Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service


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Land Registry <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong>A lay person who undertakes to refrain from all forms of intentional violence expressesthis by assuming the anuvratas (five life-long minor vows).<strong>The</strong> vow of ahimsa (not harming) is the cardinal principle of Jainism. It includes nothurting sentient beings, and is therefore expressed in a strictly vegetarian diet. Jainscriptures permit the consumption of dairy products such as milk, curds and ghee(clarified butter), but prohibit the eating of meat, eggs and honey.<strong>The</strong>y also prohibit the consumption of certain vegetables that grow underground suchas potatoes, or fruits with many seeds such as figs, as well as fermented productssuch as alcohol.Some lay people, as well as all mendicants, observe the restriction of not eating aftersunset or before sunrise.<strong>The</strong> principle of ahimsa also underlies the remaining vows of satya (truthfulness),asteya (not stealing), brahmacharya (refraining from sexual activity outside of marriage)and aparigraha (placing limits on one’s possessions). Employment is also restricted tooccupations where there is only a minimal likelihood of harm to human or animal life.Jains consider that the true path of emancipation does not begin until one renouncesthe household altogether in order to lead the celibate life of a sadhu (male mendicant)or sadhvi (female mendicant) by taking the mahavratas (the great vows). <strong>The</strong> vowstaken by a mendicant are the same as those taken by a lay person, but are muchmore restrictive.Personal PujaJains may offer puja (worship) at their home shrines three times a day, before dawn, atsunset and, at night, by chanting mantras (litanies). <strong>The</strong> second important ritual ispratikramana, a confession of transgressions against one’s religious vows committedknowingly or unknowingly.<strong>The</strong>re are two main monastic groupings, the Shvetambara (originally known as whiterobed, whose monks and nuns wore simple clothing) and Digambara (originally knownas sky robed who, believing that clothing was a possession, went naked). <strong>The</strong>seterms are also used to describe their lay followers. <strong>The</strong>re is not a great deal oftheological disagreement between them, most of the differences revolve around whichHoly Scriptures are used. <strong>The</strong> Shvetambaras are thought to be the most common inthe UK.Jains do not believe in the caste system. Family life is extremely important:relationships outside marriage are not acceptable and people honour their parentsthroughout their lives. Education is vital and many people go into the professions,traditionally those that require science qualifications.17

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