gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...

gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...

gee creek watershed restoration - WSU Clark County Extension ...


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TABLE OF CONTENTSAcknowledgement 2Introduction 3Executive Summary 3Location and Environmental Setting 6Land Use History 12Recent Land Use 19Salmon and Trout Use History 22Watershed Restoration History 28Watershed Conditions 32Past Restoration Recommendations 35Recent Events and Future Considerations 39References 42Appendix I Gee Creek Watershed Historical Timeline 48-71AcknowledgementsThis report was produced as a joint project between Washington State University <strong>Clark</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Extension</strong> and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Ridgefield NationalWildlife Refuge, using funds provided through a USFWS Natural Resource DamageAssessment Restoration program award. Thanks are extended to the many citizens,agency staff, and technical experts who provided timely consultation, file information,and editing.2

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