ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine

ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine


is in a good state, and it feels good to be a partof that right now during this come up.When we interviewed The Pack at one point,they felt like they had inspired your style anddidn’t really get credit for it. Would you saythat’s accurate or was it a misunderstanding?Legacy: We did us, we definitely didn’t [stealtheir style]. It wasn’t inspired by them, but youknow, that’s old stuff. We got over it. That shitgot squashed probably like a year ago, so, it’sall good.You guys started pretty early, right? Were youstill in school when you got signed?Ben J: Yeah, we had to switch schools to beable to study at home. We were going toschool hard the whole year right until wegraduated. That was in 2009, our graduatingyear.Legacy: That was my deadline year. My wholelife I was like, “I gotta get signed before Igraduate.”Were you guys the popular kids on campus?Ben J: Somewhat.Legacy: Yeah, you could say that. It wasn’t hardto be popular at our school though. Everybodywas popular, even the nerds. (laughs)One of you produces most of your tracks aswell, right?Legacy: Yeah, I produce. Well, I used to go reallyhard with it when I had Frooty Loops. I’ve gotLogic now and I’m learning the program. I’mtrying to get back on my production.Do you feel like you, or your generation ofrappers, gets respect from the older heads?Or do you hear a lot of the “that’s not real HipHop” comments?Legacy: We get hate from people who haveonly heard the jerk record and are only lookingat the dance scene. But we started gettingmore respect from people who noticed thatwe could actually rap. You know, when peopleheard “Cricketz” and stuff like that. Somepeople were saying that they don’t reallydress how we dress, but they still respect thefact that we’re doing our thing and pushingour [style] even though people are knockingit. So it’s like mixed reactions. But that’s whywe’re still working hard, so we can get moreand more respect. We’re gonna keep puttingout material and make sure it gets better andbetter.I have to be honest, the skinny jeans don’tlook too comfortable. What made you decideto start dressing that way?Legacy: Well, our jeans, first off, they aren’t astight as they used to be. They’re definitely notas tight as they were in [the video for] “YouA Jerk.” But we sagged ‘em. They wouldn’t becomfortable if you ain’t sag ‘em, but we used tosag ‘em like crazy.Ben J: It was just our swag.Legacy: Skater swag. If it wasn’t comfortablewe wouldn’t rock them.Ben J: But then again, we’re skinny dudes, sowe can fit in ‘em.You guys were actually called the SwaggerBoyz at first, right?Legacy: For like five minutes, yeah. (laughs)Ben J: A class period.Legacy: Yeah, then we changed the namereally quick.You decided that “Swagger” was too playedout or why’d you change it?Legacy: Well, back then the word “swag” wasn’tplayed out yet, but I’m glad we didn’t callourselves that. (laughs) We were just goingthrough a bunch of names and when we cameup with the New Boyz, we stuck with it.Do you guys have anything planned for AllStar weekend?Ben J: Yeah, our manager is working on someshows right now. We’re gonna be out there allweekend for the All Star game.Legacy: Yeah, I just moved right by [the StaplesCenter] so we’re gonna be goin’ hard thatweekend. We love when events be poppin’ inour city.Aside from your new single “Backseat” andthe upcoming album, is there anything elseyou want people to look out for?Ben J: Yeah, we both dropped our mixtapes.Mine is called Chill Talk and Legacy’s is calledYour New Favorite Rapper. You can get themboth on Outsideof music, we’re in this movie called Where TheParty At? so be on the lookout for that. Legacyshoots videos too, so if you need some videosdone hit up Rule Blind Films. We’ve got ourown record label poppin’ off too, 100 Records.Is there anything else that you want to plugor mention?Ben J: Follow us on That’smy personal page.Legacy: Mine is To allthe fans, thanks for all the love. We’re gonnabe uploading a lot of videos at, and make sure you go pickup our new album Too Cool to Care. Don’t sleepon it. //36 // OZONE MAG



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