Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)

Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997) Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)


--!Notesp. 7, 1. 25 confessions: The full title of the 1872 work by Straussthat provoked Nietzsche's response is Der alte und der neueGlaube: Ein Bekenntnis (The Old and the New Faith: A Confession) .p. 11, 1. 1 enthusiasm: An allusion to Goethe, Maximen undReflexionen (Maxims and Reflections) , no. 495: 'The best thing weobtain from history is the enthusiasm it provokes' (an excerptfrom Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahren [1829] ).p. 11, footnote: These are the opening words of Horace's firstEpistle.p. 17, 1. 7 people: Lichtenberg, Vermischte Schriften (1867) , vol. 1,p. 188.p. 21, 1. 25 conversion: It was claimed by some that Winckelmannhad converted to Catholicism simply in order to gain betteraccess to Roman collections of antique art.p. 30, 1. 28 difficult: An allusion to the epigraph of Schopenhauer'sUber die Grundlage der Moralitiit (On the Foundations of Morality[1841]).p. 31, last line feathers: The word 'Strauss' means 'ostrich' inGerman. Here, as elsewhere in the first Meditation, Nietzscheplays upon the literal meaning of the name.p. 32, 1. 35 called it: Lichtenberg, Vermischte Schriften (1867) ,vol. 1, p. 90.p. 34, 1. 25 oracle: An allusion to Balthasar Gracian's 1647 El oracylumanual y arte de prudentia (Oracular Handbook and Art ofPrudence) , a collection of practical aphorisms much admired bySchopenhauer, who translated it into German.p. 43, 1. 12 carriage: Straussen-Wagen, a pun on Strassen-Wagen or'streetcar' .259

Notesp. 44, 1. 12 Voltaire (p. 219): A citation from Strauss's publishedlectures Voltaire: Sechs Vortriige (1870) .p. 48, 1. 16 once said: Lichtenberg, Ve rmischte Schriften, vol. 1,p. 306.p. 49, 1. 1 Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer, Aus Schopenhauers handschriftlichenNachlaJ3, ed. ]. Frauenstadt (1864) [hereafter,NachlaJ3] , pp. 60-I.p. 50, 1. 19 puts it: NachlaJ3, pp. 60-1.p. 52, footnote: Tacitus, Dialogue on Oratory, XXIII.3.p. 53, 1. lfirmitas: 'strength'.p. 53, 1. 37 nourishment: Schopenhauer, NachlaJ3, pp. 60-I.p. 54, 1. 32 paws off: Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena(1851), vol. 2, 'On Authorship and Style', 283.p. 59, 1. 4 from Goethe: Goethe's letter to Schiller, 19 December1798.p. 59, 1. 4 .ceterum censeo: An allusion to the famous words withwhich Cato the Elder is supposed to have concluded everyspeech he made before the Roman§enate: 'I am of the opinionthat Carthage must be dc;stroyed.'p. 60, 1. 11 faults: Goethe, Wahrheit und Dichtung (Poetry and Tru th[1814]), Bk. III, ch. 13.p. 62, 1. 15 finger: An allusion to Cratylus, a sophist who, accordingto Aristotle (Metaphysics, IV. 1 0 1 Oa.12), concluded that sincetruth could neither be known nor spoken, he would not speakat all, but ' only move his finger'.p. 64, 1. 33 Goethe's words: Maxims and Reflections, no. 25 I.p. 65, 1. 28 says mockingly: Though cited by Hume in Part X ofDialogues on Natural Religion (1779), this verse (which Nietzschequotes in English) is actually from John Dryden's playAurengzebe (1675), Act IV, Scene 1.p. 66, 1. 24 Leopardi: From his poem 'A se stesso' ('To Himself),cited by Nietzsche in German translation.p. 67, 1. 36 Goethe said: Conversations with Eckermann (1836),21 July 1827.p. 68, 1. 3 fortune: Polybius, Histories 1.1.2.p. 69, 1. 20 Schopenhauer called it: Parerga und Paralipomena,vol. 1, 'Aphorisms on Worldly Wisdom', ch. 3.p. 71, 1. 6 their master: See Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the EminentPhilosophers, VIILII.p. 73, 1. 22 monumental work: An allusion to Goethe's 1772 essay'Von deutscher Baukunst' ('On German Architecture'),260

Notesp. 44, 1. 12 Voltaire (p. 219): A citation from Strauss's publishedlectures Voltaire: Sechs Vortriige (1870) .p. 48, 1. 16 once said: Lichtenberg, Ve rmischte Schriften, vol. 1,p. 306.p. 49, 1. 1 Schopenhauer: Schopenhauer, Aus Schopenhauers handschriftlichenNachlaJ3, ed. ]. Frauenstadt (1864) [hereafter,NachlaJ3] , pp. 60-I.p. 50, 1. 19 puts it: NachlaJ3, pp. 60-1.p. 52, footnote: Tacitus, Dialogue on Oratory, XXIII.3.p. 53, 1. lfirmitas: 'strength'.p. 53, 1. 37 nourishment: Schopenhauer, NachlaJ3, pp. 60-I.p. 54, 1. 32 paws <strong>of</strong>f: Schopenhauer, Parerga und Paralipomena(1851), vol. 2, 'On Authorship and Style', 283.p. 59, 1. 4 from Goe<strong>the</strong>: Goe<strong>the</strong>'s letter to Schiller, 19 December1798.p. 59, 1. 4 .ceterum censeo: An allusion to <strong>the</strong> famous words withwhich Cato <strong>the</strong> Elder is supposed to have concluded everyspeech he made before <strong>the</strong> Roman§enate: 'I am <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> op<strong>in</strong>ionthat Carthage must be dc;stroyed.'p. 60, 1. 11 faults: Goe<strong>the</strong>, Wahrheit und Dichtung (Poetry and Tru th[1814]), Bk. III, ch. 13.p. 62, 1. 15 f<strong>in</strong>ger: An allusion to Cratylus, a sophist who, accord<strong>in</strong>gto Aristotle (Metaphysics, IV. 1 0 1 Oa.12), concluded that s<strong>in</strong>cetruth could nei<strong>the</strong>r be known nor spoken, he would not speakat all, but ' only move his f<strong>in</strong>ger'.p. 64, 1. 33 Goe<strong>the</strong>'s words: Maxims and Reflections, no. 25 I.p. 65, 1. 28 says mock<strong>in</strong>gly: Though cited by Hume <strong>in</strong> Part X <strong>of</strong>Dialogues on Natural Religion (1779), this verse (which <strong>Nietzsche</strong>quotes <strong>in</strong> English) is actually from John Dryden's playAurengzebe (1675), Act IV, Scene 1.p. 66, 1. 24 Leopardi: From his poem 'A se stesso' ('To Himself),cited by <strong>Nietzsche</strong> <strong>in</strong> German translation.p. 67, 1. 36 Goe<strong>the</strong> said: Conversations with Eckermann (1836),21 July 1827.p. 68, 1. 3 fortune: Polybius, Histories 1.1.2.p. 69, 1. 20 Schopenhauer called it: Parerga und Paralipomena,vol. 1, 'Aphorisms on Worldly Wisdom', ch. 3.p. 71, 1. 6 <strong>the</strong>ir master: See Diogenes Laertius, Lives <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Em<strong>in</strong>entPhilosophers, VIILII.p. 73, 1. 22 monumental work: An allusion to Goe<strong>the</strong>'s 1772 essay'Von deutscher Baukunst' ('On German Architecture'),260

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