Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)

Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997) Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)


Cambridge texts in the history of philosophyTitles published in the series thus farAntoine Arnauld and Pierre Nicole Logic or the Art of Thinking (edited byJIll Vance Buroker)Boyle A Free Enquiry into the Vu lgarly Received Notion of Nature (edited byEdward B. Davis and Michael Hunter)Conway The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy (edited byAllison P. Coudert and Taylor Corse)Cudworth A Treatise Concerning Eternal and Im mutable Morality with ATreatise of Freewill (edited by Sarah Hutton)Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy, with selections from the Objectionsand Replies (edited with an introduction by John Cottingham)Kant Critique of Practical Reason (edited by Mary Gregor with anintroduction by Andrews Reath)Kan t The Metaphysics of Morals (edited by Mary Gregor with anintroduction by Roger Sullivan)Kant Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics (edited by Gary Hatfield)La Mettrie Machine Man and Other Wri tings (edited by Ann Thomson)Leibniz New Essays on Human Understanding (edited by Peter Remnantand Jonathan Bennett)Malebranche Dialogues on Metaphysics and on Religion (edited by NicholasJolley and David Scott)Malebranche The Search after Truth (edited by Thomas M. Lennon andPaul J. Olscamp)Mendelssohn Philosophical Wri tings (edited by Daniel O. Dahlstrom)Nietzsche Daybreak (edited by Maudemarie Clark and Brian Leiter,translated by RJ. Hollingdale)Nietzsche Human, All To o Human (translated by R J. Hollingdale with anintroduction by Richard Schacht)Nietzsche Untimely Meditations (edited by Daniel Breazeale, translated byRJ. Hollingdale)Schleiermacher On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers (edited byRichard Crouter)

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