwithin hospital policy <strong>to</strong> addressend-of-life issues agreeablewithin the p<strong>at</strong>ient’s plan of care.• Be informed about outcomes ofcare or services th<strong>at</strong> have beenprovided, including unanticip<strong>at</strong>edoutcomes.• Effective communic<strong>at</strong>ionsincluding th<strong>at</strong> of interpretivelanguage services.• Have their complaints addressedand receive resolution within <strong>at</strong>imely, reasonable and consistentmanner.• Confidentiality, privacy andsecurity.• Care rendered in a clean and safeenvironment th<strong>at</strong> preservesdignity and a positive self-image.• Be free from mental, physical,sexual and verbal abuse, neglectand exploit<strong>at</strong>ion.• Pain management.• Access protective and advocacyservices.• Consent <strong>to</strong> or decline <strong>to</strong> particip<strong>at</strong>ein research studies.• Have the opportunity <strong>to</strong> work ifover a 30-day hospital stay.• Have their cultural, psychosocial,spiritual and personal values,beliefs and preferences respected.• Be informed about, along withfamily as appropri<strong>at</strong>e, the outcomesof care, tre<strong>at</strong>ment and services,including unanticip<strong>at</strong>ed outcomes.P<strong>at</strong>ients have the responsibility <strong>to</strong>:As a p<strong>at</strong>ient <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong>, weask for your cooper<strong>at</strong>ion with thefollowing:• Provide inform<strong>at</strong>ion about pastillness, hospitaliz<strong>at</strong>ions,medic<strong>at</strong>ions and other m<strong>at</strong>tersrel<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>to</strong> health st<strong>at</strong>us.• Inform care providers whether ornot explan<strong>at</strong>ions of diagnosis,tre<strong>at</strong>ment and care options havebeen unders<strong>to</strong>od.13

• Follow the recommend<strong>at</strong>ions andadvice prescribed by healthcareproviders and <strong>to</strong> provideinform<strong>at</strong>ion about unexpectedcomplic<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> arise.• Accept the outcomes if they donot follow the care, service ortre<strong>at</strong>ment plan.• Provide complete and accur<strong>at</strong>einform<strong>at</strong>ion about insurance andtheir abilities <strong>to</strong> meet any self-paybalances.• Be consider<strong>at</strong>e and <strong>to</strong> respectthe rights and property of otherp<strong>at</strong>ients, visi<strong>to</strong>rs and healthcareproviders.For a grievance, p<strong>at</strong>ients have theright <strong>to</strong>:• Discuss concerns with their<strong>at</strong>tending physicians, registerednurses, or p<strong>at</strong>ient care advoc<strong>at</strong>e –if they believe their rights havebeen viol<strong>at</strong>ed – by calling330-344-6711.• File a grievance with a st<strong>at</strong>e agencyth<strong>at</strong> has licensure responsible forhospitals. For the St<strong>at</strong>e of Ohio,the contact is the Ohio Departmen<strong>to</strong>f <strong>Health</strong>, 800-342-0553, or theJoint Commission, 800-669-3534.Advance DirectivesYou have the option of completingAdvance Directives. AdvanceDirectives are decisions you makeabout life-sustaining tre<strong>at</strong>ments.They include a Living Will andDurable Power of At<strong>to</strong>rney for<strong>Health</strong> Care. A Living Will allows you<strong>to</strong> indic<strong>at</strong>e preference regardingwithdrawal of life-sustaining tre<strong>at</strong>mentif you are terminal. Durable Power ofAt<strong>to</strong>rney for <strong>Health</strong> Care allows you<strong>to</strong> appoint someone <strong>to</strong> make healthcare decisions for you if you are notable. If you have chosen <strong>to</strong> haveAdvance Directives, please have yourpaperwork completed prior <strong>to</strong> yourday of surgery. The day of surgery isnot the appropri<strong>at</strong>e time <strong>to</strong> completea Advance Directives. Pleasecomplete in advance and bring acopy with you <strong>to</strong> be included in yourmedical record. Additionally, pleasebring a copy of your Power of At<strong>to</strong>rneywith you on the day of surgery.If you have questions aboutAdvance Directives or need furtherassistance, please call 330-344-6880or visit <strong>Akron</strong> <strong>General</strong>’s Web site <strong>at</strong>www.akrongeneral.org <strong>to</strong> obtainmore inform<strong>at</strong>ion.Questions?If you have any questions orconcerns regarding your surgery orthe inform<strong>at</strong>ion contained in thebooklet, please call 330-665-8124.14

4125 Medina Road, Suite 104<strong>Akron</strong>, OH 44333330-665-8120Please park on thewest end of thebuilding nearThe <strong>Surgery</strong> <strong>Center</strong>entrance <strong>at</strong> <strong>Akron</strong><strong>General</strong> <strong>Health</strong> &<strong>Wellness</strong> - West,where theoverhead signreads “<strong>Surgery</strong>.”15

4125 Medina Road, Suite 104<strong>Akron</strong>, OH 44333330-665-8120

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