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PDF - Journal of Threatened Taxa


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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & Rijua10µmac10µmd7.5µmb6.5µmFigure 73. Asterina chukrasiaea - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Thyriothecium; c - Ascus;d - Ascosporesin diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight, flexuous tocrooked, branching alternate, opposite to irregularat acute angles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells10–12x3–5 μm. Appressoria opposite, subopposite,unilateral to rarely alternate, cylindrical, ovate, oblong,entire, rounded at the apex, 8–10x3–5 μm. Thyriotheciascattered to grouped, orbicular, up to 160μm in diameter,crenate to slightly fimbriate at the margin, fringedhyphae flexuous and devoid <strong>of</strong> appressoria, thyriotheciainitially longitudinally dehisced but later and frequentlystellately dehisced at the centre; asci globose to ovate,octosporous, up to 30μm in diameter; ascosporesbrown, oblong, conglobate, 1-septate, constricted at theseptum, 11–13x4–5 μm, wall smooth.Material examined: 20.vii.2007 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Aporusasp. (Euphorbiaceae), Malakappara, M. Harish et al. HCIO49763, TBGT 3915.Asterina atalantiae Hosag. & D.K. Agarwal, IndianPhytopath. 56: 98, 2003; Hosagoudar,Chandraprabha &Agarwal, Asterinales <strong>of</strong> Kerala, p. 41, 2011 (Fig. 72).Colonies hypophyllous, subdense, blackish brown,spreading, up to 10mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphaestraight to substraight, branching opposite, alternateto irregular at acute to wide angles, loosely to closelyreticulate, cells 15–18x4–5 μm. Appressoria alternate,unilateral to irregularly placed, unicellular, ovate,oblong, cylindrical, mostly entire, rarely truncate toslightly sublobate and <strong>of</strong>ten furcate, straight to curved,9–13x6–8 μm. Thyriothecia scattered, orbicular, up tobFigure 74. Asterina cipadessaea - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Thyriothecium; c - Ascus;d - AscosporesImage 10. Asterina cipadessae - Infected leavescd3744<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–3788

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