Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service


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Land Registry <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong>BuddhismBuddhism was founded 2500 years ago in North East India (Nepal) by PrinceSiddhartha Gautama who, after having undergone a spiritual experience now knownas Enlightenment, was thereafter known as Buddha, which means “the awakenedone”.<strong>The</strong>re are estimated to be 300 million Buddhists worldwide, the majority in South EastAsia and the Far East. Within the UK there are around 100,000 and this number isgrowing. Nearly every Buddhist tradition is represented in the UK, with approximately17 monastic centres and 18 meditation centres between them.Key beliefsBuddhists do not believe in a creator God, nor do they worship gods. Instead, theBuddha taught that a natural law of moral causation exists in the universe and thattransgression of this natural law brings with it certain adverse consequences. <strong>The</strong>essence of Buddhist belief is the doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, which wererevealed to the Buddha during his meditations:• suffering and imperfection are part of life (dukha);• they are caused by selfishness and desire (samodaya);• release from suffering is possible (nirodha);• it can be achieved only by following the ‘Eightfold Path’ which makes it possible toreach the state of bliss and freedom known as Nirvana (magga).<strong>The</strong> “Eightfold Path” consists of:• right understanding – to see life as it is and understand the Four Noble Truths;• right thought – a pure mind free from ill-will, lust and cruelty;• right action – love, charity, generosity, honesty, compassion etc;• right vocation – an occupation which harms no-one;• right speech – free from lies, harshness, gossip and slander;• right effort – to seek and maintain good;• right mindfulness – concentration to become aware of the truth about the body,mind, feelings and thoughts;• right concentration – meditation as a means to right understanding.5

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