-----Original Message-----From: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM)Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:30 AMTo: Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Ferrara, Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Kusari, Albana(KOSOVO/DEM); Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG)Subject: JAVA American gifts.docGood morning,Below is the article that was published in the weekly Java. BobGillette asked me if we are going to react to this.Best,TinaJAVA, dated 21 st of October 2004Page 2Disputes between KTV and RTV 21American “Gifts”The professional failure of these management teams speaksabout and bears witness to the great mistake made by USdonors who trusted with public money people who not onlyfailed to appreciate this money by producing high-qualityprograms and sophisticating the Kosovo media spectrum, butwho are also showing now lots of disrespect and a great lackof ethics… by selling their gifts!22

By JAVAThe American “gifts” as they are called, the two TVstations led by two families, Surroi and Kelmendi, althoughall the time were in peace together in their war against theinvincible and acrimonious rival, now because of theirunprofessional and amateurish management have slipped ina deep financial crisis.The floppy management, the lack of efficiency, the lowappreciation, the leaving and loss of personnel, the low salaries,and mainly the vanishing donations, have sparked bitterdisputes between them.Because of the disappearing donations, the main sponsor ofboth projects (USAID) and its implementation partners (IREXand OSI) are about to make a difficult decision on which projectto terminate.The situation gets worse now that Mr. Veton Surroi is politicallyinvolved marking KTV as the project most likely to beterminated.This is the reason why the USAID local official fordemocratisation Mrs. Argjentina Grazhdani had asked a meetingwith Mr. Surroi in order to discuss this problem, but he hadrefused with condescension every discussion on the matter.Therefore, the increasing USAID animosity towards KTVencouraged not only by Mr. Surroi’s superciliousness, but alsoby the KTV constant failure to take off, make this TV station in apotential candidate to be cancelled by the donation’s list, a factthat might have fatal consequences for this broadcast-mediumthat is still unable to survive in the Kosovo media market.23

By JAVAThe American “gifts” as they are called, the two <strong>TV</strong>stations led by two families, Surroi and Kelmendi, althoughall the time were in peace together in their war against theinvincible and acrimonious rival, now because of theirunprofessional and amateurish management have slipped ina deep financial crisis.The floppy management, the lack of efficiency, the lowappreciation, the leaving and loss of personnel, the low salaries,and mainly the vanishing donations, have sparked bitterdisputes between them.Because of the disappearing donations, the main sponsor ofboth projects (USAID) and its implementation partners (IREXand OSI) are about to make a difficult decision on which projectto terminate.The situation gets worse now that Mr. Veton Surroi is politicallyinvolved marking K<strong>TV</strong> as the project most likely to beterminated.This is the reason why the USAID local official fordemocratisation Mrs. Argjentina Grazhdani had asked a meetingwith Mr. Surroi in order to discuss this problem, but he hadrefused with condescension every discussion on the matter.Therefore, the increasing USAID animosity towards K<strong>TV</strong>encouraged not only by Mr. Surroi’s superciliousness, but alsoby the K<strong>TV</strong> constant failure to take off, make this <strong>TV</strong> station in apotential candidate to be cancelled by the donation’s list, a factthat might have fatal consequences for this broadcast-mediumthat is still unable to survive in the Kosovo media market.23

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