Sample Ethnography Outline of Ideas.pdf

Sample Ethnography Outline of Ideas.pdf

Sample Ethnography Outline of Ideas.pdf


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<strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Outline</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ideas</strong> – <strong>Ethnography</strong> First DraftI. Preface Admit no experience with this subculture – cheerleader in h.s. but thatwas way different back then Remembering looking at group photos <strong>of</strong> little girl dance teams whenKatie was about 2 years old. D vowing his daughter would never do that(make-up, eyelashes, hair, costume). As we got older, close friends very involvedK = daughter eventually majored in dance @ UNLV (all stereotypes<strong>of</strong> Vegas dancers enter our heads)A = built studio in basement <strong>of</strong> their house so daughter couldpractice (this was more “club” dance than dance team)J = older daughter cut from dance team senior year (devastated).younger daughter capt. <strong>of</strong> EP dance team (mom took oneyear leave from work to help fulfill this role). Dave strikes a deal with this family to watch a dance competition ifthey come to one <strong>of</strong> R’s soccer games.II. Background/History/Outside Research on Subculture EPHS website – info on how this fits into high school activitiessubculture EP dance team website – info on auditions, history, contacts, “aboutus”, schedule, etc. Most beneficial = 15-page handbook witheverything, including parent letter, cost estimates, audition forms,schedule, rules and regulations, excused absence form, and “terms”(ex: French/hinge kick; relaxed jazz hands) MSHSL website – info on requirements, inclusion as high school sport,tournamentsNOTE: Some <strong>of</strong> this info may be woven into the observations if ithelps to analyze/understand/explain the subculture better atthat point.III. Observational DataThe Approach – Wayzata High School describe the “grounds” driving up = corporate headquarters/Bellagio trying to find a parking space, arriving in middle <strong>of</strong> competition –sections Sign on door about earliest you will be allowed to enter to claim seats Inside = building not as impressive as I thought (outside moreimpressive than inside analogy?)

Inside Setting ticket takers – like any hs event concessions – busy! loud music blasting thru wall competitors mixing with friends and family, easily identifiable bycostume nervous parents, some bored—reading, waiting, eating schedule and programInside Competition Area break rules by going in wrong door, standing in wrong place, gettingyelled at, ushered toward door, don’t go out that way. finally enter right door, take seat on side bleachers with other“outsiders” who show up late. parents in top rows <strong>of</strong> center bleachers facing floor, saved seats brokers see us, wave, talk on cell between dances, won’t invite us tosit by them or come to sit by us—can’t give up seats student fans sit bottom rows <strong>of</strong> bleachers in their own section judges on floor in chairs, scoring tables dance team on gym floor, another “on deck” waiting in wings by sidebleachers.Ritual <strong>of</strong> Competition team announced, cheering team marches in military fashion along periphery <strong>of</strong> floor to centercourt, acknowledged judges, music begins include description <strong>of</strong> different costumes, make-up here? include rules, what judges are looking for? explain different divisions – school size, different categories <strong>of</strong> dance? watch reaction <strong>of</strong> crowd, competitors – any roles visible here? bestdancer is apparent and spotlighted even as a novice, I could tell who was going to get good “marks” ending ritual, break before next team begins—rush to bathrooms,concessions, stretch reaction <strong>of</strong> parents, competitors when results are announced –emotions! compare/contrast to other competitions with which I am familiarInterview and/or Follow-up Info Captain – when she began with dance, her history and background, herrole as leader, her goals for group, any negatives? Other team members – same types <strong>of</strong> questions, watch practice or“behind-the-scenes” to analyze each specific role, any outsiders?

Parents – their role, commitment in time and money, what they wantdaughter to get out <strong>of</strong> it Outsiders – impressions <strong>of</strong> the sport, competition Second observation – different setting? How do roles change? Any ritualsspecific to this group as smaller subculture? Need to see a PRACTICE.IV. Conclusion Value <strong>of</strong> this subculture to its members – what they get out <strong>of</strong> it, whythey keep coming back Value <strong>of</strong> this subculture to the larger culturehigh school, sports, young women Value <strong>of</strong> this experience to me – what I learned about my assumptions,bias, and myself through this process.

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