Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service

Cultural Diversity - The Civil Service


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Land Registry <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Diversity</strong>Most Muslim women dress modestly and some keep their head covered at all times. Ifa non-Muslim woman enters a mosque it is appreciated if she too covers her head asa mark of respect. In the prayer hall itself, shoes are removed by both men andwomen.Holy days and festivals<strong>The</strong> Islamic holy day of the week is Friday and communal prayers are said at mid-day.One of the most important festivals in the Islamic calendar is Id al-Adha (the festival ofsacrifice) which is celebrated over four days, to mark the ritual slaughter of a lamb bythe Prophet Abraham, in the place of his son. <strong>The</strong> end of the period of Ramazan ismarked by the festival of Eid al-Fitr.A Brief Note about RamazanRamazan – Festival of Charity and PietyRamazan (often written as Ramadan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This isthe month of fasting (Sawm). It begins with the sighting of the new moon. <strong>The</strong> monthof Ramazan is part of the lunar calendar and since this is eleven days shorter than theGregorian calendar, Ramazan comes eleven days earlier every year which allowfasting in various seasons and weather throughout a life time.What is sawm?Sawm or fasting during the holy month of Ramazan is the fourth pillar of Islam. <strong>The</strong>fast is an act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a richer perception ofGod. Sawm during Ramazan or any time is recognised as physically demanding butspiritually rewarding.It is the duty of all healthy Muslims to observe the fast for this whole month. It is doneso that Muslims will know what humility is. Fasting is also an exercise in self-controlwhereby one’s sensitivity is heightened to the sufferings of the poor.Who it is prescribed upon?Fasting of Ramazan is an act of worship which is required of every adult Muslim maleor female if he/she is mentally and physically fit and not on a journey. Exceptions:women during their period of menstruation and while nursing their child, and also incase of travel and sickness for both men and women. If they are unable to fast, theymust feed a needy person for every day missed.13

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