ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine

ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine

ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine


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of anything I believe in myself and I know whatI’m here to do and that’s promote positivewords. I just want to promote this positivemessage that’s at my core. I feel like peopleshould live a certain way, with love, compassion,and empathy; not judging. I’m deeperthan just a rapper. So that’s the message, andhowever I gotta get that across, no matterhow long it takes me or whatever I gotta do tobecome heard and use that position of influencefor the right things, I’ma do it. If I gottasay I’m gonna fuck President Obama in the assfor me to spread this positive energy, I’ma doit. I want people to live together and be happy.And you know I won’t fuck President Obama inthe ass – cause you know the phone we’re onright now is probably tapped – so I’m not makingany threats to the President or anythinglike that. But basically, I strongly believe in thecore message and the core foundation that Irepresent. It’s deeper than rap with me. Waydeeper than rap.But how is saying that you’re going to fuckPresident Obama in the ass “spreading apositive message”? You’re using controversyto get people’s attention so that you can thengive a positive message?Exactly. Like, will I really fuck Obama in the ass?No. But am I going to be the one person that’llsay it? Maybe. You know what I mean? MaybeI’m the only person brave enough to say that.Maybe I’m taking it a little too far, but that’sthe extreme lengths I’m willing to go to spread“will i really fuckobama in the ass?no. but maybe i’mthe only personbrave enough tosay it; that’s theextreme lengthsi’m willing to goto spread thispositive message.if i gotta walkaround nakedin the snow tospread this message,that’s whati’m gonna do.”this positive message. If I gotta walk aroundnaked in the snow to spread this message,that’s what I’m gonna do. It’s for the people. It’sbigger than me. There’s people dying to thismusic, you know? There’s people dying becauseof the messages [in this music]. Peoplelove these artists but they aren’t showing bothsides of the picture. I’ve lived both sides oflife. I almost lost my life in the streets when Iwas living negatively. And now I’m one of thehappiest people on earth, just by spreadingpositive energy. I wanna show both sides ofthe field at all times, while I’m young and whilepeople respect what I’m saying. I’m still in thestreets and I’m still close to the people, so Iknow what’s going on.You put out a book a while back too, tospread your positive message?Yeah, when I was 19 I wrote a book called“Taking Over by Imposing the Positive.” It wasabout trying to further the message deeperthan music. I just wanted to show another sideto me, so people can’t say that I’m one-sided. Ifpeople want to dig for the message, it’s there.You can see the real me if you dig deep. Thelove is there for you. I’ma keep working hardand doing what I gotta do. But for the peoplethat did read it, I mean, it changed people’slives. People gave me feedback because myreal email address is in the book. I made surepeople could hit me up. It definitely changedpeople’s lives and helped other people, soit’s all love over here. I do it out of love forthe people. If I didn’t care about society and Ididn’t care about making people happy andhelping people, why would I have writtenthat book? I wouldn’t have pushed myselfto write that book at such a young age. Witheverything else that’s going on, I really wantedto use this time – while people care about meand respect what I say – for the right things. Iwanna balance it out regardless, because I’myoung and I feel different ways. I say some crazyshit. I might not be happy all day long butI’m still gonna remain positive no matter what.I just wanna make sure I balance out the crazyshit. We’re human and we make mistakes, butit’s really about who you are as a person at theend of the day. What do you represent? Do yourepresent love and peace or do you representseparation and individuality? All that is coolbut I’d rather people get together and feed offeach other’s energy and spread the love. We allneed help.When you talk about love and compassion,of course those are positive qualities, butalso kind of abstract. When you talk aboutyour “message,” is there a specific cause orOZONE MAG // 21

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