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RRJEDHJA NGA KOMPJUTERAT E USAID NE PRISHTINESe krejt ky investim miliona eurosh ne dy familje kosovare ishte ndertuar vetem mbi – besim -kuptohet shume vjet me vone, kur Gazetes JAVA ne adrese elektronike i vjen nje ‘rrjedhje’ ngakompjuterat e USAID ne Prishtine (shih aneksin).Nga kjo ‘rrjedhje’ ku mesohet nje konverzim mes personave me pergjegjes ne USAID nga viti2004 (Ken Yamashita, David Leong, Antoinette Ferrara, Patricia Orlowitz…), konfirmohetperfundimisht se investimi me i madh ne fushen e medias televizive private ne Kosove ishtendertuar mbi - besim – dhe asgje tjeter (sic!).Nje konverzim plot shqetesime e dyshime mes shefave te USAID e kishte shkaktuar nje editoriali Migjen Kelmendit, kryeredaktorit te gazetes “Java”, me titull “Dhuratat Amerikane” (shiheditorialin). Ne kete editorial, Kelmendi shprehte dyshimet e tij se keto dy projekte qe ai i quante“dhurata amerikane” nuk po menaxhoheshin profesionalisht dhe perkunder shume e shumeperkrahjeve edhe finansiare edhe profesionale nga USAID, Fondacioni Soros dhe IREX, nuk poarrijne te ndertojne konkurence efektive ne raport me RTK. Kelmendi sjell ne editorial disaspekulime per shitjen e ketyre ‘dhuratave’ qe e bejne zotin Bob Gillete, asokohe Komisioner iPerkohshem per Media ne Kosove, te kerkonte nga shefi i USAID ne tetorin e viti 2004, KenYamashita, ta shikonte dhe ta vleresonte se a duhet qe t’i pergjigjeshin gazetes JAVA.Zoti Yamashita kerkon nga znj. Argjentina Grazhdani, nje kosovare qe ishte e ngarkuar meceshtje te demokratizimit ne USAID, te shikonte artikullin dhe te jepte sqarime perse emri i sajgjindej ne artikull dhe sa eshte e besueshme kjo gje (shih aneksin).Znj. Grazhdani pergjigjet:“Ken, te falemnderes. Nuk e di perse, por sa me shume qe po e lexoj artikullin, aq me shume poacarrohem. Nga njera ane, gjithnje e me shume po me pelqen ideja qe USAID te pergatise njepergjegje publike permes se ciles do sqaronim publikun se R<strong>TV</strong> 21 dhe K<strong>TV</strong> nuk jane plotesishtte subvencionuara nga USAID, se USAID deri ne kete date, prejse kane filluar me pune ne ketokater vjetet e fundit, u ka dhuruar pajisje ne vlere prej $1,200.000 per stacion televiziv – qe i bjen$300.000 cdo vit per nje stacion. Jane me qindra OJQ ne Kosove qe kane pasur buxhet me temadh se sa keto stacione private kane pranuar nga ne. Dhe keto OJQ jo gjithmone kane dorezuarraporte. “Java” eshte nje nga shembujt. E te mos permendim RTK i cili eshte ndertuar ngaasistenca nderkombetare me se paku 10 fish me e madhe.Shkaku tjeter per t’ju pergjegjur do te ishte qe ta edukonim publikun se investime private nestacione televizive nuk domethene me patjeter se do te jete deshtim i asistences sone. USAID kaasistuar keto stacione televizive per t’u bere nje dite biznise te zhvilluara, dicka qe qysh sot atojane, dhe per t’i pergatitur ato per investitor privat. Do te jete ceshtje e pronareve te ketyrestacioneve qe derisa lejojne investime private te sigurojne njekohesisht pavaresine editoriale dhemisionin e stacioneve te veta.5

Kur ne kemi zgjedhur Vetonin dhe Aferditen si partnere, ne kemi besuar se ata nuk do t’ikompromitojne lehtas bindjet e tyre. Kjo eshte e vetmja garanci qe kemi. Besimin….Tina”EDHE NJE HERE: SI JU DHURUAN DY RESURSE KOMBETARE - DY <strong>FAMILJEVE</strong> KOSOVARE“Rrjedhja” nga kompjuterat e USAID zbulonte se paraja publike e taksapaguesve amerikane menje lehtesi te padurueshme ju ka dhuruar dy familjeve kosovare, familjes se Vetonit e teAferdites.Por, ceshtje hiq me pak diskutabile eshte edhe ceshtja tjeter: si ju alokuan dy resurse kombetareketyre dy familjeve kosovare?Derisa RTK u krijua me nje vendim administrativ te shefit te UNMIK, Bernard Kouchner, dhenje frekuence kombetare iu besua ketij projekti, ishte nje ceshtje delikate ligjore se si do zgjidhejambicia e donatoreve per t’ia alokuar tashti dy frekuenca tjera kombetare dy familjeve kosovare,Surroi e Saraqini.Kjo ceshtje u zgjidh ne Qershor te vitit 2000, kur UNMIK zyrtarisht themeloi institucioninTemporary Media Commissioner (TMC)/ Komisioneri i Perkoshem per Media (KPM), i cilimori per detyre “caktimin e nje regjimi rregullator te perkohshem per te gjitha mediat neKosove” 2 . Keshtu, KPM u autorizua per t’i pajisur me licenca transmetimi mediat vizive qekishin treguar interes.KPM kishte percaktuar kushtet dhe menyrat e aplikimit per licenca kombetare dhe me vendimadministrativ te perkohshem, ingerence qe KPM e gjeneronte nga regullorja e UNMIKNo.2000/36, licencon si televizione nacionale Koha Vision (K<strong>TV</strong>) dhe Radio Televizionin 21(R<strong>TV</strong> 21), duke ju alokuar dy resurse kombetare ketyre dy televizioneve – pa konkurs dhe paplotesimin e mundesive te kompetivitetit dhe te krijimit te kushteve fer ne ndarjen e dy resursevekombetare te Kosoves. U ‘falin” dy frekuenca nacionale dy familjeve kosovare.Vendimi ishte marre administrativisht dhe ishte i perkohshem. Vlente derisa institucioni“Komisioneri i Perkohshem per Media” te shnderrohet ne institucionin tjeter ligjor “Komisioni iPavarur per Media”.Ne kete menyre, dy familje kosovare u vecuen nga te gjitha familjet tjera me nje vendimadministrativ te nje institucioni te perkohshem dhe ju ‘falen’ per t’i perdore e shfrytezuarfamiliarisht dy resurse kombetare te Kosoves.2 http://www.imc-ko.org/index.php?id=31&l=e,TMC legalisht eshte themeluar me 17 Qershor 2000 me Regulloren e UNMIK No. 2000/36 dhe No. 2000/37.6

Mirepo, grafikoni me licencat e leshuara zbulon dicka shume interesante: te gjitha qytetet eKosoves kishin se paku tri licenca televizive lokale te aprovuara nga KPM – pos qytetit tePrishtines.Ne pyetje e <strong>TV</strong> <strong>Rrokum</strong> drejtuar Komisionit të Pavarur për Media, se sa licenca janë lëshuar nëvitin 2000 për qytetin e Prishtinës, morën këtë përgjegje zyrtare:“Ne vitin 2000-2001 permes autorizimeve speciale per transmetim dhe licencave, per Prishtinenjane licencuar keto <strong>TV</strong> stacione lokale:1. <strong>TV</strong> AA ne kanalin 25, licenca e dhene ne janar 20012. <strong>TV</strong> Iliria ne kanalin 56, licenca e dhene ne janar 20013. <strong>TV</strong> Klan ne kanalin 29, licenca e dhene ne shkurt 20014. <strong>TV</strong>D ne kanalin 52, licenca e dhene ne shkurt 20015. <strong>TV</strong> Nevi ne kanalin 68, licenca e dhene ne gusht 20016. <strong>TV</strong> SAS ne kanalin 60 e licencuar per Prishtine vetem me Autorizimin Special perTransmetim e mandej ky televizion ka kaluar ne kanalin 30 ne Mitrovice dhe pastaj licenca ieshte revokuar pasiqe nuk ka transmetu apo ka pas probleme.”Ne Prishtine ishin ndare gjashtë licenca lokale televizive, por dy kurre s’u perdoren ndersa aktivenga viti 2001 ishte vetem nje licence, ajo e televizionit lokal “AA”. Edhe kjo licence abrogohetnga KPM ne vitin 2003, dhe ne vend se te ofrohet e kthehet ne treg, edhe ajo e fundit zhduketnga lista e KPM. Qyteti i Prishtines i kishte, edhe sot i ka, ne vitin 2012, gjashtë frekuencatelevizive lokale ne dispozicion, te cilat mbahen nen Moratorium te joligjshem te KPM. 44 3.1.2 Legal and Regulatory Framework8

Keshtu, ceshtja e katert - Si te ndertosh treg te lire te medias elektronike ne Kosove e te mosrrezikosh investimin tend ne ‘te konceptuarit amerikan te televizioneve”? – mbrohej edhe meMoratoriumin e KPM per televizione lokale te Prishtines, qe kishte per qellim te zvoglontekonkurencen per K<strong>TV</strong> dhe R<strong>TV</strong>21. 5Existing UNMIK regulations were “not very well thought out” 25 and, because they were conceived as temporarymeasures, require renewal every 90 days by the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG).Passage of the draft IMC legislation is needed not only to create the Independent Commission but also to start theprocess of replacing other outdated laws and codes….There is a danger that local media, minority language media, women and interests outside the media elite inPristina may find it hard to make their voices heard in the IMC. Success will depend on including a diversity ofviews to ensure that political or ethnic interests do not capture the regulatory body (Shih ne aneks raportin“Kosovo Media Assessment – Final Report”, 24 Mars 2004).5 Shih raportin “Kosovo Media Assessment - Final Report”, nga data 24 Mars 2004. I plote raporti gjendet ne aneks.9

EDHE NJE RESURS KOMBETAR I FALET K<strong>TV</strong> DHE R<strong>TV</strong>21 – RRJETI ITRANSMETIMIT TERRESTRIAL I KOSOVESDonatoret (USAID, IREX, Fondacioni “Soros”) te dy televizioneve private ne Kosove, K<strong>TV</strong> dheR<strong>TV</strong>21, nuk mjaftohen as me miliona euro donacion, as me Moratorium, as me lirimin e tyre ngapagesa e qirrase, por ndertojne Rrjetin e Transmetimit Terrestrial te Kosoves dhe ne vend se tacaktojne nje bord neutral dhe profesional per ta mbikeqyrur e zhvilluar kete Rrjet, donatoretvendosin qe ta shnderrojne kete OJQ ne kompani private dhe tekstualisht - UA ‘FALIN’ keteresurs tjeter kombetar te Kosoves dhe i bejne pronare te akcioneve te Rrjetit te TransmetimitTerrestrial te Kosoves keto media: K<strong>TV</strong> dhe R<strong>TV</strong> 21 (marrin pjesen me te madhe te aksioneve –70 perqind), ndersa participojne ne akcione edhe RTK (25 perqind te akcioneve) dhe RadioDukagjini (5 perqind). Me kete akt shkelet ne menyre flagrante ideja e Tregut te Lire Medial neKosove dhe ky akt perben edhe nje argument te rende dhe spektakular qe flet per konflikt interesidhe krijim monopoli ne fushen e medias elektronike ne Kosove. 6OJQ Rrjeti i Transmetimit Terrestrial te Kosoves shnderrohet ne SHPK me akcionare te perzgjedhur. Shih:http://www.arbk.org/arbk/KerkimiBizneseve/tabid/66/language/sq-AL/Default.aspx6 Shih dokumentin ne aneks – “Mid-Term Evaluation - Kosovo Media Assistance Program (KMAP)”, nga data 15Shkurt 200710

KOMISIONI I PAVARUR PER MEDIA SHKEL NE MENYRE FLAGRANTE LIGJINQE E THEMELON SI INSTITUCION – I VAZHDON LICENCAT KOMBETARE K<strong>TV</strong>E R<strong>TV</strong> 21, DUKE I BERE TELEVIZIONE ILEGALE NE KOSOVEMe 21 Prill 2005, Kuvendi i Kosoves miraton Ligjin Nr. 02/L-15 per Komisionin e Pavarur teMediave, i cili edhe ratifikohet nga SRSG me 8 Qershor 2005 me regulloren nr. 2005/34. Ligjiper KPM hyn ne fuqi me 8 Shtator 2005 7 .Si mision te vetin, KPM percakton tri qellime themelore:• TË MBROJË lirinë e shprehjes, shumëllojshmërinë e mendimit, qasjen në informata përgazetarë dhe publikun, si dhe interesin e shfrytëzuesve të mediave dhe operatorëve sipassundimit të ligjit.• TË INKURAJOJ profesionalizmin në radhët e gazetarëve, menaxherëve dhe pronarëvetë mediave;• TË PROMOVOJ zhvillimin e një tregu të shëndoshë medial që u shërben të gjithënjerëzve të Kosovës;Mirepo, gjate gjithe kohes, KPM ishte kryesisht ne funksion te kultivimit te monoplit te dytelevizioneve K<strong>TV</strong> dhe R<strong>TV</strong> 21, te cilat po vazhdonin qe te gezonin nje tretman mbinacional,duke segreguar tregun dhe kompromituar idene e tregut te lire medial ne Kosove.KPM ne piken 12.2 percakton qarte:12.2. Licenca per transmetim mund t’i leshohet vetem individit dhe entitetit i cilipermbushe kerkesat e ketij Ligji dhe kriteret qe i determinon KPM ne baze te proceduravefer dhe te hapura te konkurences.Fatekeqesisht, KPM nuk i kthen resurset kombetare ne nje gare fer dhe te hapur konkurence, porme vendim te brendshem te ketij insitucioni, duke shkelur ne menyre flagrante premisat dhepikat e Ligjit Nr.02/L-15, KPM ua vazhdon licencat kombetare televizioneve K<strong>TV</strong> dhe R<strong>TV</strong> 21edhe per 10 vjet tjera (sic!), duke i shnderruar ato aktualisht – ne televizione ilegale.Per ta amortizuar kete vendim, KPM vendose qe te gjitha mediave audio-vizive ne Kosove t’uavazhdoje licencat qe i kishin para miratimit te Ligjit per KPM.Ekzekutivi i Komisionit te Pavarur per Media i tha Televizionit <strong>Rrokum</strong> se vendimi per t’ivazhduar licencat pa i afishuar dhe pa i shpallur publikisht konkurset per aplikim te teinteresuarve, e kane marre ne nje tryeze te rrumbullaket ku kane marre pjese perfaqesuesit epjeses me te madhe te televizioneve dhe Ofruesve te Sherbimeve Programore. Shefja ekzekutivee KPM, zonja Naile Selimaj Krasniqi i tha <strong>Rrokum</strong> se procedurat e komplikuara dhe koha qe do7http://www.imc-ko.org/index.php?id=31&l=e11

merrte afishimi dhe shpallja e konkurseve per t’ia marre ose rimarre frekuencat nacionale K<strong>TV</strong> eR<strong>TV</strong> 21 e per t’i bere ligjore ashtu si kerkon Ligji per KPM, u pa si nje pune e madhe dhe mekosto. Prandaj u vendose te shkohet me vazhdim te licencave pa konkurse. Me qene se kjo duhejbere per K<strong>TV</strong> dhe R<strong>TV</strong> 21, atehere u vendose qe te gjitha televizoneve, edhe atyre lokale edheOfruesve te Sherbimeve Programore t’u vazhdohen licencat, pa i plotesuar kushtet dheprocedurat e percaktuara me Ligjin Nr.02/L-15, per KPM.“AMANDAMENTI X” OSE “AMANDAMENTI SINNO”Kjo situate e trasheguar e administrimit te licencave nacionale televizive ne menyre tejashteligjshme ne Kosove per me se nje dekade, fitoi nje shans qe te sillet ne suaza te ligjitpermes projektligjit te ri per Komisionin e Pavarur per Media.Projektligji i ri ishte draftuar ne nje tryeze te gjere pune, me prezencen e te gjithe akterevemedial, paleve te interesuara qeveritare dhe parlamentare, si dhe te prezences se shoqerise civile,gjate qershorit te vitit 2011 ne qytetin e Durresit, ne Shqiperi.Projektligji per KPM pesoi amandamentime qe u pane me rendesi per saktesimin dhe‘kompatibilitetin’ e tij me standarde europiane nga ana e eksperteve te zyres se Komisioniteuropian ne Kosove. Mirepo, e fitoi edhe nje amandament te cuditshem, Amandamentin X.Cka sjell e cka zbulon ky amandament?Amandamenti X kerkon decidivisht:“Të gjitha licencat të lëshuara nga KPM në pajtim me legjislacionin e mëparshëm do tëvazdhojnë të jenë të vlefshme deri në ditën e skadimit të tyre të rregullt. Licencat aktuale, passkadimit të tyre do të përsëriten në pajtim me këtë Ligj dhe aktet e tjera nënligjore te lëshuaranga KPM.”Me Amandamentin X, i cili u quajt edhe ne menyre te popullarizuar edhe “Amandamenti Sinno”,sepse ishte kryesuesi i zyres se Komisionit Europian ne Kosove, zoti Khaldoun Sinno ai qe uangazhua edhe personalisht qe ky amandament te perfshihet ne projektligj nen kercenimin se pos’u perfshi do ta paraqes kete ceshtje ne Raportin e Progresit, perfudimisht vazhdohet meagonine e administrimit jashtligjor te frekuencave kombetare televizive ne Kosove dhevazhdimin e mbytjes se fundamentit europian – tregut te lire dhe te drejtave te barabarta.Vete fakti i mos shpalljes se konkursit te hapur, si e thote Ligji, por i vazhdimit te licencaveashtu si ishin ndare ne kohen e UNMIK-ut, dokumenton shkeljen flagrante te transparences dhemundesis se aplikimit te lire te te gjitheve qe konsiderojne se i plotesojne kushtet per te qenepjese e gares.12

Dhe kjo situate jashteligjore e posedimit te licencave nacionale ne Kosove, ne vend se te sillet nesuaza te ligjit dhe te procedurave fer dhe te hapura te konkurimit, edhe njehere, per te tretenhere radhazi ne kete dekade, lihet - JASHTE LIGJIT.Me Amandamentin X ose “Amandamenti Sinno” – edhe njehere po kerkohet qe te cimentohetsituata e trasheguar e jashteligjshme e posedimit te frekuencave nacionale ne Kosove. Dhe kesajradhe, kjo po behet nen trysnine dhe kercenimet se po s’u perfshi “Amandamneti Sinno”, kjoceshtje do te shfaqet ne Raportin e Progresit te radhes. 8Zoti Khaldoun Sinno dhe zyra e Komisionit Europian ne Kosove ne vend se te promovojnevlerat europiane te te drejtave te barabarta, te tregut te lire dhe te konkurimit e te procedurave tehapura, permes “Amandamentit Sinno”, ftojne dhe mbrojne pabarazine dhe situaten jashteligjorene Kosove.Ne Kosove ka media dhe pronare te mediave qe jane mbi Ligjin. Ka njerez qe jane pak me terendesishem sesa njerezit tjere. Ka “media te bardha” dhe aso “te zeza”.“Dhuratat Amerikane” dhe “Amandamenti Sinno“ ftojne per debat dhe analize te situatesagonike ne Kosove – SI E HUQI KOSOVA TREGUN E LIRE NE FUSHEN E MEDIASVIZIVE.8 “Amandamenti Sinno” shkaktoi reagim te ashper te pronareve te mediave tjera, qe kerkuan te hiqet.13

ANEKS1. Korrespondenca permes postes elektronike mes perfaqesuesve me te larte te zyres seUSAID ne Kosove;2. Raporti nga Marsi 2004 i kontraktuar nga zyra e USAID ne Kosove per ta kryerevaluimin dhe prezentimin e situates mediale ne Kosove;3. Raporti nga Shkurti 2007 i cili sjell vleresimin tjeter se si po zhvillohet proejkti i njohursi – KMAP, “Kosovo Media Asistance Project”;4. Dokumenti i Moratoriumit ndaj frekuencave televizive.14

1. Korrespondenca mes perfaqesuesve me te larte te USAID ne Kosove:From: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM)Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 11:44 AMTo: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Ferrara,Antoinette (Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM); Orlowitz, Patricia(KOSOVO/PPO); Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE:Ken,Thank you. I do not know why, but the more I read the article, more upset I get. At one pointtoday, I was more inclined to the idea of USAID preparing a public response, both for clarifyingto the public that R<strong>TV</strong> 21 and K<strong>TV</strong> are not completely subsidized by USAID, that USAID has todate, since the inception of this stations, in the last 4 years provided equipment grants worth of$1,200.000 per station - which in fact are $300.000 per year per station. There are hundreds ofNGOs in Kosova that have had budgets far bigger that what private stations have received fromus. And these NGOs have not always delivered. Java is one example. Not to mention RTK whichwas build with international assistance at least 10 times bigger.The other reason for responding would be to educate the public that private investment in <strong>TV</strong>stations does not necessarily mean failure of our assistance. USAID has assisted these <strong>TV</strong>stations to become growing businesses, which they currently are, and prepare them for privateinvestors. It will be up to the station owners that while allowing private investment to preservetheir editorial independence and mission of their stations. When we chose Veton and Aferdita aspartners, we trusted that they can not easily compromise their beliefs. This is the only guaranteewe have. The trust.Tina-----Original Message-----From: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR)Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:58 AM15

To: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM); Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Ferrara,Antoinette (Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM); Orlowitz, Patricia(KOSOVO/PPO); Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE:Tina - please go ahead and respond to Bob. As TMC, the issue of "responsible journalism" maybe something he is interested in pursuing. I would be happy to talk to Bob, and if appropriate, tothe editor of JAVA - but at this point I don't think we need to prepare a public response. K.S. Ken YamashitaMission Directortel: 202-216-6241 x101tel: 381-38-243-673 x101fax: 381-38-249-493cel: 377-044-120-262-----Original Message-----From: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM)Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:47 AMTo: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Ferrara, Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM); Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO);Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: FW:Fyi:-----Original Message-----From: Robert Gillette [mailto:robert.gillette@imc-ko.org]16

Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 5:27 PMTo: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM)Subject: RE:Tina,Did you talk to the reporter at all? If you did, is it possible that he completely misunderstoodsomething that you might have said? (I know translation is not an issue here.)Will USAID respond? Should we do something here? For instance, we can tell Java that theyreally need to clarify this false allegation by talking to you (again?).Let me know.Tnx/Bob-----Original Message-----From: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM) [mailto:agrazhdani@usaid.gov]Sent: 25 October 2004 15:07To: Arlinda Gjaka; IREX; Robert Gillette; gian-pietro.caliari@imc-ko.orgSubject: RE:Point of clarification: The whole part about taking to me (Afredita Grazhdani), and the referenceabout me and K<strong>TV</strong> and Veton is a pure fabrication.17

Best,Tina-----Original Message-----From: Arlinda Gjaka [mailto:agjaka@irex-kosovo.org]Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 3:00 PMTo: IREX; Robert Gillette; gian-pietro.caliari@imc-ko.org; Grazhdani, Argjentina(KOSOVO/DEM)Subject: FW:-----Original Message-----From: KFOR HQ - Tahirllari, Elton, CIV, ALB [mailto:TAHIRLLARIE@main.kfor.nato.int]Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 2:58 PMTo: Arlinda GjakaSubject:From: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR)Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:36 AM18

To: Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG); Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO); Leong, David(KOSOVO/DIR); Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM); Ferrara, Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM)Cc: Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE: JAVA American gifts.docI have seen this kind of article in other places, other circumstances. There are many reasons why sucharticles appear, and none of them are of the kind that merit a formal complaint or response. I have acouple of speaking opportunities coming up with IREX – I could say something about “responsiblejournalism” – thoughts?S. Ken YamashitaMission Directortel: 202-216-6241 x101tel: 381-38-243-673 x101fax: 381-38-249-493cel: 377-044-120-262-----Original Message-----From: Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG)Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:28 AMTo: Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO); Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Leong,David (KOSOVO/DIR); Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM); Ferrara,Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM)Cc: Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE: JAVA American gifts.docA very interesting but I agree a somewhat disturbing article. There are some important issueshere, but I agree with Patricia that we should not dignify the flawed article with a direct response.However, I would not be against any efforts by the <strong>TV</strong> stations themselves, or the TMC to join thefray in the interest of clarifying some of the issues raised for the benefit of the viewing public.These are not trivial matters but the interpretations and conclusions reached by JAVA article areflawed. I am also curious as to how this information found its way into the public domain, so tospeak, and the intentions of the authors. Tina, lets have a meeting with the new PAO at USOP todiscuss the issues surrounding this article so that their side is aware and clear. Patricia, if youhave time, could you also join us as your background with our favorite sector would be veryuseful. Thanks.Miles Toder Ph.D.19

Senior Democracy AdvisorUSAID/Kosovo-----Original Message-----From: Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO)Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:28 AMTo: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Grazhdani, Argjentina(KOSOVO/DEM); Ferrara, Antoinette (Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM);Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG)Cc: Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE: JAVA American gifts.docI would go with the latter option – no response, and only if asked respond as you suggested.Patricia---Patricia OrlowitzUSAID/Kosovo, Public Information OfficerTel: + 381 (0) 38 243 673 ext. 127Fax: + 381 (0) 38 249 493E-mail: porlowitz@usaid.gov-----Original Message-----From: Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR)Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:03 AMTo: Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM);Ferrara, Antoinette (Kosovo/PPO); Kusari, Albana (KOSOVO/DEM); Toder, Miles(KOSOVO/DG)Cc: Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO); Cernobregu, Xheraldina (KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE: JAVA American gifts.docI’ll write a letter to the editor. Patricia, can you please coordinate with USOP? – Ithink the “tone” of the letter should be explanatory – rather than direct denial orconfrontation. Java is not a widely read newspaper; we don’t want to give it morepublicity by adding to the controversy. Or we should take an even higher road –not answer, and simply, if and when asked, we’ll respond that such gibberishdoes not merit a formal response.20

S. Ken YamashitaMission Directortel: 202-216-6241 x101tel: 381-38-243-673 x101fax: 381-38-249-493cel: 377-044-120-262-----Original Message-----From: Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR)Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:02 AMTo: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM); Ferrara, Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Kusari, Albana(KOSOVO/DEM); Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG)Cc: Orlowitz, Patricia (KOSOVO/PPO); Cernobregu, Xheraldina(KOSOVO/PPO)Subject: RE: JAVA American gifts.docI don’t think we can let this one go unanswered, but our response willmost likely have to be coordinated w/ USOP and possibly USAID/W. Ithink our response should be something along the lines of: “The JAVAarticle of October 21, 2004 concerning the disputes between K<strong>TV</strong> andR<strong>TV</strong>21 illustrate the enormous challenges that lie ahead to transformKosovo’s nascent print media into a modern and responsible source ofnews for the Kosovar public. The fabrications, speculation, and spinningwill no doubt be titillating to some and result in greater sales. It alsodemonstrates JAVA’s proclivity to be more sensationalist than right.When libelous fabrications can be passed off as truth, it is indeed a sadday for Kosovo.”I’m just venting, to be sure, but believe some response is in order.Thoughts?David LeongDeputy Mission DirectorUSAID/Kosovo21

-----Original Message-----From: Grazhdani, Argjentina (KOSOVO/DEM)Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:30 AMTo: Leong, David (KOSOVO/DIR); Ferrara, Antoinette(Kosovo/PPO); Yamashita, Ken (KOSOVO/DIR); Kusari, Albana(KOSOVO/DEM); Toder, Miles (KOSOVO/DG)Subject: JAVA American gifts.docGood morning,Below is the article that was published in the weekly Java. BobGillette asked me if we are going to react to this.Best,TinaJAVA, dated 21 st of October 2004Page 2Disputes between K<strong>TV</strong> and R<strong>TV</strong> 21American “Gifts”The professional failure of these management teams speaksabout and bears witness to the great mistake made by USdonors who trusted with public money people who not onlyfailed to appreciate this money by producing high-qualityprograms and sophisticating the Kosovo media spectrum, butwho are also showing now lots of disrespect and a great lackof ethics… by selling their gifts!22

By JAVAThe American “gifts” as they are called, the two <strong>TV</strong>stations led by two families, Surroi and Kelmendi, althoughall the time were in peace together in their war against theinvincible and acrimonious rival, now because of theirunprofessional and amateurish management have slipped ina deep financial crisis.The floppy management, the lack of efficiency, the lowappreciation, the leaving and loss of personnel, the low salaries,and mainly the vanishing donations, have sparked bitterdisputes between them.Because of the disappearing donations, the main sponsor ofboth projects (USAID) and its implementation partners (IREXand OSI) are about to make a difficult decision on which projectto terminate.The situation gets worse now that Mr. Veton Surroi is politicallyinvolved marking K<strong>TV</strong> as the project most likely to beterminated.This is the reason why the USAID local official fordemocratisation Mrs. Argjentina Grazhdani had asked a meetingwith Mr. Surroi in order to discuss this problem, but he hadrefused with condescension every discussion on the matter.Therefore, the increasing USAID animosity towards K<strong>TV</strong>encouraged not only by Mr. Surroi’s superciliousness, but alsoby the K<strong>TV</strong> constant failure to take off, make this <strong>TV</strong> station in apotential candidate to be cancelled by the donation’s list, a factthat might have fatal consequences for this broadcast-mediumthat is still unable to survive in the Kosovo media market.23

Consequently, entire groupings within K<strong>TV</strong> and R<strong>TV</strong> 21 havestarted a silent war, trying to find flaws, to defame anddepreciate each other in front of various donators ororganizations, fighting to get hold of the sympathy and supportof their donors only for them.The extent of these “American gifts” failure is proved by factsthat are easy to be verified about ongoing efforts for sellingthese <strong>TV</strong> stations to wealthy entrepreneurs. R<strong>TV</strong> 21, forinstance, far from the public and especially TMC Gillette’s eyes,carries on secretly the negotiations for selling the majority of itsshares to entrepreneur Mr. Behxhet Pacolli. As some A<strong>TV</strong>sources confirm, the last disagreements are about the price,which the R<strong>TV</strong> 21 renowned owner Mrs. Aferdita Kelmendi hasincreased up to 20 or 30 millions of Euros, while the A<strong>TV</strong> speaksabout 5-figures prices. These millionaire figures are a realexaggeration keeping in mind that Mrs. Kelmendi has become ahated person in the entrepreneurial circles because of herconstant pleas for more funding. There are 6 months that Mrs.Kelmendi is paying the majority of salaries for her personnelthrough the generous funding of a big Kosovar entrepreneurwho has chosen R<strong>TV</strong> 21 for advertising due to its generosity andnot because of any real need.The other <strong>TV</strong> station (K<strong>TV</strong>) has already found its potential buyerand that is the successful Albanian <strong>TV</strong> station TOP CHANNEL,given that the closeness between their bosses Messrs. DritanHoxha and Veton Surroi has resulted in several joint projects,both financial and program-related. The oddity of this situationis that they were “gifts” that were aiming at democratizing theKosovo media spectrum and creating more space to the freeword and journalism of facts, and these “gifts” not only didn’tmet the previsions of their donors, but now are also being senton sale?The professional failure of these two management teamsspeaks about and bears witness to the great mistake made byUS donors who trusted with public money people who not only24

failed to appreciate the gift by producing high-quality programsand sophisticating the Kosovo media spectrum, but who arealso showing now lots of disrespect and a great lack of ethics…by selling their gifts!25

2. Raporti nga Marsi 2004 i kontraktuar nga zyra e USAID ne Kosove per ta kryerevaluimin dhe prezentimin e situates mediale ne Kosove;Shkarkoje Raportin te plote ne kete adrese:http://ics.leeds.ac.uk/papers/pmt/exhibits/1930/Kosovo_Media_Assessment.pdf26

3. Raporti nga Shkurti 2007 i cili sjell vleresimin tjeter se si po zhvillohet projekti injohur si – KMAP, “Kosovo Media Asistance Project”Shkarkoje Raportin e plote nga kjo adrese:http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACL816.pdf27

4. Dokumenti i Moratoriumit ndaj frekuencave televizive:http://www.imc-ko.org/IMG/pdf/Policy_of_Exceptions_ENG.pdf28

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