Журнал KAZENERGY 2013. №2 (57)

Журнал KAZENERGY 2013. №2 (57) Журнал KAZENERGY 2013. №2 (57)

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ЮБИЛЕЙCHEVRON’SSOCIALINVESTMENTPROGRAMS INKAZAKHSTANIn 2013, Chevron celebrates an importantmilestone – the 20th anniversary of its successfulpartnership with Kazakhstan. Our partnershipstarted in 1993 with the creation of Tengizchevroil(TCO) Joint Stock Company, where Chevron has50% interest. Chevron was the first Westerncompany to invest in the newly independentcountry, and remains today, its largest foreigninvestor. Other company assets include an18% equity interest in the Karachaganak gascondensate field, 15% interest in the CaspianPipeline Consortium (CPC) and 100% interest inthe Atyrau Polyethylene Pipe Plant (APPP).Leila Aitmukhanova,Community Engagement Coordinator94№2 (57), 2013

Over the past 20 years, Chevron andthe Republic of Kazakhstan haveworked in the spirit of partnershipto develop the country’s long termenergy potential. Leading the wayis our investment in TCO, where wehave generated thousands of jobs,billions of dollars in revenue and developed newtechnologies for the country.We have also supported local suppliers and communitydevelopment, provided local training andeducational opportunities and acted as a catalystfor innovation and diversification of Kazakhstan’seconomy.As well, we have invested in numerous social programs,implemented in partnership with local andcentral governmental authorities and local NGOs includingnumerous programs in primary, secondaryand vocational education, healthcare and preservationof country’s cultural heritage.Chevron also provides regular support to low-incomesocial groups, veterans and the disabled, andsupports gifted children, creating opportunities formore extensive development of their talent.Chevron’s community engagement priorities areshared by our joint ventures. From 1993 to 2012,Tengizchevroil (TCO) invested more than $800 millionin social projects for the community and employeesin the Atyrau oblast including social infrastructureprojects, schools, hospitals and clinics andconstruction of water and electricity systems.Together with our Karachaganak partners, wehave allocated more than $240 million to social infrastructureprojects in the West Kazakhstan regionsince 1998. In addition to the projects carried byour affiliates, Chevron is successfully implementingsocial investments in three main areas: education,health and economic development. In education,company programs reach thousands of school anduniversity students, young lecturers and teachersfrom urban and rural schools. Since 2006, Chevronhas helped more than 600 orphans and boardingschool students in Almaty, Astana and Atyrauto choose their future professions and acquire requiredlife skills through the Early Professional Orientationand Vocational Training.In Health the company is committed to promotinghealthy lifestyle among Kazakhstanis, with a specialfocus on young people and women. In partnershipwith local educational and health foundations, werun awareness building campaigns in promotinghealthy pregnancy and tolerance building towardsHIV/AIDS infected people. Every year, Chevron donatesmedical equipment to hospital, maternitycentres in Almaty and Astana, and supports medicalpersonnel in its professional development.In Economic Development, the company supportssmall and medium-size business. Since 2009, Chevronhas held an annual job training program for unemployedwomen in Almaty and Astana where overtwo thousand women participated. About 80 percentfound jobs and five percent started their ownbusinesses using a microloan from Chevron. Additionally,the company opened a Center for Women’sEntrepreneurship in Astana and provided trainingand professional consulting services for womenwho planned to start private businesses.Chevron is proud of its contribution and support ofthe development of the human and institutional potentialof Kazakhstan. We’d like to thank our partners,the government and people of Kazakhstan for makingour 20 year partnership a remarkable success.Kazenergy 95

Over the past 20 years, Chevron andthe Republic of Kazakhstan haveworked in the spirit of partnershipto develop the country’s long termenergy potential. Leading the wayis our investment in TCO, where wehave generated thousands of jobs,billions of dollars in revenue and developed newtechnologies for the country.We have also supported local suppliers and communitydevelopment, provided local training andeducational opportunities and acted as a catalystfor innovation and diversification of Kazakhstan’seconomy.As well, we have invested in numerous social programs,implemented in partnership with local andcentral governmental authorities and local NGOs includingnumerous programs in primary, secondaryand vocational education, healthcare and preservationof country’s cultural heritage.Chevron also provides regular support to low-incomesocial groups, veterans and the disabled, andsupports gifted children, creating opportunities formore extensive development of their talent.Chevron’s community engagement priorities areshared by our joint ventures. From 1993 to 2012,Tengizchevroil (TCO) invested more than $800 millionin social projects for the community and employeesin the Atyrau oblast including social infrastructureprojects, schools, hospitals and clinics andconstruction of water and electricity systems.Together with our Karachaganak partners, wehave allocated more than $240 million to social infrastructureprojects in the West Kazakhstan regionsince 1998. In addition to the projects carried byour affiliates, Chevron is successfully implementingsocial investments in three main areas: education,health and economic development. In education,company programs reach thousands of school anduniversity students, young lecturers and teachersfrom urban and rural schools. Since 2006, Chevronhas helped more than 600 orphans and boardingschool students in Almaty, Astana and Atyrauto choose their future professions and acquire requiredlife skills through the Early Professional Orientationand Vocational Training.In Health the company is committed to promotinghealthy lifestyle among Kazakhstanis, with a specialfocus on young people and women. In partnershipwith local educational and health foundations, werun awareness building campaigns in promotinghealthy pregnancy and tolerance building towardsHIV/AIDS infected people. Every year, Chevron donatesmedical equipment to hospital, maternitycentres in Almaty and Astana, and supports medicalpersonnel in its professional development.In Economic Development, the company supportssmall and medium-size business. Since 2009, Chevronhas held an annual job training program for unemployedwomen in Almaty and Astana where overtwo thousand women participated. About 80 percentfound jobs and five percent started their ownbusinesses using a microloan from Chevron. Additionally,the company opened a Center for Women’sEntrepreneurship in Astana and provided trainingand professional consulting services for womenwho planned to start private businesses.Chevron is proud of its contribution and support ofthe development of the human and institutional potentialof Kazakhstan. We’d like to thank our partners,the government and people of Kazakhstan for makingour 20 year partnership a remarkable success.Kazenergy 95

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