gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...

gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...

gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...


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• Degradation not limited to developing areas – impacts are clearly present in ruralareas due to historical clearing of forest for agriculture, roads, and timber harvest• Stormwater outfalls and stream crossings• Erosional features- stream scour and incision common, floodplain disconnection• Fine sediment accumulation common• Riparian conditions mixed – some ample widths but much invasive plant speciespresence (particularly blackberries) in the corridor and forest buffer areas.• Impacted stream buffers – invasive plant removal and bank revegetation needed• Channel modifications• Trash and debris sites• Altered hydrology has caused channel impacts• Beaver dams important for storing sediment load2006 - USFWS Cutthroat Study summary 2002-2005 sampled fish from reaches aboveRefuge: 28,56• Cutthroat numbers low - no tagged fish found above refuge• Lots of warmwater fish as predators – unusual situation compared to otherstreams studied.Past Restoration RecommendationsPast <strong>restoration</strong> recommendations from agency and private technical experts for the GeeCreek <strong>watershed</strong> are listed below. Although much <strong>restoration</strong> work has beenaccomplished, particularly by the Gee Creek Enhancement Committee and partneragencies from 1994-2000 and surveys by the USFWS since 2000, little specificinformation was found in the records which documented or mapped details of thelocation or current status of most past activities.1985 – USFWS Fisheries Assistance Office Literature Review: 7• No temperature or water quality data found for Gee Creek within the Refuge• “Lower Gee Creek should be thoroughly surveyed to ascertain its potentialimportance to cutthroat trout and salmon."1994 - Gee Creek Watershed Enhancement Committee priorities: 26• Streamside planting of trees and shrubs• Exclude livestock from <strong>creek</strong>• Monitor water quality• Outreach and education for best management practices1996 – WDFW Damage Survey Report re Abrams Park landslide: 61a• Slide should be left as-is. Plant toe of slide with willow shrubs.1996 – Inter-Fluve Report: 30• Stream grade control and bank stabilization (erosion)35

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