The Solar Wind.pdf

The Solar Wind.pdf The Solar Wind.pdf
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The heliospheric current sheet shows markedvariation during the solar cycle.– The “waviness” of the current sheet increases at solarmaximum.– The current sheet is rather flat during solar minimum butextends to high latitudes during solar maximum.– During solar minimum CIRs are confined to the equatorialregion but cover a wide range of latitudes during solarmaximum.– The average velocity of the solar wind is greater during solarminimum because high-speed streams are observed morefrequently and for longer times

• A coronal mass ejection in space– A time sequence of differencesbetween four images taken with theSolar Maximum Missioncoronagraph during a coronal massejection on 14 April 1980 and asingle "pre-event" image.– Positive differences (brightenings ofthe corona since the pre-eventimage) are shown in red andorange, negative differences inblue.– A pair of bright (red) loops movedoutward through the coronabetween 0544 and 0709 UT,leaving a wedge of depleted (blue)corona behind them (as at 0847UT).– Coronal features to the sides of theloops were progressively pushedaway from the ejection during itspassage through the coronagraphfield of view, and are thus visible onthese difference images

• A coronal mass ejection in space– A time sequence of differencesbetween four images taken with the<strong>Solar</strong> Maximum Missioncoronagraph during a coronal massejection on 14 April 1980 and asingle "pre-event" image.– Positive differences (brightenings ofthe corona since the pre-eventimage) are shown in red andorange, negative differences inblue.– A pair of bright (red) loops movedoutward through the coronabetween 0544 and 0709 UT,leaving a wedge of depleted (blue)corona behind them (as at 0847UT).– Coronal features to the sides of theloops were progressively pushedaway from the ejection during itspassage through the coronagraphfield of view, and are thus visible onthese difference images

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