Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service


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Land Registry <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong>Abstention and self-controlAbstention means abstention completely from eating, drinking and intimate sexualcontact from dawn to dusk and curbing even the smallest of evil intentions anddesires.Fasting does not mean starvation since food and drink are permitted at night althoughit is recommended they are taken in a mood of asceticism. As one conquers the dailyroutines of eating, drinking and endures hunger and thirst, Ramazan furnishes a firstclassdrill in self-restraint and will power.Eating and drinkingRamazan is also a joyful month. Muslims break their fast at sunset with a specialmeal, IFTTAR and perform additional worship, TARAWIH, after an evening prayer.Improving physical and mental healthA fast does have positive health benefits. <strong>The</strong> stomach has been working for 24 hoursa day non-stop, so fasting will give it a rest. Although beneficial to health it is regardedprincipally as a method of self-purification. By cutting oneself off from worldlycomforts, even for a short time, a fasting person gains true sympathy with those whogo hungry as well as spiritual growth. Fasting is a very enriching experience as onetranscends the needs of the body and cherishes the spiritual aspects. <strong>The</strong> monthpasses quickly and is almost like recharging one’s batteries for rest of the year.Teaching mankindFasting teaches humans the principle of sincere love of God. It teaches patience, unselfishness,moderation, will power, discipline, spirit of social belonging, unity andbrotherhood.What happens at the end of RamazanAt the end of the holy month of Ramazan, comes the occasion of celebration calledEID UL FITR. Prior to the commencement of festivity of EID, it is compulsory for wellto do Muslims to donate a prescribed amount to charity. Festivities of “EID” begin withan EID prayer in the morning. Customarily, it is a time for family reunion and thefavoured holiday for children who receive new clothing and gifts from family membersand friends.Ramazan begins on or near:November 6 2002October 27 2003<strong>The</strong> exact date depends on the sighting of the new moon.14

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