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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & RijuFigure 18. Dysrhynchis uncinata1 - Infected leaves; 2 - Mycelium with scattered perithecia; 3 & 4 -Apical portion <strong>of</strong> the mycelial setae; 5 - Perithecia (one developing);6 - Ascus; 7 - Ascus emerging from the perithecium; 8 - AscosporesImage 19. Meliolina pulcherrima- Infected leavesThe genus BalladynaThis black mildew fungus is characterized by brown,superficial, appressoriate, setose mycelium, globoseperitheciaum, bitunicate asci with uniseptate brownascospores.Balladyna indica Hosag., J. <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> 1(7):375, 2009. (Image 16)Colonies hypophyllous, thin to subdense, spreading,up to 10mm in diam., confluent. Hyphae straight tosubstraight, branching alternate to irregular at acute towide angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 19–36x6–8 µm. Appressoria scattered, alternate to unilateral,concolourous, ovate, oblong, cylindrical, entire, straight,curved to uncinate, 11–20x6–8 µm. Mycelial setae dark,simple, straight, acute to obtuse at the tip, up to 144µmlong. Perithecia scattered, globose, initially stipitate,later sessile, up to 100µm in diameter. Asci not seen,Ascospores oblong, conglobate, dark brown, uniseptate,strongly constricted at the septum, 30–32x15–17 µm,wall smooth.Material examined: 13.xii.2003 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Rubiaceaemember, Sairandhri, Silent Valley, Palghat, Kerala, India,V.B. Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 46695 (type), TBGT 2036(isotype); HCIO 46696, 46778, TBGT 2037, 2119;Hyper parasitized by Spiropes effusus (Pat.) M.B.Ellis.Balladyna salaciae Hosag., Jacob Thomas, Shaji andRajeshkumar, Indian J. Sci. &Technol. 2(6): 9, 2009 (Fig.107, Image 17).Colonies hypophyllous, dense, crustose, up to 4 mmin diam., confluent and cover almost lower surface <strong>of</strong>the leaves. Hyphae substraight to undulate, branchingirregular at acute to wide angles, closely reticulate t<strong>of</strong>orm a mycelial net, cells 19–36x6–7 µm. Appressorianumerous, alternate to unilateral, unicellular, antrorseto retrorse, straight to curved, entire to slightly angular,clavate, straight to variously curved, 12–19x7–10 µm.Mycelial setae numerous, scattered, simple, straight,flexuous, acute to obtuse at the tip, up to 140µm long.Perithecia scattered, fairly numerous, initially stipitate,later become subsessile, ovate, globose, ostiolate, 100–150x60–80 µm; asci few, globose to ovate, interspersedwith hyaline paraphyses, 4–6 spored, bitunicate, 60µmin diam., wall thick; ascospores conglobate, oblong,brown, uniseptate, strongly constricted at the septum,28–36x14–17 µm, wall smooth.<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–37883765

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