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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & Rijubrown, uniseptate, constricted at the septum, 27–30x13–15 µm , wall smooth.Material examined: 02.viii.2008 on leaves <strong>of</strong>Rhodomyrtustomentosa (Ait.) Hassk. (Myrtaceae),Walakkad, Sispara, Jacob Thomas et al. HCIO 49037,49038, TBGT 3291, 3292.Asterina sarcandrae Hosagoudar & Kamar. inHosagoudar, Zoos’ Print J. 21: 2305, 2006 (Fig. 97).Colonies hypophyllous, very thin, up to 5mm indiameter. Hyphae flexuous, branching irregular at acuteto wide angles, form a circularly angular and irregularnet, cells 16–21x4–7 µm. Appressoria scattered,alternate to irregular, two celled, antrorse, retrorse,spreading, straight to curved, 12–32 µm long; stalk cellscylindrical to cuneate, 3–7 µm long; head cells ovate,oblong, mostly curved, hamate, twisted, rarely straight,entire, angular to rarely sublobate, 10–26x6–10 µm.Thyriothecia scattered, orbicular, stellately dehisced atthe centre, up to 104µm in diameter, margin crenate;asci few, globose, octosporous, up to 30µm in diameter;ascospores conglobate, uniseptate, strongly constrictedbad10µm8µm8µm10µm7µmFigure 101. Asterina talacauverianaa - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Thyriothecium; c - Ascus;d - Ascosporesc10µm8µmad8µmat the septa, 20–22x7–9 µm, wall echinulate.Material examined: 13.ii.2007 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Sarcandrachloranthoides Gard. (Chloranthaceae), Silent Valley,M.C. Riju & V. Gireesh Kumar HCIO 51048, TBGT4965; Sairandhri, 02.iii.2010, Robin et al. TBGT 5598;13.xii.2003, V.B. Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 46347, TBGT1993.25µmbFigure 100. Asterina suttoniia - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Thyriothecium; c - Ascus;d - Ascospores10µmcAsterina scleropyri Hosagoudar & Chandra, Indian J.Sci. & Techn. 2(6):16, 2009 (Fig. 98).Colonies amphigenous, mostly epiphyllous, dense, upto 2mm in diameter, rarely confluent. Hyphae straight,branching mostly opposite at acute angles, loosely toclosely reticulate, cells 15–22x6–9 μm. Appressoriaunicellular, opposite (80%) to alternate (20%), ovate,conoid, attenuated and broadly rounded at the tip,entire, 8–18x6–9 μm. Thyriothecia loosely grouped at thecenter <strong>of</strong> the colony, orbicular, up to 210μm in diameter,stellately dehisced and the central portion dissolved byexposing inner contents, margin crenate; asci globose,octosporous, up to 30μm in diameter; ascosporesoblong, conglobate, brown, uniseptate, constricted atthe septum, 26–31x8–13 μm, wall smooth. Pycnothyria<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–37883759

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