Student Information Booklet - University of Birmingham

Student Information Booklet - University of Birmingham

Student Information Booklet - University of Birmingham


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College <strong>of</strong> Medical and Dental SciencesM4-ALL-Y12MBChB Year 4 / GEC 3<strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong>2012-2013Please note that students will be advised <strong>of</strong> any amendments to information contained inthis booklet via UNIVERSITY EMAIL ADRESSES and the intraMED <strong>Student</strong> Portal.http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/studentintramed/Home/SignIn.aspxMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012/2013

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1Communication ................................................................................................................................................ 2Trust placement information ............................................................................................................................ 5Rotation & Teaching <strong>Information</strong> ..................................................................................................................... 9Assessment & Examinations ......................................................................................................................... 11Attendance..................................................................................................................................................... 14Attendance and Academic Duty .................................................................................................................... 16Identity Cards and Name badges .................................................................................................................. 20Health and Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 21Other Contacts............................................................................................................................................... 22Intercalation – BMedSc ................................................................................................................................. 23Welfare and Tutoring ..................................................................................................................................... 24<strong>Student</strong> Representation ................................................................................................................................. 26MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012/2013

IntroductionWelcome to your fourth year <strong>of</strong> Medicine at the College <strong>of</strong> Medical and Dental Sciences at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Birmingham</strong>.This documentation has been designed to answer the most common questions you might need to ask andalso to provide you with essential information. Please keep it safely as you may need to refer to itthroughout the year. We recommend that you take some time to read through the information, and referfrequently to the Year 4 MBChB homepage on the MBChB Office website for further information that will beposted throughout the year.Overview <strong>of</strong> Phase 3 teachingThe fourth year commences on: Monday 25 th June 2012; there is an Introduction Plenary Session on thisday at 5.30pm in the Leonard Deacon Lecture Theatre. (Appendix 3)Hospital-base rotationsThe year is divided into three teaching blocks – one 18 week block (Specialty Medicine (SPM)) and two 9week blocks (Surgery and Peri-Operative Care (SPC) and Psychiatry and Neurology (PAN)).During Surgery and Peri-Operative Care you will attend the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital for musculoskeletalteaching. During the Specialty Medicine block you will attend Hospice Days for Palliative Care teaching.Community Based MedicineDuring the Year you will attend your CBM placement for a total <strong>of</strong> 10 days.<strong>Student</strong> Selected Module (SSM) TeachingYou will undertake this during your time in CBM. See the SSM Teaching handbook for more details<strong>Student</strong> Selected Module (SSM) Conference PosterYou will prepare this during the year. You can take up to 5 days out <strong>of</strong> your rotations across the year towork on your poster. You may only take the following number <strong>of</strong> days form individual rotations.• Specialty Medicine 5 days• Surgery and Peri-Operative Care 2 days• Psychiatry and Neurology – 2 daysPlease the SSM Conference Poster handbook for more detailsThe ElectiveThe three blocks are followed by the elective, which is part <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Student</strong> Selected Component.Pre-Hospital Trauma CourseThe undergraduate pre hospital care trauma course is scheduled for the weekend <strong>of</strong> 15 th – 16 th September.This is a very rewarding course and students are strongly advised to attend.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 1

CommunicationKey ContactsSenior TutorsThe Senior Tutor for Welfare is responsible for the tutoring system within the MBChB and GECprogrammes, and oversees the role <strong>of</strong> the Year Tutors and Personal Tutors in providing an effectiveresponse system for students experiencing problems.• Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Kate ThomasSenior Tutor (Welfare)Email: c.maitland@bham.ac.ukThe Senior Tutor for Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Behaviour is responsible for dealing with issues <strong>of</strong> due diligence andpr<strong>of</strong>essional conduct that may arise from time to time.• Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Janesh GuptaSenior Tutor (Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Behaviour)Email: j.k.gupta@bham.ac.ukThe administrative support for Dr Thomas and Pr<strong>of</strong>. Gupta in relation to student welfare issues are:Co-ordinator for Medical <strong>Student</strong> Affairs• Ms Claire Maitland (0121) 414 7830 Email: c.maitland@bham.ac.ukAdministrative Assistant for SDSO and first contact for routine appointments• Ms Annie French (0121) 414 6268 Email: a.french@bham.ac.ukAdministrative Assistant, Personal Mentor System• Mrs Penny Hewlett (0121) 414 5318 Email: p.hewlett@bham.ac.ukYear Four TutorThe Year Four Tutor’s role is to deal with students experiencing particular difficulties, either personal oracademic. He may be contacted if you cannot contact your personal mentor, or think that he/she may notbe able to help you.• Dr Ed DayYear Four TutorEmail: c.maitland@bham.ac.ukYear Four MBChB LeadThe year lead or his deputy can be contacted in relation to any academic issues relating to the fourth year<strong>of</strong> the MBChB programme.• Dr Tom Clutton-Brock (4 th Year Lead)(0121) 627 2060Email: t.h.clutton-brock@bham.ac.uk• Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Lorraine Harper (Deputy 4 th Year Lead)(0121) 414 5286Email: l.harper@bham.ac.ukMBChB Office StaffMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 2

http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/index.aspThe staff member who provides curriculum and administrative support for the 4th year is:• Mrs Emma Jordan, MBChB Executive Officer 3 rd & 4 th Year(0121) 414 5286• Mrs Anthea Guise, NHS Liaison Officer for year 3, 4 a& 5(0121) 414 4050• Miss Ruth Pontillo, MBChB Administrative Officer 3 rd & 4 th Year (Public Health)(0121) 415 8823• Mr Rob Crook, MBChB Administrative Assistant 3 rd & 4 th Year(0121) 414 3004Please contact yr4generaladmin@contacts.bham.ac.uk for any general enquiries.UKFPO/Careers:For any queries relating to UKFPO, FY1 or Careers please contact Justine Carolan by telephone 0121 4145273 or email mds-students-ukfpo@contacts.bham.ac.uk. Please note that Justine works Monday -Thursday and emails may not be read outside <strong>of</strong> these times.EmailYour <strong>University</strong> email account can be accessed through the my.bham portal located at:http://www.my.bham.ac.ukA basic introduction to university email (or remote access) can be found at:http://www.helpdesk.bham.ac.uk/email/<strong>of</strong>fcampus.shtmlSimply log in using your network username and password. You should immediately see your email listed inthe top right hand section <strong>of</strong> the screen. If this is not the case click on the email icon and you will beprompted to confirm your password, which will allow the email to configure itself.Please note: MBChB Office staff are required to communicate with you via your university email addressonly, and not your Hotmail or other account. In order to ensure that you do not miss important informationissued by the MBChB Office, you should ensure that you link your university email to your own Hotmail orother account. For further information on how to do this contact the IT helpdesk:http://www.helpdesk.bham.ac.uk / (0121) 414 7171The primary form <strong>of</strong> communication with students will be by email, and the MBChB Office will email youregularly to notify you <strong>of</strong> new documentation/notices published on the MBChB Office website. Please notethe following:• You should ensure you have access to your university email (i.e. that you have activated yourdesignated email account) and regularly check your mail. Please ensure that you empty your inboxon a regular basis (twice weekly) – there is limited space for each mailbox on the university server,and non compliance will result in messages being bounced and you may miss out on vitalinformation if your inbox reaches its quota.• The MBChB Office uses a majordomo circulation list to send messages to your main cohort. If youare not receiving your cohort emails, it may be that your name has not been included in the list.Please email the Yr4 administrative team if this is the case.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 3

Changing Your AddressIt is essential that you have the correct address and contact details on your record. It is the students’responsibility to change their own addresses via the student portal at www.my.bham.ac.uk. Once you havelogged on to the portal, select the ‘myProgramme’ tab and then click ‘Online Registration’. This will allowyou to access certain elements <strong>of</strong> your centralised record including your address details. To update anaddress, you should click on the ‘Current’ or ‘Future’ link next to the address you wish to update. In theInsert Address page you will be able to enter your new details and then click ‘Submit’. It is important thatstudents enter an end date for all term time addresses. This need not be entered for home addresses. Evenif you live at home it is important that you re-enter this address as a term time address for mailing purposesand Council Tax exemption.If we need to contact you URGENTLY we may telephone you at your hospital placement.Data Protection Act: www.webteam.bham.ac.uk/legal/dataprot.shtmlCollege WebsitesMost information you will require during your time as a medical student at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Birmingham</strong> canbe found on the following websites:WebCT - http://www.weblearn.bham.ac.ukWebCT is a repository <strong>of</strong> learning materials and provides links to other resources<strong>Student</strong> IntraMED- http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/studentintramed/Home/SignIn.aspxYou can find your e-portfolio on student intraMED. This is also how you can access the MBChBprogramme <strong>of</strong>fice website, where you will find General information relating to timetables, urgent notices,examination results etc. You should check the MBChB Office website regularly for urgent notices and otherinformation.FY1 <strong>Information</strong> - www.foundationprogramme.nhs.ukPlease note that there will be certain FY1 information relevant to you as Year 4 MBChB students, which willbe posted at key times on the MBChB Office website.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 4

Trust placement informationConduct in TrustsWard BehaviourPlease introduce yourself to a member <strong>of</strong> the nursing staff before approaching patients on a particularward. There may be a reason why a patient is not available for you to see. You should appreciate thatpatients with particularly interesting physical signs may have already seen a large number <strong>of</strong> students in agiven day and may not wish to be examined by students any more.Mobile Phones / Portable DevicesTrusts now have stringent policies prohibiting removal <strong>of</strong> clinical information from Trust premises. Theseapply equally to hard copy and to electronic formats. Breach <strong>of</strong> this code is regarded as being very graveindeed, and will almost certainly result in serious disciplinary action. Please be aware <strong>of</strong> these regulationswhen, for example, you are preparing clinical presentations or undertaking audits, and ensure that youremove all confidential, identifiable clinical information from your laptops and memory sticks.Mobile phones must be switched <strong>of</strong>f during lectures, during time spent on the wards and in clinics.Dress CodeYou are expected to dress as smartly as the health care pr<strong>of</strong>essionals with whom you are working.Hospice DaysYou will have received information with regards to your hospice day allocations via intraMED. This Hospicevisit has been arranged for YOU and the hospice staff have the names <strong>of</strong> the students they will beexpecting. Please do not swap visits with other students on the course.Directions to your hospice are included in the reporting instructions with your allocations on intraMED.Please remember to dress appropriately and smartly and to inform both the Hospice and the year 4 generaladmin, if you are unable to attend your visit or will be late. When you arrive please report to your namedcontact. On arrival please remember that you are requested to switch <strong>of</strong>f mobile phones.Please note that if you are unwell you must not attend the hospice. As you can understand many <strong>of</strong> thepatients have lowered immunity due to treatment and disease and to be exposed to a cold, for example, isnot good for them. Please inform the both the Hospice and update IntraMED. Please contact the year 4general admin to arrange a new visit.We hope you enjoy your visit. If you have any problems with these arrangements, please contact the year 4general admin (yr4generaladmin@contacts.bham.ac.uk) as soon as possible.Hospital Reporting InstructionsThese can be found on your allocations page within intraMED.<strong>Information</strong> for Trusts whilst on placementYou will all be expected to complete the Personal Details Form (Appendix 1) and submit it to the TrustUndergraduate Coordinator on your first day <strong>of</strong> attendance on your hospital placement. Please keep acompleted copy for your records and for your next placement.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 5

The Role <strong>of</strong> the Clinical UndergraduateThe Role <strong>of</strong> the Clinical Undergraduate contains the following information: Dress Code, Case Notes,Access to Patients, Chaperones, Operating Theatre and Delivery Suite, Out Patients / GP Surgeries andHome Visits, A&E, On Call, Practical Procedures, <strong>Student</strong> Health and Legal Liability.http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/R/Role%20<strong>of</strong>%20the%20Clinical%20Undergraduate%20(August%202011).pdfYou should re-familiarise yourselves with the information in the above booklet.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 6

Year Four Undergraduate Co-ordinators<strong>University</strong> Hospital (UHB)Ms. Rachel McHale(0121) 371 2479 rachel.mchale@uhb.nhs.ukHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyDr M Clapham / Dr D TurfreyAlexandra Hospital (ALX)Head <strong>of</strong> AcademyMrs Lorraine MurphyDr K Nathavitharana(01527) 503030 ext. 44644 lorraine.murphy@worcsacute.nhs.ukCity Hospital (CIT)Mrs Christine Spiller(0121) 507 4990/4798 christine.spiller@nhs.netSandwell General Hospital (SAN)Mrs Chris Edmunds(0121) 507 3963 christine.edmunds1@nhs.netHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyDr D CarruthersHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyMr K WheatleyHeartlands Hospital (BHH)Head <strong>of</strong> AcademyMs Jay ThompsonDr E Jones(0121) 424 2679 jayne.thompson@heart<strong>of</strong>england.nhs.ukGood Hope Hospital (GHO)Mrs Glynis Jones(0121) 424 7819 glynis.jones@heart<strong>of</strong>england.nhs.ukHereford Hospital (HER)Mrs Sue Powell(01432) 364025 sue.powell@wvt.nhs.ukRoyal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH)Mrs Cherry Westwood(0121) 685 4027 roh-undergrad@bham.ac.ukRussells Hall Hospital (DUD)Gillian Hancox(01384) 456111 ext. 2396 Gillian.Hancox@dgh.nhs.ukHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyDr P RyanHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyMr Ed DavisHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyMr A RehmanWalsall Manor Hospital (WMA)Head <strong>of</strong> AcademyMs Sarah BurnsMr J Pepper(01922) 721172 ext. 7225 sarah.burns@walsallhospitals.nhs.ukWolverhampton New Cross (WNC)Mrs Jacqueline King(01902) 695323 jacqueline.king2@nhs.netHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyDr P RylanceWorcester Royal Infirmary (WOS)Head <strong>of</strong> AcademyMrs Suzanne WilcoxDr D Jenkins(01905) 760839 Suzanne.wilcox@worcsacute.nhs.ukBarberry Institute (PSY)Ms Sian Caesar(0121) 301 2350 sian.caesar@bsmhft.nhs.ukHead <strong>of</strong> AcademyPr<strong>of</strong>essor F OyebodeMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 7

Hospital AllocationsAllocations to hospitals for Yr4 rotations – Specialty Medicine (SPM), Surgery and Peri-Operative Care(SPC) and Psychiatry and Neurology (PAN), are made by: NHS Liaison Officer, MBChB Office. Thefollowing criteria are used:i) A different hospital placement for each <strong>of</strong> the Year 4 rotations where possible.ii) During your Surgery and Peri-Operative Care rotation you will spend 2 weeks at the RoyalOrthopaedic Hospital. The date <strong>of</strong> your Royal Orthopaedic Placement is available on intraMED.iii) The Specialty Medicine rotation includes 3 Palliative Care days, where you will spend time at oneor more hospices. Details <strong>of</strong> your hospice allocations are available on intraMED.iv) Community Based Medicine: Allocations are made by the Year 4 CBM Administrator(c.richards@bham.ac.uk 0121 414 649), and published on intraMED.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 8

Rotation & Teaching <strong>Information</strong>Teaching Calendarhttp://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Calendar%202012-13v17%20cbm%20y4.pdfPlacement dates25/06/12 – 21/09/12 24/09/12 – 23/11/12 26/11/12 – 19/04/13Group 1 SPC PAN SPMGroup 2 PAN SPC SPM25/06/12 – 21/11/12 26/11/12 – 08/02/13 11/02/13 – 19/04/13Group 3 SPM SPC PANGroup 4 SPM PAN SPCReading List and WebsitesPlease note that the reading lists are now available on-line at:www.readinglists.bham.ac.ukClick on 'School <strong>of</strong> Medicine' and then select ‘MBChB’.CBM Teaching<strong>Student</strong>s will attend CBM for 10 days in year 4.Semester 1 Semester 2Date Group Date Group04 July 2012 A 16 January 2013 A11 July 2012 B 23 January 2013 B18 July 2012 A 30 January 2013 A25 July 2012 B 6 February 2013 B5 September 2012 A 20 February 2013 A12 September 2012 B 27 February 2013 B3 October 2012 A 6 March 2013 A10 October 2012 B 13 March 2013 B17 October 2012 A24 October 2012 B5 December 2012 A12 December 2012 BMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 9

Yr4 Module Leads:M4–CC3-y12Clinical Core 3Admin Contact:M4-SST-y10SSM Teaching ProjectAdmin Contact:M4-SS5-y10SSM Conference PosterAdmin Contact:M4-SS6-y10SSA Elective ProjectAdmin Contact:Dr Tom Clutton-BrockEmail: t.h.clutton-brock@bham.ac.ukMrs Emma JordanTel: (0121) 414 5286ALL email correspondence: yr4generaladmin@contacts.bham.ac.ukMr M MitchellEmail: M.J.Mitchell.1@bham.ac.ukMs Sheelagh DouganTel: (0121) 414 6978ALL email correspondence: SSCgeneraladmin@contacts.bham.ac.ukDr Kristien BoelaertEmail: k.boelaert@bham.ac.ukMs Sheelagh DouganTel: (0121) 414 6978ALL email correspondence: SSCgeneraladmin@contacts.bham.ac.ukDr Connie Wiskin (Elective Coordinator)Email: c.m.wiskin@bham.ac.ukMs Sheelagh DouganTel: (0121) 414 6978ALL email correspondence: SSCgeneraladmin@contacts.bham.ac.ukMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 10

Assessment & ExaminationsAssessment Summary:This documentation will be provided separately.E-submission <strong>of</strong> coursework1. Login to the College Intramed student portal using the following URL (this link is provided on theBMedSc School Office WebCT site):http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/studentintramed/index.aspa. Username is your <strong>University</strong> (ADF) username (ABC123 - as used to access <strong>University</strong> ITresources)b. Password is your 6-digit student ID number2. Go to the appropriate e-submission by following the submission link on the menu (left hand side <strong>of</strong>screen)3. Browse for your file and select the correct file to submit. Ensure that:a. Your file is saved-as the correct file-format*, as instructed (this will usually be text-only – selectthis in the “Save As dialogue box)b. Your file is named uniquely using the correct naming convention, as instructed (usually123456abc.txt – where “123456” is you ID number, and “abc” uniquely identifies theassignment)(*IGNORE the on-screen message about acceptable file formats)4. click on the Upload> button if you are happy you have the right file, in the correct format5. your file name should appear at the bottom <strong>of</strong> the screen and you will be issued with an emailconfirmation6. LogoutIf you have submitted the wrong file click on the red cross and you have the option <strong>of</strong> deleting and startingagain.There is an online help link if you need further instruction.Note that a computer log is kept <strong>of</strong> all “transactions” (uploads/ deletes etc).Late Submission <strong>of</strong> CourseworkRotation co-ordinators can NOT authorise the extension <strong>of</strong> a deadline for any individual student. In theabsence <strong>of</strong> mitigating circumstances, penalties <strong>of</strong> 5 marks per day will be deducted in line with <strong>University</strong>regulations. These penalties will be applied when the Examination Board meets in April.If you wish to submit mitigating circumstances in support <strong>of</strong> the late submission you must(1) Complete the project extension request form (See Extension Requests below) before the submissiondeadlineandMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 11

(2) Submit the reasons in writing. The reasons should include what has occurred, the dates when theevents happened, which items <strong>of</strong> work were affected and how the events impacted on you personally tocause the delay in submission. You will need to include independent corroborating evidence.(3) LATE WORK MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE MBChB OFFICE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THERELEVANT ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM.The work will be awarded a provisional mark and returned to you with the penalty applied. However, theExamination Board will scrutinise all the written submissions made in justification <strong>of</strong> the failure to meet adeadline and will review the applied penalty.Please ensure that you read and understand all documentation on the following web pages:<strong>University</strong> guidelines in Examinations: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/assess/exam/Guidance.shtmlExamination Irregularities: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/support/sca/examirregular.shtmlExtension RequestsAny student needing an extension to a piece <strong>of</strong> work must fill in the Extension Request form – underMBChB Course <strong>Information</strong> > Generic <strong>Information</strong> > E - where you will find both guidelines and the form. Ifpossible, ie unless acute welfare circumstances arise, we ask that you give us at least a week’s notice,because you may need to see your year tutor. The form should be returned to the MBChB Office alongwith supporting documentation for your Year Tutor / Module Lead to authorise. You will then be notified <strong>of</strong>the outcome and new deadline (if granted). Please note that you must take a copy <strong>of</strong> the form to attach toyour work when it is submitted. Please remember penalties are applied for the late submission <strong>of</strong> work andstudents should make every effort to meet all deadlines.Plagiarism: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/support/sca/plagguide.shtmlMake sure that you are fully aware <strong>of</strong> what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. A more positive way <strong>of</strong>approaching this aspect <strong>of</strong> your studies is to always aim to adopt what can best be called “good academicpractice” – so follow instructions, listen to advice, think about what you are doing, and why you are doing it.What is plagiarism?(a) Plagiarism can be defined as taking and using another person’s thoughts, ideas, writings etc as one’sown. It is a form <strong>of</strong> cheating which is taken very seriously by the <strong>University</strong> and will incur penalties.(b) Allowing your work to be plagiarised by another student is also deemed by the <strong>University</strong> to beimproper behaviour and may be dealt with by disciplinary action.Most commonly, students plagiarise written work by incorporating other people’s work into their own, eitherverbatim or with minimal amendment, without proper acknowledgement. Minimal amendments can be thealteration or rearrangement <strong>of</strong> words / sentences in a paragraph such that the overall change can not bedefined as creating a new piece <strong>of</strong> work.Plagiarism also applies to diagrams and students should ensure that proper acknowledgement is given tothe source <strong>of</strong> any copied diagrams. If you have modified the diagram the reference should indicate "basedon a figure by X published in Y."The latest <strong>University</strong> Code <strong>of</strong> Practice on Plagiarism (see below) also considers the related issue <strong>of</strong>fabrication <strong>of</strong> evidence and fraud, which similarly bring into question academic integrity and ability.Avoiding plagiarism:Plagiarism can arise in various ways. For example, failure to follow academic conventions can lead toplagiarism – easy to avoid by following instructions. More seriously, plagiarism is used in an attempt tocheat or gain advantage – avoid getting into situations where this temptation arises. Common causes <strong>of</strong>plagiarism include (i) ‘cutting and pasting’ electronic text (e.g. from a Web site or electronic journal/book),MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 12

(ii) failure to make notes in your own words and (iii) attempting to write an essay/ report with the referencetexts open and available to be read.Plagiarism can be easily avoided by stopping to think about the purpose <strong>of</strong> completing coursework, andstrictly following the rules on recognition <strong>of</strong> sources, citation and referencing (listen carefully to the advice <strong>of</strong>your Tutor during any essay briefing). If text is to be used (quoted) verbatim it must be properlyacknowledged (i.e. presented within inverted commas and accompanied by the relevant reference). Thereare very few occasions where it is appropriate to quote verbatim; invariably assessments are about testingyour ability to communicate in your own words.During the first few weeks <strong>of</strong> the course you will have many opportunities to explore what is considered tobe “good academic practice”, so make sure that you discuss this with Tutors if you are unsure, or if thisgives you cause for concern.Detection <strong>of</strong> plagiarismWritten coursework will be submitted in duplicate with a signed cover sheet declaring that you have readand understood the guidance on plagiarism, and that the work you are submitting is your own. Courseworkwill also be collected in electronically, and submitted to scrutiny by the JISC Plagiarism Detection Service(PDS) s<strong>of</strong>tware.Work that is identified as potentially containing plagiarised content will initially be scrutinised by the MBChBPlagiarism Contact (Pr<strong>of</strong>essor J Gupta) and the assessor consulted to confirm and verify the extent <strong>of</strong> theplagiarism.Procedures for dealing with plagiarism:The <strong>University</strong> is currently reviewing the policies and procedures on Plagiarism. Please refer to the copies<strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> guidance and code <strong>of</strong> practice in the following pages for full details:http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/sca/plagiarism/guide.shtmlMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 13

AttendanceDates <strong>of</strong> AttendanceSEMESTER ONE: Monday 25 th June 2012 to Friday 21 st December 2012(Holiday: week beginning Monday 13 th August to Friday 31 st August)SEMESTER TWO: Monday 7th January 2013 to Friday 29th March 2013(Holiday: Friday 29th March – Friday 5th April 2013)SEMESTER THREE: Monday 8th April 2013 to Friday 14 th June 2013ELECTIVE PROJECT: is currently being updated and will be confirmed at the start <strong>of</strong> termRESITS: is currently being updated and will be confirmed at the start <strong>of</strong> termA copy <strong>of</strong> term dates for <strong>of</strong>ficial (LEA) purposes may be obtained from <strong>Student</strong> Services.Attendance ProceduresNon attendance, without the appropriate documentation to explain the absence, may result in action beingtaken in relation to the lack <strong>of</strong> due diligence being shown by a student. This could mean being asked toattend a meeting with the Senior Tutor to explain the circumstances regarding absence, or it could lead toexclusion from assessment i.e. not taking the end <strong>of</strong> block/year examination.Please ensure you read the documents related to this policy. Copies can be found at the following webaddress:http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/A/Index.asp(Policy on absence from the MBChB Course; Absence Request Form; Absence Flow Chart.)All requests for planned absence or leave <strong>of</strong> absence must be submitted on the appropriate forms and sentto the Tutors’ Office for the appropriate Year Tutor to consider. More information on the Leave <strong>of</strong> Absenceprocess will be available on the <strong>University</strong> website later in the academic year.When on hospital placement, if patients have been organised for you and you cannot attend (throughillness for example) then you need to complete the online documents as well as contacting your respectiveUndergraduate Co-ordinator by telephone by 9.00am.Attendance and Academic DutyThe <strong>University</strong> is very clear on what it expects <strong>of</strong> students. There are also specific programme requirementsyou must be aware <strong>of</strong> (see the extract from <strong>University</strong> Regulations below - and the Programme Regulationsdetailed in other parts <strong>of</strong> this guide). Most <strong>of</strong> what is expected is plain common sense, and will comeperfectly naturally for many <strong>of</strong> you. This can be briefly summarised as follows, but take the time to lookthrough all parts <strong>of</strong> this guide to get the full picture.You are here to study, full-time:• do not let paid employment or other activities get in the way <strong>of</strong> your studieso sports and extracurricular activities can seriously limit your academic performance if you do notachieve an appropriate balance- there is little point in being here if you get distracted from your studies• you are expected to attend full-time, and show reasonable diligenceo you are required to keep the <strong>University</strong> terms in full (find the dates in this guide)o you should aim to attend all timetabled sessions (they are there for a purpose)o some parts <strong>of</strong> the course are compulsory, and penalties apply if you are absentMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 14

o if you are ill, or cannot attend for good reason, there are procedures you must follow to ensurethat the course can take this into account- there is a strong correlation between poor attendance and academic failure- see the information on Medical Certification and Extenuating Circumstances later in thisguide• assessments are a compulsory part <strong>of</strong> the courseo there are penalties for late submission <strong>of</strong> courseworko failure to submit coursework will lead to failure <strong>of</strong> the rotationo failure to attend examinations will lead to failure <strong>of</strong> the rotation- see procedures for submission <strong>of</strong> coursework and assessment guidanceMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 15

Attendance and Academic DutyExtract from UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS (www.as.bham.ac.uk/legislation/regulations.shtml)5.2.2 Registered <strong>Student</strong>s Following Taught Programmes <strong>of</strong> Study5.2.2 (a) Registered <strong>Student</strong>s normally register for a <strong>University</strong> Session on either a full-time or parttimebasis. Exceptions may include Registered <strong>Student</strong>s on individual rotations, Registered<strong>Student</strong>s repeating rotations, AP(E)L <strong>Student</strong>s, occasional <strong>Student</strong>s, those on exchangevisits and Registered <strong>Student</strong>s who may have taken an approved interruption <strong>of</strong> studies.5.2.2 (b) The <strong>University</strong> Session consists <strong>of</strong> normally 30 weeks as specified by the council which isdivided into two Semesters, each notionally comprising fifteen weeks <strong>of</strong> learning, teachingand assessment, organised as follows:- Learning and teaching for Semester 1: 11 weeks- Learning and teaching for Semester 2: 11 weeks- Combined Semester 1 and Semester 2 revision and examination period: 8 weeks,comprising 2 weeks for revision and 6 weeks for examinations and resultsprocessing.These three periods correspond to the three terms <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> Session.5.2.2 (c) Unless otherwise stated in programme requirements, a Registered <strong>Student</strong>'s Registration ona programme shall begin at the start <strong>of</strong> a <strong>University</strong> session.5.2.2 (d) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> may be required to attend outside the weeks <strong>of</strong> a <strong>University</strong> Sessionas specified below in 5.2.2 (f) (i).5.2.2 (e) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> must not allow paid employment or other activities to conflict with thestudy required by the rotations and programme for which the Registered <strong>Student</strong> isregistered.5.2.2 (f) (i) Full-time Registered <strong>Student</strong>s must attend as required by their programme during<strong>University</strong> Session and also during such additional periods as may be prescribed fortheir programme.(ii)(iii)Part-time Registered <strong>Student</strong>s are required to keep the pattern <strong>of</strong> attendancespecified by the programme on which they are registered.Any Registered <strong>Student</strong> who wishes to be absent from the <strong>University</strong> for any part <strong>of</strong>any <strong>University</strong> Session or other period <strong>of</strong> required attendance must first obtainpermission <strong>of</strong> the Head <strong>of</strong> School (or nominee).5.2.9 Rotation Registration5.2.9 (a) Registered <strong>Student</strong>s on taught programmes and Registered <strong>Student</strong>s on research degreeprogrammes with taught elements shall register for rotations in accordance with the relevantprogramme requirements. Registration may be subject to other factors such as theRegistered <strong>Student</strong>’s prior subject knowledge, timetabling or resource constraints.5.2.9 (b) It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> each individual Registered <strong>Student</strong> to ensure that he or she iscorrectly registered for the rotations specified in the programme requirements <strong>of</strong> his or herprogramme.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 16

5.2.10 Registered <strong>Student</strong> identity cards5.2.10 (a) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> is issued with a <strong>University</strong> Identity Card on registration at thecommencement <strong>of</strong> his or her studies.5.2.10 (b) The card remains the property <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong>, may be withdrawn at any time for goodreason, and shall be surrendered if the holder ceases to be a Registered <strong>Student</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong>.5.2.10 (c) The use <strong>of</strong> the card is personal to the individual to whom it is issued and no Registered<strong>Student</strong> shall permit the use <strong>of</strong> his or her card by another person, whether a member <strong>of</strong> the<strong>University</strong> or not.5.2.10 (d) If a Registered <strong>Student</strong>’s likeness on the <strong>University</strong> Identity Card becomes unrecognisablethrough changes to the Registered <strong>Student</strong>’s appearance then the Registered <strong>Student</strong> mustrequest a new card.5.2.10 (e) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> found to be using an identity card belonging to another person may besubject to disciplinary procedures, as per clauses 8.2.1 (e) and 8.2.1 (l).5.2.10 (f) No Registered <strong>Student</strong> may use or tamper with a <strong>University</strong> identity card in such a way as touse or gain benefit from or access to buildings, services or other facilities <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> towhich he or she is not entitled.5.2.10 (g) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> is required to produce the card to confirm his or her identity whenasked to do so by a member <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong> Staff.7.7 Academic Duty in Relation to Assessment7.7.1 Duty to Attempt Assessments7.7.1 (a) Taking an opportunity for assessment means making a bona fide attempt at anexamination or other assessment, in the academic opinion <strong>of</strong> the Board <strong>of</strong> Examiners orequivalent.7.7.1 (b) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> shall take the first opportunity <strong>of</strong> any required assessment unless:(i)(ii)(iii)the Head <strong>of</strong> School or nominee recommends that the Registered <strong>Student</strong> beallowed to defer assessment, on the grounds that the Registered <strong>Student</strong>’sperformance in the assessment is likely to be adversely affected by medical orother exceptional factors. It is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> individual Registered<strong>Student</strong>s to request such deferral and to provide suitable corroboratingevidence.the Registered <strong>Student</strong> has been barred from the opportunity <strong>of</strong> assessmenton grounds <strong>of</strong> failure to show reasonable diligence in relation to learning andteaching (subsection 8 below); orthe Registered <strong>Student</strong> has been excluded from attempting assessment by theRegistrar and Secretary;7.7.1 (c) Where a Registered <strong>Student</strong> fails to take an opportunity for assessment, a Board <strong>of</strong>Examiners or Head <strong>of</strong> School in the case <strong>of</strong> research degree students may recommend tothe Senate or a delegated authority that the Registered <strong>Student</strong> be barred from anyfurther attempts at that assessment or, in exceptional circumstances, that the RegisteredMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 17

<strong>Student</strong> be required to withdraw from the programme, unless documented mitigatingcircumstances have been submitted which are considered to justify failure to take theopportunity.7.7.2 Late Submission <strong>of</strong> Coursework7.7.2 Where a Registered <strong>Student</strong> submits assessed work that contributes to a final rotation mark aftera prescribed deadline, or after an agreed extension, a penalty in the form <strong>of</strong> a reduction <strong>of</strong> themark shall be imposed in accordance with the Assessment Protocols.7.8 Reasonable Diligence7.8.1 Application <strong>of</strong> Reasonable Diligence7.8.1 (a) A Registered <strong>Student</strong> is required to show reasonable diligence in relation to learning andteaching for each rotation, and the whole programme <strong>of</strong> study or research.7.8.1 (b) The Code <strong>of</strong> Practice on <strong>Student</strong> Attendance and Reasonable Diligence procedure doesnot apply to Registered <strong>Student</strong>s on Fitness to Practise programmes. Registered<strong>Student</strong>s undertaking programmes <strong>of</strong> study or research that are subject to Fitness toPractise requirements, and who fail to show reasonable diligence, will be dealt with inaccordance with the Code <strong>of</strong> Practice on Misconduct and Fitness to Practise Committees.7.8.1 (c) Failure to show reasonable diligence in relation to learning and teaching shall be definedas:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Absence from more than 30 per cent <strong>of</strong> those teaching sessions at which arecord <strong>of</strong> attendance is kept, or failure to submit assessed work which isrequired by the rotation description or programme specification for aprogramme <strong>of</strong> study or research on more than two occasions during anacademic year; orabsence from teaching sessions or failure to submit assessed work, contraryto requirements <strong>of</strong> a rotation description or a programme specification (whichmay be different from those set out in a above); orfailure to attend all teaching sessions and submit all required assessed workafter a formal written warning has been given to the Registered <strong>Student</strong> by theHead <strong>of</strong> School; orailure to register for rotations to the required credit value for the programme(appropriate to the level and stage <strong>of</strong> learning and teaching required by theprogramme); orfor Registered <strong>Student</strong>s undertaking taught rotations failure to report to theHead <strong>of</strong> School (or nominee) an absence <strong>of</strong> more than 10 consecutive workingdays during an academic session; or7.8.1 (d) Registered <strong>Student</strong>s should take reasonable steps to ensure that their attendance isaccurately recorded.7.8.1 (e) The attendance requirements for Registered <strong>Student</strong>s are set out in the Code <strong>of</strong> Practiceon <strong>Student</strong> Attendance and Reasonable Diligence.7.8.1 (f) In accordance with the Code <strong>of</strong> Practice on <strong>Student</strong> Attendance and ReasonableDiligence, and under the Points Based System, the attendance <strong>of</strong> non-EuropeanMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 18

Economic Area Registered <strong>Student</strong>s will be verified by 10 defined contact points, whichwill be determined by individual Schools.7.8.2 The Reasonable Diligence Procedure7.8.2 (a) If monitoring by a School indicates that a Registered <strong>Student</strong>’s attendance and/oracademic progress is a cause for concern, then the School must initiate the initial stage <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Student</strong> Attendance and Reasonable Diligence Procedure.7.8.2 (b) If a Registered <strong>Student</strong> has not taken the steps required under the initial stage <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Student</strong> Attendance and Reasonable Diligence Procedure, the School will refer theRegistered <strong>Student</strong>’s case for consideration by a Board <strong>of</strong> Examiners or, in the case <strong>of</strong>Registered <strong>Student</strong>s on a research programme <strong>of</strong> study, a School Progress Panel.7.8.2 (c) The following are the possible decisions that may be made by a Board <strong>of</strong> Examiners orSchool Progress Panel with regard to a Registered <strong>Student</strong> under the <strong>Student</strong> Attendanceand Reasonable Diligence procedure:(i)(ii)(iii)to require the Registered <strong>Student</strong> to withdraw from the programme <strong>of</strong> study orresearch; orto require the Registered <strong>Student</strong> to continue on the programme <strong>of</strong> study orresearch, subject to such requirements <strong>of</strong> an academic nature as may be imposed.Failure to follow these requirements will result in immediate referral again to theBoard <strong>of</strong> Examiners or School Progress Panel; orto permit the Registered <strong>Student</strong> to continue on the programme <strong>of</strong> study or researchunconditionally.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 19

Identity Cards and Name badgesIdentity CardsAll students must have a <strong>University</strong> identity card consisting <strong>of</strong> two parts, photo card and registration card.You will need your identity card for access to the Medical School and the Barnes Library and <strong>University</strong>buildings including the Main Library, the Sports Centre, Guild <strong>of</strong> <strong>Student</strong>s facilities, as well as for studentloan applications and for sitting examinations.A charge <strong>of</strong> £10 will be made for replacing a lost photo card. There will be no charge for replacements dueto changes to any <strong>of</strong> the information, i.e. personal circumstances or programme details, or for damagedcards or stolen cards (for stolen cards you will be required to produce a police crime number).If you have any queries regarding the issue <strong>of</strong> ID cards you should contact <strong>Student</strong> Services andAdmissions on (0121) 414 3091. For more information refer to: http://www.studserv.bham.ac.uk/registrationand follow the link for ‘<strong>Student</strong> Guide to Registration’.Name BadgesWith the exception <strong>of</strong> returning intercalating students, you were all provided with a name badge inNovember 2009. There are badges on order for the returning intercalating students and you will be notifiedimmediately they arrive at the School Office.This badge must be worn at all times when you are in a clinical environment, as it will clearly identify you asa medical student and not a qualified health care pr<strong>of</strong>essional. Failure to wear your badge as instructedmay result in disciplinary action.Any lost badges must be reported to the School Office immediately. In addition, you must inform yourpractice manager at your GP placement. Replacement badges may be issued at a cost <strong>of</strong> £10.Code <strong>of</strong> ConductThe College <strong>of</strong> Medical and Dental Sciences will require all students to formally agree to the ‘<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Birmingham</strong> Medical School Code <strong>of</strong> Conduct and Fitness to Practice’ codes. These codes identify thebehaviour required <strong>of</strong> a student <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Birmingham</strong> and the relevant pr<strong>of</strong>essional code withrespect to Medicine. <strong>Student</strong>s will be required to complete an online form on an annual basis, which willproduce a summary sheet to be signed and forwarded to the MBChB Office. Details <strong>of</strong> how to participatewill be sent to all students via email and the MBChB Office website early in the academic year.It may be prudent to familiarise yourself with the following policies:Fitness to Practice: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/prospective/fitness/<strong>University</strong> regulations: http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/legislation/regulations.shtmlHealth and Safety: www.hsu.bham.ac.ukGMC ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’ extractThere is a link for the GMC website and the ‘Tomorrow’s Doctors’ publication on the MBChB Office website:http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/G/Index.aspMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 20

Health and SafetySharp Instrument / Needlestick Injury<strong>Information</strong> about what to do if you get an injury <strong>of</strong> this nature can be found on the MBChB Office website:http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/N/Leaflet%20Needlestick%20Injury%20UoB%2001_02_11.pdfImmunisationAll students must have completed requirements in immunity. Please read the Policy Statement onImmunisation and Lack <strong>of</strong> Immunity Policy. Both <strong>of</strong> these can be found on the MBChB Office Website under‘Policy Statements’. You will be required to show your Personal Vaccination Record (PVR) on your first day<strong>of</strong> attendance at each <strong>of</strong> the hospitals that you are placed at as evidence <strong>of</strong> your immunity. Without thisevidence you will be refused access to your placement.Occupational Health regularly updates us with the status <strong>of</strong> student immunisation. Please note thatallocations to hospitals may not be finalised for students who do not have a completed PVR.If you have any enquiries about immunisation, you should contact Joginder Johal-Samra, OccupationalHealth & Safety Department, <strong>University</strong> Hospitals <strong>Birmingham</strong> NHS Foundation Trust. Joginder.Johal-Samra@uhb.nhs.uk . If you lose your PVR, Occupational Health may charge you for a duplicate copy.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 21

Other ContactsMain Library ContactsEnquiries: (0121) 414 5816 Lending Services: (0121) 414 6992Barnes Library Contact Details (The Barnes Library is located in the Medical School)Enquiries: (0121) 414 3567 Lending Services: (0121) 414 5862<strong>University</strong> <strong>Student</strong> Services – Academic & <strong>Student</strong> AdministrationFor information relating to the following student services you can view the website or contact staff on thetelephone numbers provided.http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/study - provides an overview <strong>of</strong> Academic Serviceswww.student.bham.ac.uk/new - provides detailed information on each <strong>of</strong> the following services:• <strong>Student</strong> Records (0121) 414 6613• Finance (0121) 414 2751• Exams (0121) 414 3813• <strong>Student</strong> Support and Counselling (0121) 414 5130Useful ContactsBMA – Enquiries: inbox.midlandscentre@bma.org.ukMPS – Enquiries: info@mps.org.ukGMC – Enquiries: gmc@gmc-uk.orgMSS – Darshna Parmar: darshna.parmar@wesleyan.co.ukMDU – Enquiries: membership@the-mdu.comTravel Schemes: http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/T/Index.aspMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 22

Intercalation – BMedScYou are probably aware that some students opt to intercalate during the MBChB year to obtain a BMedScdegree, and then rejoin the MBChB to complete the course. <strong>Student</strong>s can opt to do this at the end <strong>of</strong> thefourth year, and should start thinking carefully now about whether this may be an option they wish toconsider. During the Spring Term, representatives from the Biological Sciences and Integrated HealthSciences courses will give you details <strong>of</strong> what is involved, and how and when you would need to apply. Ifyou are considering intercalating at a university outside <strong>of</strong> <strong>Birmingham</strong>, discuss this with your year tutorfirst.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 23

Welfare and Tutoring<strong>Student</strong> Development & Support OfficeThe <strong>Student</strong> Development & Support Office is responsible for academic and welfare counselling for all thestudents in the five years <strong>of</strong> the MBChB Programme.Documents (e.g. absence, placement forms, advice etc) can be accessed via the student portal > MBChBCourse <strong>Information</strong> > Generic information > relevant letter <strong>of</strong> the alphabet.Personal Mentor SystemAll contact information for your PM Group is at http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/tutorgroups/search.aspxPlease bookmark this link. Any queries contact p.hewlett@bham.ac.ukBy now you should be familiar with your Personal Mentors and other students in your group.The idea <strong>of</strong> the group meetings is that you all get to know one another, and it is hoped that more maturestudents in the older years will <strong>of</strong>fer good advice, help and support to the younger students. We hope thatyou will also meet informally at other times and keep in contact through your years in <strong>Birmingham</strong>.The <strong>University</strong> requires every student to have a meeting with their Personal Mentor twice a year. Thementors divide the group for this purpose so make sure you know which <strong>of</strong> your mentors you shouldcontact. It is your responsibility to contact your mentor to set up an appointment, though some mentorstake the initiative on this. Mentors take a dual role: your compulsory tutorials will involve discussion <strong>of</strong> andreflection on the formative aspects <strong>of</strong> SSAs; welfare issues will also be included.Some mentors will incorporate individual meetings into the main meetings and others will see youseparately. Some <strong>of</strong> the mentors work quite a distance from the <strong>University</strong>, so they will probably want tomeet you as part <strong>of</strong> the main meeting. It is vital that this should be a private meeting where you can shareany concerns with your mentor. Personal Mentors are there to help students with academic and personalproblems. The sooner they know <strong>of</strong> any problems you have which may affect your studies (and indeed anymatters that are worrying you) the easier it is for them to help you. Complicated problems or those likely toimpact on your studies will normally be dealt with by the Year or Senior Tutors as they generally have moreexperience <strong>of</strong> the sources <strong>of</strong> help and the <strong>University</strong> systems for dealing with them. Therefore yourPersonal Mentor may well ask for help in dealing with you and your problem. The mentoring system isconfidential. If information about you needs to be given to anyone else you will be asked for your consentfirst, other than in highly exceptional circumstances, for example where you or someone else (e.g. apatient) is at risk.If individual meetings with your Personal Mentor do not take place please contact Penny Hewlett – (0121)414 5318 p.hewlett@bham.ac.uk - who will be able to help. Similarly we ask mentors to let us know <strong>of</strong>students who do not attend meetings. Many students think that if they don't have a problem there is nopoint in meeting their mentor. It is a good idea to have someone at the Medical School who knows you andcan <strong>of</strong>fer help when and if you do need it - in a way it is like having insurance!Personal Mentors can also help on academic matters (study skills etc.) and give general advice fromsomeone who has been through a <strong>University</strong> course and has a greater understanding <strong>of</strong> ‘the system’ thanyou. Also, when it comes time for mentors to give a reference for you, it helps if you have met with themand they have seen you on a few occasions!MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 24

Concern FormsThe yellow Concern Form is in use for staff to alert the <strong>Student</strong> Development and Support Office <strong>of</strong>students about whom they have a concern. These concerns can be relating to welfare issues or conduct.All forms are sent to the <strong>Student</strong> Development and Support Office for a referral to the appropriate YearTutor, who will make the decision on whether to meet with the student to discuss the concern. A copy <strong>of</strong> theform will be retained on the individual student file. The student and their Personal Tutors will be notified.There is also now available a white ‘Notification <strong>of</strong> Concern for Fellow <strong>Student</strong>’ form, which is for studentsto use to (anonymously if necessary) alert those involved in welfare to a problem that has emerged.Please see copies <strong>of</strong> the forms, guidelines and flow chart <strong>of</strong> action:http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/C/Index.aspExtenuating CircumstancesThe <strong>University</strong> is currently reviewing the policies and procedures on Extenuating Circumstances. Pleaserefer to the copies <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> guidance and code <strong>of</strong> practice in the following pages for full details:http://www.as.bham.ac.uk/sca/extcirc/index.shtml#formsPlacementsAny student with a chronic illness, extreme financial difficulties or a major family commitment may apply forspecial consideration in advance <strong>of</strong> allocations. The deadline for these applications will be mid February,and you will be contacted with a specific date in good time. Once the academic year begins and a studentfinds that they have an acute change in their circumstances which requires a change <strong>of</strong> placement, theyshould complete the Placement Request form (acute circumstances only) and submit in the same way.Policy on placements can be found at:http://medweb4.bham.ac.uk/schoolOffice/mbchb/Generic%20Info/P/Index.aspOther useful links include the following:Anti bullying policy: http://www.equality.bham.ac.uk/staff/harassment.shtmlEquality and Diversity: www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/support/equality/Support for Disabilities: www.as.bham.ac.uk/study/support/disability/Access to Learning Fund (ALF)The Access to Learning Fund is provided to the <strong>University</strong> by the Government to assistant home students(both full and part-time) who are facing financial hardship. Awards are <strong>of</strong>fered as grants and therefore donot have to be repaid. They are intended to assist with living costs and are not provided to pay tuition fees.Undergraduate students must have taken out the maximum student loan they are eligible for before theycan receive an award. <strong>Student</strong>s can apply at any time in the academic year but are encouraged to applybefore their personal financial circumstances become unmanageable. All applications are means-testedand not all applications will be successful.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 25

<strong>Student</strong> Representation<strong>Student</strong> representation and social supportStaff-<strong>Student</strong> CommitteesCAWC: James Bigley (Chair) CAWC-Chair@bham.ac.ukMedSoc: Elliot Yates MED-SOC-President@adf.bham.ac.ukPlease also take time to read the <strong>Student</strong> Charter:www.student.bham.ac.uk/studentlife/studentcharter.shtml<strong>Student</strong> questionnairesPermission is required to survey <strong>Birmingham</strong> medical students. An email should be sent to the MEU(w.a.trevis-smith@bham.ac.uk) outlining the proposed process for distributing and collecting questionnairesand identify the number <strong>of</strong> respondents required. This policy relates to questionnaires or surveys carriedout by members <strong>of</strong> staff, students or a third party which are aimed at part or whole cohorts <strong>of</strong> MBChBstudents.MBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 26

Appendix 1STUDENT INFORMATIONPersonal Details/Contact FormPlease complete the information below and take a copy <strong>of</strong> this form with you to EACH <strong>of</strong> your hospitalplacements. THIS IS A TRUST/MEDICAL SCHOOL REQUIREMENT. The information may be used tocontact you or a relative in the case <strong>of</strong> an emergency. It may also be used in the event <strong>of</strong> hospitaladministration staff needing to discuss matters with you. Your personal details will not be used for anyother function by the Trust and will not be disclosed to another party.TITLEFORENAMEKNOWN AS (if different toabove)DATE OF BIRTHTERM TIME ADDRESSPOST CODETERM TIMETELEPHONE NUMBERHOME TELEPHONE NO.MOBILE TELEPHONENO.UNIVERSITY EMAILADDRESSCONTACT DETAILS INCASE OF ANEMERGENCYCAR REGISTRATIONNUMBER, if applicablePROGRAMME DETAILSYEAR OF STUDYOTHER INFORMATION,ie, dietary requirements,special religious holidaysDO YOU HAVE ANYCRIMINALCONVICTIONS?MBChBYES/NOI certify the above details to be correct.Signed(<strong>Student</strong>):_________________________________________________Date:____________________IF ANY OF THE ABOVE DETAILS CHANGE, PLEASE INFORM YOUR TRUST UNDERGRADUATE CO-ORDINATOR, ACCORDINGLYMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2012-13 27

Appendix 3MBChB Year 4 - 2012-13Plenary Day ProgrammeMonday 25 th June 2012Leonard Deacon Lecture Theatre, Medical School Building17.30 Intro and overview <strong>of</strong> the 4th Year Programme Dr Tom Clutton-Brock17.45 School Office/admin issuesMrs Janet CrookMs Christine RichardsMrs Emma Jordan18.00 Assessment Overview Dr Tom Clutton-Brock18.15 <strong>Student</strong> Issues Dr Edward Day18.30 Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Behaviour Pr<strong>of</strong> Kate Thomas19.00 SSC Teaching Module Mr Mike Mitchell19.15 SSC Conference Poster Dr Kristien Boelaert19.30 SSC Elective Dr Connie Wiskin20.15 Collection <strong>of</strong> Handbooks – Wolfson Common RoomMBChB Year 4 <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong> 2010-11 27

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