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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & Rijua7.5µmdba8µmcdbFigure 54. Meliola lepianthedisa - Appressoriate mycelium; b. Phialides; c - Apical portion <strong>of</strong> themycelial setae; d - AscosporesSairandhri, V.B. Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 45804; HCIO45698, TBGT 1445.Meliola litseae Syd. & P. Syd. var. rotundipodaHansf., Reinwardtia 3: 88, 1954; Sydowia Bieh. 2: 57,1961; Hosagoudar & Goos, Mycotaxon 37: 239, 1990;Hosagoudar, Meliolales <strong>of</strong> India, p. 241, 1996.Meliola litseae Graff, Mem. Torry Bot. Club 17: 61,1918 (non Sydow & Sydow, 1917) (Fig. 55).Colonies epiphyllous, dense, velvety, up to 4mmdiameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to undulate,branching opposite at wide angles, loosely reticulate,cells 14–20x6–8 µm. Appressoria alternate, straightto curved, antrorse, rarely spreading, 24–26 µm long;stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 4–8 µm long; head cellsversiform, obovate, rarely truncate, entire, 16–20x8–10 µm. Phialides mixed with appressoria, opposite toalternate, ampulliform, 20–24x10–12 µm. Mycelial setaefew, straight, simple, acute at the tip, up to 612µm long.Perithecia scattered, verrucose, up to 200µm in diam.;ascospores obovate, 4-septate, slightly constricted, 44–48x18–20 µm.Material examined: 12.xii.2003 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Litseasp. (Lauraceae), Sairandhri, 12.xii.2003, V.B. HosagoudarHCIO 47680, TBGT 2702.Meliola malabarensis Hansf., Proc. Linn. Soc. London157: 182, 1946; Sydowia Beih. 2: 531, 1961; Thite &Kulkarni, J. Shivaji Univ. 5: 161, 1973; Hosagoudar & Goos,Mycotaxon 37: 240, 1990; 42: 135, 1991; Hosagoudaret al., Mycotaxon 46: 206, 1993; Hosagoudaroudar,Meliolales <strong>of</strong> India, p. 246, 1996 (Fig. 56).Colonies hypophyllous, thin, up to 4mm in diameter,cFigure 55. Meliola litseae var. rotundipodaa - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Phialides; c - Apical portion <strong>of</strong> themycelial setae; d - Ascosporesconfluent. Hyphae straight to slightly undulate, branchingopposite at wide to acute angles, loosely to closelyreticulate, cells 22–42x6–8 µm. Appressoria alternate,straight to curved, antrorse to spreading, 16–24 µm long;stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 4–10 µm long; headcells ovate, globose, cylindrical, <strong>of</strong>ten curved, slightlytruncate at the apex, entire, 10–14x8–10 µm. Phialidesmixed with appressoria, opposite to alternate, variouslycurved, ampulliform, 18–20x6–10 µm. Mycelial setaegrouped around perithecia, straight, simple, simple,acute at the tip, up to 480µm long. Perithecia scattered,verrucose, up to 144µm in diam.; ascospores obovoidal,4-septate, constricted, 32–38x10–16 µm.Material examined: 13.xii.2003 on leaves <strong>of</strong>Oleadioica Roxb. (Oleaceae), Sairandhri, V.B. Hosagoudaret al., HCIO 45778, TBGT 1527.Meliola manoharacharyi Hosagoudar, Riju & D.K.Agarwal, Indian Phytopath. 63: 76, 2010 (Fig. 57).Colonies epiphyllous, scattered, thin, up to 2µmdiameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to substraight,branching mostly opposite, rarely unilateral at acuteto wide angles, loosely reticulate, cells 12–38x6–8µm. Appressoria opposite (48%), alternate, unilateral,antrorse to sub antrorse, 15–23 µm long; stalk cellscylindrical to cuneate, 2–8 µm long; head cellsglobose, ovate, rarely truncate, entire, 7–18x7–13 µm.Phialides mixed with appressoria, mostly opposite,<strong>of</strong>ten unilateral to alternate, ampulliform, 20–25x7–103736<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–3788

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