Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online


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c. Trained as sons (yet <strong>the</strong>y forgot)3. He is merciful and gracious. v. 8 Ex. 34:6-7 Isa. 57:16 Joel. 2:13 Neh. 9:17a. This is what God revealed about Himself to Moses and Israel.b. Theme of His dealings with His people. Chief Attribute exalted in this <strong>Psalm</strong>.c. His benefits do not come because of our merit!4. He doesn t stay angry with His people. v. 9 Is. 54:7-8a. Exodus: again & again <strong>the</strong>y deserved to be left to die: wilderness. Grumbling,golden calf . Holds back His anger.b. He does not bear a grudge Longsuffering. If God were like us, He wouldn tput up with it. Illus: conflict: some never ” drop it’c. He is slow to punish, stands ready to pardon.5. He has not treated us as our sins deserve. v. 10 Isa. 53:11-12,5-6a. He is not strict to mark every iniquity with His people. Lev. 19:18 Jer. 3:5(different to His incorrigible enemies)b. Our sins have been many and His judgements have been few. v. 10(1) He does not treat us as we have treated Him. Each of us remembers occasionsprovoked wrath of God. ” Remember not <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>my</strong> youth’(2) His strokes have been occasional & of short durationc. Calvin: He not only forbears to punish us, but bountifully maintains those whomHe might justly destroy.B. The LORD has compassion on His people. v. 11-14 Different ways/comparisons:express immeasurable love: Immeasurable distances, intimacy of family.1. He loves us with a great immeasurable love. v. 11 108:4 Eph. 3:18f Isa. 55:6-9a. Incalculable. No number of miles < we don“t know end of <strong>the</strong> universe.b. Love is beyond counting: infinity! Boundless2. Our sins are completely removed. v. 12 Ps. 32:1,5 Is. 55:7 Je. 31:34 II Sa. 12:13Heb. 8:12 10:17 9:26a. Ano<strong>the</strong>r unmeasurable distance: Fur<strong>the</strong>st East from Fur<strong>the</strong>st West.b. God s forgiveness is unlike ours. We remember <strong>the</strong> sins against us. He forgets!No-one puts away sin as God does.c. What comfort and bliss should be ours!(1) Guilt: soul destroying: mental hospitals, drugs, drunkenness, divorce(2) Things we have done: past: How I wish I hadn“t done it! Try to do penance.(3) Weakness of our faith: Doubt His forgiveness. > suffer unnecessarily;implicitly deny His grace > dishonor Him.3. He tenderly pities us as <strong>the</strong> weak children we are. v. 13 Isa. 49:14-16 Mt. 7:9-11Ex. 4:22 Final analogy: most effective: A gentle fa<strong>the</strong>r to wayward children.a. See how parents love <strong>the</strong>ir children: Mo<strong>the</strong>r would fight lions: protect child.b. God cares for you even more! Contrast idols of stone. Personal!c. Model for parents. Not always chide. Gracious. Not expect too much!4. He understands our frailty. v. 14 I Co. 10:13 He. 2:18 4:15 Ge. 2:7 3:19 Ec. 3:20Isa. 64:8 Jer. 18:4-64

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