caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study

caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study caldwell county regional water and wastewater planning study


14.8.3 Vegetative Filter StripsVegetative filter strips are land areas that are designed to treat stormwater for thepurpose of removing sediment and other pollutants. The strips are effective inshallow sheet flow. For concentrated flow, design measures should be taken todistribute the flow and dissipate energy and reduce flow velocity. Vegetative filterstrips generally remove suspended particulates and limited dissolved constituents.Vegetated filter strips should be used in series with other BMPs14.8.4 Vegetative SwalesGrassy swales are vegetated channels that convey stormwater and removepollutants by filtering, settlement and infiltration through soil. They requireshallow slopes and soils that drain well and are limited to light and moderateflows. The swales can be easily integrated into landscaping plans. The placementof these swales along roadside ditches has proven to be effective.14.8.5 Riparian BuffersRiparian forest buffers combine trees, shrubs, and native grasses to removesediment and chemicals from runoff before they reach a waterway. The width ofthe buffer strips can vary from 35-100 feet depending on slope, soil type, adjacentland use, floodplain, and type of vegetation. The buffers, once established need tobe maintained and monitored yearly to remain effective.14.8.6 Rain GardensRain gardens are man-made depressions in the ground that forms a smallbioretention area. The landscaping of the area improves the water quality byfiltering the water that is slowly absorbed by the soil. These gardens arefunctional when placed strategically to intercept water runoff. Placement of thesegardens in new proposed development can be accomplished cost-effectively. TheKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 201014-10Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

ain garden will add value to the home as well as providing a water qualitymeasure.14.9 Agricultural Best Management PracticesIn 1998, the national water quality inventory indicated that 59% of the impairedriver miles were a result of agriculture that included crop production, animaloperations, and pastures and rangeland. Many agricultural producers are unawareof the practices that may cause impairment to water quality and may requireassistance to implement the recommended practices. The followingrecommendations are presented to assist in reducing the impacts of livestockoperations on water quality:Utilize rotational grazing – assists in reducing soil erosionDevelop off-stream water sources for livestock – helps developand maintain healthy riparian vegetation that filters nutrients andsedimentComposting of solids – use methods that prevent leaching of fluidsor produce runoff to streamsAccumulate and store manure appropriately – store away fromditches and streams; kept covered to prevent leaching of bacteriaand nutrientsProtect water supply sources - locate wells upgradient fromconfinement areasPlant and maintain buffer zone vegetation - use buffer areas aroundmanure storage and along drainageways and streamsArmor heavy use areas - use armoring materials to prevent soilerosion in heavily used areasUse livestock fences– prevent overgrazing and protect riparianbuffersUse anaerobic digestion of waste to recover energyKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 201014-11Caldwell County Regional Water and Wastewater Planning StudyFinal Report

14.8.3 Vegetative Filter StripsVegetative filter strips are l<strong>and</strong> areas that are designed to treat storm<strong>water</strong> for thepurpose of removing sediment <strong>and</strong> other pollutants. The strips are effective inshallow sheet flow. For concentrated flow, design measures should be taken todistribute the flow <strong>and</strong> dissipate energy <strong>and</strong> reduce flow velocity. Vegetative filterstrips generally remove suspended particulates <strong>and</strong> limited dissolved constituents.Vegetated filter strips should be used in series with other BMPs14.8.4 Vegetative SwalesGrassy swales are vegetated channels that convey storm<strong>water</strong> <strong>and</strong> removepollutants by filtering, settlement <strong>and</strong> infiltration through soil. They requireshallow slopes <strong>and</strong> soils that drain well <strong>and</strong> are limited to light <strong>and</strong> moderateflows. The swales can be easily integrated into l<strong>and</strong>scaping plans. The placementof these swales along roadside ditches has proven to be effective.14.8.5 Riparian BuffersRiparian forest buffers combine trees, shrubs, <strong>and</strong> native grasses to removesediment <strong>and</strong> chemicals from runoff before they reach a <strong>water</strong>way. The width ofthe buffer strips can vary from 35-100 feet depending on slope, soil type, adjacentl<strong>and</strong> use, floodplain, <strong>and</strong> type of vegetation. The buffers, once established need tobe maintained <strong>and</strong> monitored yearly to remain effective.14.8.6 Rain GardensRain gardens are man-made depressions in the ground that forms a smallbioretention area. The l<strong>and</strong>scaping of the area improves the <strong>water</strong> quality byfiltering the <strong>water</strong> that is slowly absorbed by the soil. These gardens arefunctional when placed strategically to intercept <strong>water</strong> runoff. Placement of thesegardens in new proposed development can be accomplished cost-effectively. TheKlotz Associates Project No. 0972.000.000January 201014-10Caldwell County Regional Water <strong>and</strong> Waste<strong>water</strong> Planning StudyFinal Report

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