Tech Feature - ZTE

Tech Feature - ZTE Tech Feature - ZTE
from More from this publisher Monthly PublicationVol. 9 No. 8 Issue 91 August/200716<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>An Overview of the Development of <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa Digital TrunkingSystemGoTa is now the only Chinese digital trunking product that findswidespread commercial applications in the global market.12233Corporate News<strong>ZTE</strong> Voted Among the Top 20 “MostGlobally Competitive Chinese Company”<strong>ZTE</strong> Complies With MSF<strong>ZTE</strong> Becomes Largest CDMA Handset Supplierin India<strong>ZTE</strong>, Sprint Partner for WiMAX EquipmentGSM and 3G Win for <strong>ZTE</strong>8Case Study<strong>ZTE</strong> Provides GoTa System to MalaysianOperator ElectcomsGoTa is the best choice for Electcoms as itemploys 3G wireless technology and advancedsystem structure to bring new space for servicedevelopment of trunking technology.44444Industrial NewsAT&T Wins Olympics SelectionNokia, Microsoft to Boost Mobile EntertainmentFestivals Add Wi-FiT-Mobile Expands HSDPAIMS Plugs Again10Case Study<strong>ZTE</strong> Builds a National Information SecurityNetwork in GhanaThe GoTa-based Ghana information securitynetwork successfully provided onsite commandand dispatching services to Ghana’s 50thindependence anniversary celebration.5Press ClippingIndia and China Markets canComplement Each Other12Case StudyGoTa Dispatch Solution Serves InformatizationConstruction of China's Tianjin PortGoTa has been serving Tianjin Port for abouttwo years with the user groups distributed invarious departments of the port.

Case StudyA Business Analysis of a GoTa System in Shandong,ChinaThe digital trunking communication system cannotbe operated in the same way as the existing mobilecommunication system14Editorial BoardEditor-in-Chief: Gu YongchengDeputy Editor-in-Chief: Huang XinmingEditorial Director: Zhao LiliExecutive Editor: Liu YangCirculation Managers: Chen Jiali, Wang Kun<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>Building a Public Security System with GoTaThe GoTa-based PSS can improve the government imageand work efficiency.<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>GoTa, the Ideal Solution for Public Trunking RadioNetworksAs GoTa can offer rich service functionalities, it is capableof providing end-to-end public trunking radio solutions.191922Subscription / Customer ServicesSubscription to <strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIESis free of chargeTel: +86-755-26775203Fax: +86-755-26775217Email: OfficeMarketing System11F, R&D Building, <strong>ZTE</strong> Plaza,Hi-tech Road South, Hi-tech Industrial Park,Shenzhen, P.R.ChinaPostcode: 518057Tel: +86-755-26775215Fax: +86-755-26775217Email:<strong>ZTE</strong> Profile<strong>ZTE</strong> is a leading global provider oftelecommunications equipment and networksolutions. <strong>ZTE</strong>'s product range is the mostcomplete in the world—covering virtuallyevery sector of the wireline, wireless andhandset markets. The company deliversproducts and services to customers in morethan 120 countries.HandsetsGoTa Terminals25<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Corporate News<strong>ZTE</strong>, Sprint Partner for WiMAX Equipment<strong>ZTE</strong> USA, Inc. a subsidiary of<strong>ZTE</strong> Corporation, announced thatit has entered into a master purchaseagreement with Sprint Nextel. Underthe terms of the agreement, <strong>ZTE</strong> willsupply Sprint with WiMAX PC cardsin express and USB form factors,and advanced modem solutions forhome networking. The agreementwas marked by a contract signingceremony at Sprint’s Herndon, Va.offices involving Mr. Hou Weigui,chairman, <strong>ZTE</strong> Corporation, andBarry West, President, 4G MobileBroadband, Sprint.Sprint plans to make its WiMAXservices commercially availableto 100 million people in the year end 2008. “We chose <strong>ZTE</strong>because we found the company tobe a cutting-edge innovator backedby the engineering resources of anestablished, leading global brand,”said Mr. West.<strong>ZTE</strong>’s express and USB cardswill equip Sprint subscribers withanywhere wireless data access ontheir laptop, desktop or mobile devicewhile the home modem can serve asa replacement networking solutionfor the home cable modem, enablingservice providers to quickly roll-outfixed broadband wireless service accessvia their network. <strong>ZTE</strong>’s modem isalso equipped to enable carriers tooffer VoIP-based voice services.GSM and 3G Win for <strong>ZTE</strong><strong>ZTE</strong> has been awarded by NepalTelecom (“NT”), Nepal’s largesttelecoms operator, a project that willhelp the telecom company to add3.5 million lines to reach total GSMmobile capacity of 5 million lineswithin next three years. The project,which is the biggest ever embarkedby NT, includes installation of newnetworks for GSM mobile phonesservices as well as 3G cellularn e t w o r k s b a s e d o n W C D M Aprotocol.The building of these 3.5 millionmobile phone lines is expected to startin the next three to four months. Onemillion of these lines will be providedfor the Kathmandu Valley while therest will be for other parts of thecountry.(<strong>ZTE</strong> Corporation)<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 3

Industrial NewsAT&T Wins OlympicsSelectionAT & T h a s a n n o u n c e d a nagreement with China Netcom(CNC) to provide telecommunicationsservices between China and the U.S.during the 2008 Olympic Games inBeijing.The services will enable AT&Tto provide a dedicated networkthrough which NBC can transmitdigital television coverage of theGames, which will be held August8-24, 2008, back to the U.S. fornational broadcast throughout NBC’stelevision network.CNC was selected by BeijingOlympics Organizing Committeea s t h e e x c l u s i v e f i x e d - l i n etelecommunications partner in Chinafor the 2008 Olympic Games.(Aug 8,, Microsoft to Boost MobileEntertainmentCell phone giant Nokia will start touse Microsoft’s copy protectionsoftware to boost the use of wirelessentertainment, like music and videos,the two companies said on Monday.Microsoft’s technology allows usersof Nokia cell phones to share protectedpieces of content–like music, games orFestivals Add Wi-FiXirrus, Inc., the only provider ofhigh-performance, long-rangeWi-Fi products, and Wireless EventsLtd. announced successful Wi-Finetwork deployments at several musicvideos–between phones, PCs and otherdevices.Nokia will license Microsoft’sPlayReady digital rights management(DRM) technology, and build it intoits S60 software, the most widely usedsoftware platform in the cell-phoneindustry.(Aug 6, Reuters)and arts festivals across the UnitedKingdom providing voice and dataservices throughout the venue for theartists, production staff, merchants andattendees.(Aug 7, ExpandsHSDPAThe T-Mobile broadband–offering download speeds of3.6 Mbps and in certain Budapestlocations even up to 7.2 Mbps–is currently available to morethan 40% of the population.The mobile company installsadditional 3G/HSDPA stationsb o t h i n n ew l o c a t i o n s a n dareas already covered. Mostimportantly, within the coveredareas T-Mobile intends to provideindoor coverage and appropriatecapacities in as many locations aspossible.(Aug 6, Plugs AgainTh e I M S F o r u m R , t h eindustry’s only associationdedicated to IP MultimediaSubsystem (IMS) applicationand service interoperabilitycertification, announced today thethird IMS PlugfestT scheduledfor October 15 through 19, 2007at the UNH InterOp Lab (IOL)in New Hampshire. IMS ForumPlugfests deliver interoperabilityfor cost effective “QuadrupleP l a y ” r eve n u e g e n e r a t i n gapplications and services.(Aug 2,<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Press ClippingIndia and China Marketscan Complement Each OtherJune 15, 2007, ElectronicsForYou<strong>ZTE</strong> is the fasted growing telecommunications equipment suppliers in the world.In 2005, its global sales revenue reached approximately $2.8 billion withover 27,000 employees worldwide. The next year the company’s India revenuehovered around $500 million and now it hopes to cash on the merging trend ofcontract manufacturing in India. Prasoon Srivastava of Electronics Bazaar, in aninteraction with Liu Ren, director, marketing, <strong>ZTE</strong> India and Ding Kun, director,R&D Center finds out more about the company’s India plans and discusses therecent trends of Chinese companies showing investment interest in India.In recent times we findgovernments of both India andChina encouraging bilateral tradeactivities. What is your opinionabout such initiatives?The political and business relationsbetween India and China have certainlyimproved qualitatively. Immediatelyafter the MOU was signed betweenASSOCHAM and the visiting Mayorof Shenzhen last year, the former set upand office in Shenzhen and Indo-Chinabusiness ties were formed. This wasa quantum leap. We strongly believethat India and China will be poweringthe world economy in the comingfuture. <strong>ZTE</strong> is also optimistic about thegrowth of Indian telecommunicationsindustry and feels honored to be a partof it.When did you start marketing yourproducts in India? How has beenyour experience in the country tilldate?<strong>ZTE</strong> operations in India commencedway back in 2001-02–almost six yearsago. Initially we used to market ourproducts through our partners. Butsince the last few years, our productsare being sold directly to the serviceproviders through local offices. In lastfinancial year <strong>ZTE</strong> India garnered arevenue of $500 million.How would you compare the Indianmarket vis-à-vis China? How doplayers from both the countriesbenefit from each other’ strength,mitigating the weakness?W h i l e t h e r e a r e l o t m a n ydifferences, the two markets are similarin many ways. Both the nations have ahuge technical and skilled manpowerbase, both are economically dependenton agriculture. The differencesactually lies in the state of economicdevelopment. China is miles ahead<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 5

Press Clippingof India, as far as development isconcerned. However, India is rapidlycatching up, so much so that, theChinese companies are expecting alarge share of their revenues to flow infrom India.Everything said and done, there isno denying the fact that the Indian andChinese markets are complementaryto each other. While China boasts of astrong manufacturing base, softwaredevelopment and IT skills happen tobe India’s forte. These are the areaswhere the countries can synergizetheir strengths and complement eachother. India will be offering softwareand applications IT hardware will besupplied by China.The Indian SemiconductorAssociation in conjunction withFrost and Sullivan, predicted thatelectronics equipment productionin India would grow up to $363billion by 2015. Your take on this…This is quite feasible. Leaveaside the ever-inflating demand forelectronics consumer durables. Lookat it from the telecommunicationsperspective alone. The government iskeen on providing 650 million phonesby 2012 (from the current level of200 million). Coupled with this is thetarget of touching the 30 million markin broadband during the same period(from the current level of one million).All these will eventually result ina tremendous creation of basic andvalue-added infrastructure, therebyspurting production of electronicsequipment like semiconductors, PCBs,etc. So, production worth $363 billionby 2015 is not that impossible a dreameither!If this be the case then what is itthat keeps Chinese investors awayfrom India?T h e p r o b l e m l i e s w i t hinfrastructure–road, rail, air, power,visa, etc. Add to this the menace ofbureaucratic red-tapism and couchedpolitical statements with veiledmessages on threat to internal security.From our interaction with someIndian and Chinese associationswe came to know that yourcompany is planning to go forcontract manufacturing in India.Tell us your plan on the same.<strong>ZTE</strong> India is very optimisticabout its prospects in the Indiansoil and our growth plans weremarked by the creation of a lowcostmanufacturing set up. Till theplan matured, we were thinking ofgoing for contract manufacturing tomeet the requirements of some of thegovernment tenders. But now we havea full-fledged manufacturing facility inManesar.What is your take on theSemiconductor Policy recentlyintroduced by the Governmentof India? How are things on themanufacturing unit front?It is definitely a welcome step. Thispolicy, we believe, would be in syncwith the government’s initiatives topromote telecommunications and ITover the next five to ten years.The Indian unit is in its infancyas compared to our other plantslocated worldwide. They are muchbigger both in terms of size andproduction capacity. But the Indiantelecommunications sector offers themost potential market for businessgrowth. As the business expands, sowill the plant size and its capacity.What made <strong>ZTE</strong> set up both itsresearch and development (R&D)center and manufacturing plant inIndia?India has been doing tremendouslywell since the last seven years. <strong>ZTE</strong>sees it as the most lucrative marketoutside China.The Indian telecommunicationsi n d u s t r y p r o m i s e s t h e k i n d o fopportunity that no other industryin the world can offer. Keeping thisin mind, we are intending to set upanother manufacturing unit in the nearfuture. A manufacturing plant will notonly enable us to meet the customerdemands on time, but also help us offerbetter customer service.What have been the technicalachievements of <strong>ZTE</strong> R&D center inIndia since inception? How has ithelped <strong>ZTE</strong> clients?With about 40 per cent of the workforce dedicated to R&D and with 10per cent of annual revenues channeledto this field. <strong>ZTE</strong> has 14 wholly ownedR&D centers and institutes acrossNorth America, Europe and Asia.International standards such as CMMand CMMI are strictly applied to ourR&D management processes in Indiaas well as abroad.6<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

In 2000, <strong>ZTE</strong> launched the world’s firstCDMA mobile phone with detachableSIM card. This was followed by thelaunched of the world’s first CDMAbaseddigital trunking technology–Global open Trunking architecture(GoTa) in 2004. This included manytechnologies based on <strong>ZTE</strong>-ownedintellectual property.For our customers we have adedicated customer support engineeringand R&D center together with a trainingcenter in Bangalore. The idea behindthis training center is to provide a richexperience in project implementationalong with end-to-end customersolutions. We also have a strong supportfor our India R&D and training centersfrom our headquarters in China.What are the projects that <strong>ZTE</strong> R&Dis currently working on? Are theyclient specific or industry specific?We are currently concentratingon the Indian telecommunicationsindustry. Right now, the focus is onvalue-added services (VAS), as it isthe most important part of businessfor <strong>ZTE</strong>. For this, we have introducedAnyservice, which is the brand forour VAS business. This service has alot of applications for all the majorservice providers in India. Currently,four of our R&D centers are workingon Anyservice development with 2000dedicated R&D staff.Anyservice—what is it all about?What are its key features?Z T E ’s A ny s e r v i c e i s a o n e -stop solution for VAS, includingapplications, service control, networkaccess and terminals. Besides usingproprietary software and hardware,it can provide a full range of VAS tosupport the operator’s business needs.The solution can be used in legacyand future network infrastructures.This well-designed and easy-to-useservice greatly reduces operationalexpenditures.Which <strong>ZTE</strong> projects developed inIndia have won accolades from themarket?See, we are relatively new to theIndian market with just six yearsof presence. Within this short spanof time we have bagged some ofthe major contracts here besidesbecoming the most favored suppliersto almost all the big operators. Wehave also received high appreciationfrom the Indian market for our qualitydeliverables in terms of variousproducts and services.The sales of our infrastructureproducts range between CDMA, GSM,optical transmission, data networks,s o f t s w t i c h , Wi M A X a n d VA S .Terminals products include handsets,data card and IFWT, which in itself isa great accolade for <strong>ZTE</strong> in the Indianmarket.Not only this, with the developmentof an efficient after-sales team, ourcompany has gathered abundantexperience in after-sales infrastructurem a i n t e n a n c e . A d d t o t h i s t h ebreakthrough that we got in providingcapacity and management serviceto our customers. For terminals, ourservice centers cover almost every areain India. We have recorded a 100 percent average growth rate during thepast six years.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 7

Case StudyThe commercial launch ceremony of <strong>ZTE</strong> GoTa network. Theceremony held on January 9, 2007 in Kuala Lumpur was attendedby Dato’ Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, Minister of Energy, Water &Communications of Malaysia, and Mr. Yin Yimin, President of <strong>ZTE</strong><strong>ZTE</strong> Provides GoTaSystem to MalaysianOperator ElectcomsLiu ShouwenOverview of Malaysia’s TrunkingMarketElectcoms, Malaysia’s leadingtrunking radio and radio-pagingoperator, has 400 MHz MPT and 800MHz analogue trunking systems.These trunking systems principallycover the key areas of the economicallydeveloped West Malaysia with acapacity of over 80,000 trunkingsubscribers and about 10,000 pagingsubscribers.Electcoms is one of the twooperators that have been licensed tooperate a national trunking network.The company has played a crucialrole in the field of radio trunkingcommunications since it enteredthe Malaysian analogue trunkingcommunications market in 1989.However, after years of operation,Electcoms found itself in a difficultsituation: on the one hand, the pagingbusiness was declining, and on theother hand, the existing analogueradio trunking systems have limitedexpandability and need to find newtechnologies to replace them.The signing ceremony of “China-Malaysia EconomicCooperation Projects” on December 15, 2005Electcoms’ GoTa Network PlanElectcoms began to track the digitaltrunking technology and solutions in1999. The company reviewed a widerange of vendors for the current projectand selected <strong>ZTE</strong>’s CDMA-basedGlobal open Trunking architecture(GoTa) as a strategic technology forthe future development of its trunkingnetworks based on the system’sfeature-rich services and advanceddigital technologies.In December 2005, when ChinesePremier, Wen Jiabao, visited Malaysia,<strong>ZTE</strong> signed a commercial contractw i t h E l e c t c o m s a t t h e s i g n i n gc e r e m o ny o f “ C h i n a - M a l a y s i aEconomic Cooperation Projects”,which marked the start of a long-termstrategic cooperation between <strong>ZTE</strong> andElectcoms.The Electcoms GoTa networkwas built in three phases. Phase 1 ofthe network covers West Malaysia,including Kuala Lumpur, and isexpected to reach a subscriber baseof about 50,000 in two to three years;8<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Phase 2 and Phase 3 will expand thePhase 1 system to cover the whole ofMalaysia.In the initial stage of networkdevelopment, Electcoms will utilizethe differentiated capabilities of thenewly built GoTa system to developnew customer groups. The Malaysiangovernment required the analogue-todigitalconversion of all the trunkingnetworks to be completed by the endof 2008; Electcoms planned to migrateall the existing analogue trunkingsubscribers to the GoTa network.On January 9, 2007, Electcoms helda press conference in Kuala Lumpurannouncing the commercial use of thenetwork based on <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa. This isthe large-scale commercialization ofthe Chinese-developed digital trunkingsystem in the overseas market.Reasons for Choosing GoTaEquipment pricingIn order to adapt to competition,Electcoms started to trace the digitaltrunking technologies and solutions asearly as 1999.Electcoms has considered theIntegrated Digital Enhanced Network(iDEN) technology and made contactswith Motorola, which then budgetedthe costs of deploying an iDEN systemin West Malaysia for Electcoms.However, Electcoms thought thenetwork-side equipment were fartoo expensive, and that it would beimpossible for them to control thefuture network construction andoperating costs. In fact, Electcomsknew well the Asia-Pacific’s trunkingcommunications market: the iDENnetworks of trunking operators in thePhilippines, Indonesia and Singaporewere running at little or no profit, oreven at a loss; two iDEN operators inSingapore have merged for survival,but their situation has not improvedyet.Network coverageElectcoms has been invited to visitSprint Nextel’s iDEN commercialnetwork in the U.S. Through fieldtesting, Electcoms felt the networktest results, especially the coverageresults, failed to meet its expectation.However, the GoTa digital trunkingsystem has significant greater coveragecapability than iDEN, winning highfavor from Electcoms.SecurityElectcoms has 30,000 legitimatetrunking subscribers on its existing800 MHz analogue trunking network,but the fraudulent subscribers reached20,000. Electcoms often has todedicate manpower to detect andprevent subscriber number cloning.On the contrast, GoTa gives enhancedauthentication and privacy.Professional trunking and richvalue-added servicesElectcoms, as a private enterprise,is very cautious about its futuredevelopment direction. To really knowabout GoTa products, Electcoms’s topofficials came to China to visit ChinaTietong and China Satcom’s GoTacommercial trials, and tested keytechnical indicators such as GoTaservices, coverage, call setup timeand voice quality. With the test resultsfar exceeding their expectation,Electcoms’s management finally madethe decision to adopt GoTa as thetechnology for their future networkdevelopment. Moreover, Electcomswas impressed with the value-addedservices supported by the GoTasystem, such as data services, SMS andLocation Based Service (LBS), and thebasic dispatch control station services.<strong>ZTE</strong>’s powerful R&D strengthThrough visiting the company,reading major media reports, andespecially by knowing the fact that<strong>ZTE</strong> is listed on Hong Kong StockExchange, Electcoms believes <strong>ZTE</strong> isan excellent enterprise with powerfulR&D and management capabilities,with which they can enter into a longtermstrategic partnership.Electcoms’ future developmentplanElectcoms is currently focusingon professional radio trunkingcommunications. Electcoms hopes tocontinually attract customers with itsprofessional trunking services at firstand then utilize the GoTa system’svalue-added data services to explorepotential customers, building a maturetrunking network. GoTa is undoubtedlythe best choice for Electcoms as itemploys 3G wireless technology andadvanced system structure to bringnew space for service developmentof trunking technology, which alsostrengthens Electcoms’ commitmentto GoTa as the future developmenttrend.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES9

Case Study<strong>ZTE</strong> Builds a National InformationSecurity Network in GhanaMao BinIn cooperation with the governmentof Ghana, <strong>ZTE</strong> built the Ghananational information security networkby utilizing its advanced Globalopen Trunking architecture (GoTa)technology, and with the help of theconcessional loans offered by thegovernment of China.The government of Ghana chose<strong>ZTE</strong>, among a host of trunkingproducts vendors, as it can offersecurity network adopts <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTaas the dedicated network trunkingtechnology. The network can servethe needs of various governmentdepartments such as the securitysystem, the police system, prison, firefighting, the Immigration Bureau,customs, ports, frontier, army, theP r e s i d e n t i a l P a l a c e ,Ministry of Interior, theNational Communicationsimproving their emergency responsespeed and coordination capability underthe condition of guaranteed security.The Phase-1 project covers maincities, towns, border entries or exits,and main traffic arteries in six regionsof southern Ghana including theGreater Accra Region.a cost-effective turnkey solution,cutting-edge technologies, fast projectexecution, and assistance in acquiringfinancing for the project. This projectalso reflects that the government ofGhana has confidence in <strong>ZTE</strong>, Chinesemobile communication technologiesand China. Its implementation hasbrought Ghana substantial social andeconomic benefits, driving the growthof its society and economy.Project OverviewGhana’s national informationAuthority, confidentialcommunications, and etc.,as well as hospitals andhotels.The network can provide fixedwireless access, mobile communicationservices and value-added services (e.g.,voice, data and short messages); it caninteroperate with the networks of otheroperators. Moreover, according to theneeds of the customers, it can flexiblyregroup the call groups, enabling bettercommunications efficiency betweendifferent departments, as well asThe Phase-2 project covers fourregions of northern Ghana. The wholenetwork covers the entire country andsupports 851 user groups.Serving Ghana's 50thIndependence AnniversaryThe GoTa-based Ghana informationsecurity network, as the sole digitaltrunking system adopted by the Ghana10 <strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

government, successfully providedonsite command and dispatchingservices to Ghana’s 50th independenceanniversary celebration held in Accrathis March. The network deliveredcommunications services for variousdepartments responsible for securityand logistics support, includingmilitary and police force, securityguards and medical services.The 50th Anniversary event wasattended by tens of thousands ofpeople. Present at the ribbon-cuttingceremony were former United NationsSecretary-General Kofi Annan,President of Ghana, Minister of StateSecurity, General ofthe Army, Chineseambassador to Ghanaexperiencing GoTa services.Benefits of <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa <strong>Tech</strong>nology● G o Ta d e l i v e r s a v a r i e t y o fcommunication services suchas voice, professional trunkingdispatch and SMS.● GoTa ensures security and privacyas required by the dedicatedcommunication network; allowshigher frequency efficiency, easiernetwork planning, better voicequality and bigger capacity; andoffers 3G services capability as it isbased on the 3G technical platform,CDMA2000.● GoTa provides wireless broadbanddata services capabilities whileensuring the continual evolutioncommunications, driving the growthof trunking radio communicationsand satisfying the current and futurerequirements for government publicsecurity and coalition emergencyresponse.● <strong>ZTE</strong> provides competent aftersalesservice support and powerfulmaintenance capabilities.● <strong>ZTE</strong> owns core technologies andindependent intellectual propertyrights (IPR) for GoTa. The companynow owns over 100 GoTa corepatents, which have been registeredby both domestic and overseas IPRorganizations.● <strong>ZTE</strong> can help the Ghana governmentsolve the problem of loan financing.a n d c o m m e r c i a lcounselors.Ghana President,M i n i s t e r o f S t a t eSecurity, and the Chinese ambassadort o G h a n a , h i g h l y p r a i s e d t h ecooperation between <strong>ZTE</strong> and thegovernment of Ghana, as well as <strong>ZTE</strong>’sengineering services in their speeches.His Excellency Mr. John AgyekumKufuor, President of Ghana, in a latervisit to the central equipment room,gave full recognition to the outstandingperformance of the GoTa system afterof the technology, service andnetwork;● As the GoTa system utilizes theCDMA network platform, it canprovide Push-to-Talk (PTT) serviceas well as all CDMA servicefunctionalities. It integrates trunkingservices with traditional mobileservices onto a single systemand a single terminal (A GoTaterminal supports all functions of aconventional CDMA terminal).● GoTa meets the requirementsof current and future mobileConclusionZ T E h a s a c c u m u l a t e d r i c hexperience in the overseas projectimplementation and established agood reputation. It employs plentyof Chinese and local professionale n g i n e e r s a n d o p e r a t i o n a n dmaintenance (O&M) staffs. To date,<strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa products have beenimplemented on a large scale inover 20 countries. This China-madedigital trunking system, now, has awide application and a high degree ofinternationalization.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES11

Case StudyGoTa Dispatch Solution Serves InformatizationConstruction of China's Tianjin PortFeng ZhihongTianjin Port is located in the lowerreaches of the Haihe River inNorth China Plain. It is the biggestman-made harbor in China and animportant international trade port inNorth China. It serves as the oceangateway to the country’s capital,Beijing, and Tianjin City; it is also oneof the starting points of the Eurasiancontinental bridge in the east. It is66 km away from Tianjin City andover 170 km from Beijing City. Ithas established trade connectionswith more than 400 ports of over 180countries and regions across the world.To meet the requirements of buildinga modernized large port around theBohai Sea Rim region, as well asa super large-scale port in China,Tianjin Port should become a leaderin the construction of an intelligent,informatized port. The powerful radiodispatch and wireless data servicessupported by the GoTa system canmeet the port’s requirements inproduction dispatch, data collection,transmission and processing, as well asresource management, thus realizingthe intelligent dispatch managementfunction.The GoTa services serving TianjinPort have won unanimous praisesfrom port leaders and employees.<strong>ZTE</strong> provided a series of customizedfunctions and solutions for Tianjin Portthat has features such as high densityworking areas, high intensity work,and coexistence of several types ofwork.Customized Development for theDock ApplicationThrough analyzing the radiodispatch requirements for a TianjinPort container dock, <strong>ZTE</strong>’s expert teamsummarized the following featuresconcerning the radio trunking dispatchapplications at this dock.● Fixed working area: Trunking usersat the dock work in a certain smallarea, which can be covered by asector or a BTS.● High-density working area: Theworking area has a large number ofusers and can be divided into manytrunking groups.● Frequent trunking dispatches:During working hours, trunkingusers make frequent use of thedispatch function.● Continuity of trunking dispatches:When users use the dispatchservice of the trunking system, thecontinuity of their operations isrequired.● Complicated trunking dispatchprocedure: The radio dispatchoperations at a large port dockinvolve a lot of departments, and theprocess is relatively complicated.12 <strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

● High requirements for connectiontime: To ensure the security of dockwork, high requirements have beenplaced on the connection time oftrunking group calls.● Flexible radio dispatch operations:During the specific loading andunloading operations, workers atthe port should be dynamicallyarranged, that is, trunking users canbe grouped as needed.● Practicality and operability oftrunking dispatch operations: Usersrequire flexible and convenientoperations.While taking these features intoconsideration, <strong>ZTE</strong>’s expert teamhas gained a deep understanding ofthe users’ specific requirements aftercommunicating with relevant staffsof the dock. It divided the workinggroup of the dock into three types–operation, maintenance, and routine–and applied GoTa functions to the site,such as dynamic regrouping, multiplepriorities, dispatch console function,and functional number. At present,the dispatch services at the dock arerunning in an efficient and stablemanner.Customized Development for theContainer Yard ApplicationCompared with the traditionaltrunking radio communicationssystems, GoTa has a powerful datatransmission capability. <strong>ZTE</strong>, basedon the system’s data transmissioncapability, created a custom datacollection system for the containeryard, targeting the container yardindustry features, such as a largeworking area, widely distributedworkers, f requent informationcollection, and low precision of theexisting system. This system changesthe traditional working mode in thecontainer yard (calling and manualinput) and improves the timeliness andcorrectness of container informationtransmission. In view of users’ specificworking scenario, as well as the ShortMessage Service (SMS) transmissionfunction of the GoTa system, <strong>ZTE</strong>developed custom SMS-modem anduser interface software, which enablesreal-time input of on-site informationinto the user database via SMS. Thewhole process doesn’t involve anymanual operation, ensuring workefficiency.Unified dispatch management ofLogistics VehiclesThe port is a big arena for logisticsservices. The great variety of logisticsvehicles makes it difficult to uniformlydispatch them. Leveraging thepowerful dispatch, data transmissionand positioning functions of the GoTasystem, the port can implement unifieddispatch of most vehicles.● A unified dispatch platform fortimely command and control: Allvehicles of the port are equippedwith the vehicle-mounted stations.The logistics companies are installedwith the dispatch stations, capableof dispatching and commandingmost of their managed vehicles atany time.● A positioning platform for real-timeinformation about the vehicles: Theinterface of the dispatch console canprovide real-time information aboutthe location and route of the vehiclethat is equipped with GPS vehiclemountedstations.● A complete monitoring of specialvehicles to improve work efficiency:Under the traditional vehiclemanagement mode, it is hard toget information about the concreteand bulk cargo trunks–Tianjin Porthas many such types of vehicles–which may lead to losses anddamages of goods. Supported bythe GoTa system platform, thebackground station can providereal-time information about thestatus of both the vehicles and thecontainers. When any abnormalityoccurs, for example, a driver slacksoff at work or unloads cargo withoutpermission, the background stationwill automatically record it andsend alerts to the driver, protectingthe owner’s benefits and improvingwork efficiency.ConclusionSo far, GoTa has been servingTianjin Port for about two yearswith the user groups distributed invarious departments of the port,covering all frontline productionunits and functional departments. Asthe port informatization constructionis deepening and the port scale isexpanding, the GoTa service platformswill further integrate more applicationslike coalition emergency response,remote metering, electric powermanagement, electronic patrol andmobile office, offering better servicesto Tianjin Port.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES13

Case StudyA Business Analysis ofa GoTa System in Shandong,ChinaWang LeiGlobal open Trunking architecture(GoTa) is the world’s firstCDMA-based next generation trunkingsystem that is independently developedand launched by <strong>ZTE</strong>.Z T E a n d S h a n d o n g S a t c o m ,a subsidiary of China SatelliteCommunications (China Satcom),jointly built a GoTa trial network inShandong Province, China. The GoTatrial network now has a certain scale,consisting of 68 BTSs, two base stationcontrollers (BSCs), a BSCB, a MobileSwitching System (MSS), a PacketData Switching Subsystem (PDSS),a Dispatch Subsystem (DSS), a ShortMessage Service (SMS) system, a FailCall Notice (FCN) system, a MobileLocation System (MLS) and anIntelligent Network (IN) system.Till now, the network has beenrunning smoothly with an everexpanding commercial subscriber base.It has provided a variety of trunkingservices to Rizhao Port, comprehensivelaw enforcement brigade, logistics,frontier inspection, 120 EmergencyCenter, Jinan Iron and Steel Group, theQingdao Olympic Sailing Regatta, andemergency response for Weifang City.Shandong Satcom’s GoTa networkis capable of delivering integratedcommunications services such asvoice, Push to Talk (PTT), packetdata, SMS, fail call notice, locationbasedservices (LBS), streamingmedia, video monitoring, and etc. Thefollowing strategies have been adoptedto develop the GoTa network:● Accurate market positioning: Thedigital trunking communicationsystem, with special applicationsl i k e e m e rg e n c y d i s p a t c h o rresponse, cannot be operatedin the same way as the existingmobile communication system.Its application mode should givea full play to its trunking features.Shandong Satcom launched theGoTa system under the brand name“Push to Action”, which clarifies thedifference between the dedicatedt r u n k i n g a n d p u b l i c m o b i l ecommunications and highlights theunique service advantages createdby PTT services.● A wealth of services: In addition toprofessional services such as groupcall, private call, floor taken, lateentry and dynamic regrouping, theGoTa system has also developedrich new services to meet the needsof users, including floor queue,on-line user status query, callrestriction, call forwarding, servicepriority and Do not disturb. Withrespect to dispatch console, GoTacan provide new functions like “sendto group” SMS, status display andnumber management, in addition14<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

to the functions of professionaldispatch and management consoles.These rich service functions cansatisfy the demands of industrialusers for basic services, as well asintegrated or combined ones.● Detailed enterprise analysis: Thereare differences in the requirementsof different industries on the digitaltrunking system as they all havedifferent operating procedures. Aftermaking a detailed investigation onthe specific operation procedure ofeach industry, Shandong Satcomdeveloped different applicationsolutions that integrate the richservice functionalities of the GoTasystem with operating proceduresof different industries, ensuring theoptimal experience of the industrialusers.● Diversified network constructionmodes: Shandong Satcom builtits GoTa system in a flexible way.Take the Shandong jail systemfor an example. Jails in Shandongare distributed over the wholeprovince, and they have a highsecurity and privacy requirementfor their communications system.So, Shandong Satcom and the jailsystem made joint investments tobuild Base Transceiver Stations(BTSs), which not only savesinvestments but also satisfies theneeds of the jail system.● A flexible tariff policy: ShandongSatcom offers different pricepackages options for PTT, voice,packet data and SMS services tomaximally fulfill the consumptionhabits of various industries.● Perfect after-sales service: <strong>ZTE</strong>,by closely working with ShandongSatcom, can quickly respond and solveboth the system and terminal problemsreported by end users. Moreover,follow-up calls to customers helpensure that the end user ultimately hasa satisfying experience.ConclusionGoTa makes use of 3G CDMA2000 technology and boasts distincttechnical advantages. GoTa can meetTh e F i n a n c e M i n i s t e r s ’Meeting (FMM), at the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), is thelatest major event to utilize thecommunications provided by<strong>ZTE</strong>’s unique Global open Trunkingarchitecture (GoTa) technology.<strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa digital trunkings y s t e m a n d G o Ta h a n d s e t swere selected by China Satcomfor the construction of thetelecommunications network atthe prestigious event, which servesas a forum for fostering policydialogues and consultations onfinancial issues between Asia andEurope. The event was attendedby leading figures from financialinstitutions such as the WorldLink<strong>ZTE</strong> Provides Unique Telecoms <strong>Tech</strong>nology forPrestigious International Finance ForumJuly 18, 2005, Telephonyworld.comthe requirements of both private andpublic trunking network applications,and it is particularly attractive tousers because it can be bundled withvalue-added services, offering richerfunctions compared to other trunkingtechnologies. The successful operationof the GoTa digital trunking system inShandong provides a good examplefor the promotion of the digitaltrunking systems, and the explorationof new revenue-generating marketopportunities.Bank, the International MonetaryFund and the European CentralBank and was opened by HisExcellency Wen Jiabao, Premier ofthe People’s Republic of China.“A c o n f e r e n c e o f t h i simportance requires perfectdispatching functions, maximumsecurity, quick sequencing,channel sharing and good voicequality,” said Mr Wu Guoqing,GM of Tianjin Satcom. “We chose<strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa system as we wereconfident that it would meet ourhigh demands.“The praise from the meetingcommittee and the security groupproves that our choice was right,”he added.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 15

<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>An Overview of theDevelopment of <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTaDigital Trunking SystemLiu Shouwen16 <strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Trend in the Trunking MarketOver the past few years, globaltrunking technologies andservices have gradually broken thenarrow bounds of traditional privatenetworks. Many successful PublicAccess Mobile Radio (PAMR) networkoperators have emerged, guidingthe development of the technologiestowards higher-level applications.Under the new trunking operationmodes, more cost-effective, convenientand professional trunking serviceapplications are provided to more fleetand enterprise users.Recent years have seen the rapidgrowth up of China-developed digitaltrunking technologies led by <strong>ZTE</strong>’sGlobal Open Trunking Architecture(GoTa). <strong>ZTE</strong> has not only launcheda new-generation digital trunkingproduct that has an independentintellectual property right, but hasalso explored a successful businessmode through conducting technicaland commercial trials with Chineseoperators.GoTa is now the only Chinesedigital trunking product that findswidespread commercial applicationsin the global market. The introductionof GoTa marks the first time that aChinese vendor, as a standard-setter,takes the lead in the new-round reformof the global trunking communicationsmarket.GoTa <strong>Tech</strong>nologies and Products<strong>ZTE</strong>’s self-developed GoTa is theworld’s first CDMA-based professionaldigital trunking technology, and itis one of the three strategic productlines of <strong>ZTE</strong>. Since starting keytrunking technology research and highlevel design in 2002, the companyhas invested a total of over 1 billionRMB on GoTa products. Continuoushigh investments ensure constanttechnical innovations, serialization insystems, terminals and service, andenhancement of product quality andfunctions.<strong>ZTE</strong> owns over 100 GoTa-relatedp a t e n t s f o r C D M A - b a s e d c o r etechnologies and extended services.As a CDMA-based technology, GoTaoffers significant advantages overtraditional trunking technologies: itcan meet the application requirementsof both private and public trunkingnetwork applications; it can capitalizeon the combination of trunking serviceand value-added services to attractlarge amounts of users to accessthe network. The GoTa system andterminals have a low cost, meeting therequirements of large-scale networkdeployments and greatly loweringthe threshold of professional trunkingservice applications. Therefore,GoTa is a cutting-edge digitaltrunking technology that has highcompetitiveness and a huge marketpotential.In the past year, <strong>ZTE</strong> has madegreat technical breakthroughs in GoTatechnology and product development.<strong>ZTE</strong> solved the key techniques indelivering group call service thatallows a group to have unlimitednumber of members to be served by asingle sector. This function meets therequirements of professional trunkingtechnologies and radio dispatch invarious application scenarios. Afterfurther performance optimization, theGoTa trunking call setup time has beenshortened to less than one second.Recent applications in professionalenvironments (such as Tianjin Port)have proven that GoTa can fullysatisfy the dispatch requirements ofprofessional trunking users.Moreover, the quality stability oftrunking terminals has been greatlyimproved. Upon release of the G612, anew intercom handset, it has won fullrecognition from many professionalcustomers such as the Tianjin Portand the Qingdao Olympic SailingCommittee. In the future, <strong>ZTE</strong> willcontinue to make improvements on thesystem connection time and terminalserialization.Market ApplicationsIn terms of market applications,<strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa undoubtedly takesthe lead among the Chinese digitaltrunking technologies.In the international market, <strong>ZTE</strong>has implemented commercial GoTasystems in countries includingRussia, Malaysia, Norway, Benin,Ghana, Gabon, Sri Lanka, Mongolia,Vietnam and Haiti. Moreover, <strong>ZTE</strong>deployed GoTa trials in countries likePortugal, the United States, Ukraine,Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Egypt, Tunis,Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Nigeria.In May 2005, <strong>ZTE</strong> unveiled theGoTa commercial network built for theNorwegian operator, NMT, and held aCDMA Global Demo in Oslo.In 2006, Electcoms, the biggestPAMR network operator in Malaysia,<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES17

<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>started to build its national GoTanetwork to replace the existinganalogue trunking system. The networkwas launched in January 2007.In 2006, <strong>ZTE</strong> entered the NorthAmerican market by setting up a GoTatrial network with Sprint Nextel. Now,<strong>ZTE</strong> and Sprint Nextel are cooperatingon the applications of CDMA trunkingtechnologies.In November 2006, <strong>ZTE</strong> won thenational security network project ofGhana. The project was to provideprofessional radio dispatch servicesfor government departments of Ghana,like the national security department,police, fire control, army, customs andhospitals. On March 2, 2007, the firstphase of the project was completedand immediately put into service at theGhana Independence Day celebration.In March 2007, at the openingceremony of “the Year of China” inRussia, China and Russia signed a seriesof strategic cooperation agreements,including the GoTa industrializationcooperation. At present, a GoTa-basedgovernment security network is beingimplemented in Russia.The overseas market breakthroughsmade by GoTa fully demonstrate<strong>ZTE</strong>’s technical strengths, and thatthe company has accumulated richcommercial application experiences.In China, <strong>ZTE</strong> worked with ChinaTietong and China Satcom to deploythe GoTa trial networks in early 2003.So far, the GoTa commercial trialnetworks have been deployed in fiveof the six cities approved by the MII,namely Changchun, Shenyang, Tianjin,Jinan and Nanjing.Industry Chain and StandardizationIn addition to the technologies andmarket applications, the survivabilityof digital trunking will be decided, inthe long run, by the establishment ofa healthy industrial ecology that canpropel the sound development of thedigital trunking industry.While promoting global applicationsof GoTa technology, <strong>ZTE</strong> is makinggreat efforts to propel the developmentof the GoTa ecology, which will covervarious aspects of the market such asequipment manufacturers, industryapplication solution providers, contentand service providers, and networkoperators.With respect to GoTa systemindustrialization, <strong>ZTE</strong> has enteredi n t o a t e c h n i c a l c o o p e r a t i o nagreement with systems equipmentm a n u f a c t u r e r s s u c h a s N o r t e la n d Q u a l c o m m t o d e v e l o pO p e n S t a n d a r d s a n d I n t e r faceSpecifications, jointly buildingthe industry chain alliance fori n t e r o p e r a b l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n ssystems equipment. In 2006, <strong>ZTE</strong>signed a GoTa technology licenseagreement with NMT. According tothe agreement, the two companieswill use GoTa as the only trunkingtechnology to promote the GoTanetwork construction and applicationsin the pan-Northern European areas.I n t e r m s o f G o Ta t e r m i n a lindustrialization, <strong>ZTE</strong> has developedits own GoTa terminal series. Italso cooperates with many terminalmanufacturers like Youthnet, Asiainfo,Besta, and SEG Communications, todiversify the terminal supply, as well asto provide terminal serials, includingordinary trunking handsets, specialhandsets with waterproof, shockproofand dustproof features, and vehiclemountedstations.In December 2004, the Ministry ofInformation Industry (MII) releasedthe General <strong>Tech</strong>nical Requirementson CDMA-based Digital TrunkingSystem. GoTa is the only digitaltrunking product that complies withthis national standard. So far, <strong>ZTE</strong> hasedited all standards and specificationsfor GoTa that include <strong>ZTE</strong>-patentedGoTa technologies. The companybegan to cooperate with carriers inRussia, Malaysia and Northern Europeon the local standardization of GoTatechnology. <strong>ZTE</strong> is going to set up aglobal GoTa forum, with membersincluding Chinese and internationaloperators, as well as vendors withauthorized use of IPR for GoTa, topush forward the internationalizationof the GoTa standard.The growing GoTa ecology is givingbirth to a new global mainstreamstandard of digital trunking technology.F o r e q u i p m e n t m a n u f a c t u r e r sand operators, even for the wholecommunications industry, the time forthe industrialization of digital trunkingtechnologies has come. The worldwidelaunch of <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa trunking systemhas great significance in improvingthe status of Chinese communicationequipment vendors in the world;it marks the competition betweenChinese communication equipmentmanufacturers and their overseascounterparts has moved up fromproduct to standard.18<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Building a Public SecuritySystem with GoTaLu ZhifengOverviewGovernments in most countriesuse public mobile networks tocommunicate. Public mobile networkhas many weaknesses: no guarantee ofsecurity and privacy, lack of efficientand centralized response system,incapability to meet the emergencycommunication requirements, no groupcall function, and high communicationexpenses. Therefore, there is anurgent need to establish a publicsecurity system (PSS) for governmentdepartments.T h e P S S c a n i m p r o v e t h egovernment image and work efficiency.For a modern service-orientedgovernment, discretionary servicesprovided by individual departments canno longer meet the increasingly highersocial requirements. Its capabilitiesto provide integrated services area n i m p o r t a n t i n d ex m e a s u r i n gthe management level of a localgovernment. The trend of governmentComm & Ind, 4%Utilities, 8%Confidential, 5%Transportation, 23%Oil & Gas, 2%PAMR, 3%service is towards integrated andunified external service offeringsby effectively coordinating variousresources of government departments.The PSS supports emergencyresponse command and dispatch.Emergency events such as infectiousdisease, flood, earthquake have a greatPSS, 55%Fig. 1 Position of PSS in global trunking systemmarketsocial impact and involvelots of people. It requirescoordination of responsework, unified leadershipand fast actions. The PSSshould be built to ensure thatgovernment and other forces,when handling emergency, canquickly, timely and correctly<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 19

<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>collect information, and that they caneffectively communicate in variousways. The PSS has gradually becomeone of the major integrated citymanagement systems to be developedin many countries.<strong>ZTE</strong>’s Global opening Trunkingarchitecture (GoTa) system can becustomized for the PSS to meet publicsecurity authorities on dispatch andcommand system applications.Service Applications of PSST h e G o Ta s y s t e m p r o v i d e srich service functions. In additionto the basic group calls, privatecalls and broadcast calls, GoTaPSS offers professional servicesincluding emergency call, dynamicregrouping, direct mode operationand dispatch console. The systemalso provides high-speed wirelessdata transmission, locationpositioning, as well as theordinary voice functions ofthe public mobile network.Meanwhile, to meet theneeds of users, a variety ofGoTa terminals are provided,including encryption-capableterminals, explosion-proofterminals, and GPS GoTavehicle-mounted stations.T h e P S S c a n b e u s e d b ygovernment department staff atdifferent levels, and is applicablefor handling their routine work andemergencies. The following areexamples to illustrate the applicationsof GoTa PSS:Routine work of security andpolice departmentsTo enhance communications andimprove work efficiency, securityand police departments can apply theGoTa PSS to their daily work suchas stopping and detecting crimes;managing transport, fire control,dangerous goods; and fightingterrorism.The supporting services provided byGoTa PSS include PTT services (groupand private calls), ordinary telephoneservices, SMS, location-based service,mobile video monitoring, and datatransmission. GoTa PSS’s endto-endencryption function meetsthe requirements for confidentialcommunication. Its direct operationmode enables secure communicationbetween two terminals, and itspositioning function can be used totrack vehicles and people.Emergency response to plantexplosion or fireFor such severe incidents, therewill be command headquarters andfrontline command center to plan andexecute coalition operations. The firebrigades are responsible for frontlinefire fighting and rescuing while thepolice is in charge of guarding the firesite and maintaining the public andtraffic order in nearby areas, and themedical treatment department handlesemergency rescue, transfers of theinjured patients, and making rescuetreatment schemes.Radio dispatch services include:Group managementThe commanding centers quicklygroup users via the dispatch consoleaccording to the alarms and theexplosion pre-scheme, and regroupthem according to the actionschemes.Group sending of shortmessageThe commanding centerssend group messages to informall related people about the fireand the alarms.Floor takenA high priority user can takethe floor of a low priority user sothat emergency calls can proceeddespite the system congestions;thus, the system can timely sendout the most urgent and importantinformation to guarantee fast responseto emergencies.Dynamic regroupingT h e s i t e c o m m a n d e r s c a ndynamically regroup the police andfire staff, and other firemen for unified20<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

dispatch according to the actualsituation of the explosion site.PositioningThe positions of rescue workers andvehicles can be tracked.Video monitoringThe command vehicles for coalitionemergency response can use videocameras to wirelessly transmit picturesof the explosion site to the commandcenters so they can monitor theexplosion site in real time.Broadcast callThe commanding centers can sendout broadcast calls to inform all usersof the explosion site situations via thedispatch consoles.<strong>Feature</strong>s of GoTa PSSGoTa PSS offers all the applicationsfor government departments. It has thefollowing features:● <strong>Feature</strong>-rich service offerings: GoTaprovides a whole set of wirelessmobile services, including PTT,voice and broadband data services,to meet the wireless communicationrequirements of all governmentdepartments.● System security and privacy:Based on the advanced and matureCDMA technologies, the securityof GoTa, which is further enhancedby terminal and system accessauthentication, is higher than othertrunking systems. Meanwhile, GoTacan provide users with customizedend-to-end encryption schemes,ensuring service application securityfor government departments.● Fast call connection and largecapacity: The system offers fast callconnection; and provide trunkingservices when some places have alarge traffic load, or other publicnetworks are unavailable.● Wireless broadband data servicecapability: GoTa, based on the3G platform, offers the largestbandwidth for wireless data deliveryamong all existing trunking systems,providing government users withwireless data services such as highbandwidth wireless Internet accessand image transmission.● Low network construction cost:With open standards, completeindustry chain, and high price-toperformanceratio of terminals andsystem, GoTa provides professionalend-to-end trunking networksolutions at reasonable prices.● F i e l d - p r o v e n c o m m e r c i a ldeployments: To date, <strong>ZTE</strong> hascommercially deployed its GoTaproducts in more than 20 countriessuch as China, Russia, Malaysia,Norway, Sri Lanka, Mongolia,Ghana, Benin, Liberia, Sudan,Morocco and Libya.● Professional after-sales serviceteam: <strong>ZTE</strong> has set up customerservice centers in more than 100countries in the world. Its localprofessional engineering teamsprovide users with 24/7 servicesto guarantee the safe, reliableoperations of the system.ConclusionThe GoTa PSS solution meetsthe dispatch requirements of thegovernment and its subordinatedepartments in handling their routinework and emergencies.The GoTa system, when appliedto the public security sector, playsan important role in the operationof a government. Its capabilities arerepresented in the following aspects.Firstly, it improves communicationwithin government departments.The trunking network facilitatessmooth communication betweenthe government and its subordinatedepartments, such as the publics e c u r i t y b u r e a u , i m m i g r a t i o nbureau, fire control department andcustoms. Secondly, it guaranteessecure communication betweengovernment departments. Throughthe CDMA-based GoTa system, safeand independent communicationservices can be provided to thenational defense department, nationalsecurity department, and etc. Thirdly,it enhances emergency handlingcapabilities of the government. Incase of emergencies, the domesticaffairs department, national defensedepartment and security department canuniformly dispatch police, fire control,customs and army via the GoTa system.Lastly, it meets the requirements for thewireless data transmission. In additionto voice trunking communications,government departments require datacommunication services. The GoTasystem provides high-speed datatransmission and caters to the wirelessdata transmission requirements ofgovernment departments. Therefore, asa professional trunking communicationssystem, GoTa PSS brings greatpolitical and economic benefits to thegovernment.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES21

<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>GoTa, the Ideal Solution for PublicTrunking Radio NetworksLi TieOverviewTy p i c a l l y , a m o b i l etelecommunication network isclassified either as a Public AccessMobile Radio (PAMR) network or aPrivate Mobile Radio (PMR) network.The private communication system,also called the trunking system, fulfillsthe requirements of departments,industries and companies in productiondispatch, and public security and safetyapplications.At the early phase of trunkingcommunications, a fleet such as adepartment or company, usually buildsa professional system for its dedicateduse, which is called the Private MobileRadio (PMR) system.The Public Access Mobile Radio(PAMR) network is normally run bya network operator and can supporttens to hundreds of thousands ofusers within an area. Differentfrom the PMR network used bya fleet, the PAMR network offersservices to a number of fleets withusers distributed in governments,c o m p a n i e s , e n t e r p r i s e s a n dinstitutions. This operation modeof PAMR can give a full play tothe advantages of trunking radiocommunications such as the sharingof frequencies, channels, coverageareas, communication servicesand expenses. Therefore, digitalPAMR networks are becoming adevelopment trend for future digitaltrunking communications.GoTa Digital Trunking SystemGlobal open Trunking architecture(GoTa) is the world’s first CDMAbaseddigital trunking system launchedby <strong>ZTE</strong>, and it is also the only one thatcomplies with the standard releasedby China’s Ministry of InformationIndustry. The GoTa system consistsof the Base Station Subsystem (BSS),22<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

Dispatch Subsystem (DSS), MobileSwitching Subsystem (MSS), PacketData Switch Subsystem (PDSS),terminals and Value Added Subsystem(VAS), as shown in Fig.1.GoTa is a practical and professional3G-oriented trunking service solution,optimized and improved at the basisof existing CDMA technology. It isdesigned with full consideration ofPAMR features and various demandsof commercial mobile users, andis capable of providing a variety ofservices to users such as radio dispatch,basic call, packet data services, aswell as multiple value-added serviceslike SMS and LBS. The new GoTafunctions recently developed by <strong>ZTE</strong>include the following:● All basic and supplementaryservices under the two modes ofgroup call (traditional and enhancedgroup call)● R o a m i n g f u n c t i o n t o k e e pconnection alive within the wholenetwork● Virtual DSS function that allows asingle DSS to serve multiple areas● Inter-fleet call and dynamicregrouping functions that enablese a s y c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e ndepartments or fleets● Open API interface of the GoTadispatch console–to facilitate thirdparties to develop customizeddispatch consoles● Prepaid function to expand thebilling capabilities of the GoTasystem● Automatic group informationupdate● Group call record queryFig. 1 Network structure of the GoTa systemBenefits of <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTaWhile fully inheriting many benefitsof CDMA technologies, the GoTasystem can also offer professionalradio dispatch functions. It has thefollowing advantages:● More advanced technology, higherspectrum utilization, and simplernetwork planning● Clearer voice, higher capacity, moreflexible services, and lower networkconstruction costs● Professional radio dispatch andhigh-speed wireless broadbandaccess capabilities● A full array of GoTa solutionscovering the system, terminals,services and application models● Possession of core technologies andindependent IPR● 3G service capabilities based on the3G technical platform● <strong>Feature</strong>-rich service applicationsPAMR <strong>Feature</strong>s of GoTaAs the GoTa system is capable ofdelivering voice, PTT and data threemajor services, as well as value-addedservices, it is especially suitable tobuild PAMR networks, which offervarieties of services for both ordinaryand enterprise users.Radio dispatch servicesThe GoTa system has all radiodispatch functions of a professionalanalogue trunking radio system,capable of replacing the existinganalogue systems. These functionsinclude:● Basic trunking services: privatecall, group call, broadcast call, callpriority, emergency call, group userpriority, floor taken, late-entry andforced insert/release, and etc.● Supplementary trunking services:call forwarding, group number<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 23

<strong>Tech</strong> <strong>Feature</strong>presentation, calling number displayrestriction, call restriction, and etc.● Virtual Private Network (VPN)services: fleet management,short number dialing, dynamicregrouping, terminal status query,dynamic group management,dispatcher services, and etc.<strong>Feature</strong>d trunking services● Traditional group callIt is implemented to supportdense group calls in special cases oroccasions, without any restriction ingroup capacity.● Enhanced group callBy taking advantage of high radiocapacity of CDMA, the enhancedgroup call enables the system tomonitor real-time status of eachservices have a higher priority thantelephone services, and telephoneservices have a higher priority thandata services.● Group managementThe group administrator can managethe group on a real-time basis using hisor her own GoTa terminal, includingboth adding and deleting a user, settinguser’s priority and call duration.● Do Not DisturbWhen a user is unable to join in thePTT call for a certain period due topersonal reasons, he or she can set thetrunking service to the Do Not Disturb(DND) status.● Management consoleThrough the management console,users and groups within the fleet canbe managed.As the GoTa system is capable of delivering voice, PTTand data services, as well as value-added services, it isespecially suitable to build PAMR networks.member in a group call, thus ensuringservice reliability and making itpossible to introduce new functions.● Floor queueThe system can line up floor requestof the group members.● User status queryA user can query the on-line statusof other members in the group.● Service priorityThe operator can change prioritiesof the services. By default, trunking● Dispatch consoleThrough the interface of thedispatch console, the dispatcher canimplement fucntions such as callingusers and groups, displaying the realtimestatus of group members, andchecking calls.● Positioning function of the dispatchconsoleIntegrating dispatch and positioningfunctions is a featured function of<strong>ZTE</strong>’s dispatch console. A dispatchercan track the location of the dispatcheduser or group on a real-time basis whileimplementing private or group calls.Voice servicesThe GoTa system offers all theCDMA 1X voice services, includingrelated value-added services such asSMS and WIN.Data servicesThe GoTa system supports 14.4 Kbpscircuit data services such as G3 fax,low-speed Internet access, and lowspeeddata transmission, as well as153 Kbps high-speed packet dataservices such as mobile office, videoon demand, online query, multimediamails and data industrial applications.Location servicesWith a perfect combination ofCDMA-based positioning technologiesand trunking services, the GoTa systemcan offer featured and differentiatedlocation service solutions, which canbe widely used by industrial usersand civil departments in areas of shipnavigation, emergency assistance,vehicle management, goods tracking,logistics management, location-basedcharged service, and etc.ConclusionAs GoTa can offer rich servicefunctionalities, it is capable ofproviding end-to-end public trunkingradio solutions. Today, GoTa has beenused by operators in various countriessuch as China, Malaysia, CzechRepublic, and Norway to providePAMR services.24<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

HandsetsGoTa TerminalsLing YongGoTa terminals are trunkingradio terminals developed by<strong>ZTE</strong> that enable rich and practicaltrunking services. Since 2003, <strong>ZTE</strong>has developed several generations ofGoTa terminals, which are appliedto various fields in radio trunkingc o m m u n i c a t i o n s , m e e t i n g t h erequirements of different users.Handheld TerminalsBased on experiences in developingordinary consumer handsets, <strong>ZTE</strong>has developed several professionalhandheld terminals, offering multiplechoices for GoTa users.G800 seriesThe G800 terminal is <strong>ZTE</strong>’s first GoTahandheld terminal product. Featuringa folding design, it well integratesfashion and style of a consumerhandset with the specialization oftrunking communications. Sinceits release, the product has wonwidespread recognition.While promoting the G800 in themarket, <strong>ZTE</strong> has been continuallyimproving it based on the feedbacksfrom consumers. Targeting userrequirements such as high volumetrunking calls, <strong>ZTE</strong> released severalmodified G800 terminals, includingG800A, G800B and G800C. Theseproducts have further expanded thescope, as well as extended the marketlife, of the G800 folding terminalseries.As GoTa products got mature andstable, the G800 series graduallystopped production and exited themarket. However, these productshave played an irreplaceable role inpromoting <strong>ZTE</strong>’s GoTa solution.G800A G800B G800CG600 seriesThe G600 GoTa terminal series, withthe bar-type design, are waterproof,dustproof and shockproof to IP54-level, complying with the professionaltrend in trunking communications.G600 terminals target governmentdepartments, public institutions andenterprises that need trunking as wellas voice communications.With their reliable quality, completefunctions and professional appearance,G600 terminals are well received byusers, becoming a major force in theGoTa trunking market. The functionsand performance of G600 terminals areconstantly improved while the GoTaG600 bar-type terminals<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES 25

Handsetsfunctions. It weakens the voice callfunction and gives prominence to thetrunking function. The G612 providesgraphic interfaces and is easy to use.C60 bar-type terminal G5100 bar-type terminal G612 bar-type terminaltechnology is getting more and moremature.European market. With an appearancecustomized for European carriers,it incorporates GoTa technologyG658 seriesT r u n k i n g u s e r s a r e m o s t l yand provides professional trunkingfunctions.p r o f e s s i o n a l u s e r s , w h o p u tprofessional requirements on trunkingapplications. For example, somesecurity and military departmentusers need to have trunking callsencrypted. To satisfy this requirement,<strong>ZTE</strong> developed a whole set of GoTaencryption system, relying on itscomprehensive R&D capabilities. TheG658 series, which have the sameappearance as the G600 series, enablethe encryption function by addingan encryption module into the G600series.G612 seriesAs the GoTa market expands, usersare divided into different groups. Tomeet the requirements of frontlinepersonnel, <strong>ZTE</strong> developed a newgenerationG612 intercom series. Itstarget users are frontline workers andmanagement staff who use intercomterminals as work tools, especiallyenterprises and public institutions thathave the “analog to digital conversion”requirements.Compared with the G600 series,the G612 has simpler appearance andC60C60 is a handheld bar-type trunkingterminal that features a professionalappearance and a personalized userinterface. The C60, basically, has thesame functions as the G600 series.G616 seriesDirect mode operation (DMO) isa necessary function of the trunkingsystem to ensure that essential trunkingfunctions are available in certain areaswith no signal coverage of the trunkingsystem. Based on the G612, the G616realizes this function by adding aDMO module.G618 seriesGPS positioning is now a highlightin trunking applications and apractical requirement of many users.In developing the GoTa system, <strong>ZTE</strong>added the GPS positioning functioninto the set of GoTa applications, anddeveloped the GPS-enabled G618,an intercom terminal based on theG612. Controlled by the backgroundpositioning system of GoTa, G618can provide location information andachieve real-time positioning.Trunking accessoriesWhile developing a series ofhandheld terminals, <strong>ZTE</strong> has developedG5100The G5100 is the first GoTatrunking terminal brought to theFast teardown shoulderstrapVehicle-mountedchargerPortable shoulderMicrophone26 <strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES

a series of trunking accessories toprovide better support to the handheldterminals.Vehicle-Mounted SeriesVehicle-mounted products are animportant part in the GoTa trunkingsystem, as well as a strong link in theGoTa terminal industry chain. Theyare used in transportation tools suchas vehicles and ships, and provide thesame or higher-level trunking servicesthan handheld terminals.TG670 vehicle-mounted stationTG650 vehicle-mounted stationTG650 is a basic GoTa vehiclemountedproduct. It offers the basictrunking call and weakened voicecall functions. This product has beenwidely applied in departments suchas ports and transportation, and etc.,wining recognition from users.Installation PositionEmbedded GoTa vehicle-mounted stationTG650 vehicle-mounted stationTG670 vehicle-mounted stationTG670 is an advanced GoTaproduct featuring a user-friendlyinterface, firm and reliable appearance,and a complete trunking function setincluding GPS positioning. It can beused in special industries such as taxisand logistics that require trunking andpositioning capabilities.Special vehicle-mounted stationTo meet user requirements, the GoTaindustry chain provides many specialtypes of vehicle-mounted stations.The picture right above shows theembedded vehicle-mounted station usedfor the light rail project of Changchun,in northeastern Jilin Province, China.The product perfectly merges into theexisting environment and provideshigh-quality GoTa trunking services.ConclusionAs the GoTa system is beinggradually popularized, the number ofGoTa users continues to grow. Basedon the rich experience in the field oftrunking radio communication, <strong>ZTE</strong>will develop varieties of market-orientedGoTa trunking terminals with firmstructure, stable performance, friendlyinterface, complete functions andadvanced capabilities.<strong>ZTE</strong> TECHNOLOGIES27

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