The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies ...

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However, the factors traditionally considered in evaluating “undue experimentation” omit thiscommercial perspective.Recommendation. Determinations regarding whether a disclosure requires undueexperimentation should give recognition to the competitive significance of thetime required for experimentation; when product life-cycles are short, greaterdisclosures may be needed in order to be competitively meaningful.Defining claim terms. One concern raised repeatedly during the hearings was that claimsfrequently use terms with no apparent definition in the specification. Litigants disputing claiminterpretation may turn to different dictionaries to find a favorable definition. <strong>The</strong> problem isexacerbated for fast-moving technologies lacking widely-accepted terminology. <strong>Notice</strong> would beimproved through undisputed claim term definitions.Recommendation. <strong>The</strong> Commission recommends that patent applicants berequired either (i) to designate a dictionary for use in assigning meaning to termsnot defined in the application or (ii) to acknowledge acceptance of a PTOdesignateddefault dictionary for that purpose. <strong>The</strong> PTO-designated defaultdictionary could vary by art unit.Recommendation. <strong>The</strong> Commission urges the PTO to continue to look for waysto press patent applicants to include definitions or contextual explanations of keyterms. Mechanisms that could accomplish this include (i) requiring applicants toprovide a glossary defining any key terms that are not covered by a designated ordefault dictionary or that the applicant chooses to define differently than in such adictionary or (ii) requiring that applicants include key claim terms in thespecification <strong>and</strong> provide a ready means for identifying where they appear.Recommendation. <strong>The</strong> Commission urges that the PTO convene agovernment/industry task force or hold a workshop to explore ways of fosteringgreater uniformity in the methodology or language used for describing <strong>and</strong>claiming software inventions.Improving the Ability to Underst<strong>and</strong> Existing Claims: Enhancing the Value of theProsecution History for Claim ConstructionIn addition to the language of the patent itself, important evidence relevant to a claim’smeaning may appear in the prosecution history. Panelists registered considerable support forincreasing <strong>and</strong> recording exchanges between examiners <strong>and</strong> applicants pertinent to patent scope.<strong>The</strong>y explained that engaging the applicant in ways that build a prosecution history record13

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