caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


GRAPH 6-3Texas State Data Center Population Scenarios for Caldwell County120,000100,000Scenario 0Scenario 0.5Scenario 1.0Scenario 2000-2007Year: 2030Pop: 86,902Year: 2040Pop: 111,21080,000Year: 2020Pop: 65,05760,000Year: 2010Pop: 46,30840,00020,00032,19402000200520102015Population20202025203020352040YearThe TWDB estimates the population to be at 83,250 by the year 2040 and theTexas State Data Center estimates the population at 111,210 by the year 2040, asshown Graph 6-4. The individuals that will populate Caldwell County vary inopinion by as much as 25%. The TWDB does project population estimates in thehundred thousandths but it is not until the year 2060.6.5 Population ConsensusThe population projections were presented to the Caldwell County TechnicalAdvisory Committee and Stakeholders in meetings. Although Caldwell Countydid not dispute the population projections developed by the TWDB in theSCTRWP, there was disagreement about the estimate. Through a consensus it wasagreed to proceed with the estimates from the TSDC (Scenario 1.0) with arevision. The revision was to decrease the population projection in the year 2040Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20106-5Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

to a value that was within the values of the TSDC and the TWDB. Table 6-1 hasbeen prepared to list the estimated population values developed by the TSDC andthe TWDB. It was agreed to proceed with an estimate of 100,000 in 2040 for thepurpose of this study. Accordingly, population projections used for this study arelisted in Table 6-2.GRAPH 6-4Caldwell County Population Projection Comparison120,000100,000HistoricalTWDBTSDC - Scenario 3P: 111,210Y: 204080,000P: 83,250Y: 204060,00040,00020,00001850186018701880189019001910192019301940195019601970198019902000201020202030204020502060PopulationCensus YearTABLE 6-1Population Projection EstimatesYearTexas State Data Center Population ScenariosTWDB0.0 0.5 1 2000-20072010 34,844 40,289 46,308 38,724 45,9582020 37,355 49,975 65,057 45,622 59,7222030 39,258 60,127 86,902 51,469 71,4592040 40,677 70,593 111,210 55,752 83,250Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20106-6Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

GRAPH 6-3Texas State Data Center Population Scenarios for Caldwell County120,000100,000Scenario 0Scenario 0.5Scenario 1.0Scenario 2000-2007Year: 2030Pop: 86,902Year: 2040Pop: 111,21080,000Year: 2020Pop: 65,05760,000Year: 2010Pop: 46,30840,00020,00032,19402000200520102015Population20202025203020352040YearThe TWDB estimates the population to be at 83,250 by the year 2040 <strong>and</strong> theTexas State Data Center estimates the population at 111,210 by the year 2040, asshown Graph 6-4. The individuals that will populate Caldwell County vary inopinion by as much as 25%. The TWDB does project population estimates in thehundred thous<strong>and</strong>ths but it is not until the year 2060.6.5 Population ConsensusThe population projections were presented to the Caldwell County TechnicalAdvisory Committee <strong>and</strong> Stakeholders in meetings. Although Caldwell Countydid not dispute the population projections developed by the TWDB in theSCTRWP, there was disagreement about the estimate. Through a consensus it wasagreed to proceed with the estimates from the TSDC (Scenario 1.0) with arevision. The revision was to decrease the population projection in the year 2040Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20106-5Caldwell County Regional Water <strong>and</strong> Waste<strong>water</strong> Planning StudyFinal Report

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