Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)

Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997) Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)


Notesp. 229, 1. 31 the arts of today: See Wagner, 'The Artwork of theFuture', Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 3, p. 61.p. 230, 1. 13 he said to himself: See ibid., p. 59.p. 231, 1. 36 seems nothing to him: See Wagner, 'EpilogischerBericht' ('Epilog-Report'), Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 6, p. 369.p. 232, 1. 21 opus metaphysicum: 'metaphysical work'.p. 233, 1. 10 score beside score: See Wagner, 'Epilog-Report',Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 6, p. 378.p. 233, 1. 24 A great German war: The Franco-Prussian War(1870-1).p. 235, 1. 8 as they ought to do : Goethe, Conversations withEckermann, 1 April 1827.p. 237, 1. 38 for true music: See Wagner, 'Opera and Drama',Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 4, pp. 263ff.p. 240, 1. 19 Raphael's Cecilia: See the conclusion of Bk. III (§ 52)of The World as Will and Representation, where Schopenhauerdescribes Raphael's painting, Saint Cecilia, as the perfect symbolof the 'transition' from aesthetic contemplation to resignationof the will.p. 242, 1. 12 means of procuring clarity: See Wagner, 'ACommunication to My Friends', Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 4,pp. 367-8.p. 244, 1. 3 epideictic: 'Epideictic' oratory was intended merely asa virtuoso display; its goal was to impress, not to persuade or toconvince.p. 245, 1. 40 To make his work: The rest of this paragraph, withthe exception of the portion placed in parenthesis and the useof emphasis, is a direct quote from Schopenhauer, Parerga undParalipomena, vol. 2, § 60.p. 249, 1. 31 so is in error: Goethe, Conversations with Eckermann, 11October 1828.p. 250, 1. 23 stream of humanity: Freely quoted from Wagner'sintroduction to vols. 3 and 4 of Gesammelte Schriften, pp. 7-8.p. 251, 1. 16 Jahrhundert auf: From Schiller's poem, 'Die Kiinstler'('The Artists').p. 252, 1. 25 amor into caritas: Amor suggests sexual love; caritasdenotes love of one's neighbour.265

Indexabstraction, and fe eling 81-2, 86academics see scholarshipactionand history 59, 67-9, 72, 75, 85, 87, 92,102and inwardness 81and knowledge 108and Schopenhauerean man 156-7, 160and Wagner 197, 232Aeschylus 13and Wagner 208, 223, 240aestheticsand cultural philistinism 11, 16-24,37-8, 39, 44, 117and monumental history 71-2and Strauss 17-20and Wagner 205, 218, 248alienation, from being 222animalsand memory 60-1, 62, 63and suffering 157antiquityand Christianity 132-3, 208as exemplar 192German nation as heirs 100-4and history xv, 67, 70, 72-5, 77appearance, and reality xvii, xxviii, xxxin.13, 216, 222, 226Arrowsmith, William xlvartcause and effect 178and the individual 212-13and life and music 218-19, 221-5,243and life and philosophy vii, 11, 160-1,177-8, 181-2, 210modern 220, 229and science 120-1and Wagner xxii, 197-9, 205, 218-21,229-36, 240-4, 246-52asceticism, in Christianity 28, 29Auerbach, Berthold 50, 255t;Bagehot, Walter 138, 189, 255barbarism, and culture 6, 8, 13, 36, 38,79-80, 148, 217Bayreuth festival ix, xi, xx-xxiii,xxxvi-xxxvii, 197-9, 257and cultural reform 210-12, 235becoming, and existence xix, 62, 108-10,155, 161, 188Beethoven, Ludwig von 90, 97, 138, 140,232and pathos 240-2and Strauss 22-4, 25, 28beingand alienation 222and existence 155belief, confession of l4-16, 17-19Berger, August xlvBildungsphilister see philistines, culturalThe Birth of Tragedy from the spirit of Musicvii, ix, xxxii n.20, xxxvicritique x, xxxvi, 258subsequent editions xxxviiBismarck, Otto von 33Brahms, Johannes, and Wagner xxiBrandes, Georg Morris xxiii, xxiv-xxv,xxvi, 255Brandis, Christian August 186, 255BUlow, Cosima von see Wagner,CosimaBUlow, Hans von xxv, 255, 257Burckhardt,Jacob ix, 73, 255266

Indexabstraction, and fe el<strong>in</strong>g 81-2, 86academics see scholarshipactionand history 59, 67-9, 72, 75, 85, 87, 92,102and <strong>in</strong>wardness 81and knowledge 108and Schopenhauerean man 156-7, 160and Wagner 197, 232Aeschylus 13and Wagner 208, 223, 240aes<strong>the</strong>ticsand cultural philist<strong>in</strong>ism 11, 16-24,37-8, 39, 44, 117and monumental history 71-2and Strauss 17-20and Wagner 205, 218, 248alienation, from be<strong>in</strong>g 222animalsand memory 60-1, 62, 63and suffer<strong>in</strong>g 157antiquityand Christianity 132-3, 208as exemplar 192German nation as heirs 100-4and history xv, 67, 70, 72-5, 77appearance, and reality xvii, xxviii, xxx<strong>in</strong>.13, 216, 222, 226Arrowsmith, William xlvartcause and effect 178and <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual 212-13and life and music 218-19, 221-5,243and life and philosophy vii, 11, 160-1,177-8, 181-2, 210modern 220, 229and science 120-1and Wagner xxii, 197-9, 205, 218-21,229-36, 240-4, 246-52asceticism, <strong>in</strong> Christianity 28, 29Auerbach, Berthold 50, 255t;Bagehot, Walter 138, 189, 255barbarism, and culture 6, 8, 13, 36, 38,79-80, 148, 217Bayreuth festival ix, xi, xx-xxiii,xxxvi-xxxvii, 197-9, 257and cultural reform 210-12, 235becom<strong>in</strong>g, and existence xix, 62, 108-10,155, 161, 188Beethoven, Ludwig von 90, 97, 138, 140,232and pathos 240-2and Strauss 22-4, 25, 28be<strong>in</strong>gand alienation 222and existence 155belief, confession <strong>of</strong> l4-16, 17-19Berger, August xlvBildungsphilister see philist<strong>in</strong>es, culturalThe Birth <strong>of</strong> Tragedy from <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> Musicvii, ix, xxxii n.20, xxxvicritique x, xxxvi, 258subsequent editions xxxviiBismarck, Otto von 33Brahms, Johannes, and Wagner xxiBrandes, Georg Morris xxiii, xxiv-xxv,xxvi, 255Brandis, Christian August 186, 255BUlow, Cosima von see Wagner,CosimaBUlow, Hans von xxv, 255, 257Burckhardt,Jacob ix, 73, 255266

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