caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


APPENDIX Kbe operated by a public rather than a private entity. The parties recognize that theprivate sector must be involved in the design, permitting and construction ofwastewater facilities to serve new developments, but the parties anticipate thatthese new developments will at some future time become a part of a municipality.As such, the parties agree that central wastewater facilities associated with newdevelopments should be jointly permitted (e.g. private developer and publicentity) and operated by the public entity.5. An important aspect of wastewater operations is the quality of the waterproduced. The parties agree that a high quality effluent that is discharged tosurface waters is important and will encourage the level represented by the TexasCommission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) 5-5-2-1 effluent set will be thegoal for all new facilities. That is operating at full flow with a monthly averageeffluent quality of BOD5 OF 5MG/l, tss OF 5 MG/l, AMMONIA-Nitrogen of 2mg/L and total Phosphorus of 1 mg/L. The parties recognize that this goal can bemet in several ways including direct treatment, treating to a different level, andmeeting the goal by use of an offsetting amount of effluent for irrigation, orthrough wetland polishing.6. The parties recognize that Caldwell County has limited water resources suppliesand that providing good quality water to serve future growth will be a challenge.To conserve water supplies to the extent practical, the parties jointly desire newdevelopments to include provisions to minimize potable water use in irrigation.This can include a purple pipe system for irrigation and/or cisterns for providingwater for toilet flushing and lawn irrigation.7. All parties agree to participate in supporting the core provisions of the Compact.For examples, this could include opposing a private permit applicant in the TCEQhearing process that refused to follow the central treatment, effluent quality, orreuse provisions of the Compact.

C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R SAppendix LPublic Meeting Comments on Report and Responses toCommentsKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 2010APPENDIX-LCaldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R SAppendix LPublic Meeting Comments on Report <strong>and</strong> Responses toCommentsKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 2010APPENDIX-LCaldwell County Regional Water <strong>and</strong> Waste<strong>water</strong> Planning StudyFinal Report

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