caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


APPENDIX NKlotz Associates, Inc.Responses to Texas Water Development Board Comments Dated September 28,2009TWDB Comments on Draft Final Report:1. Pages with figures/exhibits are missing page numbers while the numbering of theremaining pages overlooks the exhibit pages (e.g. exhibit 11-2). Please numbereach report page, including figures, consecutively.Klotz Associates Response:All Figures and Exhibits have been assigned page numbers.2. Report does not include information on existing impervious cover in the county orshow the locations of existing WTPs and proposed WTPs & WWTPs as requiredby contract scope of work Task 1.a. Please include this information in report.Klotz Associates Response:The following items have been added to the Report:a. Impervious Cover Exhibit 2-8b. Exhibit 7-1 has been revised to illustrate the locations of existing WTPc. Exhibit 7-2 has been added to illustrate the locations of existing WWTPd. Exhibit 12-1 has been revised to illustrate the locations of the proposedWTPe. Exhibit 13-2 has been revised to illustrate the locations of the proposedWWTF3. Report does not include information regarding the locations of major power linesas required by contract scope of work Task 1.c. Please include this information inreport.Klotz Associates Response:Exhibit 2-7 has been added to include the approximate location of the majorpower lines.4. Page ES-3: Please note within the Executive Summary that the population andwater demand projections used in the study were higher than those approved byTWDB for regional water planning purposes.

APPENDIX NKlotz Associates Response:We have noted in the Executive Summary that the population and water demandsfor our study are higher than the approved values used in TWDB planningstudies.5. Section 7: The Caldwell County Water CNN Utility Map should be labeled 7-1,not 2-4.Klotz Associates Response:The Caldwell County Water CCN Map has been labeled Exhibit 7-1, WaterProduction Facilities.6. Page 8-7: Report does not appear to specify whether and/or how per capita waterdemands varied from regional and state water planning per capita water demandestimates. Please discuss whether and/or how per capita water demands variedfrom TWDB approved per capita demands and whether and/or how this may havefurther amplified the total water demand projections used in the study consideringthat higher population projections (due to a higher migration rate) were also beingused.Klotz Associates Response:We have added a discussion to the report explaining the source of our per capitawater demands and why and how they differ from TWDB values.7. Page 12-6, Table 12-5: Please provide the basis for the costs estimates presentedin the table.Klotz Associates Response:Basis for cost estimates presented in Table 12-5 have been added in Appendix M.8. Exhibit 12-1 (no page): The key to the figure is missing. Please include a key thatalso indicates which are planned projects.Klotz Associates Response:A legend has been added to Exhibit 12-1 that includes planned projects.9. Page 13-9, Table 13-3: Please provide the basis for the costs estimates presentedin the table.

APPENDIX NKlotz Associates, Inc.Responses to Texas Water Development Board Comments Dated September 28,2009TWDB Comments on Draft Final Report:1. Pages with figures/exhibits are missing page numbers while the numbering of theremaining pages overlooks the exhibit pages (e.g. exhibit 11-2). Please numbereach report page, including figures, consecutively.Klotz Associates Response:All Figures <strong>and</strong> Exhibits have been assigned page numbers.2. Report does not include information on existing impervious cover in the <strong>county</strong> orshow the locations of existing WTPs <strong>and</strong> proposed WTPs & WWTPs as requiredby contract scope of work Task 1.a. Please include this information in report.Klotz Associates Response:The following items have been added to the Report:a. Impervious Cover Exhibit 2-8b. Exhibit 7-1 has been revised to illustrate the locations of existing WTPc. Exhibit 7-2 has been added to illustrate the locations of existing WWTPd. Exhibit 12-1 has been revised to illustrate the locations of the proposedWTPe. Exhibit 13-2 has been revised to illustrate the locations of the proposedWWTF3. Report does not include information regarding the locations of major power linesas required by contract scope of work Task 1.c. Please include this information inreport.Klotz Associates Response:Exhibit 2-7 has been added to include the approximate location of the majorpower lines.4. Page ES-3: Please note within the Executive Summary that the population <strong>and</strong><strong>water</strong> dem<strong>and</strong> projections used in the <strong>study</strong> were higher than those approved byTWDB for <strong>regional</strong> <strong>water</strong> <strong>planning</strong> purposes.

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