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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent ValleyHosagoudar & RijuStev., Ann. Mycol. 26: 229, 1928; Hansford, Sydowia Beih.2: 530, 1961; Hosagoudar & Goos, Mycotaxon 37: 232,1990; Hosagoudar, Meliolales <strong>of</strong> India, p. 204, 1996.Meliola busogensis Hansf., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 51: 538,1938 (Fig. 45).Colonies amphigenous, mostly epiphyllous, dense, upto 3mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphae straight to slightlyundulate, branching opposite at acute angles, looselyto closely reticulate, cells 8–20x6–8 µm. Appressoriaopposite (very few unilateral), straight, closely antrorse,16–20 µm long; stalk cells cuneate, 4–8 µm long; headcells subglobose to ovate, entire, 10–14x8–10 µm.Phialides few, mixed with appressoria, alternate toopposite, ampulliform, 20–28x6–10 µm. Mycelial setaescattered to mostly grouped around perithecial, straight,simple, acute to obtuse, up to 594µm long. Peritheciascattered, verrucose, up to 110µm in diam.; ascosporesobovoidal, 4-septate, slightly constricted, 42–50x14–20µm.Material examined: 17.vi.2007 on leaves <strong>of</strong>Jasminum sp. (Oleaceae), Silent Valley, Jacob Thomaset al. HCIO 48262, TBGT 3001; 27.ii.2009, S.S. Shaji etal. HCIO 49543, TBGT 3785; on leaves <strong>of</strong> JasminummalabaricumWight, Sispara, 02.vii.2008, M.C. Riju et al.TBGT 5156; Valakkad, 5.vii.2008, M.C. Riju et al. TBGT5228; on leaves <strong>of</strong> Jasminum rottlerianum Wall. ex A.DC., Walakkad, 5.iii.2008, P.J. Robin et al. TBGT 5606.ab10µmcMeliola gneti Hansf., Reinwardtia 3: 85, 1954; SydowiadFigure 45. Meliola gemellipodaa - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Phialides; c - Apical portion <strong>of</strong> themycelial setae; d - AscosporesImage 8. Meliola garciniae - infected leavesBeih. 2: 751, 1961; Thite & Kulkarni, J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci.)18: 211, 1978; Hosagoudar & Goos, Mycotaxon 37: 234,1990; 42: 135, 1991; Hosagoudar, Meliolales <strong>of</strong> India, p.207, 1996 (Fig. 46, Image 8).Colonies amphigenous, mostly hypophyllous, dense,velvety, up to 6mm in diameter, confluent. Hyphaestraight to slightly undulate, branching opposite at acuteangles, loosely to closely reticulate, cells 18–44x6–8 µm.Appressoria alternate, about 5% opposite, antrorse toreflexed, straight to curved, 16–24 µm long; stalk cellscylindrical to cuneate, 6–8 µm long; head cells ovate,globose, slightly angulose, entire, 10–18x8–12 µm.Phialides mixed with appressoria, opposite to alternate,ampulliform, 18–28x6–10 µm. Mycelial setae numerous,scattered to grouped around perithecia, straight, simple,acute at the tip, up to 918µm long. Perithecia scattered,verrucose, up to 180µm in diam.; ascospores cylindrical,4-septate, constricted, 46–54x14–20 µm.<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–37883731

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