July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University

July 2007 - Southern Adventist University


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<strong>Southern</strong> Union FeatureSeparation of Church and HateBy Leslie D. LouisA Report from the Sixth World Congress of the International Religious AssociationEnclosed against the backdropof Table Mountain and the crashingwaves of the Atlantic Ocean, CapeTown is truly the most celebratedcity of beauty and vibrance in theAfrican continent. It was to this citythat more than 600 delegates from30 countries convened from February27 to March 1, <strong>2007</strong>, for the SixthWorld Congress of the InternationalReligious Liberty Association (IRLA),themed, “Combating religious hatredthrough freedom to believe.”John Gratz, secretary general forthe IRLA, best expressed the value ofthis congress in his words of welcome:“Religious freedom is the bestanswer to religious hatred. Hatredcannot push away hatred. Thereare people from all over the world,people from different faiths andtraditions, who want to demonstratethat there is another way to deal withdifferences. There are people whohave chosen to come to this Congressin Cape Town because they aredetermined to promote peace andjustice through religious freedom forall people everywhere.”During this Congress our dayswere packed from morning untilevening with meetings hosted by 30distinguished speakersand 15 informativeworkshops. Eachof these presenters,both from theSeventh-day <strong>Adventist</strong>Church and thecommunity of otherdenominations andfaiths, presented animpressive array ofdistinction and expertiseon the subjectof global freedom tobelieve.Because of our32 T IDINGS • J u l y 2 0 0 7Carole and Leslie Louis attended theSixth World Congress of the InternationalReligious Liberty Association(IRLA) in Cape Town, South Africa.More than 2,000 <strong>Adventist</strong>s gathered in Cape Town to celebratefreedom from hate.mutual admirationof MahatmaGhandi, my wife,Carole, and I wereespecially movedto meet and hearthe message of hisgranddaughter,Ela Ghandi, currentlythe nationalvice president ofthe World Conferenceon Religionand Peace (WCRP),and an honorarypresident of WCRPInternational. Her challenge tous: “This congress must not simplygenerate a respect for other religions,but also must go beyond to explorethe responsibility of all religions.”Phenomenal presentations fromthe various world divisions of theSeventh-day <strong>Adventist</strong> Church aboutthe trials and triumphs of religiousfreedom, along with a message ofhope from Lincoln Steed, editor ofLiberty magazine, highlighted thecommitment of the Church to combatreligious hatred.A celebration of freedom washighlighted in an evening banquetoverlooking thenight skylineof Cape Town.African choralmusic and tribaldances providedus with a flavorof a uniqueculture thathad graciouslywelcomed usto its homelandas guestsfrom aroundthe globe. Thekeynote speaker,Ambassador Robert Seiple, accentuatedthe truth that we are all createdin the image of God. He asked us toseek a common ground of mutualrespect for each other’s faith. Why?Because he stated that, “Toleration isof the head; respect is of the heart.”A festival of freedom was hostedas a high Sabbath in Cape Town topraise God for the religious freedomtreasured by many nations ofthe world, and to uplift in prayerthe plight of more than 300-millionpeople who subsist without suchprivileges. Five of the world divisionpresidents for the <strong>Adventist</strong> Churchwere present to mark this specialworship service. With a picturesquearray of flags from many nations,the voices of a choral throng, and agathering of more than 2,000 members,our festival of freedom wasa small foretaste of our hope forHeaven, where we will rejoice in thefulfillment of Jesus’ promise, “Andother sheep I have which are notof this fold; them also I must bring,and there will be one flock and oneshepherd.” John 10:16 NKJVLeslie D. Louis is the executivesecretary and PARL director for theGulf States Conference.

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