Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

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Conferences, In-House Seminars & .........__Conferences & WorkshopsThe conference brought together stakeholders from the government, private sector, trade unions, internationalorganizations, and, the research community.Poverty and Economic <strong>Policy</strong> (PEP) Research Network Fourth General MeetingHotel Galadari, Colombo, 13-17 JuneThe Fourth General Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Poverty andEconomic <strong>Policy</strong> (PEP) Research Networkorganized by the IPS in collaboration with theInternational Development Research Centre(IDRC), Canada, Angelo King <strong>Institute</strong>, De La SalleUniversity, Philippines, and the University <strong>of</strong>Laval, Canada was inaugurated on 13 June, at theHotel Galadari, Colombo. Hon. SarathAmunugama, Minister <strong>of</strong> Finance was the ChiefGuest and Hon. Wiswa Warnapala, DeputyMinister <strong>of</strong> Foreign Affairs was the Guest <strong>of</strong>Honour at the Inauguration <strong>of</strong> the conference.Over 150 researchers from over 40 countriesparticipated in this event. A number <strong>of</strong> papers on awide range <strong>of</strong> topics related to poverty, based onexperiences from several countries were presentedand discussed at the conference.Executive Director with Hon. Minister <strong>of</strong> Finance, SarathAmunugama and Deputy Minister <strong>of</strong> Foreign Affairs, WiswaWarnapala at the Inauguration Ceremony <strong>of</strong> the “Poverty andEconomic <strong>Policy</strong> Research Network Fourth General Meeting”,Hotel Galadari, 13 June.WTO Doha Round and South Asia: Linking Civil Society with Trade NegotiationsHotel Galadari, Colombo, 22 SeptemberThe IPS organized an international conference on“WTO Doha Round and South Asia: Linking CivilSociety with Trade Negotiations” in Colombo on22 September in the run up to the forthcomingSixth WTO Ministerial Meeting scheduled to beheld in Hong Kong in December <strong>2005</strong>.The event touched on areas <strong>of</strong> agriculture, nonagriculturemarket access, services, tradefacilitation and development dimensions <strong>of</strong> theDoha Agenda. Papers were presented from Nepal,Pakistan, India, <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> and Bangladesh,respectively on each <strong>of</strong> the issues.The participants included representatives <strong>of</strong> thegovernment, civil society organizations, businesscommunity and the academia.Jayanthi Thennakoon making a presentation at the conferenceon “WTO Doha Round and South Asia: Linking Civil Societywith Trade Negotiations”, Hotel Galadari, 22 September.40__________ <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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