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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & Riju200μm in diameter, stellately dehisced at the centre,dehiscence extended up to margin, margin crenateto fimbriate, fringed hyphae very small; asci globose,octosporous, up to 30μm in diameter; ascosporesoblong, brown, conglobate, uniseptate, constricted atthe septum, 23–26x11–12 μm, wall smooth.Material examined: 27.ii.2009 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Atalantiasp . (Rutaceae), Silent Valley, Shaji et al. HCIO 49560,TBGT 3802.a6µmAsterina chukrasiae Hosag., J. Mycopathol. Res.44: 40, 2006; Hosagoudar, Chandraprabha & Agarwal,Asterinales <strong>of</strong> Kerala, p.47, 2011 (Fig. 73).Colonies epiphyllous, thin to subdense, up to2 mm indiameter, rarely confluent. Hyphae substraight, branchingirregular at acute to wide angles, loosely reticulate, cells19–23x3–5 µm. Appressoria alternate to unilateral,minutely stipitate to mostly broad based, globose, 2–3times sublobate to lobate, 4–6x6–7 µm. Thyriothecialoosely aggregated to closely aggregated, orbicular, up to100µm in diameter, margin crenate, stellately dehiscedat the centre; asci globose, octosporous, up to 30µm indiameter; ascospores oblong, conglobate, uniseptate,constricted, brown, 20–24x11–13 µm, wall smooth totubercled.Material examined: 13.xii.2003 on leaves <strong>of</strong>Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss. (Meliaceae), Sairandhri, V.B.Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 45760 (holoype), TBGT 1509(isotype).Asterina cipadessae Yates, Philippine J. Sci. 12: 371,1917; Hosagoudar, Balakrishnan & Goos, Mycotaxon60: 172, 1996; Hosagoudar & Abraham, J. Econ. Taxon.Bot. 4: 574, 2000; Hosagoudar, Zoos’ Print J. 18: 1283,2003; 21: 2326, 2006; Hosagoudar, H. Biju & Appaiah, J.Mycopathol. Res. 44: 6, 2006.Parasterina cipadessae (Yates) Mendoza, PhilippineJ. Sci. 49: 446, 1932; Hosagoudar, Chandraprabha &Agarwal, Asterinales <strong>of</strong> Kerala, p.51, 2011 (Fig. 74, Image10).Colonies epiphyllous, dense, up to 2mm in diameter,confluent. Hyphae straight, flexuous to crooked,branching mostly opposite at acute angles loosely toclosely reticulate, cells 12–34x4–6 µm. Appressoriaalternate and opposite, sessile, entire to mostly lobate,9–13x7–10 µm. Thyriothecia scattered to grouped, <strong>of</strong>tenconnate, orbicular, up to 202µm in diameter, dehiscestellately at the center, margin crenate, rarely slightlyfimbriate; asci many, ovate to globose, eight spored,30–44x30–35 µm; ascospores conglobate, deep brown,1-septate, slightly constricted at the septum, 24–28x–bcFigure 75. Asterina clavifloria - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Thyriothecium; c - Ascus;d - AscosporesImage 11. Asterina claviflori - Infected leavesd14µm12–15 µm, upper cell ovate and lower cell globose, wallsmooth. Pycnothyria many, similar to the thyriothecia,<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–37883745

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