Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

Annual Report 2005 - Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka

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IPS Research Themes__Public Enterprise Reform, Competition, & ............the Grameen Village Phone Programme. The study also discusses the replicability <strong>of</strong> the Grameen approach.The report based on this study can be accessed at: http://www.lirne.asia.net/wp-content/Grameen<strong>Report</strong>Version 3.1.pdfReview <strong>of</strong> Competition <strong>Policy</strong> in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong>There are many factors that determine the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> competition policy in any country. This includesthe institutional framework such as competition agencies and regulatory bodies, as well as the legislativeframework in the form <strong>of</strong> competition laws, public utility regulations and consumer protection laws enactedby the government. Hence, the objectives <strong>of</strong> this study are to identify the effectiveness and implementationcapacity <strong>of</strong> competition agencies and regulatory bodies in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> and analyse the reach and breadth <strong>of</strong>prevailing competition laws; formulate a policy paper on the current state <strong>of</strong> competition policy and law in <strong>Sri</strong><strong>Lanka</strong>, highlighted through relevant case studies; formulate recommendations to the government on policyimprovement using best practice literature and international comparisons <strong>of</strong> similar studies.Telecommunications Reform and RegulationThe IPS has been involved in research and policy work relating to telecommunications reform and regulationin a developing country context for over a decade, through dircet participation in committees, and developingpolicy briefs for the Government. It has also interacted with telecommunications researchers and policymakers internationally in the process <strong>of</strong> identifying strategies that would work in the <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong>n context.Presentations were made on “Embedding Competition Principles in Telecommunications Regulation: Issuesand Challenges” and “Competition in Telecommunications Networks: Anti-trust and Sector-specific Regulation:Solutions and Challenges for Developing Countries” at conferences organized by CUTS on Advocacy andCapacity Building on Competition <strong>Policy</strong> and Law in Asia and Africa during the year.Applying Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong>This research study follows from a project undertaken in collaboration with IPS research partners at theCentre on Regulation and Competition (CRC), University <strong>of</strong> Manchester to look at options for regulatoryreform in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> and provide recommendations to policy makers in the regulatory space. The principalobjective <strong>of</strong> this research is to develop a working template for RIA in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> with inputs from researchpartners at the CRC and from an informal Working Group made up <strong>of</strong> key stakeholders from the policy andregulatory space, from the private sector, from the NGO community and from the media. The first policyoutput – which included Expert Consultations with key stakeholders in the regulatory reform process – is apolicy paper titled, “Regulatory Impact Assessment: A Tool for Better Regulatory Governance in <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong>?”,which was handed over to the government, and was also presented by IPS research staff at international andregional fora. Malathy Kinght-John made presentations on “RIA: A Tool for Better Regulatory Governancein <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong>?” at the South Asia Roundtable on Implementing Regulatory Reform, organized by FIAS, SEDFand DFID, during 13-14 June in Dhaka and at the <strong>Annual</strong> CRC workshop on Competition, Regulation andRegulatory Governance, during 21-22 June in Manchester. IPS research in this area also includes an ongoingsurvey on regulatory practices in key regulatory institutions as well as pilot tests <strong>of</strong> the RIA templatedeveloped for <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Lanka</strong> at the local government level.Research PersonnelMalathy Knight-John , Shantha Jayasinghe, Shihana Samad, Apsara Thureiratnam andAmrit Rajapakse22__________ <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2005</strong>

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