caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


Water Quality Monitoring Program – test and monitor stormwater runoffand establish a database with results. The establishment of a database andmapping system can track and monitor development contributions to waterquality.Water Quality Technical Committee – the committee role could be todevelop standards for local governments such as:ooooSampling methodsMonitoring of data collectedEstablishment of databaseData managementStormwater Operations and Maintenance – management program toensure proper drainage and pollutant removal efficiency. Inspection andmaintenance of drainage structures and conveyance systems. Developmentof a plan for routine and remedial maintenance with an emergencycontainment plan in the event of a hazardous spill.Hazardous Household Waste Collection Program – provide accessiblerecycling centers or drop off locations for the disposal of hazardoushousehold items.Agricultural Management Programs – provide tools for agriculturalproducers to remain profitable while protecting natural resources. Suchtools could be:oooooOn farm research and demonstration of BMP’sPilot projects that evaluate or transfer technologyConduct interviews and collect dataEducate and increase awareness of local practicesWorkshops on new technologyKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 201015-2Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

Additional management measures recommended for implementation in the PlumCreek Watershed Protection Plan have been included in Appendix J.15.3 Development of OrdinancesMany cities currently have ordinances that monitor and control stormwater qualityand quantity. Ordinances include:Stormwater Development Ordinance – management of runoff quality andquantityIllegal Stormwater Connection Ordinance – prevents illegal connections tostormwater systemsFloodplain Development Ordinance – management of flood preventionand mitigationBuffer Ordinance – control of runoff near streams by listing the type ofdevelopments allowed near floodplains/streams/creeks and give bufferwidth recommendations for each type of development or land useGreenspace Conservation Ordinance – control of impervious coverdevelopmentTree Ordinance – control of tree canopy reduction for developments15.4 Regional AgreementAn agreement established by local governments in Caldwell County will ensurethat all entities are informed about the proposed regional practices anddevelopment of facilities. A Regional Compact has been included in AppendixK.15.5 FundingFunding to implement the recommended strategies requires community leaders toactively and rigorously apply for grants and search for monies available to15-3Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyJanuary 2010Final Report

Additional management measures recommended for implementation in the PlumCreek Watershed Protection Plan have been included in Appendix J.15.3 Development of OrdinancesMany cities currently have ordinances that monitor <strong>and</strong> control storm<strong>water</strong> quality<strong>and</strong> quantity. Ordinances include:Storm<strong>water</strong> Development Ordinance – management of runoff quality <strong>and</strong>quantityIllegal Storm<strong>water</strong> Connection Ordinance – prevents illegal connections tostorm<strong>water</strong> systemsFloodplain Development Ordinance – management of flood prevention<strong>and</strong> mitigationBuffer Ordinance – control of runoff near streams by listing the type ofdevelopments allowed near floodplains/streams/creeks <strong>and</strong> give bufferwidth recommendations for each type of development or l<strong>and</strong> useGreenspace Conservation Ordinance – control of impervious coverdevelopmentTree Ordinance – control of tree canopy reduction for developments15.4 Regional AgreementAn agreement established by local governments in Caldwell County will ensurethat all entities are informed about the proposed <strong>regional</strong> practices <strong>and</strong>development of facilities. A Regional Compact has been included in AppendixK.15.5 FundingFunding to implement the recommended strategies requires community leaders toactively <strong>and</strong> rigorously apply for grants <strong>and</strong> search for monies available to15-3Klotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000Caldwell County Regional Water <strong>and</strong> Waste<strong>water</strong> Planning StudyJanuary 2010Final Report

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