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Foliicolous fungi <strong>of</strong> Silent Valley50922, TBGT 4839;2.iii.2010, P.J. Robin et al. TBGT 5101;Silent Valley, 6.viii.2008, M.C. Riju & Jacob Thomas TBGT5548; Sairandhri, 2.iii.2010, P.J. Robin et al. TBGT 5590;11.vi.2007, P.J. Robin et al. TBGT 5686; TBGT 5688.Armatella litseae (P. Henn.) Theiss. & Syd., Ann.Mycol. 13: 235, 1915; Hansf. & Thirum., Farlowia3: 286, 1984; Kar & Maity, Norway J. Bot. 19: 250,1972; Hosagoudar, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 15: 200, 1991;Hosagoudar & Abraham, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 25: 565,2001; Hosagoudar, C.K. Biju & Abraham, J. Mycopathol.Res. 40: 192, 2002; Hosagoudar, J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 29:436, 2005; Zoos’ Print J. 21: 2324, 2006; Meliolales <strong>of</strong>India 2: 113, 2008.Dimerosporium litseae P. Henn., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 32:42, 1903.Artallendea cinnamomi Bat. & Maia, Atas Inst. Micol.Recife 1: 222, 1960 (Fig. 8).Colonies hypophyllous, thin, crustose, up to 6mmin diameter, rarely confluent. Hyphae smooth walled,substraight to undulate, branching mostly alternate atwide angles, loosely reticulate, cells 16–30x6–8 μm.Appressoria alternate, about 5% opposite, antrorse,straight to curved, 15–20 μm long; stalk cells singlecelled, cylindrical to cuneate, 3–6.5 μm long; headcells globose, stellately sublobate, 11–13.5x15-16 μm.Perithecia seated on tortuous exappressoriate mycelium,scattered, verrucose, up to 300μm in diam.; ascosporesinitially hyaline and continuous, oblong with roundedends, dumb bell shaped, matured spores 1-septate withunequal cells, 30–37x11–14 μm. During germination,one cell <strong>of</strong> the spore enlarges to produce appressoriumHosagoudar & Rijuand the other empties into it and collapses.Material examined: 15.xii.2003 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Neolitseascrobiculata (Meissner) Gamble (Lauraceae), Sairandhri,V.B. Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 45912, TBGT 1674;14.vi.2007, Jacob Thomas, P.P. Rajesh Kumar & S.S. ShajiHCIO 48217, TBGT 2953; Pulipara, on leaves <strong>of</strong> Neolitseasp., 13.iv.2007, M.C. Riju et al. TBGT 5627; Sairandhri,14.ii.2007, M.C. Riju et al. TBGT 5634; 12.xii.2003, V.B.Hosagoudar et al. HCIO 45758, TBGT 1610.The genus AsteridiellaAsteridiella anastomosans (Wint.) Hansf., SydowiaBeih. 2: 699, 1961; Hosagoudar, Meliolales <strong>of</strong> India 2:119, 2008 (Fig. 9).Colonies epiphyllous hidden in the sub-dense, upto 1mm, scattered. Hyphae sub straight, branchingopposite to irregular, at acute angles, loosely reticulate,cells 12.8–32x6.4–10 μm. Appressoria alternatestraight to slightly curved, antrorse to sub-antrorse,14–29 μm long; stalk cells cylindrical to cuneate, 4–11μm long; head cells ovate, oblong, cylindrical, entire toslightly angular, 9–18x9–14 μm. Phialides mixed withappressoria, ampulliform, opposite, 12–19x6–10 μm.Perithecia globose, grouped, up to 157μm in diameter;perithecial cells up to 22μm mammiform; ascospores4-septate, slightly constricted at the septa, obovoidal,32–37x11–16 μm.Material examined: 14.xii.200 on leaves <strong>of</strong> Leucassp. (Lamiaceae), Chempatty, V.B. Hosagoudar et al. HCIO46306, TBGT 1952.Asteridiella clerodendricola Hosag. in Hosagoudar &Goos, Mycotaxon 36:237, 1989; Hosagoudar, Kaveriappa,Raghu & Goos, Mycotaxon 51:109, 1994, Hosagoudar,bda7µmacFigure 8. Armatella litseaea - Appressoriate mycelium, b - Ascosporesb11µmFigure 9. Asteridiella anastomosansa - Appressoriate mycelium; b - Phialides; c - Ascospores;d - Perithecial cells<strong>Journal</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Threatened</strong> <strong>Taxa</strong> | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 05 March 2013 | 5(3): 3701–37883715

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