BeAL coLor code - Vandernet

BeAL coLor code - Vandernet

BeAL coLor code - Vandernet


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BEAL, IT’S MORELIFETIME:BEAL, GIVINGMORE SERVICES:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9THE DURABILITY OF BEAL ROPESThe durability of a rope depends above all on the way it is used, but alsoon numerous technical factors : The quality of yarn used ; the compactnessof the rope ; its suppleness ; the braiding of the filaments of the sheath ;their twist ; their number ; the number of braids. . . .One other factor plays a particularly important role : the thickness of the sheath.You can check the quantity of sheath in BEAL ropes thanks to the percentageshown at the side of this pictogram.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9BEAL color <strong>code</strong>Patented marking system of stitching colour keyed to the year of manufacture.5 yearsSTORAGE TIMEIn good storage conditions BEAL PPE may be stored for up to 5 years before first use,without affecting their future lifetime in use.BEAL servicesBEAL offer on most of its ropes a "cut –to-measure" service and a traceability service :"BEAL Traceability Service".10 yearsLIFETIME IN USEThe potential lifetime of BEAL PPE in use is up to a maximum of 10 years.15 yearsLIFETIMEThe maximum lifetime of BEAL PPE is up to 15 years.Lifetime = Time in storage + time in use.Lifetime in use :The potential lifetime of BEAL PPE in use is up to a maximum of 10 years.Attention : This is the potential lifetime in use.An item of PPE may be destroyed during its very first use.It’s inspection and control which determine if the product must be scrapped earlier.Between uses, appropriate storage is essential.Lifetime (storage before use + time in use) is limited to 15 years.ASSISTANCE, CONTROL AND RECORDING OF PPEOn the site www.beal-planet.com, BEAL places at your disposition, for free, a serviceof apprenticeship in the control of PPE, but equally software capable of reading RFID chipsas well as EAN 128 and Datamatrix <strong>code</strong>s.BEAL TRAINING ACADEMYEach year in its international BEAL Academy school, BEAL trains many professionalsin the technicalities of ropes.On passing an assessment, trainees become members of the BEAL Experts Club.3

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