Chloromycetin eye drops and ointment - NPs

Chloromycetin eye drops and ointment - NPs

Chloromycetin eye drops and ointment - NPs


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<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>(R) EyeDrops <strong>and</strong> OintmentChloramphenicolConsumer Medicine InformationWhat is in this leafletThis leaflet answers some commonquestions about <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> EyeDrops <strong>and</strong> Eye Ointment. It does notcontain all the available information.It does not take the place of talkingto your doctor or pharmacist.All medicines have risks <strong>and</strong>benefits. Your doctor has weighedthe risks of you using <strong>Chloromycetin</strong>against the benefits they expect itwill have for you.If you have any concerns aboutusing this medicine, ask yourdoctor or pharmacist.Keep this leaflet with the medicine.You may need to read it again.What <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> isused for<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops <strong>and</strong>Ointment are used to treat bacterialinfections of the <strong>eye</strong>.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> belongs to a group ofmedicines called antibiotics.It works by stopping the growth ofthe bacteria causing your infection.Ask your doctor if you have anyquestions about why this medicinehas been prescribed for you.Your doctor may have prescribed itfor another reason.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> is not addictive.It is available only with a doctor'sprescription.Before you use itWhen you must not use itDo not use <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> if youhave an allergy to:* chloramphenicol* any of the ingredients listed at theend of this leaflet.* any other similar medicines.Symptoms of an allergic reactionmay include shortness of breath,wheezing or difficulty breathing;swelling of the face, lips, tongue orother parts of the body; rash, itchingor hives on the skin.Do not give <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> tobabies or children, unless yourdoctor tells you to.Do not use <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> after theexpiry date printed on the pack orif the packaging is torn or showssigns of tampering.If it has expired or is damaged, returnit to your pharmacist for disposal.If you are not sure whether youshould start using this medicine, talkto your doctor.Before you start to use itTell your doctor if you have allergiesto any other medicines, foods,preservatives or dyes.Tell your doctor if you have orhave had anaemia, bleeding orother blood problems.Tell your doctor if you arepregnant, plan to become pregnantor are breastfeeding.Your doctor can discuss with you therisks <strong>and</strong> benefits involved.If you have not told your doctorabout any of the above, tell him/herbefore you start using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>.Taking or using othermedicinesTell your doctor or pharmacist ifyou are taking or using any othermedicines, including any that youget without a prescription fromyour pharmacy, supermarket orhealth food shop.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment <strong>and</strong> some other medicinesmay interfere with each other. Theseinclude other <strong>eye</strong> <strong>drops</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>ointment</strong>s.These medicines may be affected by<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> or may affect howwell it works. You may needdifferent amounts of your medicines,or you may need to use differentmedicines.Your doctor <strong>and</strong> pharmacist havemore information on medicines to becareful with or avoid while using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>.CHLOROMYCETIN(R) EYE DROPS AND OINTMENT 1

How to use<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>Follow all directions given to youby your doctor or pharmacistcarefully.They may differ from theinformation contained in this leaflet.If you do not underst<strong>and</strong> theinstructions on the label, ask yourdoctor or pharmacist for help.How much to useThe dose of <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> may bedifferent for different people. Yourdoctor or pharmacist will tell you theright amount to use.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye DropsPlace one or two <strong>drops</strong> in the affected<strong>eye</strong>(s) every 2 to 6 hours for 2 to 3days. The interval between dosesmay then be increased.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye OintmentApply 1.5 cm of <strong>ointment</strong> every 3hours.How to use themWash your h<strong>and</strong>s. Tilt your headback <strong>and</strong> pull the lower lid awayfrom your <strong>eye</strong> to make a space. Forthe Eye Drops, drop the medicineinto this space. For the EyeOintment, squeeze the <strong>ointment</strong> intothis space. Let go of your <strong>eye</strong>lid <strong>and</strong>gently close your <strong>eye</strong>s. Try not toblink. Keep your <strong>eye</strong>s closed for 1 or2 minutes to allow the medicine tocome into contact with the infection.When using the Eye Drops, applygentle pressure to the inner corner ofthe <strong>eye</strong> (the tear duct) forapproximately 1 minute immediatelyafter placing the <strong>drops</strong> in the <strong>eye</strong>.This will reduce the amount ofmedicine absorbed into the bloodstream or other parts of the body.To keep the medicine as germ free aspossible, do not touch the tip of thebottle or tube to any surfaceincluding the <strong>eye</strong>. After using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Ointment wipethe tip of the tube with a clean tissue.When to use themIf the Eye Drops <strong>and</strong> Ointment areused together for day <strong>and</strong> nighttreatment, use the <strong>drops</strong> during theday <strong>and</strong> the <strong>ointment</strong> at night beforebed.Use <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment at about the same timeeach day.Using it at the same time each daywill help you remember when to useit.It does not matter if you use thismedicine before or after food.How long to use themContinue using <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> foras long as your doctor tells you.Normally treatment is continued forat least 2 days after the <strong>eye</strong> appearsnormal.If you forget to use themIf it is almost time for your nextdose, skip the dose you missed <strong>and</strong>instil your next dose when you aremeant to.Otherwise, instil a dose as soon asyou remember, <strong>and</strong> then go back tousing your medicine as you wouldnormally.Do not use a double dose to makeup for the dose that you missed.This may increase the chance of yougetting an unwanted side effect.If you are not sure what to do, askyour doctor or pharmacist.If you have trouble remembering touse your medicine, ask yourpharmacist for some hints.If you take too much(overdose)Rinse your <strong>eye</strong> with large amounts ofwater for at least 15 minutes if pain,swelling, excessive tears or anuncomfortable sensitivity to the lightis experienced after application of<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment. Contact your doctor ifsymptoms are still present afterthoroughly rinsing your <strong>eye</strong>.Immediately telephone your doctoror the Poisons Information Centre(telephone 13 11 26) or go toAccident <strong>and</strong> Emergency at thenearest hospital if you think aninfant or young child may haveaccidentally swallowed<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment.Do this even if there are no signs ofdiscomfort or poisoning. The childmay need urgent medical attention.Contact your doctor or the PoisonsInformation Centre (telephone 13 1126) if you or another adultaccidentally swallows <strong>Chloromycetin</strong>Eye Drops or Ointment. It is a goodidea to do this even if there are nosigns of discomfort or poisoning.While you are using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>Things you must doUse <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment exactly as your doctor hasprescribed.If the symptoms of your infection donot improve within a few days, or ifthey become worse, tell your doctor.Stop using <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> <strong>and</strong> tellyour doctor if irritation occurs oryou experience an allergic reaction.If you are about to be started on anynew medicine, remind your doctor<strong>and</strong> pharmacist that you are using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment.Tell any other doctors, dentists, <strong>and</strong>pharmacists who treat you that youare using <strong>Chloromycetin</strong>.Keep all of your doctor app<strong>ointment</strong>sso that your progress can be checked.Things you must not doDo not use <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> forlonger than your doctor hasprescribed.CHLOROMYCETIN(R) EYE DROPS AND OINTMENT 2

Do not use <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> EyeDrops or Ointment to treat any othercomplaints unless your doctor tellsyou to.Do not give your medicine to anyoneelse, even if they have the samecondition as you.Do not stop using your medicine orlower the dosage without checkingwith your doctor.If you do not complete the fullcourse prescribed by your doctor, theinfection may not be completelycured. The bacteria may grow again<strong>and</strong> your symptoms may return.Things to be careful ofBe careful driving or operatingmachinery until you know how<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> affects you.This medicine generally does notcause any problems with your abilityto drive a car or operate machinery.However, as with many othermedicines, <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> may causetiredness in some people. If you areaffected, do not drive, operatemachinery or do anything else thatcould be dangerous.Side effectsTell your doctor or pharmacist assoon as possible if you do not feelwell during or after using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops orOintment.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> helps most peoplewith <strong>eye</strong> infections but it may haveunwanted side effects in a fewpeople.All medicines can have side effects.Sometimes they are serious, most ofthe time they are not. You may needmedical attention if you get some ofthe side effects.Ask your doctor or pharmacist toanswer any questions you mayhave.Do not be alarmed by the followinglists of side effects. You may notexperience any of them.Tell your doctor or pharmacist ifyou notice any of the following <strong>and</strong>it worries you:* temporary itching, burning orstinging <strong>eye</strong>sThe above side effects are usuallymild <strong>and</strong> short-lived.Tell your doctor as soon as possibleif you notice any of the following:* <strong>eye</strong> soreness, redness or swellingthat was not present beforetreatment or that worsens aftertreatment* skin rash, itching or swelling* fever* unusual tiredness, weakness,bleeding or bruising more easilythan normalThe above list includes very seriousside effects, which may requiremedical attention. Serious sideeffects are rare.If any of the following happen, tellyour doctor immediately or go toAccident <strong>and</strong> Emergency at yournearest hospital:* allergic reactions including fever,rash, swelling of the face, lips,mouth or sore throat that maycause difficulty in swallowing orbreathing, shortness of breath,swelling of the h<strong>and</strong>s, feet orankles.The above list includes serious sideeffects. You may need urgentmedical attention or hospitalisation.Other side effects not listed abovemay also occur in some people.Tell your doctor or pharmacist ifyou notice anything that is makingyou feel unwell during or aftertreatment with <strong>Chloromycetin</strong>.After using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong>StorageKeep your Eye Drops <strong>and</strong> Ointmentin the bottle or tube until it is time touse them. If you take the Eye Dropsor Ointment out of the bottle or tubethey may not keep well.Eye DropsKeep unopened bottles in therefrigerator, where the temperaturestays between 2 degrees C <strong>and</strong> 8degrees C. After opening, keep<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops in a cooldry place where the temperature staysbelow 25 degrees C. Protect fromlight.Eye OintmentKeep <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Ointmentin a cool dry place where thetemperature stays below 25 degreesC. Protect from light.Discard unused Eye Drops orOintment within one month.Do not store <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> or anyother medicine in the bathroom ornear a sink. Do not leave it on awindowsill or in the car. Heat <strong>and</strong>dampness can destroy somemedicines.Keep <strong>Chloromycetin</strong> wherechildren cannot reach it.A locked cupboard at leastone-<strong>and</strong>-a-half metres above theground is a good place to storemedicines.DisposalIf your doctor tells you to stop using<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> or the expiry date haspassed, ask your pharmacist what todo with any medicine that is leftover.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops <strong>and</strong>Ointment should be discardedwithin one month after opening.CHLOROMYCETIN(R) EYE DROPS AND OINTMENT 3

Product Description(C) Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd2001-2005What it looks like<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops are in a 10mL plastic dropper bottle with atamper-evident seal.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Ointment is in a4 g tube with a tamper-evident seal.IngredientsEye <strong>drops</strong>Each 1 mL contains 5 milligrams ofchloramphenicol as the activeingredient. It also contains:* phenylmercuric nitrate* boric acid* borax* purifed water.Eye OintmentEach 1 gram contains 10 milligramsof chloramphenicol as the activeingredient. It also contains:* plastibase 30W* liquid paraffin.<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> does not containlactose, sucrose, gluten, tartrazine orany other azo dyes.Supplier<strong>Chloromycetin</strong> Eye Drops <strong>and</strong>Ointment are supplied by:Pfizer Australia Pty LimitedABN 50 008422 34838-42 Wharf RoadWest Ryde NSW 2114AustraliaToll Free Number: 1800 675 229Australian RegistrationNumbers:Eye Drops: AUST R 57090Eye Ointment: AUST R 56589This leaflet was revised on 1 March2005(R) Registered trademarkCHLOROMYCETIN(R) EYE DROPS AND OINTMENT 4

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