Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)

Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997) Friedrich_Nietzsche - Untimely_Meditations_(Cambridge_Texts_in_the_History_of_Philosophy__1997)


GLOSSARY OF NAMESAUERBACH, Berthold (1812-82) : novelist and story-writer.BAGEHOT, Walter (1826-77) : English economist and journalist.BRANDES, George (1842-1927) : Danish literary critic and historian. The first person togive academic lectures on Nietzsche.BRANDIS, Christian August (1790-1867) : historian of Greek philosophy and professorat the University of Bonn.BULOW, Hans von (1830-94) : German composer and conductor. Married CosimaLiszt, who eventually left him for Richard Wagner.'BURCKHARDT, Jacob (1818-97) : Swiss historian, author of the Civilization of theRenaissance in Italy; he was a senior colleague of Nietzsche's at BaselUniversity.CARRIERE, Phillip Mori (1817-95) : idealist and professor of philosophy at Munich.DEMOSTHENES (384 or 383-322 BC) : Greek orator and statesman.DEUSSEN, Paul (1845-1919): German philosopher and translator of Sanskrit texts.Founder of the Schopenhauer society, Deussen and Nietzsche were pupils togetherat Pforta and remained friends for many years.DEVRIENT, Eduard (1801-77) : German actor, producer and dramatist.DIOGENES LAERTIUS (fl. AD 222-35) : biographer of the Greek philosophers.DUBOIS-REYMOND, Emil (1818-96) : scientist and advocate of agnosticism.ECKERMANN, Johann Peter (1792-1854) : German writer who became an associate andassistant of Goethe during the latter's last years and produced in his Gespriichemit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens (1836---48) the German equivalent ofBoswell's Johnson.ECKHART, Meister (1260-1327) : German mystic.EMPEDOCLES (c. 490-430 BC) : Greek philosopher and statesman.ERWIN VON STEINBACH (d. 1318): principal architect of Strasbourg Cathedral,which is the 'monument' alluded to on p. 73. Goethe's essay. 'Von deutscherBaukunst' (1772) is the source of Nietzsche's observations here.FORSTER-NIETZSCHE, Elisabeth (1846-1935) : Nietzsche's sister, with whom he had aclose but frequently stormy personal relationship.GAST, Peter (see Heinrich Koselitz) .GERSDORFF, Carl von (1844-1904) : Prussian nobleman who befriended Nietzschewhile they were both pupils at Pforta. Gersdorff became an enthusiasticSchopenhauerian and Wagnerian and remained in touch with Nietzsche for therest of his life.GERVINUS, Georg Gottfried (1805-71): German literary critic and a pioneer of thestudy of literary history.255

Glossary of namesGOTISCHED, Johann Christoph (1700-66) : German philosopher and literary critic;the 'literary dictator' of German letters for roughly 30 years (about 1730 to 1760) .GRILLPARZER, Franz (1791-1872) : Austrian dramatist and critic.GUTZKOW, Karl Friedrich (1811-78) : dramatist, novelist, journalist.HARMS, Hans Joachim Friedrich (1816-80): eclectic idealist and professor of philosophyat the University of Berlin.HARTMANN, Eduard von (1842-1906) : German philosopher and mathematician,whose Philosophy oj the Unconscious (1869) is an eclectic blend of Hegelian andSchopenhauerian doctrines.HERBART, Johann Friedrich (1776-1841): Professor of Philosophy at the University ofG6ttingen and founder of empirical psychology.HOLDERLIN, Friedrich (1770-1843) : poet. Unappreciated in his own day, he is nowregarded as one of the greatest masters of German poetry. Like Nietzsche, he diedinsane.KLEIST, Heinrich von (1777-1811): dramatist and story-writer.KOSELITZ, Heinrich (1854-1918) : German composer who functioned for many yearsas Nietzsche's editorial assistant and trusted friend. At Nietzsche's urging, K6selitzadopted the stage name 'Peter Gast' , which is how he is always referred to byNietzsche.LEOPARDI, Giacomo, Count (1798-1837) : Italian poet.LESSING, Gotthold, Ephraim (1729-81): dramatist and critic; the most admiredliterary figure of the age preceding that of Goethe.LICHTENBERG, Georg Christoph (1742-99) : aphorist and satirist.LUCRETIUS (Titus Lucretius Carus: 99/94-55/51 Bt): Roman philosophical poet.MANDEVILLE, Bernard de (1670?-1733) : English philosopher and satirist, best knownfor his satirical work, The Fable oj the Bees (1705).MERCK, Johann Heinrich (1741-91): close friend of Goethe's during the latter'searlier years; noted in German literary history for his influence on Goethe as aknowledgable, if sometimes wounding, critic of Goethe's literary productions.MEYER,Jiirgen (1829-97) : professor of philosophy at the University of Bonn and exponentof a psychological interpretation of Kantianism; author of a critical work onSchopenhauer.MEYERBEER, Giacomo (1791-1864) : German composer who enjoyed his greatest successas the founder of 'grand opera' in Paris.MEYSENBUG, Malwinda von (1816-1903) : educational reformer, friend of revolutionaries,and wealthy patron of the arts and letters, Meysenbug met Nietzsche at theceremonial laying of the foundation stone of the Bayreuth theatre in 1872.Nietzsche subsequently stayed at her villas in Sorrento and Rome and correspondedwith her regularly.MOLTKE, Helmut, Count von (1800-91): Prussian general and for 30 years (1858-88)chief of staff of the Prussian army.MOMMSEN, Theodor (1817-1903) : historian and Nobel prizewinner; author of theHistory oj Rome.NIEBUHR, Barthold Georg (1776-1831): historian, his history of Rome being his mostfamous work.OVERBECK, Franz (1837-1905) : Professor of New Testament and Church History atBasel, where he and Nietzsche became very close friends. Overbeck was one ofNietzsche's most trusted friends during his later years.PASSOW, Franz Ludwig Carl Friedrich (1786-1833) : German classicist and Greeklexicographer.POLYBIUS (c. 201-c. 120 BC) : Greek historian; his Histories are essentially the story ofthe rise of the Roman Empire.RAMLER, Karl Wilhelm (1725-98) : poet and translator of classical poets.RANKE, Leopold von (1795-1886) : historian, author of the History oJ the Popes.256

Glossary <strong>of</strong> namesGOTISCHED, Johann Christoph (1700-66) : German philosopher and literary critic;<strong>the</strong> 'literary dictator' <strong>of</strong> German letters for roughly 30 years (about 1730 to 1760) .GRILLPARZER, Franz (1791-1872) : Austrian dramatist and critic.GUTZKOW, Karl <strong>Friedrich</strong> (1811-78) : dramatist, novelist, journalist.HARMS, Hans Joachim <strong>Friedrich</strong> (1816-80): eclectic idealist and pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> philosophyat <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Berl<strong>in</strong>.HARTMANN, Eduard von (1842-1906) : German philosopher and ma<strong>the</strong>matician,whose <strong>Philosophy</strong> oj <strong>the</strong> Unconscious (1869) is an eclectic blend <strong>of</strong> Hegelian andSchopenhauerian doctr<strong>in</strong>es.HERBART, Johann <strong>Friedrich</strong> (1776-1841): Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> <strong>Philosophy</strong> at <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong>G6tt<strong>in</strong>gen and founder <strong>of</strong> empirical psychology.HOLDERLIN, <strong>Friedrich</strong> (1770-1843) : poet. Unappreciated <strong>in</strong> his own day, he is nowregarded as one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> greatest masters <strong>of</strong> German poetry. Like <strong>Nietzsche</strong>, he died<strong>in</strong>sane.KLEIST, He<strong>in</strong>rich von (1777-1811): dramatist and story-writer.KOSELITZ, He<strong>in</strong>rich (1854-1918) : German composer who functioned for many yearsas <strong>Nietzsche</strong>'s editorial assistant and trusted friend. At <strong>Nietzsche</strong>'s urg<strong>in</strong>g, K6selitzadopted <strong>the</strong> stage name 'Peter Gast' , which is how he is always referred to by<strong>Nietzsche</strong>.LEOPARDI, Giacomo, Count (1798-1837) : Italian poet.LESSING, Gotthold, Ephraim (1729-81): dramatist and critic; <strong>the</strong> most admiredliterary figure <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> age preced<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>of</strong> Goe<strong>the</strong>.LICHTENBERG, Georg Christoph (1742-99) : aphorist and satirist.LUCRETIUS (Titus Lucretius Carus: 99/94-55/51 Bt): Roman philosophical poet.MANDEVILLE, Bernard de (1670?-1733) : English philosopher and satirist, best knownfor his satirical work, The Fable oj <strong>the</strong> Bees (1705).MERCK, Johann He<strong>in</strong>rich (1741-91): close friend <strong>of</strong> Goe<strong>the</strong>'s dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> latter'searlier years; noted <strong>in</strong> German literary history for his <strong>in</strong>fluence on Goe<strong>the</strong> as aknowledgable, if sometimes wound<strong>in</strong>g, critic <strong>of</strong> Goe<strong>the</strong>'s literary productions.MEYER,Jiirgen (1829-97) : pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> philosophy at <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Bonn and exponent<strong>of</strong> a psychological <strong>in</strong>terpretation <strong>of</strong> Kantianism; author <strong>of</strong> a critical work onSchopenhauer.MEYERBEER, Giacomo (1791-1864) : German composer who enjoyed his greatest successas <strong>the</strong> founder <strong>of</strong> 'grand opera' <strong>in</strong> Paris.MEYSENBUG, Malw<strong>in</strong>da von (1816-1903) : educational reformer, friend <strong>of</strong> revolutionaries,and wealthy patron <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> arts and letters, Meysenbug met <strong>Nietzsche</strong> at <strong>the</strong>ceremonial lay<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> foundation stone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Bayreuth <strong>the</strong>atre <strong>in</strong> 1872.<strong>Nietzsche</strong> subsequently stayed at her villas <strong>in</strong> Sorrento and Rome and correspondedwith her regularly.MOLTKE, Helmut, Count von (1800-91): Prussian general and for 30 years (1858-88)chief <strong>of</strong> staff <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Prussian army.MOMMSEN, Theodor (1817-1903) : historian and Nobel prizew<strong>in</strong>ner; author <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>History</strong> oj Rome.NIEBUHR, Barthold Georg (1776-1831): historian, his history <strong>of</strong> Rome be<strong>in</strong>g his mostfamous work.OVERBECK, Franz (1837-1905) : Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> New Testament and Church <strong>History</strong> atBasel, where he and <strong>Nietzsche</strong> became very close friends. Overbeck was one <strong>of</strong><strong>Nietzsche</strong>'s most trusted friends dur<strong>in</strong>g his later years.PASSOW, Franz Ludwig Carl <strong>Friedrich</strong> (1786-1833) : German classicist and Greeklexicographer.POLYBIUS (c. 201-c. 120 BC) : Greek historian; his Histories are essentially <strong>the</strong> story <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> rise <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Roman Empire.RAMLER, Karl Wilhelm (1725-98) : poet and translator <strong>of</strong> classical poets.RANKE, Leopold von (1795-1886) : historian, author <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>History</strong> oJ <strong>the</strong> Popes.256

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