caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


SECTION 1INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundCaldwell County, located in South Central Texas, was established by the TexasLegislature in 1848 by partitioning land from Gonzales County. Subsequent landadditions to Caldwell County in 1850 from Bastrop and Gonzales Countiesresulted in a total area of 545 square miles.Caldwell County, as shown in Exhibit 1-1, is bordered on the northwest by someof the fastest growing counties in the United States. Travis and Hays Counties areto the northwest with Guadalupe County on the southwest side. Gonzales Countyis on the southeast side of Caldwell County while Bastrop County is on thenortheast side. Fayette County just touches the eastern corner of Caldwell County.Located adjacent to fast-growing counties and with significant growth anddevelopment pressure from within its own boundaries, Caldwell County willalmost triple its current population within 30 years while the availability of wateris diminishing. The volume of wastewater produced in the county will grow withthe population and new treatment facilities will be required to serve anincreasingly dense population. Without controls, stormwater discharges willincrease in volume as impervious cover increases and water quality degradationwill occur with more non-point pollutants washed into streams and rivers.Meeting the challenges of developing, managing, conserving and protectingprecious water resources requires proactive leadership that has the vision and willto understand the problems, identify the solutions and empower implementation.Completion of a regional water and wastewater planning study is one of the firststeps to meet the challenge.Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20101-1Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20101-2Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 20101-2Caldwell County Regional Water <strong>and</strong> Waste<strong>water</strong> Planning StudyFinal Report

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