Influence of Coulomb scattering of electrons and holes between ...

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ARTICLE IN PRESSPhysica E 39 (2007) 137–149www.elsevier.com/locate/physe<strong>Influence</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Coulomb</strong> <strong>scattering</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong> <strong>between</strong>L<strong>and</strong>au levels on energy spectrum <strong>and</strong> collectiveproperties <strong>of</strong> two-dimensional magnetoexcitonsS.A. Moskalenko a,1 , M.A. Liberman b , P.I. Khadzhi a , E.V. Dumanov a ,Ig.V. Podlesny a , V. Boţ an b,a Institute <strong>of</strong> Applied Physics <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong> Moldova, Academiei 5, MD 2028 Chis-inău, Republic <strong>of</strong> Moldovab Department <strong>of</strong> Physics, Uppsala University, Box 530, SE 75121 Uppsala, SwedenReceived 3 July 2006; received in revised form 16 January 2007; accepted 25 February 2007Available online 6 March 2007AbstractThis study is concerned with a two-dimensional electron–hole system in a strong perpendicular magnetic field with special attentiondevoted to the influence <strong>of</strong> the virtual quantum transitions <strong>of</strong> interacting particles <strong>between</strong> the L<strong>and</strong>au levels. It is shown that virtualquantum transitions <strong>of</strong> two <strong>Coulomb</strong> interacting particles from the lowest L<strong>and</strong>au levels to excited L<strong>and</strong>au levels with arbitraryquantum numbers n <strong>and</strong> m <strong>and</strong> their transition back to the lowest L<strong>and</strong>au levels in the second order <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory result inindirect attraction <strong>between</strong> the particles supplementary to their <strong>Coulomb</strong> interaction. The influence <strong>of</strong> this indirect interaction on thechemical potential <strong>of</strong> the Bose–Einstein condensed magnetoexcitons <strong>and</strong> on the ground state energy <strong>of</strong> the metallic-type electron–holeliquid (EHL) is investigated in the Hartree–Fock approximation. The supplementary electron–electron <strong>and</strong> hole–hole interactions beingaveraged with direct pairing <strong>of</strong> operators increases the binding energy <strong>of</strong> magnetoexciton <strong>and</strong> the energy per pair in the EHL phase. Theterms obtained in the exchange pairing <strong>of</strong> operators give rise to repulsion. Together with the Bogoliubov self-energy terms arising fromthe electron–hole supplementary interaction they both influence in the favor <strong>of</strong> BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons with small momentum. Theinfluence <strong>of</strong> the excited exciton b<strong>and</strong>s on the energy spectrum <strong>and</strong> on the wave function <strong>of</strong> the lowest magnetoexciton b<strong>and</strong> is studied inthe second order <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory. The BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons in the superposition state is considered. The generalizedBogoliubov transformations, the BCS-type ground state wave function <strong>and</strong> the phase-space filling factors <strong>of</strong> the lowest <strong>and</strong> first excitedL<strong>and</strong>au levels are determined.r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.PACS: 71.35.Ji; 71.35.Lk; 71.35.EeKeywords: Magnetoexcitons; Bose–Einstein condensation1. IntroductionProperties <strong>of</strong> atoms <strong>and</strong> excitons are dramaticallychanged in strong magnetic fields, such that the distance Corresponding author. Fax: +46 18 4713524.E-mail address: vitalie.botan@fysik.uu.se (V. Boţ an).1 This research was supported by the common grant <strong>of</strong> the RussianFoundation for Fundamental Research <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences <strong>of</strong>Moldova, as well as by the Swedish Royal Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences. One <strong>of</strong>the authors (S.A.M.) gratefully acknowledges the hospitality <strong>of</strong> theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Physics <strong>of</strong> Uppsala University, where a part <strong>of</strong> this workhas been done.<strong>between</strong> L<strong>and</strong>au levels _o c , exceeds the corresponding pRydberg energies R y <strong>and</strong> the magnetic length l ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi_c=eHis small compared to their Bohr radii [1,2]. Even moreinteresting phenomena are exhibited in the case <strong>of</strong> twodimensional(2D) electron systems due to the quenching <strong>of</strong>the kinetic energy at high magnetic fields, with therepresentative example being integer <strong>and</strong> fractional QuantumHall effects [3–5]. The discovery <strong>of</strong> the FQHE [6–8]changed fundamentally the established concepts aboutcharged elementary excitations in solids [5]. The notion <strong>of</strong>the incompressible quantum liquid (IQL) was introduced inRef. [7] as a homogeneous phase with the quantized1386-9477/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.physe.2007.02.004

ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149 141where V s;k is the 2D Fourier transform <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Coulomb</strong>interaction2pe 2V s;k ¼ p 0 Sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi . (9)s 2 þ k 2The application <strong>of</strong> these matrix elements for derivation <strong>of</strong>the lowest exciton b<strong>and</strong>s will be shown in Section 4. Themain subject <strong>of</strong> the present paper concerns the simultaneousquantum transitions <strong>of</strong> two quasiparticles due totheir <strong>Coulomb</strong> <strong>scattering</strong>.Quantum transitions associated with <strong>Coulomb</strong> interactionsare allowed without changing the spins <strong>of</strong> interactingparticles. Since we are concerned only in the LLLs, whichcan accommodate all particles at zero temperature <strong>and</strong>high magnetic field, we consider virtual transitions, where aparticle is first promoted from the LLL to the ELL, <strong>and</strong>then reverted to the LLL. We restrict ourselves with thesimultaneous virtual transitions <strong>of</strong> two particles, butallowing them to be excited in LLs with arbitrary n <strong>and</strong>m. Such virtual transitions correspond to matrix elementsF i2j ðp; 0; q; 0; p s; n; q þ s; mÞ <strong>and</strong> F i2j ðp; n; q; m; ps; 0; q þ s; 0Þ with i; j ¼ e; h. As a result, these transitionswill induce indirect interaction <strong>between</strong> particles in theLLLs <strong>and</strong> influence essentially on the BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons.Such indirect interaction is attractive <strong>and</strong> appears inthe second order <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory. Following thestatements <strong>of</strong> the paper [26], the main role is played by thesimultaneous quantum transitions with n 0 ¼ m 0 ¼ n. However,the quantum transitions with nam have to be alsotaken into account <strong>and</strong> we will show that the virtualquantum transitions with participation <strong>of</strong> the e–h pair giverise to the contributions <strong>of</strong> two types, which are bothdepended on the magnetoexciton wave vector k, butexhibitingvanishing or non-vanishing behavior at the pointk ¼ 0. The indirect e–e <strong>and</strong> h–h interaction lead tocontributions, which do not depend on k. It was shown[28] that for n ¼ m ¼ 1 this indirect interaction gives rise tothe shift <strong>of</strong> the magnetoexciton levels <strong>and</strong> influence onBEC. The aim <strong>of</strong> this section is to generalize the resultsobtained in Ref. [28] <strong>and</strong> to determine the influence <strong>of</strong> allELLs with arbitrary n <strong>and</strong> m.We start with rewriting the Hamiltonian Eq. (2) byseparating the term H LLLCoul , which contains only the LLLs<strong>and</strong> the term H ELLCoul , which describes the simultaneoustransitions ð0; 0Þ$ðn; mÞ discussed above, while all othersterms entering Eq. (2) will be neglected:H ¼ H 0 þ H LLLCoul þ HELL Coul . (10)From now on particle operators with n ¼ m ¼ 0willbedenoted as a y p ; a p; b y p <strong>and</strong> b p . The term H ELLCoul can beexcluded from the Hamiltonian Eq. (10) with the aid <strong>of</strong>unitary transformation [32,33] ^U ¼ exp½i ^SŠ, where ^S ¼ ^S yis determined from the equationELLi½ ^H 0 ; ^SŠþHCoul ¼ 0. (11)Averaging the transformed Hamiltonian on the groundstate <strong>of</strong> <strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong> in ELLs j0i ELL we obtain aneffective HamiltonianH eff ¼ ELL h0je iS ^He iS j0iXELL’ m e a y p a Xp m h b y p b p þ H LLLCoulpþ i 2 ELLh0j½HELL Coul ; ^SŠj0i ELL,which can be written asXH eff ¼ m e a y p a Xp m h b y p b p þ H LLLCoulpppð12Þ1 Xf2 e2e ðp; q; zÞa y p ay q a qþza p zp;q;z1 Xf2 h2h ðp; q; zÞb y p by q b qþzb p zp;q;zXf e2h ðp; q; zÞa y p by q b qþza p z . ð13Þp;q;zHere the indirect interaction matrix elements f i j ðp; q; zÞare given by the expressionsf i2j ðp; q; zÞ ¼ X f i2j ðp; q; z; n; mÞ,n_on;m ci þ m_o cjf i2j ðp; q; z; n; mÞ ¼ X F i2j ðp; 0; q; 0; p t; n; q þ t; mÞtF i2j ðp t; n; q þ t; m; p z; 0;q þ z; 0Þ.ð14ÞMaking use <strong>of</strong> the definition Eq. (5) <strong>and</strong> notations <strong>of</strong> Eq.(8) one can write <strong>Coulomb</strong> matrix elements in the followingform:F i2i ðp; n; q; m; p s; 0; q þ s; 0Þ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffið 1Þm XpW2 nþm s;k f ðk; p q sÞð s þ ikÞ nþm l nþm ,n!m! kF i2i ðp; 0; q; 0; p s; n; q þ s; mÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffið 1Þm XpW2 nþm s;k f ðk; p q sÞðs þ ikÞ nþm l nþm ,n!m! kF e2h ðp; 0; q; 0; p t; n; q þ t; mÞ1 X¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiW2 nþm t;k f ðk; p þ qÞ½t þ ikŠ n ½t ikŠ m l nþm ,n!m! kF e2h ðp t; n; q þ t; m; p z; 0; q þ z; 0Þ1 X¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiW2 nþm t z;s f ðs; p þ qÞ½ðt zÞþisŠ nn!m! s½ðt zÞ isŠ m l nþm . ð15ÞAfter straightforward calculation the indirect interactionmatrix elements take the following form:f i2i ðp; q; z; n; mÞ ¼l2ðnþmÞ X2 nþm W t;k W z t;s f ðk; p q tÞn!m!t;k;sf ðk; p q t zÞðt þ ikÞ nþmðt z þ isÞ nþm ,

ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149 143system, whereas the <strong>Coulomb</strong> exchange e–e <strong>and</strong> h–hinteractions are negative. They give rise to the attractionin the system <strong>and</strong> facilitate the creation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Coulomb</strong>correlated e–h plasma <strong>and</strong> e–h liquid. The supplementaryattraction in the system increases the binding energy <strong>of</strong>magnetoexcitons <strong>and</strong> at the same time lowers the energyper one pair in the composition <strong>of</strong> EHL. These competingprocesses will be compared. On the contrary, the exchangepairing terms <strong>of</strong> the supplementary interaction are positive,giving rise to the repulsion in the e–h system. They act inthe favor <strong>of</strong> the BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons tending tostabilize it <strong>and</strong> partially diminish the binding energy <strong>of</strong>EHL. First, we will discuss the BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons inHFBA.The ground state energy E g <strong>of</strong> the Bose–Einsteincondensed magnetoexcitons in Ref. [27] was calculatedbeyond the HFBA on the base <strong>of</strong> Pauli–Feynman theoremfollowing the proposal <strong>of</strong> Comte <strong>and</strong> Nozieres [35,36].Being applied to 2D magnetoexcitons the main formulareads asE g ¼N exXQW QXQZ 10Z_do e 2 dl2p 0 l Im 1.ðQ; o; lÞ(25)Here N ex is the average number <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons <strong>and</strong>ðQ; o; lÞ is their dielectric constant in the case <strong>of</strong>hypothetical e–h system with square electric charge equalto l. Substituting in Eq. (25) the dielectric constant in HFAcalled as HF ðQ; o; lÞ or in RPA denoted as RPA ðQ; o; lÞ inRef. [27] the results were obtained in HFBA or beyond itwith account for correlation energy.Two approximations for dielectric constant have differentdependencies on the polarizability 4pa HF0 ðQ; o; lÞ RPA ðQ; o; lÞ ¼1 þ 4pa HF0 ðQ; o; lÞ,1e HF ðQ; o; lÞ ¼ 14paHF 0 ðQ; o; lÞ. ð26ÞThe polarizability can be calculated in the approximation<strong>of</strong> a weak response, if the wave function <strong>of</strong> thesystem in zero order approximation is known. In the case<strong>of</strong> BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons as a ground state wavefunction was chosen the BCS-type wave function [27]jc g ðkÞi <strong>and</strong> as the excited wave functions the wavefunctions <strong>of</strong> the coherent excited states introduced inRef. [36] for e–h systems in a similar way as it wasdone by Anderson [37] in the theory <strong>of</strong> superconductors.The ground state wave function was introducedfollowing Keldysh–Kozlov method [38] by theactionpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<strong>of</strong> the displacement unitary transformation^Dð N exÞon the vacuum state <strong>of</strong> the initially introducedelectron–hole operatorspffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffijc g ðkÞi ¼ ^Dð N exÞj0i;ap j0i ¼b p j0i ¼0. (27)The coherent excited states were generated as follows [27]:c e q Q x¼ a y2qþQ x =2 a q Q x =2jc g ðkÞi. (28)pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiThe unitary transformation ^Dð N exÞbreaks the gaugesymmetry <strong>of</strong> the initial Hamiltonian Eq. (13) transformingit to a new Hamiltonian ^DH eff ^D y , yielding the ground statepwaveffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffifunction Eq. (27) <strong>and</strong> macroscopic displacement<strong>of</strong> the exciton creation operatorN exX td y ðkÞ ¼p1 ffiffiffiffi e iQ ytl 2 a y kNx =2þt by k x =2 t . (29)Note that contrary to the Glauber coherent states [39] theexciton creation <strong>and</strong> annihilation operators are not pureBose operators but only quasi-boson operators [40].pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiThepffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiunitary transformation ^Dð N exÞ¼exp½ N exðdy ðkÞ dðkÞÞŠ <strong>of</strong> the Hamiltonian implies theunitary transformations <strong>of</strong> the operators ^Da p ^D y k x a p ¼ ua p v p b þ k2 x p ,^Db p ^D y b p ¼ ub p þ v k xp a þ k2x p , ð30Þyielding inverse transformation k xa p ¼ ua p þ v p b y k2 x p ; b p ¼ ub p v k x2p a y k x p ,(31)with the coefficientsqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffivðtÞ ¼ve ik ytl 2 ; v ¼ sinð 2pl 2 n ex Þ; u ¼ cosð 2pl 2 n ex Þ,n ex ¼ N ex =S.The restriction <strong>of</strong> the LLL implies the following equalities[27]:v 2 ¼ N ex =N; n ex ¼ v22pl 2 ,where v 2 is the filling factor <strong>of</strong> the LLL. The last lineimmediately brings us to the relations u ¼ cos v <strong>and</strong>v ¼ sin v, which can be satisfied only in the limit vo1.The theory developed in Ref. [27] <strong>and</strong> its application belowhas to be treated with the restriction vo1. To avoid thisconstraint it is necessary to generalize the structure <strong>of</strong> theexciton creation operator Eq. (29) including in itscomposition the creation operators <strong>of</strong> <strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong>at least in a few number <strong>of</strong> ELLs. This improvement will bediscussed in the next section, where the FELL is included.The Hamiltonian <strong>of</strong> Eq. (13) after the unitary transformation(31) will contain operators a y p ; a p; b y p ; b p in arbitraryordering. Their normal ordering will generate a constant Uplaying the role <strong>of</strong> the ground state energy <strong>of</strong> HFBA, aquadratic term H 2 similar with the quadratic expressionEq. (36) <strong>of</strong> Ref. [27], <strong>and</strong> a quartic term H 0 . Hence, theterms entering H 0 contain only normal ordered operatorsa y p ; a p; b y p ; b p instead <strong>of</strong> a y p ; a p; b y p ; b p. The average value <strong>of</strong> H 0

144ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149on the ground state wave function Eq. (27) equals zeroeven for the term proportional to v 4 . Its contribution isnon-zero only in higher orders <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory,when the coherent excited states were used, as it wasdemonstrated in the Ref. [27], where the correlation energycontain a factor v 4 u 4 . The role <strong>of</strong> smallness parameter isplayed by the filling factor v 2 ¼ 2pl 2 n ex o1. At a givenmagnetic field v 2 can be altered arbitrary within intervalð0; 1Þ by changing the exciton concentration n ex , or the totalnumber <strong>of</strong> excitons in the system N ex . Contrary to thesmall parameter r ¼ I l =_o c discussed above <strong>and</strong> relatedwith the intensity <strong>of</strong> the magnetic field there exists anotherindependent parameter n ex <strong>of</strong> different origin, which in ourconsideration must be small as compared to 1=2pl 2 .The quadratic Hamiltonian H 2 is given below for thecase <strong>of</strong> <strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong> with equal masses m e ¼ m h ,cyclotron frequencies o ce ¼ o ch ¼ o c <strong>and</strong> chemical potentialsm e ¼ m h ¼ m=2:H 2 ¼ X ½Eðk; v 2 ; mÞþðB 2AÞv 2 ð1 2v 2 Þpþ 2v 2 ð1 v 2 ÞDðkÞŠða y p a p þ b y p b pÞþ X uv k xp b2kx pa p þ uv ppk x2a y p by k xf cðk; v 2 ; mÞþ2v 2 ðB 2A þ DðkÞÞ DðkÞg. ð32ÞFollowing the notations <strong>of</strong> Eqs. (40) <strong>and</strong> (41) <strong>of</strong> Ref. [27]we haveEðk; v 2 ; mÞ ¼2v 2 u 2 I ex ðkÞþI l ðv 4 v 2 u 2 Þm2 ðu2 v 2 Þ,cðk; v 2 ; mÞ ¼2v 2 I l þ I ex ðkÞð1 2v 2 Þþm, ð33Þwhereas the coefficients DðkÞ, A <strong>and</strong> B are determined byEqs. (17), (21) <strong>and</strong> (24), respectively. Putting to zero thelast bracket in Eq. (32), i.e. compensating the dangerousdiagrams describing the spontaneous creation <strong>and</strong> annihilation<strong>of</strong> e–h pairs in the vacuum state Eq. (27), one canobtain the chemical potential m <strong>of</strong> the system in the HFBA:m HFB ¼ ~I ex ðkÞþ2v 2 ðB 2A þ ~I ex ðkÞ I l Þ¼ ~I ex ðkÞþ2v 2 ðB 2A þ DðkÞ EðkÞÞ. ð34ÞHere the renormalized ionization potential <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons~I ex ðkÞ containing the correction due to influence <strong>of</strong>all ELLs was introduced:~I ex ðkÞ ¼I ex ðkÞþDðkÞ; I ex ðkÞ ¼I l EðkÞ,E ex ðkÞ ¼ I ex ðkÞ. ð35ÞIntroducing the value m HFB in the remainder part <strong>of</strong> thefirst line <strong>of</strong> Eq. (32), Hamiltonian H 2 will take the formH 2 ¼ X p~I ex ðkÞða þ p2a p þ b þ p b pÞ. (36)This Hamiltonian describes the single-particle elementaryexcitations from a single-exciton state with wave vector k<strong>of</strong> the condensed magnetoexcitons. To extract from thecondensate one pair <strong>of</strong> new quasiparticles the energy costp~I ex ðkÞ is equivalent to unbinding energy, i.e. the excitationenergy for one quasiparticle equals to ~I ex ðkÞ=2. Notice thatthe chemical potential m HFB in the point v 2 ¼ 0 coincides onthe energy scale with the position <strong>of</strong> the renormalizedmagnetoexciton energy b<strong>and</strong>~E ex ðkÞ ¼ ~I ex ðkÞ,while in the point 2v 2 ¼ 1 it equals to the value I l þ B2A <strong>and</strong> does not depend on k. The concentrationcorrections to m HFB are determined by the term2v 2 ðB 2A þ DðkÞ EðkÞÞ. (37)The term EðkÞ appears in the frame <strong>of</strong> the LLLs <strong>and</strong> wasobtained in the Refs. [26,27]. It determines the instability <strong>of</strong>the ground state within the HFBA, when the correctionsdue to ELL are neglected. The term B 2A appears inboth phases, not only in the case <strong>of</strong> BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexciton,but also in the case <strong>of</strong> EHL. The term 2A is relatedwith the average Hartree terms <strong>of</strong> the supplementary e–e,h–h <strong>and</strong> e–h interactions, whereas the term B with theaverage exchange terms <strong>of</strong> the supplementary e–e <strong>and</strong> h–hinteractions. The term 2v 2 DðkÞ is according to e–hinteraction <strong>and</strong> Bogoliubov u-v transformation <strong>and</strong> isnamed as Bogoliubov self-energy term [41]. As it will beshown below it does not appear in the case <strong>of</strong> EHL.The renormalized ionization potential in a dimensionlessform is represented in Fig. 1, when the parameter r wastaken equal to 1 <strong>and</strong> 1 2. Note the value 1 is the maximalpossible value because the theory is valid only for ro1. Theresulting influence <strong>of</strong> the ELLs on the chemical potentialmðk; v 2 Þ calculated in the HFBA is determined by thecoefficient ðB 2A þ DðkÞÞ as was mentioned above. In thedimensionless form it is represented in Fig. 2 also for twodifferent ratios r ¼ 0:5: 1. This influence, as well as theinfluence <strong>of</strong> FELLs discussed in the paper [28], is essentialonly in the range <strong>of</strong> small values <strong>of</strong> klo0:5, decreasingrapidly with the increasing <strong>of</strong> kl. The inset on this figurerepresents the coefficient ½B 2A þ DðkÞ EðkÞŠ, whichreflects the influence <strong>of</strong> both the LLLs <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the ELLs.Thus, the main result obtained so far, namely thedependence <strong>of</strong> the chemical potential m HFB in HFBAversus the filling factor v 2 <strong>of</strong> the LLL at different values <strong>of</strong>the dimensionless wave vector kl ¼ 0; 0:5; 1:0; 3:6 <strong>and</strong> fortwo different values <strong>of</strong> ratio r ¼ 0:5: 1 is presented in Fig. 3.One can see that the BEC <strong>of</strong> 2D magnetoexcitons withwave vector klo0:5 is stable in HFBA. As was realized inRef. [27,28] at greater values kl40:5 the influence <strong>of</strong>coherent excited states [37] is important <strong>and</strong> leads to theappearance <strong>of</strong> the metastable dielectric liquid phase.Now we consider the EHL formation in HFA. We startwith an effective Hamiltonian (13), but without chemicalpotentials m e <strong>and</strong> m h , <strong>and</strong> calculate the ground state energyE EHL <strong>of</strong> EHL at T ¼ 0 when the average values <strong>of</strong><strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong> numbers on the LLLs are equal toha y p a pi¼hb y p b pi¼v 2 . (38)

ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149 145Here v 2 is the filling factor <strong>of</strong> LLLs. Applying the Wicktheorem, we obtained the ground state energyE EHL ¼ N e2h ½v 2 I l þ v 2 ð2A BÞŠ; N e2h ¼ Nv 2 , (39)<strong>and</strong> the energy per one e–h pair e EHL <strong>of</strong> EHL in units <strong>of</strong> I le EHL¼ v 2 1 þ 2I lðS TÞ . (40)I l p_o cTaking into account the estimated values S ¼ 0:481 <strong>and</strong>T ¼ 0:216 we havee EHL¼ ð1 þ 0:168rÞv 2 ; r ¼ I l =_o c . (41)I lThe minimal value is achieved at filling factor v 2 ¼ 1, <strong>and</strong> itdetermines the energy per pair inside EHD equal toe EHD ¼ I l ð1 þ 0:168rÞ. (42)e EHL <strong>and</strong> e EHD depend on the ratio ro1. In spite <strong>of</strong> therestriction ro1 equivalent to a strong magnetic fieldcondition, we will make also calculations in the case <strong>of</strong>maximal possible value r ¼ 1. One can see that thecorrections due to ELLs lower the energy per pair insideEHD by the value 0:168I l for r ¼ 1 <strong>and</strong> by the value0:084I l for r ¼ 0:5. The energy per e–h pair <strong>of</strong> EHD ispresented in Fig. 3 for different values <strong>of</strong> the ratio r. Theenergy e EHD is <strong>of</strong> the same order <strong>of</strong> magnitude as thechemical potential <strong>of</strong> condensed excitons with small wavevectors k <strong>and</strong> the coexistence <strong>of</strong> these two states is possible.4. Excitonic approach: BEC in the superposition excitonstateThe aim <strong>of</strong> this section is to generalize the resultsexpressed by formulas (27)–(31), as well as to compare the(r = 0.5)(r = 1)(r = 0.5)(r = 1)kl=0kl=0.5kl=1.0kl=3.6Fig. 1. Renormalized exciton ionization potential versus dimensionlesswavevector kl for different values <strong>of</strong> the parameter r ¼ I l =_o c . Solid line:r ¼ 1; dashed line: r ¼ 0:5. Dash-dotted line: ionization potential with theinclusion <strong>of</strong> only FELL for r ¼ 1; dotted line: the same, but for r ¼ 0:5(see Section 4). 0.5 1.0kl1.5 2.0Fig. 2. Coefficient B 2A þ DðkÞ versus wavevector k for different values<strong>of</strong> the parameter r ¼ I l =_o c . Solid line: r ¼ 1; dashed line: r ¼ 0:5. Inset:coefficient B 2A þ DðkÞ EðkÞ versus wavevector k. Solid line: r ¼ 1;dashed line: r ¼ 0:5.Fig. 3. Chemical potential versus filling factor v 2 for different values <strong>of</strong> theparameter r ¼ I l =_o c . Solid line: energy per e–h pair in EHD phase;dashed line: chemical potential <strong>of</strong> condensed excitons with k ¼ 0; dottedline: the same, but for kl ¼ 0:5; dash-dotted line: the same, but for kl ¼ 1;dash-dot–dot line: the same, but for kl ¼ 3:6.

146ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149results illustrated in Fig. 1 with the ones obtained in thissection. Putting the aim into practice we need to calculatethe wave functions <strong>and</strong> the energy spectrum <strong>of</strong> the lowestexciton b<strong>and</strong>. We will confine ourselves into the frame <strong>of</strong>four exciton levels model. By this restriction we willdetermine the influence <strong>of</strong> nearly situated exciton levelswith the same wave vector on the lowest exciton level inwhich the BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons takes place. Thesecalculations are needed to obtain more exact expressionsfor the exciton wave function as well as <strong>of</strong> the excitoncreation <strong>and</strong> annihilation operators. They will be representedas coherent superpositions <strong>of</strong> their zero orderexpressions <strong>and</strong> will lead us to the necessity to investigatethe BEC in the exciton superposition state.For the beginning we will define the magnetoexcitoncreation operator [25–27] characterized by the number n <strong>of</strong>the electron LL <strong>and</strong> by the number m <strong>of</strong> the hole LL, aswell as by the 2D wave vector k with two components k x<strong>and</strong> k yX y n;m;k ¼ p1 ffiffiffiffiX exp½ ik y tl 2 Ša y n;kNx =2þt by m;k x =2 t . (43)tThe state with the pair <strong>of</strong> numbers ðn; mÞ equals to (0,0) willfor simplicity be denoted as the state 1, the pair <strong>of</strong> numbers(1,1) gives rise to the magnetoexciton state 2, the pairs (1,0)<strong>and</strong> (0,1) will be mentioned as the states 3 <strong>and</strong> 4,correspondingly. The exciton wave function c i ðkÞ isobtained as action <strong>of</strong> this operator on the vacuum statej0i determined as a n;p j0i ¼0; b m;p j0i ¼0c i;k ¼ X y n;m;kj0i, (44)where i labels the quantum numbers i !ðn; mÞ. Thus, onecan straightforwardly prove the orthogonality <strong>and</strong> normalizationproperties <strong>of</strong> eigenstates:hc i;k jc j;k 0i¼d i;j d k;k 0. (45)The matrix elements <strong>of</strong> the Hamiltonian Eq. (2), where thechemical potentials m e <strong>and</strong> m h are omitted as we areconcerned in single exciton properties, on the wavefunctions Eq. (44) are denoted asH ij ðkÞ ¼hc i;k j ^Hjc j;k i¼d i;j hc i;k j ^H 0 jc i;k iþV i;j ðkÞ, (46)where V i;j ðkÞ ¼hc i;k j ^H Coul jc j;k i. Analytical expression forV i;j ðkÞ one can derive from Eqs. (6) to (7) (for details seee.g. in Ref. [43]). The magnetoexciton energy b<strong>and</strong>s will bedetermined at first in the zeroth order <strong>of</strong> the perturbationtheory, when only the diagonal matrix elements H ii <strong>and</strong>two <strong>of</strong>f-diagonal matrix elements V 12 ðkÞ <strong>and</strong> V 21 ðkÞ aretaken into account. The reason for the choice <strong>of</strong> the zeroorder approximation will be given below. All other <strong>of</strong>fdiagonalmatrix elements, which are smaller than thevalues V 12 <strong>and</strong> V 21 will be introduced in higher orders <strong>of</strong>the perturbation theory. We consider first the nondegeneratecase when o ce ao ch ,so that the four zero ordermagnetoexciton b<strong>and</strong>s accounted from the LLLs areE 1 exðkÞ ¼Eð0;0Þ ex ðkÞ ¼H 1;1 ðkÞ ¼V 1;1 ðkÞ ¼ I ð0;0Þex ðkÞ, ð47aÞE 2 exðkÞ ¼Eð1;1Þ ex ðkÞ ¼H 2;2 ðkÞ ¼_o ce þ _o ch I ð1;1Þex ðkÞ, ð47bÞE 3 exðkÞ ¼Eð1;0Þ ex ðkÞ ¼H 3;3 ðkÞ ¼_o ce I ð1;0Þex ðkÞ, ð47cÞE 4 exðkÞ ¼Eð0;1Þ ex ðkÞ ¼H 4;4 ðkÞ ¼_o ch I ex ð0;1Þ ðkÞ. ð47dÞThe ionization potentials <strong>of</strong> four b<strong>and</strong>s were determined asI ðn;mÞex ðkÞ ¼ X sF e2h ðp; n; k x p; m; p s; n; k x p þ s; mÞ exp½ik y sl 2 Š¼ e2e 0 lx 2 exp 12Z 1dx0 nþmx 22J 0 ðklxÞ; n; m ¼ 0; 1. ð48ÞAn explicit expression for I ðn;mÞex ðkÞ can be found e.g. in Ref.[44].A more exact expression <strong>of</strong> the magnetoexciton wavefunction is the linear combinationc n;k ¼ X4i¼1a in c i;k . (49)The new functions c n;k are denoted by Greek symbolsn ¼ a; b; g; d, whereas the initial zero order functions c ik byLatin letter i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. They obey to the Schro¨dingerequation^Hc n;k ¼ E n ðkÞc n;k (50)what leads to four linear equations which determine theenergy spectrum E n ðkÞ <strong>and</strong> the coefficients a in . Theequations contain the matrix elements Eq. (46) <strong>and</strong> havethe formX 4i¼1a in H ij ðkÞ ¼E n ðkÞa jn ; j ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4. (51)The energy spectrum E n ðkÞ can be found solving secularequationH 11 ðkÞ E n ðkÞ V 12 ðkÞ V 13 ðkÞ V 14 ðkÞV 21 ðkÞ H 22 ðkÞ E n ðkÞ V 23 ðkÞ V 24 ðkÞ¼ 0.V 31 ðkÞ V 32 ðkÞ H 33 ðkÞ E n ðkÞ V 34 ðkÞ V 41 ðkÞ V 42 ðkÞ V 43 ðkÞ H 44 ðkÞ E n ðkÞ (52)Neglecting 10 <strong>of</strong>f-diagonal matrix elements denoted as afirst order infinitesimals ejV 13 jjV 14 jjV 23 jjV 24 jjV 34 je (53)we will obtain the zero order solutions <strong>of</strong> Eqs. (51) <strong>and</strong> (52)E 0 a;b ðkÞ ¼ H 11ðkÞþH 22 ðkÞ2 1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðH 11 ðkÞ H 22 ðkÞÞ 2 þ 4V 2 122ðkÞ ,E 0 g ðkÞ ¼H 33ðkÞ; E 0 d ðkÞ ¼H 44ðkÞ. ð54Þ

ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149 147In the limit V 12 ðkÞo_o ce þ _o ch two magnetoexcitonb<strong>and</strong>s look as follows:E 0 a ðkÞ ¼E1 ex ðkÞ V 2 12 ðkÞ ,_o ce þ _o chE 0 b ðkÞ ¼E2 ex ðkÞþ V 2 12 ðkÞ .ð55Þ_o ce þ _o chThe coefficients a 0 in can be also determined in the zerothorderja 0 1a j2 ¼ja 0 ðH 22 ðkÞ H 11 ðkÞÞ 22b j2 ¼ðH 22 ðkÞ H 11 ðkÞÞ 2 þ V 2 12 ðkÞV 2 12 1ðkÞð_o ce þ _o ch Þ 2 ,ja 0 2a j2 ¼ja 0 V 21b j2 12¼ðkÞðH 22 ðkÞ H 11 ðkÞÞ 2 þ V 2 12 ðkÞV 2 12ðkÞð_o ce þ _o ch Þ 2 ,a 0 2a V 12 ðkÞ; a 0 1b_o ce þ _o V 12ðkÞ,ch _o ce þ _o cha 0 3n ¼ a0 4n ¼ 0 for n ¼ a; b. ð56ÞThe different signs <strong>of</strong> the coefficients a 0 1b <strong>and</strong> a0 2aare takento obey Eqs. (51) <strong>and</strong> will be important in the discussionsbelow. We are interested in a more exact expressions foronly the lowest exciton b<strong>and</strong> taking into account theinfluence <strong>of</strong> three exciton b<strong>and</strong>s situated upper on theenergy scale. For these three b<strong>and</strong>s involved in this schemethe starting wave function (49) is not sufficient becausethere are another exciton b<strong>and</strong>s which do not affect toomuch the lowest exciton b<strong>and</strong>s, but can stronger influenceon the upper exciton b<strong>and</strong>s. It can be easily shown that firstorder corrections give zero contribution to the energy <strong>and</strong>the following contribution to the coefficients a in :a 0 1n ¼ a0 2n ¼ 0,a 0 3n ¼ðV 31a 0 1n þ V 32a 0 2n ÞðH 33 E 0 n Þ ; n ¼ a; b,a 0 4n ¼ ðV 41a 0 1n þ V 42a 0 2n ÞðH 44 E 0 n Þ . ð57ÞThe perturbation theory used here gives rise to the secondorder correction to the lowest exciton b<strong>and</strong> E 00aE 00a ðkÞ ¼ jV 13 ðkÞj 2E 0 a ðkÞ H 33ðkÞ þ jV 14ðkÞj 2 E 0 a ðkÞ H ja 0 1a44ðkÞj2jV 23 ðkÞj 2þE 0 a ðkÞ H 33ðkÞ þ jV 24 ðkÞj 2 E 0 a ðkÞ H ja 0 2a44ðkÞj2þ a 01a a0 2aþ a 02a a0 1aV 13 ðkÞV 32 ðkÞE 0 a ðkÞ H 33ðkÞ þ V 14ðkÞV 42 ðkÞE 0 a ðkÞ H 44ðkÞV 23 ðkÞV 31 ðkÞE 0 a ðkÞ H 33ðkÞ þ V 24ðkÞV 41 ðkÞE 0 a ðkÞ H . ð58Þ44ðkÞSubstituting the coefficients a 0 1a <strong>and</strong> a0 2a, given by (56) <strong>and</strong>the matrix elements V ij ðkÞ from (46) into (58) we obtain thedependence <strong>of</strong> E 00aðkÞ on the dimensionless wave vector kl.The dependence <strong>of</strong> the ionization potential <strong>of</strong> the lowestexciton b<strong>and</strong> on the wave vector k with the account <strong>of</strong> thesecond order corrections is represented in Fig. 1 by thedotted <strong>and</strong> dash-dotted lines. This corrections are 40%smaller as compared with the influence <strong>of</strong> all ELL.In the frame <strong>of</strong> four level models the magnetoexcitoncreation operator has the formX y ak ¼ a0 1a X y 0;0;k þ a0 2a X y 1;1;k þ a0 3a X y 1;0;k þ a0 4a X y 0;1;k . (59)On its base it is possible to construct a new displacementoperator ^DðN ex Þ <strong>and</strong> to discuss the phenomenon <strong>of</strong> BECtaking into account explicitly the LLLs <strong>and</strong> FELLs.Consider the BEC in the lowest exciton superpositionstate in a simplified variant, when only two main terms inexpression (59) are taken into account <strong>and</strong> the coefficients<strong>of</strong> superposition are a 0 1a a 1 <strong>and</strong> a 0 2a a 2, with thecondition a 2 1 þ a2 2 ¼ 1. The expression Eq. (31) now canbe rewritten as:X y k ¼ a 1X y 0;0;k þ a 2X y 1;1;k . (60)pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiThe unitary transformation ^Dð N exÞ¼exp½N exðXy ðkÞXðkÞÞŠ leads do generalized Bogoliubov’s u-v transformationa p ¼ ^Da p ^D y¼ cosðga 1 Þa p sinðga 1 Þ exp½ ik y ðp k x =2ÞŠb y k x p ,b p ¼ ^Da p ^D y¼ cosðga 1 Þb p þ sinðga 1 Þ exp½ ik y ðk x =2 pÞŠa y k x p ,g p ¼ ^Dc p ^D y¼ cosðga 2 Þa p sinðga 2 Þ exp½ ik y ðp k x =2ÞŠd y k x p ,d p ¼ ^Dd p ^D y¼ cosðga 2 Þd p sinðga 2 Þ exp½ ik y ðk =2 pÞŠc y k x p . ð61ÞpHere g ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2pl 2 n ex ; n ex ¼ N ex =S; Fermi operators c p ; d p<strong>and</strong> c y p ; dy p describe the annihilation <strong>and</strong> creation <strong>of</strong> anelectron <strong>and</strong> a hole in the FELL, respectively. Then thenew ground state wave function acquires the followingform:pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffijC g ðkÞi ¼ ^Dð N exÞj0i¼ Y ðcosðgÞþsinðgÞ expð ik y tl 2 Þ½a 1 a y k x =2þt by k x =2 ttþ a 2 c y k x =2þt dy k x =2 tŠÞ, ð62Þwhich plays the role <strong>of</strong> vacuum state for the operatorsa p ; b p ; g p ; d p , i.e.a p jC g ðkÞi ¼ b p jC g ðkÞi ¼ g p jC g ðkÞi ¼ d p jC g ðkÞi ¼ 0.With the above definitions one can calculate the averagenumber <strong>of</strong> excitons (which is equal to the average number

148ARTICLE IN PRESSS.A. Moskalenko et al. / Physica E 39 (2007) 137–149<strong>of</strong> <strong>electrons</strong> or <strong>holes</strong>) as follows:hC g ðkÞj X ða y t a t þ c y t c t ÞjC g ðkÞi ¼ N½sin 2 ðga 1 Þþsin 2 ðga 2 ÞŠ.t(63)Owing to the definition <strong>of</strong> g one arrives at the concentrationrelationg 2 ¼ sin 2 ðga 1 Þþsin 2 ðga 2 Þ, (64)which in case <strong>of</strong> a 2 ¼ 0 leads to the previous expression Eq.(36) <strong>of</strong> Ref. [27]. Another special case is the following:pa 1 ¼ a 2 ¼ 1=ffiffip2 ; g 2 =2 ¼ sin 2 ðg= ffiffi2 Þ, (65)what implies g 2 o2. This relation generalize the description<strong>of</strong> the BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexciton gas on its superpositionstate, with <strong>electrons</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>holes</strong> residing both in the LLLs<strong>and</strong> the FELLs.5. ConclusionsThe virtual excitations due to <strong>Coulomb</strong> <strong>scattering</strong> <strong>of</strong> twocharged particles from their LLLs to ELLs with arbitraryindices n <strong>and</strong> m <strong>and</strong> their return back to LLLs lead in thesecond order <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory to supplementaryindirect interaction <strong>between</strong> the particles side by side withtheir <strong>Coulomb</strong> interaction. General expressions for thecorresponding matrix elements were obtained. On thesebase the influence <strong>of</strong> indirect interaction on the chemicalpotential <strong>of</strong> the condensed magnetoexcitons <strong>and</strong> on theenergy per pair in the components <strong>of</strong> EHL <strong>and</strong> EHD wererevealed in HFA. The indirect supplementary e–e <strong>and</strong> h–hinteraction being averaged in HFA gives rise to directpairing terms <strong>and</strong> exchanges pairing terms. The first termsbeing negative increase the binding energy <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons<strong>and</strong> energy per pair in the EHL phase, whereas thesecond terms are repulsive. They diminish the influence <strong>of</strong>the direct pairing terms, but do not surpass them, so thatthe resulting influence <strong>of</strong> both terms remains attractive.The supplementary e–h attraction after the u-v transformationin the case <strong>of</strong> BEC <strong>of</strong> magnetoexcitons in the statewith wave vector k gives rise to repulsive-type Bogoliubovself-energy terms [41]. They stabilized the BEC in the smallregion <strong>of</strong> wave vectors klo0:5. Such terms do not appearin the case <strong>of</strong> EHL.The energy per one e–h pair inside the EHD found to besituated on the energy scale very close to the value <strong>of</strong> thechemical potential <strong>of</strong> the Bose–Einstein condensed magnetoexcitonswith wave vector k ¼ 0 calculated in the HFBA.These two phases can coexist. Coexistence <strong>of</strong> the degenerateBose gas with k ¼ 0 <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> the droplets <strong>of</strong> dielectricliquid phase formed by magnetoexcitons with non-zerowave vector k was revealed in Ref. [42], so that one canexpect the coexistence <strong>of</strong> three phases simultaneously.The wave functions <strong>of</strong> the lowest exciton levels in thesecond order <strong>of</strong> the perturbation theory represent thesuperpositions <strong>of</strong> the zero order exciton wave functionsrelated with definite L<strong>and</strong>au levels. 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