Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online

Psalm 103 Bless the Lord O my Soul! .pdf - Biblical Counseling Online


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God.4. He crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion. v. 4b Ps. 5:12 51:1.a. First 3 benefits: Deliverance from trouble: Next 3 positive blessings. not onlyremove sin & its effect, but enriches us. Pours blessings upon us.b. In place of adversity of <strong>the</strong> pit, elevated: crowned. Prisoners to princes5. He satisfies your years with good things. v. 5aa. Israel: Land flowing with milk & honey: Symbolic of spiritual.b. Beyond earthly supply food, shelter which never satisfy. Ecc. 6:7 Isa. 55:2c. He fill our lives spiritually. > Content. Heart at rest.6. He renews your strength. v. 5b Ps. 90:17 17:14-15 92:14 51:10 Is. 40:30f 65:20Ex. 19:4 Deut. 28:49a. Eagle: Picture of majesty, vigor, freedom.b. Even as old age sets in: Feel young & strong! (encouraging as over <strong>the</strong> hill),productive (not useless). The fairest part of life <strong>the</strong> sensual man sees soonbehind him, <strong>the</strong> spiritual man always in prospect.c. Even when death comes: look ahead to everlasting life.C. All of <strong>the</strong>se benefits are ours through Christ!1. He brings forgiveness of sins. Mt. 1:21 He will save His people from <strong>the</strong>ir sins.2. He heals our diseases. Isa. 53:5 Great physician; Work: healed physical diseases:symbolic spiritual restoration.3. He is our kinsman redeemer Who endured death that we might be deliveredfrom its curse. I Co. 15:55-57 Sacrifices in David s temple: mere types lookingahead to Christ.4. He crowns us as sons of <strong>the</strong> King. I Pet. 2:9 Royal Priesthood: <strong>Bless</strong>ed w/Spirit5. He gives purpose to our lives and renews our strength. Phil. 4:13Summary: These truths should stir your heart to joyfully bless & exalt Him! How is thatwe are so listless & drowsy in worship? Why do we lack joy? < our shameful forgetfulness ofGod s innumerable benefits. We need to stop listening & start talking to ourselves!III.<strong>Bless</strong> <strong>the</strong> LORD because He has been good to His people. v. 6-18 Widens view frompersonal to national blessings: redemption, forgiveness..A. The LORD showed Himself gracious towards Israel. v. 6-10 Historical; Alludes toExodus: Human unworthiness, grace abounding, benefits forgotten.1. He delivered and vindicated <strong>the</strong> oppressed. v. 6a. OC: From Egyptian bondage & oppression: heard <strong>the</strong>ir cries. Upheld <strong>the</strong> rightsof <strong>the</strong> sufferers. Punished:oppressors. Plus many o<strong>the</strong>r deliverances: Judges,Kingsb. NC: His people suffer: (II Th.) He will deliver His sheep from <strong>the</strong> wolvesc. He continually rescues us from trouble. Refuge2. He made Himself known to us. v. 7 Ex. 33:13a. Sovereign act of condescension: Moses did not discover <strong>the</strong> truth for himself!Not to all, but to His chosen people. Why us and not <strong>the</strong> world. (in darkness)b. OC: Revealed in law and by mighty deeds. Plagues, red sea, manna, Guided<strong>the</strong>m: every step of journey.3

c. Trained as sons (yet <strong>the</strong>y forgot)3. He is merciful and gracious. v. 8 Ex. 34:6-7 Isa. 57:16 Joel. 2:13 Neh. 9:17a. This is what God revealed about Himself to Moses and Israel.b. Theme of His dealings with His people. Chief Attribute exalted in this <strong>Psalm</strong>.c. His benefits do not come because of our merit!4. He doesn t stay angry with His people. v. 9 Is. 54:7-8a. Exodus: again & again <strong>the</strong>y deserved to be left to die: wilderness. Grumbling,golden calf . Holds back His anger.b. He does not bear a grudge Longsuffering. If God were like us, He wouldn tput up with it. Illus: conflict: some never ” drop it’c. He is slow to punish, stands ready to pardon.5. He has not treated us as our sins deserve. v. 10 Isa. 53:11-12,5-6a. He is not strict to mark every iniquity with His people. Lev. 19:18 Jer. 3:5(different to His incorrigible enemies)b. Our sins have been many and His judgements have been few. v. 10(1) He does not treat us as we have treated Him. Each of us remembers occasionsprovoked wrath of God. ” Remember not <strong>the</strong> sins of <strong>my</strong> youth’(2) His strokes have been occasional & of short durationc. Calvin: He not only forbears to punish us, but bountifully maintains those whomHe might justly destroy.B. The LORD has compassion on His people. v. 11-14 Different ways/comparisons:express immeasurable love: Immeasurable distances, intimacy of family.1. He loves us with a great immeasurable love. v. 11 108:4 Eph. 3:18f Isa. 55:6-9a. Incalculable. No number of miles < we don“t know end of <strong>the</strong> universe.b. Love is beyond counting: infinity! Boundless2. Our sins are completely removed. v. 12 Ps. 32:1,5 Is. 55:7 Je. 31:34 II Sa. 12:13Heb. 8:12 10:17 9:26a. Ano<strong>the</strong>r unmeasurable distance: Fur<strong>the</strong>st East from Fur<strong>the</strong>st West.b. God s forgiveness is unlike ours. We remember <strong>the</strong> sins against us. He forgets!No-one puts away sin as God does.c. What comfort and bliss should be ours!(1) Guilt: soul destroying: mental hospitals, drugs, drunkenness, divorce(2) Things we have done: past: How I wish I hadn“t done it! Try to do penance.(3) Weakness of our faith: Doubt His forgiveness. > suffer unnecessarily;implicitly deny His grace > dishonor Him.3. He tenderly pities us as <strong>the</strong> weak children we are. v. 13 Isa. 49:14-16 Mt. 7:9-11Ex. 4:22 Final analogy: most effective: A gentle fa<strong>the</strong>r to wayward children.a. See how parents love <strong>the</strong>ir children: Mo<strong>the</strong>r would fight lions: protect child.b. God cares for you even more! Contrast idols of stone. Personal!c. Model for parents. Not always chide. Gracious. Not expect too much!4. He understands our frailty. v. 14 I Co. 10:13 He. 2:18 4:15 Ge. 2:7 3:19 Ec. 3:20Isa. 64:8 Jer. 18:4-64

a. He knows as deeply as He cares: knows us better: we know ourselves. Makerb. He is not shocked when we fail Him. Mercifulc. Recall Garden: Didn t destroy Adam, clo<strong>the</strong>d shame & nakednessd. Frail under temptation s pressure. Because we know that He understands us,He will not tempt us beyond what we can bear.e. Frail with fear, frail in understanding. Ready to give up.f. You can call out to Him as a Fa<strong>the</strong>r: Don t need to understand Bibleperfectly. Don t need to have life completely cleaned up. Illus: Some peoplewon t be hospitable unless house is perfect > never have anyone over. Somenever approach God unless life is all straight: Will never! Come to Him now!Cry out for mercy. Broken sentences. Prodigal son!g. Our hope rests not in <strong>the</strong> strength of our perseverence, but His faithfulness.C. The LORD elevates transitory temporal man to share His eternity. v. 15-18Expands <strong>the</strong>me: weakness of our frame.1. Your life fades like <strong>the</strong> grass. v. 15-16 Ps. 37:2 78:39 90:5 Isa. 40:6-8 Job 7:10a. Our frame is weak and our days are short.b. How many generations have come and gone since David. Returned to dust.c. We are so fragile. Sudden wind can blow: earthquake, plague, diseased. We are so transitory: Live is very very short.e. Point: Such great lovingkindness bestowed upon those w/no claim upon it.2. Our God shows His eternal lovingkindness to us. v. 17a. Even though we have no intrinsic worth, He has shown mercy.b. He is everlasting. Ps. 90:2c. He has set us apart from <strong>the</strong> rest of dying humanity. Powerful actd. We are reborn of incorruptible seed which lives and abides forever.D. The LORD s lovingkindness extends to those who fear Him, keep His covenant, andfollow His precepts.. v. 11,17-18 Ro. 8:281. David is not offering unwarranted comfort to those who are careless about sin.2. Those who are rightly related to God happily keep His precepts. v. 18b3. His blessings extend to our children who believe. Ex. 20:6 34:7 Ps. 102:28Acts 2:39 Lu. 1:50 Deut. 7:9a. He takes interest in our children.b. Benefits are only for those who keep His covenant. v. 18c. Address our children: Hear and believe!E. The LORD has been gracious and merciful to you in Christ.1. He delivers you from oppressors. v. 6 II Th. 1:6f2. He has revealed Himself to you. v. 7-8 Heb. 1:1f John 1:13. He is gracious and patient with you. v. 9a. He is merciful and gracious: ready to pardon sinners.b. Great fountain of living water offered freely to all who will drink.5

4. He removes your sin. v. 10, 12 Isa. 53:11-12,5-6a. Because He has treated Christ as our sins deserve, He does not so treat usv. 10 II Co. 5:21 I Pe. 3:18b. He has come between us and our sins and created an infinite separation. v.125. His love is immeasurable. v. 11 Eph. 3:18fa. Sinks to <strong>the</strong> deepest depths of our sin & guilt (incarnation, imputation).b. Rises to heights of heaven.6. He fully sympathizes with your frailty. v. 12-13 He. 2:18a. He fully sympathizes: Jesus has been through every level of temptation (Wehardly scratch <strong>the</strong> surface). For since He himself was tempted in that which Hehas suffered, He is able to come to <strong>the</strong> aid of those who are tempted.b. He helps us.7. He gives you eternal life. v. 15-18 John 3:168. Only Christ has perfectly kept God s covenant. v. 18We are blessed because we are in Him.Summary: <strong>Bless</strong> <strong>the</strong> LORD: Chief attribute: He is merciful to weak sinners. How glad weshould be!IV.All creation must praise <strong>the</strong> LORD. v. 19-22 Extends: individual, covenant community> Calls on all creation to acknowledge God s sovereign majesty. No praise can be toogood for such a king.A. The LORD rules over all in heaven and on earth. v. 19 I Chron. 29:121. HE is high above us. Completely different from us. Glory of His dominion2. There is no corner of <strong>the</strong> universe: earth or even. Not even a corner of a human heartwhere He does not reign. He government will not fail!B. All should praise Him.1. The angels. Picture of a great king: w/host of loyal servants eager to do His bidding.Perhaps <strong>the</strong>ir example will awaken us from our drowsiness.2. The multitude of His servants.a. Not idly behold His glory w/o being moved.b. But compelled to praise Him.3. All of His works in all places. v. 22a There is not a corner in heaven or on earthwhere God is not praised.C. <strong>Bless</strong> <strong>the</strong> LORD O <strong>my</strong> soul. Completes circle: Ends as He began.1. This is <strong>the</strong> purpose of your existence.2. Sin: Living independently of God. Not acknowledging His benefits. Not living inrelation to Him. Keeping His covenant.3. But He is gracious. Confess your sin. Unworthiness. Look to Christ, He willreceive you.The more you realize your sin and misery <strong>the</strong> more inclined He is to show mercy.6

Discussion Questions for Family Worship.1. Why must we sometimes talk ourselves into worship? v. 1-22. What six benefits does David remember? v. 3-53. How are <strong>the</strong>se benefits ours in Christ?4. How has God shown His compassion, grace and patience to Israel? v. 6-8How have you experienced God s compassion, grace, and patience?5. How does our place in <strong>the</strong> New Covenant make David s description of God s grace moremeaningful? v. 9-126. How can our understanding of God s compassion help those who are weak, tempted, andfearful? v. 13-147. How will your study of this <strong>Psalm</strong> affect your worship?Sing: ”Praise My <strong>Soul</strong> <strong>the</strong> King of heaven„Read: Daniel 9: PrayerSpurgeon: #1078 1108 941v. 3-5 3 curses removed (guilt, corruption, desruction, 3 blessings bestowed (favor, pleasure,life).Whole <strong>Psalm</strong>: Covenant context: forgiveness, healing,Divisions aren“t clear cut. v. 14-15Only name for God: LORDIndividual praise. v. 1-2Praise for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lord</strong>“s goodness to individuals. v. 3-5Praise for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lord</strong>“s Kingship over Israel. v. 6-19Universal & individual praise. v. 20-22v. 2: NameEschatological dimension: Ultimately will establish righteousness, redeem/reclaim His rightfulplace in <strong>the</strong> world. . v. 6, 17 Dwell among His Holy people. Rev. 22:3 Ezek. 48:35Spiritual disease. Jer. 30:12f 51;8-9Restores covenant benefits even though we have breached <strong>the</strong> covenant.Though <strong>the</strong> <strong>Lord</strong> rules over <strong>the</strong> whole world He has chosen one people to be His nation.OC: sacrifices anticipated work of Christ: Priest who will make atonement.Theme: God s grace & compassion in forgiving us His children.? eagle molting > renew plumage?v. 9 what God will do, v. 10 what He has done.Hosts: v. 21 Celestial bodies? Deut. 4:19 Gen. 1:16ffSaw Bald Eagles: Canada:v. 12 loving mercy of God could not reach us unless <strong>the</strong> obstacle of our guilt were taken away.The first verses are as it were tuning <strong>the</strong> harp.Grass: not even cultivated.Spurgeon: Redeemed man is <strong>the</strong> voice of nature, <strong>the</strong> priest in <strong>the</strong> temple of creation...Story sailor: v. 13 (p. 292)My praise is of no advantage to Him.Sov. Mercy. Ex. 33:19It is a universal song: suited for all ages, appropriate to all persons & applicable to allconditions.God“s blessings; Not just <strong>the</strong> next life. His people live a good life here & now.a. Problem every unbeliever: doesn t realize what his sins deserve!7

. Not just once at conversion, but daily pardons our sins. Man is <strong>the</strong> fairest andnoblest flower among God“s works: yet flourishes a short time4. Are you in covenant relationship with God through Christ?D. What is your response to this God?Fear Him. v. 11,13,17 Keep His Covenant.Rememberto do His precepts. Ex. 20:6 Deut. 7:98

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