April - Jerusalem Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Safdarjung Enclave ...

April - Jerusalem Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Safdarjung Enclave ...

April - Jerusalem Mar Thoma Syrian Church, Safdarjung Enclave ...


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<strong>Jerusalem</strong> <strong>Mar</strong> <strong>Thoma</strong> <strong>Syrian</strong> <strong>Church</strong>A1/182, <strong>Safdarjung</strong> <strong>Enclave</strong>, New Delhiwww.jerusalemchurchdelhi.org<strong>Jerusalem</strong> Jyoti – <strong>April</strong> 2013Vicar’s MessageDearly beloved in Christ,Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...The month of <strong>April</strong> brings some newness in the season, in the climate and in our lives as well. “Newness” is a very good and attractiveword. We all like newness, no doubt. We like to see new things, to hear about new things, to get new things, so on and so forth. Let mebring to your attention two things:The cycle of the nature is changing to spring. Spring is a time of rebirth. Newness is going to experience everywhere: we are going to seeflowers in bloom, the budding trees, green grass and singing birds etc, etc. Every dried branch of the tree is going to be greenish. When wesee all this we should not forget that there was a season of winter and fall before this, the experiences of frozenness, death and decaying.This phenomenon proclaims that God is still creating and sustaining life in the midst of death and decaying. Mother Nature is experiencinga new resurrection, a renewal!We are looking forward to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Of course, the resurrection of the physical body of Jesus Christ is the heart ofChristianity. However, the days before the Easter Sunday were a period of struggle. Struggle against the forces of evil and death, againstthe forces of principalities and powers, against the powers of unrighteousness and selfishness. It was a time of struggle against thereligious hypocrisies, against the conspiracy of the High Priests like Caiaphas. It was a struggle against the ‘last minute betrayal’ of thedisciples like Judas. It was a struggle against the cowardly denial of the friends like Peter. It was a time of struggle against the ‘back andforth gambling’ of the authorities like Pilate.Nonetheless, Jesus is risen… Alleluiah! Something new has happened. All the worries, all the passions, all the hopelessness have gone.Resurrection is the promise of a new creation. Resurrection is the hope for a new world. Resurrection means the powers of Satan isdefeated and the power of God is in control!Prophet Isaiah declares: For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come tomind (Isa. 65: 17).All these are reminding us that newness is something great. Hence, let us experience the risen Lord and submit our lives into the hands ofGod and be renewed again for the glory of His name. Let us pray to God: “Our God, as you have cherished the earth with springtime, asyou have brightened the hope of the world by your resurrection, illumine our lives by your powerful presence.”May the good Lord renew within us a blessed hope and joyous expectation.With prayerful Easter wishesYoursP. P. <strong>Thoma</strong>s Achen

Assistance in Worship ServicesDate Offertory Lessons Holy CommunionMr. Koshy John1 st SundayJob.42:10-17Mr. Dannie JimMr. Koshy John and FamilyMrs. Jolly KoshyMr. Mathew KurienPhil.2:5-11Mr. Alex George2 nd SundayZech.9:1-12Mr. Mathew KurienMr. Alex George and FamilyMrs. Laly AlexMr. Koshy JohnHeb.5:1-103 rd SundayIsa.60:1-22Mr. Dannie JimMr. Mathew K and Family1 Cor.15:42-58Mr. John K MathenMr. K P Daniel4 th Exo.3:13-17SundayMr. Mathew KurienMr. K P Daniel and FamilyMr. N K <strong>Thoma</strong>sMs. Divya Koshy Col.3:1-11Alter DecorationOffertory CountingCoffee ServingMunirka Prayer GroupMehrauli Prayer GroupMalviya Nagar Prayer GroupPassion Week Worship AssistanceDay and Date40 th Friday, 11 thHoly Communion7:30 AMPalm SundayHoly Communion9; 00 AMMonday, 14 thSandhya Namaskaram7: 30 PMTuesday, 15 thSandhya Namaskaram7: 30 PMWednesday, 16 thSandhya Namaskaram7: 30 PMThursday, 17 thPassoverHoly Communion7: 30 PMGood Friday, 18th9: 00 AMOffertorySenior FellowshipEdavaka MissionOffice BearersLesson ReadingAssistanceMr. A V GeorgeNumbers 21: 1 – 9 Mr. John <strong>Thoma</strong>s (Sarita ViharMrs. Rachel GeorgeHebrews 12: 1- 13Exodus 12: 1- 17Ms. Shiney JacobHebrews 9: 1 – 15Mr. Philip JohnIsaiah 53: 1 -12Mrs. Saramma Mathew 1Peter 1: 1 -25Mr. John Mathew (Vasantkunj)Zachariah 13: 1- 9Ms. Ruby <strong>Thoma</strong>s(Munirka)Galatians 3: 1 -22Mr. Shaji K SNumbers 21: 1- 9Prayer grp.)Mr. J T MathewGuest: Rev. Dr. M J JosephGuest: Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham <strong>Mar</strong>Paulos Episcopa

Events of the MonthMrs. Susan R ChackoHebrews 3: 1- 19We will be following the summer timings in Sunday School and Worship Services which are as follows: Sunday School 8: 00 AM to 9: AM,Holy Communion 9: 00 Am onwards.11 th Holy Communion service in Malayalam as it is the 40 th Friday of lent observation.12 th Sunday school Centre Competitions will be held at Deepalaya School.12 th Ccentenary of Rt. Rev. <strong>Thoma</strong>s <strong>Mar</strong> Athanasius’ birth anniversary will be observed at our church as Rt. Rev. <strong>Thoma</strong>s <strong>Mar</strong> AthanasiusMemorial Lecture at 4: 30 pm, all are requested to attend prayerfully.13 th to 20 th Passion Week13 th Hosanna Sunday will be celebrated, Rev. Dr. M J Joseph will lead the Holy Communion14 th to 16 th Passion Week services at 7: 30 pm.17 th Maundy Thursday (Pesaha Vyazhazhcha) Holy Communion service in Malayalam at 7: 00 pm18 th Good Friday Service will begin at 9: 00 am20 th Easter Service will begin at 7: 30 am22 nd Farewell to Very Rev. Mahesh <strong>Thoma</strong>s Cherian will be held at Diocesan center organized by the center parishes. .27 th There will be training session for all those who would like to participate in the voice Test for inclusion in the <strong>Church</strong> Choir.CondolenceMr. Mathai Philiphose, father-in-law of Mr. Philip T E, Srinivaspuri prayer group was called to eternal home on 26 th February, 2014 andthe funeral service took place on 27 th February, 2014 at Kerala.Mr. Jacob Philip, father of Mr. Bobby Philip, Aya Nagar prayer had passed away on 20 th <strong>Mar</strong>ch, 2014 and the funeral service took placeon 22 nd <strong>Mar</strong>ch, 2014 at Kerala.May the Almighty God console and give peace to the bereaved family members.CongratulationsMr. Prakash Mathew and Mrs. are blessed with a baby boy, May the almighty God help and guide the blessed family.New members/ address changeCHANGE OF ADDRESS AND NEW TEL. NOS.PNR No Name Address & Telephone No. Prayer Group1383 Mr. Abraham K. K Laxmibai Nagar Kidwai Nagar- Sarojini Nagar1569 Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s Mathew Badarpur BadarpurPeter’s Denial and the Great FallPeter stood and warmed himself. So others said to him: “Aren’t you also one of the disciples of that man”. Peter denied it “No, I am not”, hesaid.For our sake we should mark the steps which led to Peter’s fall. He was overconfident. When forewarned, he resented the master’sforetelling, and declared that though others might deny Christ he never would. When we grow boastful we are in great peril, safety lies inconsciousness of our own weakness, and implicit trust in God.

The next step towards Peter’s fall was his sleeping in the garden of Gethsemane when he should have been watching and praying. Thehour was for preparation against temptation but he was careless.Another step toward denial was his rashness in drawing the sword when Jesus was arrested. This led him to be nervous and afraid ofrecognition liable to be arrested. Rash acts are sure to make trouble for us afterwards.Another reason of his fall was following Christ at a distance which is perilous. It shows a weakening attachment and trembling loyalty. Theonly worthy and safe discipleship is thorough unwavering devotion and whole hearted consecration.The apostle took another step towards his fall when he sat with the servants of the high priest. The only safe place for a Christian in thehour of crisis is to be among believers. They will share burden and get strength through prayer.The one thing that made Peter’s denial so peculiarly sad was that he had received so many marks of special favour from Christ. He was oneof the three disciples who were taken into the inner circle of friendship of Jesus. The more Jesus has done for us; the worse is it for us toprove unfaithful to him.It was Peter who boldly confessed and said “Thou art Christ, the Son of the living Lord” He vehemently avowed his loyalty and readiness todie for Christ. These repeated protestations of fidelity made evil of denial more grievous. It is greater sin for us to declare love for Christand prove disloyal to Him than those who have never known Him or have never made such confession.Another thing that made the sin worse was the fact Jesus had forewarned him. We say ‘forewarned is forearmed’ but it seems this did notprove so in his case because he utterly disregarded the Master’s warning. We are all warned of danger but do we heed to the signals?Still another aggravation was that it was our Lord’s hour of sorest need. Jesus was in the hands of the enemy and was suffering but Peterdeserted Him! Was that the time for the bravest disciple, the most honoured friend, the noblest confessor to turn back on his Master?When the shadow falls on your friend, when the tide has turned against him, when others fall away from him, is that the time for you, hislongtime bosom companion, the recipient of his favours to turn craven and desert and deny him?Raju Zachariah*******************************************LIVE TODAY!!Mathew 6: 31-34: “31 don’t worry and say, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' 32 The people who don'tknow God keep trying to get these things, and your Father in heaven knows you need them. 33 The thing you should want most is God'skingdom and doing what God wants. Then all these other things you need will be given to you. 34 So don't worry about tomorrow,because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Mathew 6: 31-34We worry so much about the troubles tomorrow will bring, that we forget to enjoy today. We forget to thank God for this beautiful Sundaymorning. We forget that right now God is very busy arranging for our needs of tomorrow. There may be many times when we feel ourneeds are not met, or when we question “God why me? Why do I have to go through all this?”A devout believer (also the father of two young boys) once asked the Pope “Your holiness, God cares for us, He always wishes good for us.Then why do bad things happen?” The Pope placed a gentle hand on the man’s shoulder and asked “Won’t you let your kid learn how toride a bicycle? Even though you know he will fall down and hurt himself? In the same way our Father in heaven has his ever present gazeon us. Just because bad times come does not mean He is not looking. We face misfortunes and difficulties so that we pick ourselves up andbecome stronger.”In your daily prayers don’t forget to thank God for today. Don’t be reluctant in sharing your needs with God, let Him decide what you trulyneed. He will do what is best. There are many among us who are worried about studies, or future career, a promotion, the house loan, afamily dispute, a loved one not keeping well, the loss of a near and dear one. Remember to hand over your troubles to Him when they aretoo much for you to bear. But don’t forget to do your bit either. God will help only those who help themselves.We have only this one life and none of us know long we are going to live. There should be a deep restlessness in us all to make each daycount, to live each day as if it were our last. Wealth, fame, power are things that come and go. If at all we are lucky enough to get any or allof them they should be used as instruments to do good.

Steve Jobs made his famous speech at the Stanford University Commencement address in 2005. A small excerpt goes so: “When I was 17,I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made animpression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were thelast day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row,I know I need to change something. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life, most importantly, have the courage tofollow your heart and intuition.”Explore the wonderful world God has created! Be the cause of happiness to those around you! Take Christ with you in your heart whereveryou are, Home, School, College, or Work. Let every action of yours be a testimony to God’s great love! Do a random act of kindness forsomeone, you will surely feel good! Don’t forget to smile!The present is all you own. Live, love, enjoy, wish and accomplish. Place no faith in time, the clock may soon be still.Have a nice “today” everyday!Jacob <strong>Thoma</strong>s******Prayer Meetings and Organizational MeetingsDate/Day Time Area/ Organization Address1 st , Tuesday2 nd Wednesday3 rd , Thursday4 th , Friday 7: 30 pm Prayer/Sarojni/ Kidwai Nagar Mr. Titus John4 th , Friday 7: 30 pm Prayer/Gautam Nagar Mr. M. S. Thankachan5 th , Saturday6 th , Sunday 9:00 am Holy Communion (Malayalam) Restoring Christ6 th , Sunday 5:00 pm Prayer/Motibagh Mr. Varghese John Ham6 th , Sunday 5:00 pm Prayer / Govindpuri6 th , Sunday 7:30 pm Prayer/ Kalakaji Mr. Rajan <strong>Thoma</strong>s6 th , Sunday 7:30 pm Prayer/ Vasantkunj/ Mahipalpur Mrs. Amrithamony L7 th , Monday8 th , Tuesday9 th , Wednesday10 th , Thursday 8: 00 pm Prayer/ MunirkaMr. Mathew Kurien10 th , Thursday 8: 00 pm Prayer/ Devoli Mr. V C <strong>Thoma</strong>s11 th , Friday 7: 30 am Holy Communion (Malayalam)40 th Friday Spirituality of Lent whichovercomes all temptations11 th , Friday 7: 30 pm Prayer/ Mehrauli Mr. Joji Varghese11 th , Friday 7: 30 pm Prayer/ R K Puram Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s Abraham12 th , Saturday Centre Sevika Sanghom Meet12 th Sunday School Centre, SaturdayCompititonsDeepalaya School12 th , Saturday 4: 30 pmRt. Rev. <strong>Thoma</strong>s <strong>Mar</strong> AthanasiusMemorial LectureAt the <strong>Church</strong>13 th , Sunday 9: 00 am Holy Communion (Malayalam)Hosanna Christ the king of Peace(Theological Seminary Sunday)13 th , Sunday 7: 30 Prayer/ Motibagh Mr. Varghese John14 th , Monday 7: 30 pm Passion Week Service At the <strong>Church</strong>15 th , Tuesday 7: 30 pm Passion Week Service At the <strong>Church</strong>16 th , Wednesday 7: 30 pm Passion Week Service At the <strong>Church</strong>17 th , Thursday 7: 30 pm Holy Communion (Malayalam)Passover: Holy Qurbana Jesus the Bread ofLife18 th , Friday 9: 00 am Good FridayGood Friday Calling Cross: Self giving love ofChrist19 th , Saturday20 th , Sunday 7: 30 am Holy Communion (Malayalam)Easter Sunday, Resurrection: CelebratingNew Life in Christ20 th , Sunday21 st , Monday

Sunil <strong>Thoma</strong>s, S/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s M MMalviya Nagar15 Samuel <strong>Thoma</strong>s, S/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s Mathew KalkajiShanti Biju, W/o Mr. Biju VarugheseMehrauli16 Stephy Elsa Philip, C/o Mr. Reny Varghese KalkajiRaji ChackoR. K. PuramNevin Alex, S/o Babu AlexAndrews Ganj17 Prince Mamachan, S/o Mamachan BadarpurMercy John, D/o John MMahipalpurAleyamma Abraham, C/o Mr. Varghese P. T Green ParkVarghese TE, C/o Philip T E SrinivaspuriAlwin Tom Joseph, S/o Joseph KAshramVinita Susan Varghese, C/o Cherian M. VVasant Kunj18 Rachel Koshy Pothen, D/o Pothen John Vasant KunjBabu <strong>Thoma</strong>sAshramJasmin Sara Oommen, D/o Oommen P GLajpat NagarMax Mathew, S/o Mathew C. M. Sarita Vihar19 Reji George ChattarpurAllen <strong>Thoma</strong>s, S/o Scariah <strong>Thoma</strong>sAndrews Gunj20 Saramma Jacob, W/o Mr. Jacob M. C Andrews GunjEmmanuel Benett, S/o Varghese PBadarpurLijy Jose, W/o Jose DanielGovindpuriMerin Joseph, D/o Mr. Joseph Abraham I.E.SKidwai Nagar<strong>Thoma</strong>s M TMehrauliJerril Varghese Giju, S/o Giju K. Jacob MehrauliSimon T MKalkaji21 Felix Mathews, S/o Mathews V. Abraham Mehrauli22 Kevin George, S/o Varghese K Munirka23 Hannah Susan Viji, D/o Mr. Viji <strong>Thoma</strong>s Moti BaghMichael K. PMehrauliVarghese John, S/o Mr. John VarugheseBadarpurDestina Johnson, W/o Mr. Johnson P. SamuelMoti BaghSaramma Wilson, W/o Wilson JohnKalkajiVarughese C SMoti Bagh24 Ani T Varghese, W/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s Varghese Malviya NagarAbraham CherianAshramRanjith Varghese, S/o Mrs. Sneha VargheseR.K.PuramJulie Eliza <strong>Thoma</strong>s, D/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s AbrahamR.K.PuramGeorge K.M, C/o Mr. Joseph George Munirka25 Jolly <strong>Thoma</strong>s, W/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s N K MehrauliSheeja Roy, W/o Mr. Roy VargheseGovindpuriAlistair John, S/o Mr. Santhosh JohnMoti BaghJohn OommenAya NagarLini Mathew, W/o Mr. Mathew P. M MehrauliRahelamma GeorgeGovindpuri26 David A K, C/O.Omprakash Ratti, Munirka27 Jeni .S. Varghese, D/o Mr. Saju Varghese MehrauliFeba Mathews, D/o Mathews V. AbrahamMehrauliAlice George, W/o Mr. Anil George <strong>Thoma</strong>s Govindpuri28 Shefil Eliza Koshy, D/o Koshy Mathew AshramAnimol <strong>Thoma</strong>s, W/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s JohnVasant KunjAlexander BVasant KunjRajan YAya NagarKunjumon KChattarpurSoosamma Samuel, W/o Samuel MathewKalkaji29 Anitta Elsa Abraham, D/o Abraham Samuel AshramGracy Abraham, W/o Abraham K KSarojini Nagar30 Elsamma Jacob, W/o Jacob T BadarpurMolamma Johnson, W/o Mr. Johnson AGautam NagarAshly <strong>Thoma</strong>s, S/o Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s P. MVasantkunjVandhana Ani, W/o Mr. Ani Jacob MathewMehrauliJoshua George, S/o Adv. Manoj V. GeorgeVasant KunjMathew OommenGovindpuri

Deena Jacob, W/o Mr. Jacob Samuel KalkajiJiben Jose Mathew, S/o Mathew K. J.Aya NagarWedding AnniversaryDt Name Prayer Group04 Mrs. & Mr. Jacob M C Andrews Ganj05 Mrs. & Mr. Abraham G Mehrauli08 Mrs. & Mr. Mathew Kurien MunirkaMrs. & Mr. Thankachan M SGautam Nagar10 Mrs. & Mr. Mathew K.S BadarpurMrs. & Mr. John KurienSarita Vihar12 Mrs. & Mr. Georgekutty A AshramMrs. & Mr. George JacobSrinivaspuriMrs. & Mr. Binu George, S/o Mr. George A. VAya Nagar14 Mrs. & Mr. Robin Varghese Gautam NagarMrs. & Mr. Johnson AGautam Nagar17 Mrs. & Mr. Reji <strong>Thoma</strong>s Mehrauli18 Mrs. & Mr. Binu Samuel, C/o Biju Samuel KalkajiMrs. & Mr. Mathai V. TKalkaji19 Mrs. & Mr. Mathew P. M Mehrauli23 Mrs. & Mr. Mathew K V DevoliMrs. & Mr. Alexander <strong>Thoma</strong>sGreen ParkMrs. & Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s <strong>Thoma</strong>sVasant KunjMrs. & Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s <strong>Thoma</strong>s, S/o <strong>Thoma</strong>s V. T (Lt.Col.)Vasant KunjMrs. & Mr. Kurian K AMehrauli24 Mrs. & Mr. Mathew John Sarojini NagarMrs. & Mr. Raji ChackoR.K. PuramMrs. & Mr. Philip John ParakkatilAndrews Ganj26 Mrs. & Mr. Varughese John Aya NagarMrs. & Mr. Mathew J TMalviya Nagar27 Mrs. & Mr. Ginu George, S/o Mr. George N. G BadarpurMrs. & Mr. Bipin KBadarpurThe year 2013- 2014 was a blessed year for us as the <strong>Jerusalem</strong> church family, there were ups and downs, there moments of Joy andSadness, loss of our dear ones, celebrations of new lives, above all a spiritual growth. Let us thank all the wonderful acts of God. Let us alsothank all the official and committee members of the year 2013- 2014 of <strong>Church</strong> and all organizational bodies of our church.Let us welcome and wish well for the new office bearers and committee members

Vice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerChoir MasterChoir LeadersCommittee MembersRep to Kaisthana SamithiAuditorOffice Bearers of ChoirMrs. Saramma MathewMr. Viji <strong>Thoma</strong>sMr. John K MathenMr. Aby V Koshy1. Ms. Sivi A Varghese2. Mr. Koshy Daniel1. Mr. C J Mathew2. Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s Mathew3. Ms. Roshna A RajiMr. Aby V KoshyMr. Prakash MathewEdavaka Mission RepresentativesSl. No Prayer Group Representative1 Andrews Gunj Skariah <strong>Thoma</strong>s2 Ashram John Mathew3 Aya Nagar A V George4 Badarpur5 Chattarpur Anish K Varghese6 Devoli Alex George7 Gautam Nagar Mani George8 Govindpuri Yohannan Samuel9 Green Park E T Varghese10 Kalkaji Jacob Samuel11 Kidwai Nagar-Sarojini Nagar Aleyamma <strong>Thoma</strong>s12 Lajpat Nagar- Srinivaspuri S Mathew13 Mahipalpur P E Eapen14 Malviya Nagar P A Varghese15 Mehrauli Biju Varghese16 Moti Bagh Viji <strong>Thoma</strong>s17 Munirka John <strong>Thoma</strong>s18 R K Puram Mathew Tharian19 Sarita Vihar John <strong>Thoma</strong>s20 Vasant Kunj <strong>Thoma</strong>s John

Sevika Sangom RepresentativesSl. No Prayer Group Representatives1 Andrews Gunj <strong>Mar</strong>y Philip2 Ashram Reethamma Shaji3 Aya Nagar Rachel George4 Badarpur5 Chattarpur Kunjamma Kunjumon6 Devoli Laly Alex7 Gautham Nagar Gracy Thankachan8 Govindpuri Sherly Mathew Kurien9 Green Park Sherly Kuruvila10 Kalkaji Valsa Rajan11 Kidwai Nagar-Sarojini Nagar Valsamma John12 Lajpat Nagar- Srinivaspuri Susan George13 Mahipalpur Jolly Chandy14 Malviya Nagar Jessy Abraham15 Mehrauli Lissy Abraham16 Moti Bagh Mini Simon17 Munirka Annamma Koshy18 R K Puram Lissy Daniel19 Sarita Vihar Raji Zachariah20 Vasant Kunj Lissy JacobPresident and VicarVice President and Assistant VicarVice President (lay)Vice President (LadySecretaryTrusteeAccountant TrusteeLay MinistrantsMandalam RepresentativeAssembly MembersKaisthana Samithi 2014- 2015Rev. Dr. P. P. <strong>Thoma</strong>sRev. Prathish George MullukalayilMr. C. CherianMrs. Moni SamMr. Simon GeorgeMr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s T <strong>Thoma</strong>sMr. Yohannan SamuelMr. Dannie JimMr. Mathew KurienMrs. Laly AlexJustice George ParackenMr. Jacob SamuelMrs. Jolly MathewPrayer Group Area RepresentativesSl. No Prayer Group Representatives1 Andrews Gunj Philip John2 Ashram George C C3 Aya Nagar Y Rajan4 Badarpur5 Chattarpur M C Varghese6 Devoli Alex George7 Gautam Nagar M S Thankachan8 Govindpuri <strong>Thoma</strong>s George9 Green Park Shibu C Varghese10 Kalkaji <strong>Thoma</strong>skutty M C11 Kidwai Nagar-Sarojini Nagar K K Abraham12 Lajpat Nagar- Srinivaspuri George Jacob13 Mahipalpur P V Samuel14 Malviya Nagar Raju Varghese15 Mehrauli N. K. <strong>Thoma</strong>s16 Moti Bagh Varghese John Ham17 Munirka Aby Koshy18 R K Puram P P Kurien19 Sarita Vihar C J Mathew20 Vasant Kunj Jacob Chacko

Rev. Dr. P. P. <strong>Thoma</strong>sRev. Prathish George MullukalayilVicar/ PresidentAssistant Vicar/ Vice President9717107148, 26162451 8860656280, 26134428revdrppthomas@gmail.comprathishgeorge@gmail.com<strong>Church</strong> Office BearersEditorial BoardVice President (Lay) Mr. Cherian C 9999290366 Mr. V. G. Thankachan 9958869833Vice President (Lady) Mrs. Moni Sam Mr. Viji <strong>Thoma</strong>s 9811151893Secretary Mr. Simon George 9810631580 Mr. Anish Varghese 9871038552Trustee Mr. <strong>Thoma</strong>s T <strong>Thoma</strong>s 9810097935Accountant Trustee Mr. Yohannan Samuel 9810902618Lay Ministrant Mr. Dannie Jim 9811618259Mr. Mathew Kurien 9818838556Disclaimer : All articles and opinions published in this Newsletter are the sole opinions of the author

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