Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ...

Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ...

Graduaon Announcements Senior Meeng Prom: Universal Studios ...


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Dear Class of 2013 and Parents:You’re almost there! Can you believe it?Four of the most important andformative years of your life will soonculminate with that special moment ofreceiving your diploma at graduation.Before that moment arrives, there aremany senior activities planned for youto enhance the end of your high schoolexperience. You are encouraged toparticipate in as many of these eventsas possible.This graduation booklet is designedto assist you in planning for all theSENIORS,As graduation approaches, wecontinue to create unforgettablememories. The moment that wehave all been waiting for iscoming up quickly, but we stillhave the rest of the semester tobuild more memorable moments.This senior handbook is designedto assist you in planning for yourupcoming activities. Theseevents are specifically forgraduating seniors. If you haveany questions, please contactMr. Arrowsmith or Mrs.Whitneyin the ASB Office at (661) 222-1220 extension 561.Let’s make the remaining timethat we have left in high schoolthe best it can be!Sincerely,Class of 2013 OfficersBob VincentFounding PrincipalSTANDARDSOF CONDUCTSchool rules and regulations areexpected to be followed at allWest Ranch High Schoolactivities. A student possessingany controlled substance orunder the influence at any seniorevent will be suspended fromschool and may be excluded fromsubsequent activities, includingthe graduation ceremony.Appropriate behavior and regularschool attendance is expected inorder to be eligible for all of yoursenior activities.*Your senior class officers areresponsible for planningyour class reunions.end-of-the-year activities. Please read itcarefully, and refer to it as needed.The faculty and staff of West RanchHigh School are extremely proud of youand the accomplishments of the Class of2013 and wish you a bright andrewarding future.Congratulations on all you haveachieved.Sincerely yours,Bob Vincentwww.WestRanchHighSchool.comGRADUATIONANNOUNCEMENTSGraduation announcements,charms, keys, etc will bedistributed in March. Anyannouncements that have beenordered will be available for pickup in the ASB Office. You maycontact our school representative,Kelli Sandusky at Jostens if youhave any questions regardinggraduation announcements at(818) 367-2929 orJostens@ca.rr.com.SENIOR BBQ PICNICMay 2, 2013WR Soccer Field12:30 - 3:00 pmFree to VIP holders$15.00 for other WR <strong>Senior</strong>s.Lunch at 12:30 with D.J. andgames. This event is for WestRanch <strong>Senior</strong>s only.Please, no guests.<strong>Senior</strong> Class Officers, 2012-13L-R; Ashley Goodin (Secretary), Ethan Teague (Vice President),Tyler Boring (President), Kenji Santillian (Treasurer)Page 2

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FINAL EXAMSMay 2013Due to graduation scheduling forall of the schools in the WilliamS. Hart School District, finalexams for West Ranch <strong>Senior</strong>swill be administered prior to therest of the school.<strong>Senior</strong>s who are in danger offailing a class required for graduationmust take their final examprior to May 17, 2013. All seniorsmust have completed their finalexams by the end of the day onMay 24, 2013.Teachers will inform seniors ofthe date for their individual finalexam in advance. Counselorswill perform a final credit checkto ensure seniors have met allgraduation requirements onMay 13th. Counselors will notifyparents if their child is in dangerof failing any classes that affecttheir graduation status no laterthan May 17, 2013.2012 HomecomingQueen & KingJulia Sepulveda & Kyle WilliamsCASH ONLYBeginning Wednesday,May 1, 2013, the ASB Office WILL ONLY ACCEPTCASH for any senior activities, delinquenciesand/or textbook/library materials.TEXTBOOK & LIBRARYCLEARANCEMay 20 - May 24, 2013Before school,brunch & lunch,Library/Textbook CenterStudents who have cleared theirlibrary and textbook obligationswill receive 10 graduation ticketsat graduation practice onMay 28, 2013.FINANCIALOBLIGATIONSMay 1 - May 10, 2013Before school, brunch &lunch, in the ASB OfficeS e n i o r s w i t h f i n a n c i a lobligations will not be allowedto purchase tickets to any seniorevent until all delinquencies arepaid. This includes possiblefines for parking, textbooks,and/or other items that areproperty of West Ranch HighSchool. Caps and gowns willnot be distributed to seniorswith outstanding debt. Pleasemake sure your senior checkswith the Library and ASB Officeto meet their financial responsibilities.Reminder: Cash Only beginningMay 1, 2013. If you have anyquestions, please contact FranWhitney in the ASB Office at(661) 222-1220 ext. 561 or LeeSchollnick at ext. 132.CAREER PATH AWARDSMay 13, 2013, 6:30 pmWest Ranch Theater<strong>Senior</strong>s who have completedthe requirements of a CareerPath will be honored on thisspecial night by their CareerPath Advisor. Families areinvited to celebrate theirstudent’s achievements alongwith the West Ranch Staff.Look for a special invitation.SENIOR AWARDS NIGHTMay 16, 2013, 7:00 pmGymnasium<strong>Senior</strong>s will be recognized foracademic excellence, receipt ofcollege scholarships and variousother achievements. Outsideagencies, universities, militaryand faculty will be on hand tomake presentations. The dresscode is collared shirts for boysand dresses for girls, no denim.<strong>Senior</strong>s receiving awards, willbe given a personal invitationfor them and their families toattend.Page 4

SENIOR GRADESAll requirements must be metbefore West Ranch can certify astudent for graduation. <strong>Senior</strong>sfailing to meet graduationrequirements cannot participatein the graduation ceremony.Any senior failing a requiredcourse may make it up insummer school which startsMonday, July 1, 2013. Thediploma awarded will be for Julygraduation after a counselorverifies that all requirementshave been met. Summer schoolapplications are available in theCounseling Office.TRANSCRIPTS<strong>Senior</strong>s needing final officialtranscripts for any college oruniversity should submit awritten request with theRegistrar before graduation.This includes students who willbe attending College of theCanyons in the fall. FinalTranscript Request Cards areavailable in the Registrar’sOffice. Be sure to fill out therequest card marked “FINAL”to prevent the college or universityfrom receiving anincomplete transcript. You mustinclude the complete mailingaddress of the college or universityif the transcript is to bemailed. Official transcripts willnot be mailed to a homeaddress. Final Transcripts willbe mailed or may be picked upearly June, after final grades areposted.SENIOR MEETINGMay 20, 2013, 10:45 amGymnasium<strong>Senior</strong>s will meet in the maingym to receive instructionsregarding their assigned seatingfor g raduation. Seatingassignments will be posted, anddetails about graduation practicewill be discussed.CAP & GOWNMay 20, 2013After <strong>Senior</strong> MeetingGymnasiumGraduating seniors will receivetheir pre-ordered caps andgowns for graduation after thesenior meeting. Please makeevery effort to have your gownneatly pressed before it is wornat graduation. <strong>Senior</strong>s who havenot pre-ordered a cap and gownshould be prepared to pay$55.00 CASH ONLY at the timeof cap and gown issuance.PANORAMA PICTUREMay 20, 2013After Cap & Gown DistributionGymnasiumImmediately following thedistribution of caps and gowns,graduating seniors will pose foran 11” x 30” color panoramapicture. The photo is free tosenior V.I.P. holders, and $20.00CASH for others. Payment mustbe made to the ASB Office byMay 16 2013. Pictures will beavailable for pick-up, Friday,May 24, 2013. They will not bemailed home.SENIOR SUNSETMay 20, 20136:00-9:00 pmRichard Rioux ParkPage 5

<strong>Senior</strong> Celebration 2013The <strong>Senior</strong> Celebration includes a harborcruise, dinner, dancing, casino games andmore. <strong>Senior</strong> Celebration is open to the WestRanch Graduation Class of 2013. No guests,please!Transportation to the <strong>Senior</strong> Celebrationwill be by school bus only. Students willcheck into the WR School Cafeteria Foyer nolater than 6:30 pm and will return around 1:00am.This event is free to <strong>Senior</strong> V.I.P. PackageHolders and $115.00 to all others. Tickets maybe purchased in the ASB Office through May16, 2013. There are very few tickets remainingfor this event. CASH ONLY.May 23, 20138:00 pm - MidnightPage 6

GRADUATION TICKETSTickets for the ceremony will be distributed atgraduation practice to seniors who have paid allfinancial obligations. Each graduate will be allottedten tickets. Extra tickets will be available in the SRC(Student Responsibility Center) at WR between12:00 and 2:00 on the day of graduation, May 28,2013.GRADUATION PRACTICEMay 28, 2013, 8:30 am,College of the Canyons StadiumParticipation in the graduation practice ismandatory in order to participate in the actualgraduation ceremony. Students should arrive atthe COC Stadium by 8:30 am, and proceeddirectly to the chairs on the field.Please sit in your assigned seat.GRADUATION CEREMONY 2013Expectations of Graduation ParticipantsGraduation is an important anddignified ceremony, which hassignificant meaning for thegraduating seniors, parents, families,and West Ranch school staff. Theceremony signifies the successfulculmination of thirteen years ofeducation. In order to ensure agraduation ceremony that ismeaningful to all, the following isexpected of all participants:Graduates are to be courteousduring the entire ceremony and are torefrain from any activity that isdisruptive, distracting, or dangerous.Please follow directions.Graduates are not to carryanything with them into theceremony. Caps and gowns may notbe altered or decorated in any fashion.Any student who appears to beunder the influence of alcohol or ofany controlled substance will not beallowed to participate. Smoking isnot allowed at any time before, during,or after the ceremony.Graduates are to dress appropriatelyfor a ceremony of this nature. Menshould wear collared shirts and slacks.Women should wear nice dresses orskirts and blouses, no denim.Examples of inappropriate dress arebeach or sports clothing, flip-flop typesandals, jeans, and T-shirts.If a candidate for graduationviolates any of the above behaviorstandards, he/she will not receive adiploma at graduation and will beasked to leave the ceremony. Thestudent will be required to attend aparent conference with the principalthe week following graduation.REMINDER: Graduates must attendcommencement practice. All debts tothe school must be cleared in order toparticipate in the ceremony and othergraduation-related activities.GRADUATIONCEREMONYMay 28, 2013, 7:30 pmCollege of the CanyonsStadiumAll graduates are to reportto the C.O.C. StudentCafeteria at 6:00 pm.Graduates will not beallowed to carry presents,flowers or cameras duringthe ceremony. Graduatesare not to decorate theircap or gown with anyitems.DIPLOMA PICK-UPMay 28, 2013,Immediately followingCommencementGraduates will receive onlythe diploma cover duringthe ceremony. The actualdiploma will be distributedto graduating seniors in theCOC concession areaimmediately following thegraduation.Diplomas will not bemailed home. <strong>Senior</strong>s whohave not met their financialobligations must do sobefore a diploma will bepresented.Winter Formal King & QueenWinter Formal Court 2013Page 7

WR AdministrationFounding Principal ………… Mr. Bob VincentAssistant Principals………Mrs. Audrey AsplundDr. Juliet FineMs. Donna ManfrediMr. Bryan WilsonAthletic Director ………...Ms. Cassandra PerezASB Director . . . . . . . . .Mr. Todd ArrowsmithCounselorsMr. Kellen AtkinsMrs. Christine BaconMrs. Ci Ci CazanMrs. Terri Fox-WarfordMrs. Christine ReynosoMr. Jeff RogersMrs. Suzanne Van AmbergMrs. Janette WoolridgeGRADUATION CEREMONY DVDYou can reserve a copy of the 2013 West Ranch High School Graduation Ceremony video, producedby the West Ranch Television Network. Proceeds will benefit West Ranch High School Video Production.All West Ranch productions are filmed with state of the art High Definition professional camcorders,complete with crystal clear digital video and sound.Every single West Ranch graduating senior will be featured in the video, making it a great buy to showfamily, friends and neighbors. Make sure to reserve your copy today!The cost of this year’s video is $40.00, which includes a full quality professionally created DVD andshipping to your front doorstep. DVD is included in the <strong>Senior</strong> VIP Package.If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Overdevest, the video production teacher at WestRanch High School.Jennifer OverdevestWest Ranch High School26255 West Valencia Blvd.Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381661-222-1220Email: joverdevest@hartdistrict.orgWest Ranch High SchoolC 2013 G CV O F All Order Forms must be received by Wednesday, May 29, 2013Student’s Name:____________________________ Student ID #:_____________Street Address:_____________________________________________________City:______________________________________ Zip Code:____________Telephone #:______________________ E-Mail: ___________________________Number of Copies: ________ x $40 = Total Amount Enclosed: $________Check (Number:_______) CashPlease make all checks payable to West Ranch High School (Memo: Graduation Video)Your video will be shipped to the address listed on this form.Page 8

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