Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ...

Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ... Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ...
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Dear Class of 2013 and Parents:You’re almost there! Can you believe it?Four of the most important andformative years of your life will soonculminate with that special moment ofreceiving your diploma at graduation.Before that moment arrives, there aremany senior activities planned for youto enhance the end of your high schoolexperience. You are encouraged toparticipate in as many of these eventsas possible.This graduation booklet is designedto assist you in planning for all theSENIORS,As graduation approaches, wecontinue to create unforgettablememories. The moment that wehave all been waiting for iscoming up quickly, but we stillhave the rest of the semester tobuild more memorable moments.This senior handbook is designedto assist you in planning for yourupcoming activities. Theseevents are specifically forgraduating seniors. If you haveany questions, please contactMr. Arrowsmith or Mrs.Whitneyin the ASB Office at (661) 222-1220 extension 561.Let’s make the remaining timethat we have left in high schoolthe best it can be!Sincerely,Class of 2013 OfficersBob VincentFounding PrincipalSTANDARDSOF CONDUCTSchool rules and regulations areexpected to be followed at allWest Ranch High Schoolactivities. A student possessingany controlled substance orunder the influence at any seniorevent will be suspended fromschool and may be excluded fromsubsequent activities, includingthe graduation ceremony.Appropriate behavior and regularschool attendance is expected inorder to be eligible for all of yoursenior activities.*Your senior class officers areresponsible for planningyour class reunions.end-of-the-year activities. Please read itcarefully, and refer to it as needed.The faculty and staff of West RanchHigh School are extremely proud of youand the accomplishments of the Class of2013 and wish you a bright andrewarding future.Congratulations on all you haveachieved.Sincerely yours,Bob Vincentwww.WestRanchHighSchool.comGRADUATIONANNOUNCEMENTSGraduation announcements,charms, keys, etc will bedistributed in March. Anyannouncements that have beenordered will be available for pickup in the ASB Office. You maycontact our school representative,Kelli Sandusky at Jostens if youhave any questions regardinggraduation announcements at(818) 367-2929 BBQ PICNICMay 2, 2013WR Soccer Field12:30 - 3:00 pmFree to VIP holders$15.00 for other WR Seniors.Lunch at 12:30 with D.J. andgames. This event is for WestRanch Seniors only.Please, no guests.Senior Class Officers, 2012-13L-R; Ashley Goodin (Secretary), Ethan Teague (Vice President),Tyler Boring (President), Kenji Santillian (Treasurer)Page 2

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