Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online


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God.4. He crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion. v. 4b Ps. 5:12 51:1.a. First 3 benefits: Deliverance from trouble: Next 3 positive blessings. not onlyremove sin & its effect, but enriches us. Pours blessings upon us.b. In place of adversity of <strong>the</strong> pit, elevated: crowned. Prisoners to princes5. He satisfies your years with good things. v. 5aa. Israel: Land flowing with milk & honey: Symbolic of spiritual.b. Beyond earthly supply food, shelter which never satisfy. Ecc. 6:7 Isa. 55:2c. He fill our lives spiritually. > Content. Heart at rest.6. He renews your strength. v. 5b Ps. 90:17 17:14-15 92:14 51:10 Is. 40:30f 65:20Ex. 19:4 Deut. 28:49a. Eagle: Picture of majesty, vigor, freedom.b. Even as old age sets in: Feel young & strong! (encouraging as over <strong>the</strong> hill),productive (not useless). The fairest part of life <strong>the</strong> sensual man sees soonbehind him, <strong>the</strong> spiritual man always in prospect.c. Even when death comes: look ahead to everlasting life.C. All of <strong>the</strong>se benefits are ours through Christ!1. He brings forgiveness of sins. Mt. 1:21 He will save His people from <strong>the</strong>ir sins.2. He heals our diseases. Isa. 53:5 Great physician; Work: healed physical diseases:symbolic spiritual restoration.3. He is our kinsman redeemer Who endured death that we might be deliveredfrom its curse. I Co. 15:55-57 Sacrifices in David s temple: mere types lookingahead to Christ.4. He crowns us as sons of <strong>the</strong> King. I Pet. 2:9 Royal Priesthood: <strong>Bless</strong>ed w/Spirit5. He gives purpose to our lives and renews our strength. Phil. 4:13Summary: These truths should stir your heart to joyfully bless & exalt Him! How is thatwe are so listless & drowsy in worship? Why do we lack joy? < our shameful forgetfulness ofGod s innumerable benefits. We need to stop listening & start talking to ourselves!III.<strong>Bless</strong> <strong>the</strong> LORD because He has been good to His people. v. 6-18 Widens view frompersonal to national blessings: redemption, forgiveness..A. The LORD showed Himself gracious towards Israel. v. 6-10 Historical; Alludes toExodus: Human unworthiness, grace abounding, benefits forgotten.1. He delivered and vindicated <strong>the</strong> oppressed. v. 6a. OC: From Egyptian bondage & oppression: heard <strong>the</strong>ir cries. Upheld <strong>the</strong> rightsof <strong>the</strong> sufferers. Punished:oppressors. Plus many o<strong>the</strong>r deliverances: Judges,Kingsb. NC: His people suffer: (II Th.) He will deliver His sheep from <strong>the</strong> wolvesc. He continually rescues us from trouble. Refuge2. He made Himself known to us. v. 7 Ex. 33:13a. Sovereign act of condescension: Moses did not discover <strong>the</strong> truth for himself!Not to all, but to His chosen people. Why us and not <strong>the</strong> world. (in darkness)b. OC: Revealed in law and by mighty deeds. Plagues, red sea, manna, Guided<strong>the</strong>m: every step of journey.3

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