ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine

ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine ALL STAR 2011 - Ozone Magazine


WITH THE UNEXPECTED SUCCESS OF THEIRRUNAWAY SINGLE “TEACH ME HOW TODOUGIE,” CALI SWAG DISTRICT GOT LOOKSON ESPN AND THE BET HIP HOP AWARDS,PLUS THE CHANCE TO MEET KIM KARDASHI-AN. GROUP MEMBER JAYARE TELLS OZONEWHAT’S NEXT.So you’re out in Vegas today, huh? Do youguys spend a lot of time there?We’ve been out here since the beginning ofDecember getting ready for this tour. We’vebeen going to the gym and just getting inshape physically and mentally. We try to hit thegym for about two hours every other morning.Are you all the same age?Yeah, we’re all 20.Your album is set to drop in February, right?Yeah, it’s looking pretty good. We added somemore tracks, so I think it’s going to be a good(l-r) M-Bone, C-Smoove, Yung, & JayAreCali Swag District16 // OZONE MAGWords by Eric Perrin

one. It’s our first album and it’s going to be aclassic for us, so we’re pretty excited about it.The summer had to be ridiculous for youwith the success of “Teach Me How toDougie.”Oh yeah, last year was crazy. I think 2010 wasthe year of the Dougie.How did the song “Teach Me How to Dougie”come about?It all started from one of our friends that grewup where we grew up. He went off to collegein Texas where the dance originated, andwhen he came back out here on his break, hesuggested we do a song about the dougie.We just took the idea and it turned intosomething bigger than we thought. It tookoff from there. “Teach Me How to Dougie”was the first song we recorded as a group. Itfelt good once the song started blowing up.We heard that more people were doing thedougie around the world. It was breathtaking.We didn’t know what to think. It’s crazy.Justin Bieber was on Ellen teaching her howto do it. What are some of the best storiesyou’ve heard about the song?They had a little segment on ESPN; theybrought Doug E. Fresh in and were showingall the clips of the NFL and NBA players doingthe dougie. We got to teach Kim Kardashianhow to do the dougie, so that was cool. Wewent to one of her parties.That’s hot!Yeah, it was! She was hot too! (laughs)Did any of y’all try to get at Kim Kardashian?Nah, we were only there for business. Butwe got her Twitter, so if one of the homiesis tryin’ to talk to her they’re probably doingit low-key. (laughs) At the car and bike showin Atlanta we taught Ne-Yo’s mom, T-Pain’smom, and Lil Wayne’s momma how to do thedougie, so that was a good look too. Theyalready knew how to do it, so it’s crazy!What was your favorite moment last year?Shoot, performing at the [BET] Hip HopAwards! I remembered being at home watchingthe show, so for me to finally be on there,that’s crazy. I used to be like, “I wanna be onthere one day,” and it actually came true. Itwas crazy!Are there any negative aspects to having ahuge hit single like “Teach Me How to Dougie”before you have a nationwide fan base?Yeah, because people think that we canonly make songs like that. “Teach Me Howto Dougie” is a bubblegum song. It’s simpleand it’s catchy, but it blew up. So there couldbe a negative side to that because peoplethink we’re just one-hit wonders, but that’snot what it is. When the album drops they’regonna know.For people who haven’t heard the othersongs, what kind of music do you do in additionto radio hits?It’s kinda hard to pinpoint, because we don’thave a certain sound. Our sound doesn’tsound too West Coast or too East Coast. It’sjust our own Cali swag. It’s kinda hard toexplain. We’ve got our own flavor.The name Cali Swag District is pretty selfexplanatory,but what made you settle onthat for your name?Our visionary came up with the name; he’sthe one that put the group together. Hehad the name before the faces. When wefirst heard the name, we were like, “I don’tknow, it’s kinda corny,” but we just ran with itanyway. It’s different. Nobody has a name likeours, and it means something to us. So we allgot it tatted on us.Who is your visionary and how did he selecty’all to be a part of Cali Swag District? Didhe hold auditions or something?No, our visionary is Big Wy, he used to be apart of The Relatives, which was a rap groupin the 90s. He was signed to Death Row a longtime ago. I guess he wanted to start freshand do something new, so he decided to puta group together. He knew Yung throughYung’s manager, because Yung has beenrappin’ since he was 14 years old. Yung wasdoing his solo thing and he needed a DJ, sothat’s where C-Smoove came in. He was aDJ for the city of Inglewood; that’s where hegrew up. So once they brought him in and dida song together, Big Wy started thinking theycould be the two dudes to start the group.M-Bone was there already because he used tohang with Yung most of the time. C-Smoovebrought me in, and once Big Wy saw us alltogether, he was like, “I think I got somethinghere.” [In our group] there’s a tall dude, a shortdude that looks Asian, a dark skinned dude,and a dude that looks almost white. It’s kindacrazy, but it works.What else do you have coming up? Is thereanything else you’d like to plug?We’re trying to do more TV. Maybe a realityshow or some movies. I think 2011 is gonnabe a big year for us, besides just the tour andthe album dropping. //OZONE MAG // 17

WITH THE UNEXPECTED SUCCESS OF THEIRRUNAWAY SINGLE “TEACH ME HOW TODOUGIE,” CALI SWAG DISTRICT GOT LOOKSON ESPN AND THE BET HIP HOP AWARDS,PLUS THE CHANCE TO MEET KIM KARDASHI-AN. GROUP MEMBER JAYARE TELLS OZONEWHAT’S NEXT.So you’re out in Vegas today, huh? Do youguys spend a lot of time there?We’ve been out here since the beginning ofDecember getting ready for this tour. We’vebeen going to the gym and just getting inshape physically and mentally. We try to hit thegym for about two hours every other morning.Are you all the same age?Yeah, we’re all 20.Your album is set to drop in February, right?Yeah, it’s looking pretty good. We added somemore tracks, so I think it’s going to be a good(l-r) M-Bone, C-Smoove, Yung, & JayAreCali Swag District16 // OZONE MAGWords by Eric Perrin

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