ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine

ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine


song by “40 Glocc.” It kinda puts them in abad situation. That’s why I transitioned overto Big Bad 40 just to have a new image, anda new look. Everybody thinks they know me,but they don’t really know me. They just listento the music, but it’s regular street music.So they actually read your lyrics in court?Yeah, they were reciting my lyrics in court.They played every one of my YouTube videosin court. They did all that. Even the judgewas like, “You told me you had a case. Youdidn’t tell me you were bringing in YouTubevideos.” (laughs) He said, “I thought you hadsome real surveillance footage but you’rein my court playing YouTube.” But he stilllet them play it, and he didn’t accept it asevidence, but that’s how they structuredtheir whole case against me. If you’re aroundgang members, and they’re trying to showthat you’re affiliated, that’s all they have toprove because it’s a civil lawsuit. With a civillawsuit, you can’t have a jury trial. They won’tlet me have a jury trial even though I askedfor it. The District Attorney didn’t want meto have a jury trial because he knows if I wasbeing judged by my peers, the people wouldsee how they’re adding these loopholes andtwisting the laws to lock up innocent muthafuckers.They don’t want to have a jury trialbecause even senior citizens would come inand see that they’re violating my constitutionalrights. They’re making everybodycriminals. But I don’t think they’re going torealize this until it spreads widely enoughand starts affecting citizens around theglobe. When it starts affect their daughtersand sons and cousins and uncles and mothersand children, that’s when they will seewhat they’re doing. It’s the same as dope. Itstarts in the minority communities but whenit starts reaching the suburbs, it’s a problem.The government put the dope there in thefirst place. That’s the same they’re doing withthe gang injunction shit – they’re labelinginnocent muthafuckers. They’re labelingthree hundred people in the neighborhoodas gang members. They’re putting everybody’sname on the gang injunction eventhough 80% of them aren’t even active gangmembers. They just happen to live in theneighborhood, you know? It’s gonna starttrickling down into the suburbs. For example,let’s say you live in the suburbs but you havea kid who’s friends with a gang member. Thepolice stop him and he tries to tell them he’snot in a gang, but the police assume they’rein it together. They put him in the gang fileand the next time he gets pulled over, for amisdemeanor or anything, they’re gonna hithim with gang enhancement. When peoplestart realizing what’s going on, that’s whenthe class action suits are going to come.What else are you working on music-wisebesides the Spider Loc project?I’ve got a mixtape album I’m droppingstrictly on iTunes called “COPS,” and thenmy album “New World Agenda.” I moved thedate so I could prepare more. The first singleI dropped was with Ray J and then I droppedthe remix with me, Twista, and Yo Gotti, soI’ve just got a slew of shit I’ve been workingon with everybody. I’ve got shit with me, PaulWall, Chamillionaire, and OJ da Juiceman.I’ve got a slew of shit. I just finished my nextsingle too. I’m dropping the video with me,Snoop, E-40, Xzibit, Too $hort, Ice Cube, andmy man Seven. Everybody’s in the video, it’scalled “Welcome to California,” just introducingeverybody to this new era. Me andCee-Lo did a record together that’s a banger.I’m just showing everybody the versatilityof my music. Everybody thinks I’m on somebullshit; they just judge me off the Lil Wayneand Baby shit. But a lot of the shit I say, I’mjust clowning. If somebody wants to take itpersonally and see me man-to-man, we cando that. But that’s not what it’s about. I’mnot trippin’ on Baby or Slim or Wayne or noBloods or Crips. I tripped that time becausehe was doing something disrespectful, butthat shit is from last year. It’s a brand newyear.So is Cash Money good when they comeout to L.A. for All Star weekend?I ain’t got no problem with them niggas.As long as nobody in their crew is speakin’about me, I ain’t lookin’ for them. It was justthat one issue, and we nipped it in the budand that’s what it was. There’s still people outthere instigating. People tell me, “Drake hasa song with Nicki Minaj and he’s dissing youon it,” but I’m not the only 40 out there, so Ididn’t pay attention to that shit. I don’t getdown with all that he-say, she-say shit. I don’tcare about that. If we see each other face-tofacewe’ll see what it is. I’m a pretty up-frontnigga. I don’t really have too much to say onrecords either.Where are some of the spots people needto hit when they come to LA for All Starweekend?My homegirl SKG is throwing a few partieswith Trina and G-Unit. Everybody’s gonna bein the building, man. Everybody’s gonna bedressed good. Let’s have a ball. It’s All Starweekend, so it’s all good. //26 // OZONE MAG


song by “40 Glocc.” It kinda puts them in abad situation. That’s why I transitioned overto Big Bad 40 just to have a new image, anda new look. Everybody thinks they know me,but they don’t really know me. They just listento the music, but it’s regular street music.So they actually read your lyrics in court?Yeah, they were reciting my lyrics in court.They played every one of my YouTube videosin court. They did all that. Even the judgewas like, “You told me you had a case. Youdidn’t tell me you were bringing in YouTubevideos.” (laughs) He said, “I thought you hadsome real surveillance footage but you’rein my court playing YouTube.” But he stilllet them play it, and he didn’t accept it asevidence, but that’s how they structuredtheir whole case against me. If you’re aroundgang members, and they’re trying to showthat you’re affiliated, that’s all they have toprove because it’s a civil lawsuit. With a civillawsuit, you can’t have a jury trial. They won’tlet me have a jury trial even though I askedfor it. The District Attorney didn’t want meto have a jury trial because he knows if I wasbeing judged by my peers, the people wouldsee how they’re adding these loopholes andtwisting the laws to lock up innocent muthafuckers.They don’t want to have a jury trialbecause even senior citizens would come inand see that they’re violating my constitutionalrights. They’re making everybodycriminals. But I don’t think they’re going torealize this until it spreads widely enoughand starts affecting citizens around theglobe. When it starts affect their daughtersand sons and cousins and uncles and mothersand children, that’s when they will seewhat they’re doing. It’s the same as dope. Itstarts in the minority communities but whenit starts reaching the suburbs, it’s a problem.The government put the dope there in thefirst place. That’s the same they’re doing withthe gang injunction shit – they’re labelinginnocent muthafuckers. They’re labelingthree hundred people in the neighborhoodas gang members. They’re putting everybody’sname on the gang injunction eventhough 80% of them aren’t even active gangmembers. They just happen to live in theneighborhood, you know? It’s gonna starttrickling down into the suburbs. For example,let’s say you live in the suburbs but you havea kid who’s friends with a gang member. Thepolice stop him and he tries to tell them he’snot in a gang, but the police assume they’rein it together. They put him in the gang fileand the next time he gets pulled over, for amisdemeanor or anything, they’re gonna hithim with gang enhancement. When peoplestart realizing what’s going on, that’s whenthe class action suits are going to come.What else are you working on music-wisebesides the Spider Loc project?I’ve got a mixtape album I’m droppingstrictly on iTunes called “COPS,” and thenmy album “New World Agenda.” I moved thedate so I could prepare more. The first singleI dropped was with Ray J and then I droppedthe remix with me, Twista, and Yo Gotti, soI’ve just got a slew of shit I’ve been workingon with everybody. I’ve got shit with me, PaulWall, Chamillionaire, and OJ da Juiceman.I’ve got a slew of shit. I just finished my nextsingle too. I’m dropping the video with me,Snoop, E-40, Xzibit, Too $hort, Ice Cube, andmy man Seven. Everybody’s in the video, it’scalled “Welcome to California,” just introducingeverybody to this new era. Me andCee-Lo did a record together that’s a banger.I’m just showing everybody the versatilityof my music. Everybody thinks I’m on somebullshit; they just judge me off the Lil Wayneand Baby shit. But a lot of the shit I say, I’mjust clowning. If somebody wants to take itpersonally and see me man-to-man, we cando that. But that’s not what it’s about. I’mnot trippin’ on Baby or Slim or Wayne or noBloods or Crips. I tripped that time becausehe was doing something disrespectful, butthat shit is from last year. It’s a brand newyear.So is Cash Money good when they comeout to L.A. for All Star weekend?I ain’t got no problem with them niggas.As long as nobody in their crew is speakin’about me, I ain’t lookin’ for them. It was justthat one issue, and we nipped it in the budand that’s what it was. There’s still people outthere instigating. People tell me, “Drake hasa song with Nicki Minaj and he’s dissing youon it,” but I’m not the only 40 out there, so Ididn’t pay attention to that shit. I don’t getdown with all that he-say, she-say shit. I don’tcare about that. If we see each other face-tofacewe’ll see what it is. I’m a pretty up-frontnigga. I don’t really have too much to say onrecords either.Where are some of the spots people needto hit when they come to LA for All Starweekend?My homegirl SKG is throwing a few partieswith Trina and G-Unit. Everybody’s gonna bein the building, man. Everybody’s gonna bedressed good. Let’s have a ball. It’s All Starweekend, so it’s all good. //26 // OZONE MAG

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